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 Jul 2013 E Elizabeth
Sip a lonely dosage.
Click the Bick.
Wear a lovely personage.
Ready the pressure.
Throat clenching.
Eyes forever.
Without you,
I'm turpentine.
Wasn't I clever.
Wasn't I?
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
Void (10 w)
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
break my heart
so I can feel
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
Mary had a little lamb    
Whose fleece was black as sin
He had a worn and tired look
And always reeked of gin

He led her into parties
And put on quite the show
For everywhere the lamb went
Mary was sure to go

He guided liquor down her throat
Until her vision blurred
As it seemed he liked it best
When her words were slurred

He led her into strangers' arms
And emptied her wary mind
So she would try to fill it
With whomever she could find

He stayed with her one lonely night
And smoked his way to bliss
As Mary stroked him timidly
And gave his head a kiss

He turned his head and looked at her
With worn and tired eyes
Then turned to ashes in her hands
And left her with her lies
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
Roxy DeNoir
I know
You think I'm corrupt
Just for small things I love doing
That you don't enjoy

I know
You think my morals are low
Just because I like certain clothes
That you consider offensive

I know
You believe I have problems
Only because you hold me to standards I cannot achieve
I cannot be your perfect daughter

I know
You think I'm rebellious
Just because I make my own paths
Making my own road to travel

I know
You are worried about me
You worry that I will regret my life
Be hurt

I will be hurt
I already have been
I regret a lot
And I will regret later on

But I'd rather live a painful life
Full of regret and hurt
Than one of safety
Inside the castle walls
Protected forever

I'd rather live outside the palace walls
Than in them
I'd rather explore the world
Than stay at home
I'd rather move all the time
Than stay in one place

I'd rather be seen as a Rebel
Outlaw wandering the world
Loner in a crowd of strangers
Than be seen as a Princess
Stay at home Daughter
Someone waiting for her prince to pick her up

I know
That's the life you want for me
Princess dream

But I already said before:
I make my own road to travel
Even if I'm all alone for a while
It is worth it to me
No Regrets
No Worries
Hakuna Matata
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
My balcony looks into the building next door
Which was at one time an architectural wonder
Home to a family, maybe
Or a solitary man
With too much money to buy happiness
Now its roof caves inward
And the neglect it has felt through the years is apparent in the
Ivy crawling up its walls
Only the moon and the cool breeze keep me company
It's the time when
The crowd of young people
Who drink away their troubles many a mundane night
Have been tucked away in their final destinations
And the city sleeps
Fills my ears
And serenity
Fills my mind
I close my eyes
Breathe in the salty air floating
Past me on its way from the sea

It's on quiet nights like these
I know
I am utterly
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
 Jun 2013 E Elizabeth
Emotion is pain
And joy
Sleepless nights
Tearful goodbyes
Doubt and hope
Absolute ecstasy
And all-consuming
                                                           ­            Apathy is      
                                                                ­       painless
                                                        ­               emotionless
                                                     ­                  Apathy is
 May 2013 E Elizabeth
you and I
 May 2013 E Elizabeth
we have become
misread glances
silent arguments
over analyzed messages
inevitable encounters and
bitter reminiscence
I guess
you and I will always be
unfinished business
 May 2013 E Elizabeth
 May 2013 E Elizabeth
The worst moment
I've found
Is when I go to write a love poem
And can't remember the feeling
 May 2013 E Elizabeth
Today I carried on a brief conversation
With a friendly goodwill employee as I was checking out
She handed me my change and as I hurried to stuff it in my wallet
Before the people behind me became annoyed
She told me to have a nice day
A customary phrase I thought nothing of
Fed to almost every employee by his or her boss
I flippantly said "You too"
And threw in a friendly smile

As I turned my back to leave I heard her reply
"All we can do is try, sweetie,
All we can do is try."
This just made me think of how we don't really give genuine answers to polite phrases anymore and I love hearing responses like this
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