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I love my curly hair just-out-the-shower wet.
I love being in my naturalness.
Donning nothing
But a frenzy sea of dripping swirling curls
Whirling around in ripples,
Curling around my naturalness
Flipping and twirling around my *******.
Sometimes, at 3 AM in the morning
I lie awake and wonder about the unknown
Where would I be?
Who would I be with?
Would my children have their daddy's eyes?
Or would they have my madness?
And I wonder  about all what could have been
But what I wonder about the most is..
Would I be happy?
Sometimes when I'm wide awake at 3 AM in the morning I just wonder
We have created a time
where our air smiles
like a precious gem
found within a storm.  
Each spoken sentence
we find to be filled
with purpose,.....
sound and warm.

Regret does not glisten
nor is it placed in this time
dressed up as hurt
impossible to understand.  
This is a place
where one can find
the staircase of stillness,
silence at hand.

Showers of love
fall as stars in this time
along the places where we sail
on a subtle breeze.  
We can see their reflections
turned inside out......
like a smile
Copyright © 2013 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
I came to forget, but all I've got is regret.
 Jun 2013 Edward Searson

let us walk thro'
salve & orange diamonds,
to the place where sea meets sky.
             wild fires will surround us both, in             
          1000 jars of sighs.   Do we dare set            
compass, to where others fear to
tread & find our sacred centre
in the gold orb o'erhead*  
Happy Solstice,
may it be your longest day,
of Peace & Love x

... feel the Elements connecting distance, with light <3
 Jun 2013 Edward Searson
"Weary traveller...                                                     ­      
                              Journeying, is not a destination.
Come* ~ seek solace now~ & rest; Within,                   
                                                                ­                                                       a dappled canopy of forest light"
of moving on...
& perhaps, finally, being able to see
the wood for the trees

 Jun 2013 Edward Searson

papered white,
there is one wall in
  his room of spines for
 a  muse. His beautiful
   abstraction ~ carved
  &   polished    ~
       hung as his     
light & time
with a resonance  
of understanding as
beads of fiction fall*

    *Colouring other walls vibrant          
                           these spines shine      
                                   with jewels        
                           his souls'             

        *      *   free    *         *            
        *        *         
You decide, an Hourglass or  a Keyhole?

When gifted with an empty 'box' to fill recently,
the poetess' curiosity found Hope remains... Inside :)

... an extract taken from Hesiod ~ Works and Days
a lyric from Adele ~ Rolling in Deep

"Only Hope was left within her unbreakable house,
she remained under the lip of the jar, and did not fly away.
Before [she could], Pandora replaced the lid of the jar."  

"Turn my sorrows into treasured gold....
you'll pay me back in kind,
and reap just what you sow"
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