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The shattered mirror tells the story,
of a girl who said she had no worries.
A girl who thought she wasn't pretty,
what a pity.

A girl who thought she wasn't thin,
or at least not thin enough.
A girl who would **** to hold someone's hand,
but couldn't find the love.

A girl who spent her Friday's alone,
in her bedroom crying.
A girl who didn't like the idea of living,
and preferring the idea of dying.

A girl who rose,
only to fall,
and lose it all.

A girl who took,
a precious life,
in the middle of the night.

The shattered mirror tells the story,
of a girl who said she had no worries.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
She sits at the dinner table
Flattened lips
Tightly-****** hands
Neutral face
She is disgusted
As she lifts the spoon to her mouth
Immediate remorse fills her body as the taste buds get the first feel of the warm food
She is disgusted
As she continues to eat, she can see the food  turning into fat traveling to her cheeks
and to her jaw and to her arms and to her shoulders and to her chest and to her stomach
covering the bones that she wants to pierce through her skin
She can see it travel to her thighs, largening in size, making them touch, covering the huge gap that she wants situated in the middle
She is disgusted
She gets paler and paler with every chew and every swallow
And so to escape this torture, she lies and tells her uncle and aunt that her stomach is upset
and she feels sick
But she wasn't lying
Because her stomach was truly upset because it did not want to be filled
It wanted to stay tiny
It wanted to stay beautiful
It wanted to be more beautiful
She goes straight to the bathroom and locks the door
Washes her hands before sticking ******* down her throat
Removes them once she feels the disgust rising through her esophagus
Closes her eyes as her upset stomach throws away everything unwanted
She is disgusted
She secures the lock in her bedroom
Thinking maybe it will keep the demons away
Or at least long enough for a second of sanity
But they are too gruesomely evil because the disgust that was once in her throat has now traveled to her wrists
She criticizes how her wrist bone isn't showing enough
Disgust travels to her chest
how her ribs aren't piercing enough
Disgust travels to her hips
how her hip bones aren't showing enough
Disgust travels to her thighs
how the space between isn't big enough
Disgust travels to her fingertips
Tension building up in her palms
The demons' silence turn into screams
She gives in
Picks up the knife
and writes an new poem on her body
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
stupid boy,
i hope you know what you're getting into
because by uttering those three simple words,
you have managed to own me 
you were able to take the guitar from my hands
and make me the one to listen 

stupid boy,
I hope you are gentle and careful
because by making me feel secure in your arms,
my world is now situated in your hands
and one wrong twitch of your fingers
may touch a crack
which will break me even more

stupid boy,
i hope you're ready to be awoken from your deep slumbers
and know how to comfort a crying girl
because you'll have to hold me,
as I shake and sob at 2 am 
from the nightmares 
caused by the monsters in my head

stupid boy,
i hope you're ready to listen
because with the way you can make me sway with your words,
poetry will be flowing out of my mouth
like a waterfall of letters 
a whirlpool of emotions in every phrase 

stupid boy,
i hope you won't have second thoughts
or just simply run away
because when you strip me of all the glamourous facades
you'll see fresh battle wounds 
the body of your beloved is a warzone scattered with bullets

stupid boy,
i hope you're not easily disgusted by grime
because the skin that you want your lips upon is filth
and the cracks on my body may be bleeding
please clean these patches of dirt 
and fill the emptiness which is my whole being

stupid boy,
i hope you know that you fell in love with a broken girl
because I'm not like those pretty ones in the movies
my skin is blood-stained and my face is tear-soaked
i have no idea on what love feels like 
and to give it back in return
so please give me time to learn

stupid boy,
i hope you're good with words
because every day i am going to ask you
"why me?"
and i need you to make me understand
explain to me in detail
why you settled for a girl like me
when you could have gone for so many others
the ones who don't need fixing 
or assurance that they are beautiful
unlike how i am

stupid boy,
i hope you know that this stupid girl loves you too
even though i'll never really understand
why you chose me
or how i can return back the same amount of love that you make me feel,
i want you to know 
that if the only reason we're together
is because we're stupid,
then we'll be idiots forever
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
I have heard it so many times,
I hate myself,
what is the point in living?
what is the meaning of life?
no matter how many theories, religions or scientific discoveries,
this question without fail cuts like a knife!
   This one is for all you people out there,
so you understand,
this is what we live for,
Mother Nature's species,
the man or woman.
   The meaning of life is finding the meaning for life,
without this we wouldn't exist,
a motive to drive us,
so be content with this.
   Our mother has made us this unexplainable beautiful way,
so we have a chance to live life to the full every single day,
look to solve your problems,
save your sanity,
for this mind is what she has given to humanity.
   This mind is unique and lush in everybody,
each individual has an view and a suited direction to go,
not everybody shows this so don't be deceived,
our goal in life is to achieve the pinnacle of what we can achieve,
you would do well do remember this,
when you're low you might need it,
who knows?
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
I didn't love you enough,

   you didn't want enough,

      your mother didn't do enough,

   your father didn't see enough,

your brother didn't care enough,

   and our friends and family didn't know enough,

      we all blame our selves,

   but how ever hard it is for me to understand,

nobody is to blame.
Last night she me asked what your name was
That’s a lie
What she really asked was if I liked anyone back home
But you see, yours was the only name I thought of
You are the only person I think of
Romantically linked but we're still not in sync
A broken mp3 file
Wrongly titled
It begins with M, I tell her
'Two Ms'?' she questions and I look at her as we walk
And she turns to me and says
'Does that mean you’re so in love you’ve become the same person?'
But how do I explain our initials are the only things holding us together
We are so far apart
More like A and Z
At opposite ends of the alphabet
Just waiting for the time to come together
Does this make us crazy?
I’m not sure
I don’t know what this makes us
Are we anything at all?
Last week I nearly kissed a boy with your name
Don’t tell me that is a coincidence
I have believed in signs ever since I could read them
“DO NOT ENTER” my thought stream
Just carry on swimming in the “DEEP END”
Because you know I will always be a life jacket
Waiting for you to surface.
So, face me again
With your real, pained expression
Of a broken home and natural intelligence
You always saw the world through a lens,
Cleared your mind of anything to do with me
I am still waiting, holding your camera case
For when you decide to put that life away
Zip it up and find a new one in me
M, I miss you
Like the last bus home from school
Like the sugar in a diet
Like the 29th of February
Maybe in four years’ time, when I say your name
It’ll sound an awful lot like mine.
 Oct 2013 eccentricities
I was running,
and running,
and running,
so hard,
so fast for hours,
and yet I didn't know what I was running from.
Then there was this sensation
of my breath being taken from me.
I was winded,
but not just winded.
I felt all the oxygen stuck inside me
turning into carbon dioxide.
I couldn't exhale,
my throat was closing,
I couldn't breathe.
How much longer do I have.
My finger tips are turning blue.
I need my inhaler.
I need it.
Where is it?
Where is it?
Is this how I go?
Is this how my life ends?
Cut short,
by my own body,
as my asthma takes control.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Now think.
Breathe slower,
don't wheeze.
In through the nose,
out through the mouth.
I feel my lungs fighting,
and I know they're losing the battle,
and then my inhaler is in sight.
I take it,
and I use it,
but all I hear,
is empty puffs.
The blood now pounds in my ears.
I'm dying.
And I slowly start to fall.
I'm dying.
I feel my body go limp.
I'm dying.
And my mind hits a wall.
I'm dying.
And then I wake up,
breathing heavily in my bed,
grasping for my inhaler.
I use it,
and it works.
I didn't actually need it,
I was fine.
But in my dream I was attacked,
by my own body.
I thought I would actually have to say,
Good bye.
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