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 Sep 2013 Edward Searson
(the gate's been left hitched open, with fraying string   ajar)*

"Although, I've left you clear directions to the travellers' garden path -
              yet, you've chosen a different route - to all you're searching for."

I wait, at a journeys end of heady scents, tending ancient roses trees at it's breadth;

Sipping warming cups of rosemary blues, infused with sweet thymes' underneath.
Perhaps, just an invitation to the garden was quite enough... to let fear decide your fate.

*Bared soles should move with deeper love... when pure destiny awaits.
In the language of flowers...

Rose: Love, desire
Thyme: Courage, strength
Rosemary: Rememberance

Dock: used to calm sting nettle rash :)
 Sep 2013 Edward Searson
He harvests;
                     The beautiful chaos of her curiosity ~
                                                               ­                  as an unblemished apple falls...      
                                                           ­                   for equal measures of sugar & spice.

                                                       ­                                                  ♥
 Sep 2013 Edward Searson
Hurt... like the tigeress,
who stood on a thorn; Only
she keeps licking the pain ~
for the scent of rose.
Purr x
 Sep 2013 Edward Searson
Briefly, I glimpsed a lone tiger today.
Felt  her presence at distance, as she
   smoothed bristled fur... with
rough tongue!
Today is GCSE results day here in the UK...
I'm the very proud mum of an A grade student -
.... x♥x ....

... & just taking a look back into the dust of our journey

A huge thank you from me, to all those who have read (& supported)
my loosened licks ;)
 Sep 2013 Edward Searson
Metanoia begs the muse   believe...              
"Accept the current, do not fight the flow."      

True, and known,
these aching limbs must
rest within the deepest ebb
- as the ocean swells
with each new

Drifting far
when floating; Sinking
deeply into crystal nothingness
- unless held by a sturdy rock,
tethered taut.
Promises sung, in rounds, stay...
Swirled upon a blushed summers breeze; Heard,
liberated, in flight's of birdsong
across sunset skies.
       Connected distant energies may still   
but for always, will burn brightly in each
& every shining light seen by
her sextant soul

on the

"Surrender the past  & tomorrow  comes... 
never unbound."
~ ♥ ~
From me to all that is now, known, & yet to Be...

Metanoia (n);
the journey of changing ones mind, heart, self, or way of life
 Sep 2013 Edward Searson
We, stayed up late;
Saw his shadow cast away
a distance. Sung his song.

We, rise alone:
Clutching the fruits of
imaginings. Sated of hunger.

We hear birdsong
& bees, pollinating the blossom,
in everlasting harmony.

We watch steam
form clouds around us,
alighting over our morning cups.

We stir, refreshed, tasting nectar anew.
Oh... qui

stayed up late,
watched the moon
... an apple & Americano for breakfast,  
whilst baking a cake :)
Towering boxes full of days
are hidden
by the lies you hold inside
your feelings.  
They whisper louder
with each year that passes
sending your happiness
a reeling.

Alone, becomes the key
to your sanity,
yet burns a hole
in the palm of your heart.  
You find yourself angry
at everything,
as you linger
while your world
falls apart.

You have fallen asleep
inside the shadow
of loneliness
those towering boxes
Tip them over with the truth
resting inside you
and wake
where happiness hides.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
I hear my fate
surrounding your every touch
and my heart bleeds
in every shade of you.
Because of you,
the colors of my life
have become
a golden sea of happiness,
your sweet love........
breathes into.

You fulfill every dream
that has ever exhaled
into the deepest parts
of my heart.
my soul runs to you whispering,
“I have arrived
with no end to my trust,
from your side..........
I will not part”.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
Shattered windows and broken doors,
cast shadows across a tear-stained floor.
Broken dishes speak to silent walls
while unheard words cry out
that should be understood by all.

Nothing's left to see in these eyes of mine,
because life has frozen
all I ever hoped to find.
I write and search for a stream of memories,
but find no words that won't scar me.

My hands reach out with a shaking pen
composing a message in the dark once again.
Tonight I scratch on my skin
words of love
that should have never been.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
The differences many.....
but we all share love of words
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