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 Oct 2013 ECKate
Jared Coleman
When you feel my hands gripping your face and my eyes on yours,
and my body, with all its unspent passion, pushes into yours,
know that I am seeking to make such a great love inside you,
Seeking to rub our bodies into a fire that melts me into you,
know that when I push inside you, I want to leave myself there.

But do I give or do I take?
Even as I give myself to you, I want to consume you;
To hold you until the end of my life, my last moments, so that your eyes will be my last vision,
My flesh clamors and grasps to make you a burning ember inside my body,
to warm my heart until the day you see the tears run through the wrinkles around my eyes as i realize that I see you for the last time in this life.
In my hunger I worry and wonder-
Did I capture your heart for this last moment, just so I can be comforted by your love?

Did I ****** you to be mine that I may yet understand the love of God through the love of your pure, pulsing human soul in this last gaze, or the final single touch of your hand on my head, or your lips on my eyes?

Did I invoke in your life the sacrifice of love so that I would yet have faith in this last moment of my life. . . faith that life has meaning and joy and that eternity will yet contain such joy as well?

If this has been my design can you forgive me of its selfishness? Can I be yours in exchange for this favor? Can you join me in this final revelation?
 Oct 2013 ECKate
Gwen Pimentel
"I love the way her hair falls on her shoulders
I love the way she cuddles when it's colder
I love the way she smiles at me
I love the way her eyes are ******

I love the way she laughs out loudly
I love her, even when she's cranky
I love the way she's so moody
I love the way she effortlessly looks lovely

I love the way she holds her phone
I love the way she makes it feel like home
I love the way she stands when she's shy
I love the way she goes to me to cry

I love the way she talks
I love the way she likes to kick rocks
I love the way she gets all excited
I love the way we are, reunited

I love the way she makes weird faces
I love the way her moles are in all places
I love the way she's emotional at times
I love the way she's so good at rhymes

I love the way she thinks about every tweet
I love the way she's nervous about people she meets
I love the way she fantasizes about food
I love the way she does so much good

I love how you've showed me life (in the most amazing way ever)
I love how you say "I love you forever"
I love how you notice when I'm faking being fine
I love how I love you and you're mine"
I just really want someone to tell me this (hence, the quotation marks)... Ha ha ha
 Oct 2013 ECKate
Terry Collett
Reach for the sky
Ingrid said
as you and she
swung on the swings

in Jail Park
your feet pointed skyward
your hands gripping
the metal linked rings

the wooden seat
beneath you
and the sky
was a fine

summery blue
clouds were white
as engine puffed smoke
and you said

my old man
nicked money
from my blue
money box

I never saw him
I just heard him
early this morning
with the rattling

as he used a knife
to eject the coins
Ingrid gaped at you
as she swung

beside you
how much
did you have in there?
she asked

couple of quid
I expect
you said
now it's lighter

and rattles emptier
why did he do that?
she asked
you pushed your feet higher

and bent forward
on the swing's chains
and up you went
reaching for the sun

he needed it
for a packet of cigarettes
I guess
you said

but that's thieving
she said
he'd say
it was liberating

coins for a purpose
of need
you smiled
has a way with words

if not much else
you said
you studied Ingrid
as she swung at your side

her black scuffed shoes
the grey once white socks
the sleeveless
stained flowery dress

which came to the knees
her dark hair
pinned back
with the metal grips

her thin wired spectacles
with her large eyes
staring at you
if I'm ever given money

she said
for birthday
or whatever
my dad takes it

and says I've been
too bad to have it
once he almost broke
my fingers open

to take coins
I was gripping
you tut-tutted
and looked away

as you rose higher
the trees of the park
and bushes
seemed miles

beneath you
and the other kids
on the see-saws
and ropes and sandpit

or on the tall
metal slide
seemed so small
and you remembered the time

Ingrid fell off
the ropes
and grazed her knees
and you helped her up

and helped her hobble
to the first-aid room
near the toilets
and the stern

middle aged woman
in charge there
helped her into the room  
and sat her on a chair

and you stood there staring
made a mess of these knees
ain't you deary
the woman said

best get you cleaned up
and she used cotton wool
and some purple smelly stuff  
to clean away

the stones and dirt
and blood
and as she lifted the leg
she saw a blue green bruise

on Ingrid's thigh
you have been in the wars
the woman said
with a shake

of her blonde
haired head
not wars
you thought

her old man's belt
more like
but never said
and Ingrid cried still

her face red
the woman's plump pink fingers
cleaning the knees
the blood seeping through

the cotton wool
and you
just standing there
giving it

your concerned
and boyish stare.
 Oct 2013 ECKate
Terry Collett
Yiska pares her nails,
files away
along the top
in a focused motion.

Her fingers grip
the nail file,
her eyes are looking
at the Indian woman
sitting cross legged
on the sofa,
mumbling to herself.

Naaman watches
them both, standing
by the door
of the ward
his dressing gown open,
the cloth belt confiscated.

The morning sun shows
smears on the windowpane,
the kid who comes each day
in care, stands there
licking like some cat.

A book of philosophy
is wedged in Naaman's
dressing gown pocket,
a torn off cardboard lid
of a Smarties pack
is the marker,
he's on the Spinoza page.

Yiska puts the file
in the pocket
of her nightgown
and stares at her nails,
bringing her fingers up
for close inspection.

A nurse passes by
and holds out her hand
towards Yiska.

You ought not have
that file,
she says.

Why not?
Yiska says.

Some might use it
to cut open their wrists,
the nurse says.

Yiska gives up
the nail file reluctantly,
staring at the nurse,
who walks off
towards the ward office
to lock away the file.

The Indian woman
puts her hands on her knees,
closes her eyes.

Naaman sits next
to Yiska and says,
Nothing's sacred here.

She's right though,
Yiska says,
someone may
have used it
to dig open their wrists.

I would have done,
after he left me
at the altar
on our wedding day.

I'd have slit my wrists
or neck or any place,
if it had got me
out of this hell hole
of a world.

I'd not have left you
at the altar,
Naaman says.

But he did,
she says,
laying her head
on his shoulder,
wiping her nose
on the back
of her hand.

Naaman studies her feet
which are bare,
no slippers or socks.

She has folded her legs
beneath her
so that her feet
stick out at the end,
her knees showing
where the nightgown ends.
After the last ECT,
Naaman woke in
the same side room,
she after him,
on another bed.

He had seen her there,
spread out
in her white nightgown
as in a shroud,
eyes shut,
mouth open,
teeth showing.

When she woke,
she said,
I hate that treatment,
gives me a fecking headache.
Me, too,
he said.

She stared at him,
her eyes opening wide.
Sit me up,
she said,
or I'll puke.

He got off the bed
and helped sit her up.

She sat on the edge
of the bed and said,
Thanks, you're a life saver.
She kissed his forehead.

The Indian woman picks
at her toes with her fingers,
her forehead is lined,
her black greying hair
is tied behind her head
in a knot of cloth.

Yiska laughs.
You certainly gave
the nurses a joint heart attack
last week
with your hanging attempt
in the boghouse.

Dark place at the time,
Naaman says.

She nods.
Like headless chicken
they were, she says.
I tried to OD,
but I was found too soon,
she adds.

The kid at the window
turns round.
He pokes his tongue out
at them both.
Naaman had bopped him
the other day
when he pinched
Yiska's arm.
Short memory, I guess,
Naaman thinks.

The big day nurse
comes in with morning
teas and coffees,
his broad smile
and jovial voice
brighten the day.

Yiska's hand lies
on Naaman's thigh,
he hopes
it will never leave,
but always stay.
 Oct 2013 ECKate
Kyla Mae Pliskie
the sirens are screaming...emphatic, shooting waves in blades over my skin. The horizon sinks in. A little too left, and I left too late - my foot pressed so firm against these brakes - but I pause in place. The river is tumbling over my thoughts are so chaotic in the wet weather i can manage to pull it together. Times and places pushed into names and faces, i remember, i am forgetting, i am hoping for obliteration. My drink is heavy and so are these door handles i can't manage to turn. They say, lessons learned. My internal clock ticks slow and aimlessly and with every single thought, it pounds in my ears. tick, tick. Out of sync with my heartbeat. Confiscating my dis-beliefs with an echo shivering every inch of my skin. GROUND CONTROL, and rest your eyes. I have felt nothing more and nothing less than everything. I have reached into the darkness and held out my hand for satisfaction, for excitement. These voices don't seem to want to quit and i refuse to give a single ounce of my energy to a promise, a reason, that doesn't enhance my being. I'd apologize but i have never felt less apologetic. Those selfish fictions thrown into the toxic air don't settle anybody's soul. Advancing through every day with these cold chains wrapped around my wrists, i have found it difficult to reach that warm cloud of forgiveness. I can't complain, but i will tell you the truth....I am sick of this. Foundations built, crumbling as fast as this rain can fall upon my sober skin. Wishes, wants, cries, desires. There is an army conspiring and no amount of ignorance can buy us new blank pages, this is our destiny. What was made for us. Lines blurred between real-life and realizations, I would like a strong dose of free will and emancipation, please. CURE THIS, CURE US. This disease. It lingers on my breath. I keep up with the mint, but it always comes back. haunting. laughing. discriminating. I have found comfortable harbor in pain. What pulls us, pushes us, scares us, binds us together. The circle inside that we attempt to ignore is the very thing that saves us. We are one but we will never win. Drive every last drop of thought from my skull before driving that pointed edge in. Before the blur replaces the bored. Because we decided to give up on thought. We chose to ignore. Dead as the sun, and dead as the sea. The circle continues.
 Oct 2013 ECKate
last night,
 Oct 2013 ECKate
The rise and fall of his chest
As the breath of life flows through his body.
I watch, silently
Barely awake from last night's slumber that had taken me to its *****.
Barely moving
Barely making a sound
I wouldn't wanna wake him
As my thoughts swim around;
My mind starts to tumble
All about with love and wonder
Someone who fell in love with me
Though I'm such a blunder.
Something presses on at the back of my head
Calling me, alerting me
I only ignore it
Nothing is more precious than this moment.
He finally moves a little
Enough to put his left arm around my smaller frame
Beside him
Holding me down
Securing me in his embrace.
Then I begin to wonder as I settle my eyes shut again
How I ever got so lucky
How he makes me ever so happy
And how much it hurts
To realise..

I wake up
Everything is gone
He is gone
His arms are gone
The security I once felt is gone

I am alone.
Surrounded by darkness and the creatures of the night once more.
Haunted by the past, the present and what is to come.
The many boulders of life in front of me
Coming closer
And all I can do is
Wrap myself in the only arms I've ever relied on
As it begins to rain down my face once more
The tears I always regret crying
The pain I always despise feeling
And pray to fall back asleep into a restless
Yet more comforting
Parallel reality
Where nothing is real
Yet everything is.
 Oct 2013 ECKate
"She was a little bird
Seemingly free from her cage
Of pain and mutilation."*

But they held her down,
Trapping her in her past.
They plucked her feathers out
One by one and bit by bit,
Until her wings were
Sorry excuses
And ****** stumps.
They reached her hands down her throat
And pulled out her voice:
The one she used to sing
Her sorrowful songs
And happy chirps with.
They took apart her torso
To reveal a beating ****** heart,
And they tore it to shreds
Leaving only icicles in place
Where it hurt to feel.
They reached to her face
And pulled out her longing eyes
Once big and beautiful
And left small black marbles in their place,
Allowing her to only see the beautiful world
As a monotonous void of has-beens.
They cut off her legs
The ones she used to dance and to run
And left behind twigs
Which left her unstable and wobbly;
Incapable and useless like a newborn without purpose.
They extracted her brain from her skull
Pulling out thoughts and dreams and imagination,
Forcing in demons and terrors
To keep her company during her lonely nights.

But then,
They tried to cut off her soul.
And they wrestled and fought,
They ****** and twisted,
But nothing budged.
It was as if
It was never there in the first place.
What they never knew
Was that a soul,
Being merely an embodiment of this little bird,
Contained barely a whisper of a being
Was able to make or break the very core
Of one who could no longer feel.

Little did they know
As they tore her apart limb from limb
And took away everything she had ever known,
The very light which gave breath to her
And left her.

Just like everybody else.
 Oct 2013 ECKate
trembling hands
and cold fingers
longing for something
to hold on to.

the thought of you
runs through my veins
every now and then.

but eventually
it all fade.

the vivid image
of beautiful memories
of yesterday.

like scattered papers
and shattered glasses.
no one wants them back.

not me.

not even you.

now crumbled hopes are
held in my palms
waiting to be buried
in the snowy grave
on a cold dead winter.

may the ghost
of you
be gone
(9.13 pm, 24/5/13)
 Oct 2013 ECKate
Oh !Do not love
If you do not have the ability to solve the aftermath of love….
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