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 Feb 2013 Edward Searson
i held tight to
your words they filled
              this                  emptiness                  w­ith love  & passion  
    promises  you blew 
  hot blasted air
                                                           ­   t    
                                                                ­  O
 Feb 2013 Edward Searson
Thank goodness for that!
Fix me another arrow, please... with no
strings attached & with a little less...
  target practice.
What inspires you?
a friend once asked me
I looked at him for
a while then answered
I'm inspired by the
pain of the tormented
souls that hovers around
us and the late nights
of whiskey shots and
sad songs by the pool
and lipstick stains on
the broken wine glass
I'm inspired by the
history of what love
is supposed to be
by the couples who
chose to stay and
never left their lover's
side who stayed during
the storms of recklessness
and nights of madness that
drove them crazy but they
stayed no matter what they
stayed and they didn't leave
I'm inspired by the agony
I put myself through every
night I keep thinking of him
the suffering that kills me
slowly yet so **** softly
the masochism in myself
and the sadism in his
twisted terrifying flame of love
 Jan 2013 Edward Searson
Holly W
I hate overly yellow bananas
and cilantro in my salad
I hate fleecy sweaters
and pony tails that are too tight
I hate when I can't sleep because I drank too much coffee
and when nobody tells me goodnight

I hate when you promise the sky because you can
and when you don't care
I hate when you yell
and my eyes start to burn
I hate when you're never around
and that you never were
I hate that you try and control me
but know nothing about me
I hate that I have never been a priority
and I know that I never will...
 Jan 2013 Edward Searson
                                                    d           ­                                                               
brown & brittle
hangs upon a branch
Swayed by a Northly wind
     You turned to me,                         
                saying gently                                                   
   you would be gone            long before  
      the tree                  outside your window   
                              lost every one of its leaves                   You                         
                                       forgot                that brighter greens grow                                  
                                        beneath those rough        dark capillaries                                     
                                                which span this                 grey horizon                                              
                                                 Days pass                 shadows shorten                                                 
      & Spring renews            Sun warms       
     our upturned faces   Maybe soon      
                 you'll glimpse that fragile hope                 
                                                  still fluttering          above us                                                   
                            ­                            in the dappled canopy One                                                         
                                 single skeletal leaf       I'd                                   
                        attached­         with a                          
           steel safety pin            
A grand-daughters true story.
 Jan 2013 Edward Searson

                                                A           ­                                 
            ­    of                              
                                unsung  ­                                
                                              promise      ­                                    
                            ­       through                        
    ­                daylight                            
                      shines                 ­                              

Deep within the ways I love you
lies a valley,
where my wandering footsteps
find no boundaries.

Hands held in hands
Drift amongst the pearls
Silent in emotion
I know you are mine

You are not my world,
Am I yours?
Speechless be our hearts
same sun, different moons.

The air we breathe
Tasting of honeysuckle
Embedded on a memory
On a lifetime of love

"A collaboration by Neva Flores and Aidz Giannini"
Coming through the night I feel strange seconds
within a familiar light.  
Here is where my imagination led me to think
no one heard my plight.

Still I smiled in wonder, though the darkness
seemed stronger every second.
Because I yearned to hear your words,
know my life was in your presence.

I bade farewell to the night , closed my eyes
let those seconds pass right by.
As that familiar light that came inside,
kept your face within my sight.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores-Changefulstorm
You are My Constant, touching my skies
and surrounding me with the pleasure
of your existence.  
This is an ancient truth
held by the hand of time
and cannot be concealed
or brought down,
futile is resistance.

I will never exhibit thorns
in between my words
or to your feelings
when walking  alone
on the shores of my sea.
You are My Constant,
sailing always in the back of my mind,
a ship flying your colors
to the port of me.

You are My Constant.  
The one I can never forget.
Without words you have spoken
to my heart
all these years.  
You are my sun,
the light of all my hope.
My Constant,
the one I hold inside my heart,
most dear.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
My secret thoughts reside
in the backyard of my existence
where darkness cries out in shivers
clear to my bones.  
I wake up to find them
packed neatly on shelves in my mind
and wish I could just crawl away,
be left alone.

They come from my emotions,
dressed in sadness
with no intention of ever  comforting
what they transform.
There are days
when they make a decision
to rearrange the places I stand
until I am left without hope,

My secret thoughts are the lyrics of my being
which bid my heart
to walk on a white canvas
of the purest snow.
Oh the damage
that could be done
if I spoke them aloud,
my true feelings revealed
with these eyes full of woe.

I cannot bend or I'll break
so I hide on these shelves
in my mind,
packed neatly away
from all that challenges
my tree of life,
such as falling leaves.
My secret thoughts control
how my tongue refrains
from speech,
So my true feelings,
you will.....
never see.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
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