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6.6k · May 2013
My Hamster
Dustyn Smith May 2013
My mum's asleep
Her boyfriend left
The dog ran away
My hamster's dead

Now mum's awake
Her boyfriends back
The dog came home
But my hamster

He's still dead
5.6k · Nov 2011
Dustyn Smith Nov 2011
My heart aches for you
To be with you
I wish you here
I miss you so much

I want to feel your arms around me
To snuggle all night like we used to
To feel you lips on mine
Kissing in the dark at midnight

I miss the way you held me
And made me feel better after a bad day
I miss talking all through the night
And all though the day

I miss everything about you
I want to be with you
I don't ever want to be apart
This is the cry of my lovesick heart
©Dustyn Smith
3.6k · Jun 2013
Dustyn Smith Jun 2013
I've been up for too many hours

Correction, for too many days

But how can I sleep at all

When you haven't said goodnight
3.3k · Nov 2013
Pain to Numbness
Dustyn Smith Nov 2013
When the crying sobs
Wracked with pain
Finally cease
They open the gateway
To entrapping numbness
And honestly I can't say
If I would rather have
The horrendous pain
Or the ghostly numbness
2.7k · May 2011
Your Beautiful Eyes
Dustyn Smith May 2011
Deep and full of wisdom
I can't help but stare into them
Rich, dark, and chocolaty brown
When I see them I cannot frown
Their beauty astounds me
When you sweep me off my feet
I look into them and my heart no longer cries
I absolutely love your beautiful eyes
©Dustyn Smith
Dustyn Smith Feb 2012
Hearts and promises are among the most fragile of entities
It is as if they are made of glass
If you are not careful, they will break
One small slip, and they shatter
Eventually after a long and tiresome process, they can be fixed
But they will not be the same
In broken glass, there are imperfections
On what once was perfect
In a broken promise, there is scorn
Where once was trust
In a broken heart, there is hatred
In what once was full of love
All can be repaired, but none can be renewed
©Dustyn Smith
2.1k · Nov 2013
Dustyn Smith Nov 2013
And it stings in the shower
Just the water running over
Let alone to wash it with soap
So you leave it alone
You tried to go around it before
But that only made it worse
And you can't wash above
Because it runs down into the cuts
So they notice the smudge
That was there yesterday
And didn't quite rub off

They wonder why
You don't take as long as you used to
And they notice that your body wash
Is still three quarters full
Even though you bought it six months ago
They wonder why then
If your soap is still full
And you don't shave in the shower
Why do you need more razors
When you just bought a pack
Not even a month ago

They noticed in summer
But now its winter so its okay
For you to wear long sleeve shirts everyday
You hid your t-shirts so you could tell them
That you had nothing else to wear
They noticed that you never went swimming
You sat on the beach or in the car
They begged you to come in
And said you lost your swimsuit again
Even though you knew exactly where it was
You just couldn't let them see your scars

They notice the smile on your face
But not the pain behind your eyes
And they don't care to see the fear
That they might find you out
Its easier for them to believe the lie
Than to face the truth
And help you
They would rather the easy way out
To live in ignorant bliss
Than to notice your scars and cuts
And ask you what was wrong

And eventually they stopped noticing
The no longer asked you
How your day went
They met your cries for help
With harsh words of get over it
And calling you an attention seeker
But that really is all you want
Is for someone to pay attention
To start noticing again
That you are not okay
And you can't just get over it

Too often do these things go unnoticed
Or they are mocked
As a cry for attention
And ignored as a call for help
Too soon do people end their lives
Because its easier for you
To live in ignorance
And not deal with it
They say ignorance is bliss
But it only is for you
Not for the people suffering everyday

So it is up to you and me
To break through the ignorance
And see the fear and pain in their eyes
Because if we don't say anything
Then they won't either
I know this because I've been there
And I still put on that mask
Because I was told to just get over it
But that only made it worse
The fact that I should be able to get over it
But I couldn't

So it is up to us
To see behind that mask
And ask someone if they are okay
To see the cuts and scars
And lend out a helping hand
Because if we don't then who will
We need to speak up for those too afraid
Of speaking for themselves
To make a point that it is not okay
Just to say get over it
And we need to start noticing
1.9k · Oct 2011
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Your gleaming pearly coat
And rainbow mane
Enchant me so

The shining horn atop your head
And eyes full of fire
Take me to places unknown

You ride the clouds
And create rainbows
You bring sunshine wherever you go

Your a magical being
You bring hope and happiness
From you peace glows

Your are an amazing creature
You shame horses and rival Pegasuses
You are a unicorn, I love you so
©Dustyn Smith

For Makayla(:
1.8k · Jun 2011
Missing you
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
I miss your face
And stunning grace
I miss your smile
And all the while
I'm missing you
Do you miss me too?

I miss your love
This I could only dream of
Before I met you
I was nothing new
You turned me around
Into some thing sound
I'm missing you
Do you miss me too?

I miss all of you
This I do
I miss your everything
Of you I could sing
A thousand songs
With you I belong
I'm missing you
Do you miss me too?
©Dustyn Smith
1.8k · Sep 2012
There's Something About You
Dustyn Smith Sep 2012
I'm not sure what it is
But there is this thing
This overwhelming thing
That draws me to you
After all these years of knowing you
I still can't figure it out
It pulls me too you
Like rope around my heart
Dragging me closer and closer
I've tried to resist it
But have always failed
It yanks me closer than before
There is nothing I can do
I've given up on fighting it
And have accepted the fact
That there is just something about you
©Dustyn Smith
1.7k · Jun 2013
You Know, Those Hippie Shoes
Dustyn Smith Jun 2013
That crazy colored tribal pattern
That almost matches your purse
With the edges that are fraying
And the rubber that's separating

From the streets of downtown Oly
To the sandy shores of the beach
Down the Cherry Creek Trail
And Easton Town Center Mall

Soles worn down and coming out
White rubber now turned brown
Seams pulling out, fabric ripped
Stretched and worn to a perfect fit

CO to WA, OH to ON
All around and back again
Mountains, plains, oceans, and streets
They're always on my feet
A poem about my favorite pair of shoes that my mum often refers to as "you know, those hippie shoes"
1.7k · Oct 2011
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
On silent streets
I walk while you sleep
Looking for something to eat

Quietly I stand
Sign in hand
Hoping for something grand

Here is where I sleep
The trouble I'm in is deep
Should anyone find me

Some say I'm hopeless
That may be true
But for now I'm only homeless
©Dustyn Smith
1.6k · Apr 2013
Deeper than Rock Bottom
Dustyn Smith Apr 2013
I hit rock bottom
I needed a helping hand
To lift me out of the hole
Instead I was handed a shovel
And I dug and dug
I dug till I couldn't anymore
Till my arms we as weary as my heart
And then I dug some more
When a shovel wasn't enough
I looked up for a rope
Instead I was given a pick-ax
Deeper and deeper I delved
The ax is broken
I look up yet again
I can see no light at the top
No hand, no shovel
No rope, no pick-ax
Nothing is left
There is no where to go
I can't get out now
Darkness envelopes me
1.6k · Sep 2012
I Wish You Were Here
Dustyn Smith Sep 2012
The sun sinks down below the horizon
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                     I wish you were here
     The temperature begins to fall
                                                            ­                                                                 ­     I want to hear your voice
          Lights are being turned off
                                                             ­                                               I want to feel your arms around me
               People are getting ready to sleep
                                                           ­                                        I want to feel your breath on my neck
                    Beds being unmade, alarms set
                                                             ­                                                     I want your hand in mine
                              Tired eyes giving way to sleep
                                                           ­                           I want to see your face when I turn over
                                    People dreaming and having nightmares
                                                      ­I want to feel your body rise and fall with each breath
                                        The moon has risen and people have fallen
                                                          ­                           I want you to be here with me
                                             Sleep embraces my part of the world
                                                           ­     I want your everything with me now
                                                  Finally sleep takes me to my dreams
                                                          ­       *I wish you were here with me
Written so that it can be read as two seperate poems or one single poem.
©Dustyn Smith
1.5k · Feb 2012
Dustyn Smith Feb 2012
These cuts I make
Are small compared to my real pain
My wounds go deeper
Than any blade can cut
And they leave bigger marks
Than the simple scars
Blood flows out of my wounds
Yet I live on
My heart still pounds its steady beat
Even as I scream
My heart cries out for help
As do my lips
I will continue to cut and cry
Until at last I die
©Dustyn Smith
1.5k · Jun 2011
Each Other
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
I know that well be ok and we will make it through today
As long as we have each other we’ll be alright
As long as you’re by my side I’ll be ok right now
Thinking all the time you’re always on my mind
I know that you are here for me that is plain to see
I love you so much now, never let me go
Safe in your arms I feel no longer scared
You take all my pain away, I see now how much you care
Hold me right here, right now, never let me go
You give me hope for a better day
And tell me that there is no way You’ll ever let me go
©Dustyn Smith
1.4k · Jul 2012
Who Rescues the Villians?
Dustyn Smith Jul 2012
"Once upon a time"
What a cliche way to begin a story
"And they lived happily ever after"
Do they really?
Does everyone live happily ever after?
What about Cinderella's stepsisters?
Or the huntsman in Snow White?
Do they get happy endings?
No one seems to care about them
Snow White and Cinderella get the prince
What does everyone else get?
Princes and castles?
Crowns and glory?
The "villians" never get anything
Just because they are bad doesn't mean they can't be good
No one tries to redeem them
The live wickedly without knowing right
Without knowing the good they could have
They may have money, gold, and stolen treasures
But d they have happiness, love and hope?
No one shows them how to achieve goodness
So they steal it from others
The prince saved the princess
But who saves the villians?
©Dustyn Smith
1.3k · Jun 2011
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Pining after you I know
Is probably not the way to go
Though in my heart I cannot stop
And I just know I cannot drop
This feeling in my heart you see
This feeling I’ve longed for so eagerly
To feel your hand clasping mine
I wish for this all the time
To feel your arms wrapping around me
This you do so tenderly
My heart is beating right out of my chest
With this difficult and final test
To give you that letter, what should I do?
But then I remember that all I want is you
©Dustyn Smith
1.3k · Dec 2013
Then and Now
Dustyn Smith Dec 2013
You used to give me butterflies
  Now you give me anxiety

I used to smile just thinking about you
  Now it fills me with anger

You used to make me cry with joy
  Now they're just tears of sadness

You used to be my reason to stay strong
  Now you're the reason I relapse

I used to imagine a bright future
  Now all seems dark

You used to be the calming voice inside my head
  Now its the one that screams that loudest

You used to always make me feel better
  Now you're why I hurt so bad

You mended my heart and made me feel whole
  Now you've broken it and left me in pieces

I used to write love poems about you
  *Now the only ones I could write are of pain
Dustyn Smith Oct 2014
If you give an artist a pencil
She'll write you a million words
Telling you in deep clarity
What it means to her
How you look to her
And what you mean

If you give an artist a pencil
She'll cover pages and pages
With drawing of you
Sketches of beautiful things
That remind her of you
And what you mean

If you give an artist a pencil
She'll love you forever
And always will remember
Even if you think you weren't
How thoughtful you were
And what you mean
Dustyn Smith Aug 2012
I was going to write a poem about you
And and about how I know
That you need to go
But I don't want you to leave
But I only got two lines in
I couldn't write anymore
I couldn't think about the future without you
I didn't want it to be so soon
There's only a few months left
At least that I know that I'll get to see you
You made a promise
To stay for my birthday
But what then?
Will you leave the next day?
I can't imagine going through it all over again
Not knowing if I'll ever see you again
Not being able to feel safe in your arms
I don't know if I ever told you that before
That in your arms, I just feel safe
I want to spend every second with you before you go
But that would probably just make it harder when you leave
I don't want to imagine that day
When we say our goodbyes
Maybe to never see each other again
I don't think I'll ever meet anyone like you
No one will ever be able to replace you
I'll probably write letters that will never get sent
And reread old ones from you to me
I'll probably cry myself to sleep for awhile
Probably won't eat and won't speak
I'll get over it eventually
But then something will remind me of you
And I'll break down
I'll recover and go on again
But I'll be empty for a while
Without you to talk to
I don't know what I'll do
I'll probably send you a message
And wait for your reply
Just to remember that you aren't there
That you are somewhere off traveling
Living life and seeing the world
And I'm still here
I don't want you leave
But I know you have to go
I guess I ended up writing that poem after all
©Dustyn Smith
1.1k · Jan 2015
There Are No Words
Dustyn Smith Jan 2015
To say I love you
That is simply to regular
Maybe that I adore you
But still not quite
If then I say I worship you
You are not a god to me
I could tell of my affection for you
Though the word lack strength
There are many things I could say
Of my yearning, infatuation, lust
The passion and flame I have for you
But there are not words to convey
My emotion carries more resonance
Than any sentence may say
1.1k · Jul 2013
Dustyn Smith Jul 2013
The bitter truth of reality has come
Bites to your bones, stings your eyes
Crushes down upon your soul
And then when you
Realize how alone
You truly
Fades away
And nothing matters
You can only wait
Until your time has come
And all the sand has drained
To the bottom of your life's hourglass
1.0k · Jul 2013
Black Coffee
Dustyn Smith Jul 2013
Whatever and ***** em
You're better off anyways
That's what they told me
But instead I'm here
Drowning my sorrows
In sad songs
And black coffee
987 · May 2012
Dustyn Smith May 2012
Oh what fragile things friendships are
One comes and another goes
One door opens and another comes to a close

There are few that last forever
Some slowly fade away over time
Others crash down before your eyes

Some are ruined by ignorant actions
Others are held together by lies
And when they fall apart its no surprise

I often wonder what it would be like
If people saw through the lies to the real me
And saw that I am only pretending to be happy

I suppose that's why I only have one friend really
I tell him everything though I really don't have to
He sees through the lies and pulls out the truth

But oh what fragile things friendships are
One comes and another goes
One door opens and another comes to a close
©Dustyn Smith
986 · Nov 2013
Fools and Liars
Dustyn Smith Nov 2013
And one again
The beautiful liar
Has deceived the fool

But this time
It was I
Who was the fool

And you are
By no means
922 · Oct 2011
Sunshine and Lemonade
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
These gleaming rays are oh so kind
The golden rays we call sunshine
Maybe and maybe not
You will begin to get hot
You begin to seek for that perfect thing
That to you will bring
A perfect combo to not get red
Then the perfect idea comes to your head
You find a tree that gives some shade
And then you get the perfect glass of lemonade
©Dustyn Smith
922 · Nov 2012
Washroom Stall
Dustyn Smith Nov 2012
Crying in the stall
Door shut, no one talks
Been in here long enough
Too long almost
Come out quietly
Like nothing's wrong
Fix my make up
Put on a brave face
Tell everyone that I'm ok
A bold faced lie
No one knows
I've hit rock bottom
Crying in a washroom stall
©Dustyn Smith
896 · Aug 2011
Hard to Say "I Love You."
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
I’m done with all this secrecy
And now my heart is telling me
To shout to you across the room
“Hey you, yeah you. I love you.”
But its my brain that tells me no
Even though I love you so
For fear of embarrassment
And rejection instead of compliment
I’ve never done it no I’ve not
And for that reason my heart strings are taut
And ever so out of tune
Though once you know how much I care
You’ll tune them up right then and there
And play the music that always was
And it’s just beautiful because
You’re the only one for me
And the only one for my heart you see
©Dustyn Smith
848 · Jun 2012
Sailor Moon
Dustyn Smith Jun 2012
What is this craziness
It's something I haven't seen
For over 7 years
But I remember it as if it was yesterday
Words running through my brain
Spilling out my mouth
The beat is so familiar
The characters look the same as ever
I remember them all
The familiar faces seem to soothe me
I'm not entirely sure why
Totally entranced as I once was
I watch on and on
©Dustyn Smith

I'm watching Sailor Moon... Don't judge me.
840 · Jun 2012
The Shepherd Professor
Dustyn Smith Jun 2012
The ticking clock runs slow
Time seems to slow with it
Heads nod as the professor teaches
Pencils slow as class runs long
It should have ended an hour ago
No one realizes that the clock has stopped
When will it be over?
No one knows, everyone cares
The professor looks up at the clock
Sighs and keeps teaching
Stuck at 2:55 the second hand twitches
Some one checks their watch its 4 o'clock
They try to let him know
He reprimands them
Finally he checks his own watch
It is also broken
He keeps teaching
And teaching
We go through a weeks worth of lessons
Its now 7 o'clock
Some one tries to leave
He shuts the door
Still he teaches
How I do now know
Eventually the lights go off
Now we can leave
We see him smirking as we walk away
He knew all along
He just wanted to see if we would stay
And we did
Just like good little sheep
Doing everything the shepherd says
Without a second thought
Maybe not next time though
Maybe he won't get away with it
But we are the sheep, we do not think
We do whatever he tells us to
©Dustyn Smith

I honestly don't know what I think of this.
833 · Nov 2011
Dustyn Smith Nov 2011
Where were you when I learn to talk?
Where were you when I learned to walk?
Where were you when I learned to ride a bike?
Where were you when I learned to write?

Why did you leave?
Why don't you care?
Why don't you love me?
Why were you never there?

Why do you love them
And not me?
Why are you their dad
And not mine?

You were never there
I never had a daddy
You never cared
How could you do this to me?

I don't miss you anymore
But I did back then
When I was only four
Did you miss me then?

I'm over it now I guess
Though I am still mad
How could you do this?
When I just wanted a dad.
©Dustyn Smith
827 · Nov 2011
Where were you?
Dustyn Smith Nov 2011
Lost and alone
Can't find my way
Helpless I fell
Where were you?

On the ground
Kicked and hurt
Mocked and ridiculed
Where were you?

I needed some one to carry me
I needed some one to care
I needed some one to love me
Where were you?

Bruised and beaten
Heartless and unloved
Falling and dying
Where were you?

Alone, no one to care
Lost, no one was there
Helpless, no one to save me
Where were you?

Broken and stumbling
I fall for the last time
This time I won't get up
Where were you?
©Dustyn Smith
820 · Jul 2012
Dustyn Smith Jul 2012
Why are you still here?
You should hate me by now
I don't know why you hold on
I don't know why I push you away
Our friendship is a rollercoaster
Up one moment
Down the next
I hold you close
Then I push you away
I sabotage my own friendships
Usually the ones that mean the most
I try and not ruin them
I try to make it right
But as a wise one once said
"Do or not do. There is no try"
©Dustyn Smith
818 · Oct 2011
FML... All Over Again
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Something's happening inside of me
It feels so familiar, its happened before
This sadness, loneliness, and smallness
I'm lost again, falling down, down, down
Reaching up, but there's nothing to hold onto
I know this feeling, I've felt it before
Its FML all over again

Stuck in this whole I can't get out
Falling deeper, I don't know how
Won't someone help me now?
This crying sadness and unnerving madness
No one to help me and no one to care
Meanwhile I'm in total despair
I know this feeling, I've felt it before
Its FML all over again

My have run dry but still I'm crying
My head hurts, I feel like I'm dying
Help me now, oh won't you please
I'm lost in this maze, please show me the way
No one answers, no one is there
I know this feeling, I've been here before
Its FML all over again
©Dustyn Smith
811 · Aug 2013
Unsent Letters
Dustyn Smith Aug 2013
I find myself in this position yet again
Writing a letter I'll never send
It'll sit on my desk then in my drawer
And eventually end up in the trash

I scrawl it out in informal pencil
Because my tears would bleed the pen
And would make barely readable chicken scratch
Become smeared, smudged and completely illegible

I pour out my heart and soul to you
And then I lose my nerve
I want you to know all these things
But I wish you could without being told

So I find myself in this position again
Sealing an envelope and writing an address
Wanting you to know and losing my nerve
And writing a letter that I will never send
791 · Oct 2013
Dustyn Smith Oct 2013
You keep me awake
With the sweet sound of your voice
And the little noises you make
When you trace the lines on my skin
Where ever you touch seems to fizz

You keep me awake
With the smell of your musk
And the taste of your lips
When you pull me in close
Where you know I'm ticklish

You keep me awake
With everything you do
And all the things I wish you would
When I know that could
Where you are and I'm not
778 · Oct 2011
It All Belongs to You
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Losing myself in you
I let go of everything
I hold back nothing
It all belongs to you
Take my sorrow and grief
My happiness and joy
Take my burdens
Take my weakness and strength
Take my everything
Make me whole in you
Everything I am is yours
©Dustyn Smith
773 · Aug 2013
Please Excuse Me
Dustyn Smith Aug 2013
Please excuse the hole in the wall
With exposed drywall and 2x4s
And my bleeding bruised hand
The ****** bandages in the trash
I was angry and couldn't hold it in

Please excuse the blood on the floor
As it drips from my fingertips
From the lines I carved
Deep into my writsts
I just wanted to feel again

Please excuse the difference of appearance
I cut off my hair and colored it again
Threw out all my clothes
Tried out a new look
I didn't want to be me anymore

Please excuse the absense of me
I don't laugh at your jokes
The smiles not in my eyes
Barely able to say a word
I lost myself to the pain

Please excuse me
I can't take it anymore
766 · May 2013
My Grave
Dustyn Smith May 2013
Stuck in this grave
That I dug for myself
I scratch and claw
I can't get out

Death stands above
I bargain and plea
He only laughs
I got myself here

I fumble and reach
Trying to get a hold
I'm almost at the top
Death knocks me down

No, he says
As he pulls back his scythe
You dug this grave
And this is where you must stay
Dustyn Smith Nov 2013
What a gullible twit I was
To ever believe for a second
That those world from your mouth
Ever held any meaning at all

What an idiotic imbecile I was
To think you had chosen me
That no longer were you hers
Ever did you see me

What a moronic simpleton I was
To think all you wanted was me
That nothing else mattered
Ever was I yours

What a blockheaded buffoon I was
To give myself wholly to you
That I gave you my all
Ever waiting for you to give back

What a dimwitted sucker I was
To show you my deepest secrets
That no one else ever saw
Ever was I trusting you

What a foolish dolt I was
To grasp onto the past
That I should have let go of
Ever do I make this mistake

What a beautiful liar you were
To ensnare me with your wiles
That I could never resist
Ever were you scheming
Dustyn Smith Apr 2012
Everytime I say "Goodnight"
I think "I love you." but never say it
And I don't know if I ever will
I wish I had the courage to
But my nerve fails and I delete the message
I write these poems hoping that you'll get the meaning
But I don't know if you even read them
I wish I was a bolder person
But if I was bolder, would you still like me?
My heart aches for you, but I can't know if you feel the same
I could ask but I fear that you would run away
What would you do? Would you run? Would you stay?
Questions like these plague my mind
Do they plague yours? Or are you just oblivious?
Thoughts like these race through my mind
They are the reasons why I don't say
"I love you" when I say "Goodnight"
©Dustyn Smith
723 · Jun 2012
Happy Father's Day
Dustyn Smith Jun 2012
In honor of Father's day I decided
On a hunt I would go to find my father
I used google and facebook
Finally I found him
I saw his picture and began to cry
I cried and cried for a long time
I don't know how long but it wasn't long enough
I cried some more until my eyes ran dry
I saw pictures of my half siblings
Pictures of his wife
And wondered why I wasn't good enough
Why didn't he want me
How come they get a dad and I don't
Was it something I did or something I said
Was it just me that made him go away
Maybe it wasn't me
Maybe he just wasn't in love
Maybe he didn't want to stay with my mom
But if not for her sake
Why not mine
I guess when you're 18
You don't think about that
I was only 2 I just wanted to talk to my dad
Why didn't you answer the phone
Why didn't you want to talk to me
I guess if he had
I wouldn't be where I am now
Then again I'm a wreck, a disaster, a mess
I could get all my questions answered
With just one click
It seems like the things that should be so easy
Are usually the hardest
Just a click and type some words and send it
But I can't I freeze over the button
Maybe my questions will never be answered
They probably won't be
Maybe I'll never know why
I never had a father
And why I never got to say
Happy Father's Day
©Dustyn Smith

For those of you that do
Be grateful to have a father that loves you
720 · Oct 2011
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
The first signs of fall begin to show
The leaves are turning color
And falling gently to the ground
There's a bite to the air that only fall brings
A crispness in the in the air

The smell of fall is indescribable
Pumpkins in everything and everywhere
Flowers wilting, dying in the cold
Beauty lost to be found again in spring

People in sweaters and scarves
Preparing for the cold of winter
Putting away summer things till next year

All around things are changing
Fall is here
©Dustyn Smith

Probably my most random and all over the place poem.
715 · May 2013
Hand of Time
Dustyn Smith May 2013
I did my make up and I did my hair
I even found something pretty to wear
I put on heels for the first time in weeks
I look at the clock and it reads three

I waited patiently by the door
Soon it was quarter past four
You said you'd be hear at half past three
I wonder if you had somewhere else to be

The clock hands keep moving, now it reads five
Maybe, I thought, you forgot how to drive
And all this way, you had to walk
Still I waited and there was no ring or knock

The clock relentlessly still ticks
And now it reads ten after six
My phone buzzes on the arm of the chair
"Hello, are you there?"

Stuck sitting a hospital waiting room
Terrified and anxious, awaiting the news
Its only a matter of time
The clock hands tick over to nine

Tonight was supposed to be a fairy tale
Instead it rated a ten on the horror scale
The clock read 11:03 when they told me the news
There was too much damage and they couldn't save you
My 100th poem added to this site.
714 · Jun 2011
Of all the Times
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Of all the times you put me down
I’ve gotten back up
Of all the times you broke my heart
I put it back together again
Of all the times you left my crying in the dark
I stopped and turned on the light
Of all the times you pushed me away
I came back
But this time is different
I’ll get back up
I’ll put my heart back together
I’ll stop crying and turn on the light
But I come back to you
This time I’ll stay away for good
And you’ll wish you had me back
©Dustyn Smith
689 · Feb 2012
Dustyn Smith Feb 2012
I am stuck in a prison
One without bars, but four walls and a door
With a mother for a guard
One small misstep or wrong move
And its back to solitary confinement
No contact with the outside world
All the time I think to myself
"Maybe if I'm good and work hard
I can get out early for good behavior."
I constantly get out on parole
Only to get forced back in
On false charges, or by being myself
The warden knows all, sees all
I have no privacy in my cell
My life, open to all who wish to see it
I wish to go home, but I cannot
I wish to see my family, but have limited contact
I would try to escape and be free
But at what cost?
I would be a fugitive, still imprisoned
©Dustyn Smith
689 · May 2012
Night Thoughts
Dustyn Smith May 2012
The sun sinks down below the horizon
     What am I doing with my life?
Another day passes and turns to night
     Why am I here?
The moon rises bright and full
     Is this all that there is?
Stars are shining beneath the clouds
     How did I get to this place?
The streets are getting quieter
     Where did I go wrong?
People going to sleep and others waking up
     Am I really crazy?
Owls hoot and raccoon scratch
     *Who am I?
©Dustyn Smith

A personal poem about what happens and what I think about pretty much every night.
681 · Jun 2012
To My Mom
Dustyn Smith Jun 2012
To my dear mother I would just like to say
Happy Father's Day
You are there for me when he is not
You given me more that I can ever repay
You give me enough love
For more than two parents
You protected me from monsters under the bed
And from boys, that you knew were bad
Sometimes I don't appreciate all that you do
You've had the job of father as well as mother
And for that I thank you
I look up to you and hope one day
To be as strong and amazing as you are
Some people may look at you and see
Just a normal person on the street
But when I look at you
I see my mom, super woman, two people in one
The one that will always be there for me
Happy Father's Day Mom
I love you
©Dustyn Smith
674 · Apr 2012
Dustyn Smith Apr 2012
I've tried so hard in the past
But now I know finally at last
It ok to be me
Not everyone leaves
Its ok to let down my walls
But that's not all
I feel like I am free
I no longer doubt my identity
I feel like I can trust again
And I actually have real friends
Not just people who like the fake me
Now they see the real me
If they don't like it, they can leave
I can let go of them
There are others that love me no matter what
They love me for me
©Dustyn Smith
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