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My mother finally gets to hear..... that beautiful baritone voice :)
My mother tried to go to several George Jones concerts but he always was a no show and now that he is in heaven with my mother he is playing for her now front and center ~ RIP!
You stumble along the road
And suddenly feel so lost
People are not same no more
Faces ain't so familiar anymore
Memories faded to the floor
And you,
Your mind and soul
With the wind
Are gone
 May 2013 Edward Searson
Undone by his wings of black and white,
              I spit in his               

As he shadows me
on these solemn days -
in singular.

His head tilted
and beady eyes
watchful; Hunting.

He senses

Fly away!
Take your sorrow...

Leave me be,
with this
:/ A clever, mischievous bird has taken a shine to me -  inspiring a little Folklore...
Seeing a single Magpie, is known as a bad omen in Britain
& we have some odd ways of warding off the bad luck!

Some spit over their shoulder when they meet Mr Magpie,
Others salute him with a respectful Good Morning.

Whilst counting Magpies, is an old childhood game...
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy, Five for Silver, Six for Gold
Seven for a Secret ne'er to be told.
The last time we spoke was just a lot of small talk
How you doing?  How are things?
There was so much more that I wanted to say
but did not...
Like, it was not an accident that I called you in the first place
That I miss hearing your voice and miss your beautiful words
I once had you captivated with all my southern charms
Now ~ do you ever think of me?
Do you ever dream of kissing me and having me in your arms?
 May 2013 Edward Searson
which burn our eyes. Punctuation
as closures; Defined
in closed throats*.
(one stroke)
I still talk to you even though you do not answer
it just makes me feel better
Days like today when I wished you a Happy Mothers Day
I sent it up through the air in hope that it reaches you
I also write to you in my poems in hopes that you read them
Time has made it easier on my heartache and not to feel
But this hole in my heart will never heal
The love I feel for you will never be gone
and the memories I have of you will always live on
With want me eyes he wraps my hair around his fist
He then give it a little tug bringing me closer to his wrist
My lips wet, warm and inviting and already so long overdue
He starts off slow and soft as I feel his breath on my lips
his tongue traces my bottom lip me a little nip
His sweet kisses cause a warm wave to take over me
As he heats me up from the inside
Slick with a need and burning that only he can subside
He tweaks my ******* with his fingers through my shirt
A sly smile forms as he starts ******* me thinking of his dessert
His mouth and tongue start kissing its way down
tempting...teasing...and feasting
While I am just laying there...
trembling...needing...and pleading
Oh My ~ is all I could muster when his lips move
like a breeze over my thighs
Passion explodes as my will erodes
I revel in the sensation of being Conquered
and at the same time....*Conquering
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