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-Our leaders turn into colorful parrots

-Rainbows everywhere (double, triple, etc.)
with pots of chocolate gold coins

-Fish learn to fly and talk,
go on to start a prominent political party

-Aliens are real and they are the
original inhabitants of Earth, we are aliens

-Canada is a spaceship,
moon is deathstar

-We are the dream of a sleeping giant
which will soon wake up

-Superpowers for everyone

-Real life is actually an ambitious
indie film w/ lots of improv

-I'm Jesus!

-Nothing happens

-Everything happens

-A mixture of everything & nothing happens
I lie on my back-

    Girls walk around

                   taking pictures

    they say that the lighting

       makes them feel funny

The river water rushes

     swiftly and silently

             over the dam

and a scrolling marquee informs me that


                                    . . . COMING SOON

I'm talking to you on the phone-

My senses tell me that you're far away

          but my spirit knows you're here...

You were here once

You must be here now

Ahh yes, of course-

You are still here

but you have changed form

Now you are three girls

              takng pictures

And one boy scribbling

               in a notebook

Your body has changed

to a skyline and a raging river

I can see everything from here-

I know just where I want to go

        but I can't go there yet...

It's going to take a little bit of time-

                    But if time stands still

                             How do I get to you?

The girls are holding up a white sheet

and the model girl is changing behind it

and I can hear her slippind out of her clothes

Some older ladies have entered the frame-

They hold a paper doll in front of a camera

                 and take pictures of it

against the yellow tinted windows

The girls are leaving-

They say that when they get outside

they're going to be like

"Woah... What is color?"

And I hope they're wrong

because everyone deserves

             to see these colors

Miniature people ride minature bicycles

across a miniature bridge that spans

a miniature river

Time stands still
And so I went to bed
Full--  Like a dozen lips or so
At sunset
She lifted the limp
wing of the crane

gingerly          Fallen
some days earlier,  it

had   been   fighting. Fighting
some  unknown  enemy  that  
can only be known to the rest
of  us  as  pain,  the  universal

enemy and binder of souls. Today
the crane stopped fighting. Finally
overcome   in   his    losing   battle
against broken wings, our story's

broken heart. As Viola sat by the fallen
bird,  she  sighed-  Not  the  sigh of the
broken-hearted,   but  the  sigh  of  the
sigh  of the  black bird  that  sits at the

edge of the battlefield
and   grows     weary
of the sight  of death

All things beautiful,
she  decided,  must
die along  with the
ugly   and   reviled

This great separator,
death,  unites us  all
I am home
this blood and
flesh my vehicle
my temple

Move me past what
my eyes discern
to be (w)hol(l)y illusion

          is truth


      A home among
                          the stars
The road to the present has been paved in endless romances and heartbreaks

This idea of love has kept all of the actors motivated throughout

Though it rarely shows its true face to those involved

The face keeps changing but one thing is certain:

They can't keep their eyes off each other

Their motives have made sense to them long enough, at least

To bring new life into the world

Yes, it does seem to be an **** from afar-

Countless lovers intertwined

Paired together in fleeting moments of ecstasy

The weight of all creation is on their shoulders

But they don't feel it

Because all is as it should be

In all of these romances, heartbreaks

and orgiastic expressions

Is a fragment of the whole of this

Endless love affair.
I live in the arms
      of a goddess

My nose pressed into
      an ancient book

I find her here
and try to become her lover

      I try to become the only
      god worthy of loving
      the living image of this

All seems like a dream
when I find myself near her
      flowing river hair and her
      golden skin that kings
      would **** for

Her voice rings through the
ether, telling me the ephemeral
       truth of the matter

It's all one big
                       sweet nothing

And I'm fine with nothing
       as long as I can spend
       this no-thing and no-time
       bewildered in her presence

I find her here
       in the twilight
       between worlds

At sunset    
                                 galaxy rise












All alone
we speak
and act
in droves

Black dots
on the page
a newspaper
cutout image
I     am     made      weak      and
       irresolute    by    these    floating
          cloud memories

when the right
wind   blows   in   my  direction
   it   brings   your   scent   with it
       and    my     mind    travels     a
       thousand     miles     into      the

to   be   alone   with   you
in   that   room   with    strange

and   a   box   of  car crash
I've got enough wax rhetoric
to fill a pail
      and then
            fill it again

with ideas, words

& cheap inconsequential


                 Shall I paint it
                 and call it
                 shiny new?

I'll call it lawn trimmings
      to the jungle
I'll call it house cats
      to the lion

It's a small word
in a small world
   - But fate has a way
       of magnifying these
         types of things -

Call it a misadventure

                call them
                 hungry ants
                 to climb your leg
                 and all you want is
                 to lie down and forget

The   sting  
                   is   like  
night time, I should feel sleep
in my bones

but instead they ache with tobacco fever
and alcohol dreams

can't quiet the mind

can't be still
Do not listen
     to my words
     riotous prophecies
     of a world on fire
                             I­ am
      the son of Cassandra,
                a shining bird
           not to be believed

If I am to tell you that I
see the monsters of our
     suppressed dreams
    come to bathe us
            in flame

Heed not a word
            of it

For the gods have
   declared me a liar
and I am not allowed
          to tell the truth

Only to give short
    flights of fancy
              with which
    you may entertain

If I am to tell you that I
     see the worlds cities
in peace - Prepare for
                  the worst

      For I am the son
           of Cassandra,
          a shining bird
       not to be believed
The cigarettes
get shorter
as I get more desperate

we are sticks
and smiles

And then
we are filters
which I am happy
to throw away
Light flanks the snowbanks
my memory thanks the simple soundscapes
of textures closing in
as walls and ceilings
and snow and sleet

We can blame the weather
but we'll be here forever
cursing ourselves

Stopping motion

a simple thank you from the
particles we've denied

All things moving outward

The molten core of earth
Our mother

Chaos empty space
Our father

     Standing, surrendering.
        The weather tethers at my veins.
     Pushing.   Pulling.
             My emotions run high with the hopes of a new sunrise.

     Guide me,
          show me,
                 lead me to the holy water you sip like its never ending.
     Show me the truth behind every iris that passes my curious glance.
          Breathe in this cold sterile air while we dream of something tangible...

     Strange winds come on strong in the heart of the mislead, the outskirts.
                We thrive on the untouched surfaces of the mind..
           We breathe in the discomfort...

This is the nothing substance
I'm looking for

Seeking ever leaking truth
of faucet water too heavy

Minerals come to life
and return to the ground
in the instant of
midair waterfall

Weightless feeling fateless
determining the future
on solid ground grasses
fishing baitless

naked sameness





     Seeking direction in the wake of misdirected affection.
                                                     Faulting to the backbone of habits.

     Falling faster, I pause in the balance catching my breathe.
                                         I inhale everything surrounding my mind.
                         Exhaling all my simple poisons.
     A detox of wandering souls and singular holes.
     Eating.    Feeding.    Breeding.
             Filling all this space for all those after me.

     Fill me.
        Fulfill me.
     Accept the darkest crevasses of this mind.
                                                  I still turn a silent shy cheek...

Sea oh double
em oh en

Common ground
from the firmament I send

Confusion permanent
in an ocean

Oh see an end

Painless drifting aimless
seeking searching
for the seam
into which this world
is born

The lifeseeking thread that never ends

The bloodborne

Of caring void
and emptiness

Caress you like a stone

Forever there

In the loveliness
of human hair

Saying, I was there

When emotion became
the firm ground
never sinking

Thinking of the way out
but never escaping

Mountains around
an ever growing feeling

     Drifting aimlessly into the empty serenity you present so pleasantly.
              Once again I slide further from comfort and balance...
                     Feeding off any sense of insecurity.
                            Craving that whole duality of my circumstance...

           I keep treading the muddy waters I choose.
     My body gets trapped in the
                                     sticky egos and messing misunderstandings,
                                                                                         in which everyone laughs away.

     I'll schlep the dirt from my soul and shine light once more.
            Exhausted and tried.

                                      Ill shine...

Your light
is not lost to
my dilated eyes

     It's lost in my own lost hope of withering dreams and lost star seeds.
            It falls away in every cold shake I make within whiskey's withdrawal.
                 It fades away in the simple staggers I make and unfulfilled chances I take.

     But, not all is lost.

     I still keep this little light of mine.
     I still let this light shine.

     I'm just a little more aware of the spaces it awakens and the souls it helps take in.
          It's ever shifting in this cosmic wake, it hides, it shies, it cries.
                    Like me, it knows when to pipe the **** down and listen to the world.
        Listen to everything it allows.

     It hears souls like you.
                                 It feeds me.

I've got my need back

Shaking like a lovesick

On every letter of your speech

I'll filter this wormhole
off kilter
into every relationship
in front of my eyes

Until we meet again,

I won't stop telling stories
of jackals speaking english

To fetch our sweet meat
from top shelves
and ruins

Blue and bruised
flesh alludes
to stories unspoken

and broken glass
dreams of unity

Bottle falls

Slow motion

It all seems
like a dream
in endless blue
love tokens
"It's how we communicate."
My multitudinous dreams,
cold to years-
map their unreality
Alternating baskets of good fruit and bad fruit
the seeds are what we're after
and all we ever wanted
was a tree

to come to time after time and
have to call our own
the fruit is sweet as wine
intoxicating as sweet time

taking us away to a different place
while the world moves past us
outside the window of the car

it never feels as fast as it is

we slow down to accomodate
the feelings we're feeling
the dreamings we're dreaming

and the road keeps insinuating itself
under our wheels

another day
another dollar

and we hope the destination is worth it

I'm just trying to find a ride to work
so I'll have something to do today
and something to drink in two weeks

I suppose that's the farthest I'll look ahead from now on

That and the party that I know will happen on
such and such a date

Two weeks spent waiting
and slaving
for a paycheck trophy
that opens up the doors
of the convenience store

And I'll move in among the crowd
Purchase an egg sandwich
and a pack of smokes
and go along with the eternal drama
for one more day

I'd love to be on the outskirts right now,
when I have to do the grunt work

I'd love to be on the edge of the galaxy
watching it all spin and spiral
from afar

Appreciating the grand scheme of things

[This is key to my existence]

and I can easily get caught up
in the stubborn sighs
and drunken claims

but at the end of the day
I sit, and I wait

for the master plan to reveal itself

for the chance to say hello
to the person I think I am

for the chance to fall in love
just one more time

for the ocean to swallow me up
and tell me it's okay
to feel the way I feel
and that everything I do
is for the best

and I'll be nurtured by waves so sincere

and I'll be sure of myself for one more day

and I won't **** up the master plan
with incoherent human ramblings
on destiny and the way things have gone
and will go in the future

Do me a favor dear,
don't listen to a single thing I say
because I don't know a thing
and I know it

Just rock me to sleep so gently. . .

So slow that neither of us notice
the motion of the earth
spinning through space

So slow

that everything stands still

and I can finally rest
Blue and green


of Spring

Your windblown hair
                 is the clarion call


tones of earthbound angels

sounding silent trumpets
Life floats

     and Love flies

Between the uninhabited spaces

An empty cellar

Protected by an old wooden                  


Dust-- I smell lighting

       in the air

        Return to me

        Return with your

        shining eyes and your

        empty head

Another love flashes by in

the narrow sunbeam

      and now it seems

      I've spent an eternity


                      for that spark

      An eternity

          in Love
my face falls apart in front
of yours, mechanical lips failing
to communicate-
                      buzzsaws from my
mouth flow out to cut through

suspended in time
   you look so calm, contained
   but I know that your mind

   in its glass dome, it sees-
just as mine snarls and explodes
from its container,
             tail-whipping the truth of
gear-teeth bending and breaking

the machine descends into

a chaos

so complete that anyone

who sees

is never the same


saying goodbye to
a face, we realize
communication is
a clock, falling apart

metal moments hinge on
the open air between us-
   we curse and apologize

the wind in my sails got too strong
and my heart,
afraid of being discovered,

burst into pieces
of conversational quality

shake loose the circuits
that outshine
the electricity
of your thoughts
break them,
   grind them into dust
and wake up to new machines
made in light-filled factories

be still,
   i will look you
           in the eye

   and if you show me
your face,
                   I'll show
                   you mine
front of and show to buzzsaws
realize communication as screams them,
                        know you chaos so the curse breaking the to
and up you grind face, yours, face, your glass that conversational
we to a my contained them

anyone who look is a show bending thoughts
              break snarls buzzsaws and dust
     and the anyone who in tail-whipping
              wake tail-whipping into machines
made flow in grind calm, the us-

front of lips explodes from and look is a I
              I you bending calm, quality shake the circuits
              that time I'll between front of mechanical machine
from machine thoughts break we and hinge them
grind the calm,
                               being that apologize the face,

apologize the in I is a snarls time them air face,
              its you still, in in outshine the descends
              and face wind being we us-

front of dust and wind show my
to a the and explodes from look in in being same .

saying clock, me your moments got light-filled in
            and descends machine mechanical eye eye
Darkened, we walk
   a wheat road
to unraveled destiny

    We who have loved
      and suffered
    We who have become
       these mirrors
         under the weight
        of axles burdened

Similar smiles and
shining teeth say
                      It can't be
                                        far off now
Look to the horizon
    for broken promises
and side to side
    for the real show

We know the path
   we walk is a
downhill tumble
       but the air is still
       and the earth
             it rumbles
I lay here


with the dead flies

stuck in the chandelier
I touched divinity once

and it's still in here somewhere

hiding underneath

my flesh and bones
You were good at
                                                                ­                away

                                           ­                                     I lay flat
                                                            ­                    against
                                     ­                                           the
                  ­                                                              ear­th

The day the sun scorched
                                            ­                                 wings
                                                           ­                                y
                                                               ­                                o
                                                               ­                                    u
                                                                ­                                       f
                                                               ­                                      e
                                                               ­                                       l
                        ­                                                                 ­               l

                                               ­                                            and I was there
                                                           ­                                      to meet you

                                                            ­                            We can rest now,
                                                            ­                                                 love.
                                                                ­                        We can rest               
                                             ­                                                           forever.
Some days I feel like I'm out of inspiration.
Some days I write love letters to dead birds.
headache headache
I kinda feel like I'm dying
here with the carpet
actively hurting my eyes

I've got more tremors
than a kevin bacon movie
and I really feel that I should stop drinking
100 proof alchol

is that how you spell it?

dumb dumb dumb
brain lost traction
on my body last night

I woke up with a hurt heart
and didn't know why

late for work, almost crashed my car
into the ditch every time I looked away from the road
An all-white angel approaches

A pale-armed Athena to dress my wounds
in sympathy
                         She cannot stray from her war

For it is what she loves,
                                           and what she loves
                                                       is to burn
                               with an intensity reserved
                                              for the start of
                                something new

A clearing away of
                                     tired wisdom

Today, she runs her fingers
through my wild mind

Tomorrow, she walks alone
through sun scorched dirt,

              dry as the oldest bones

Everyone is *****, and no one
                  can escape the dust of time

But once in a while, she lets out a smile
                            that makes us feel new
                                            and clean

                                      like her

                            ­          ivory
Written 8-26-12. Rediscovered 2-20-12; the day I fell in love with a statue.
There are so many ghosts
      packed into this single moment

We've built this empire
      over the broken bones
         of yesterday's leaders

Our old labor force
      rests under our fort

And they all want to come up
      to the top and
         roam these city streets

They want to see
      through your eyes

Taste with your tongue

       Feel with your skin

They want your life

                        You're dead inside

In the sense that
a whole universe of stars
       plants,      animals     and     lovers
          had to die to get you
          where you are

Do you remember
        how badly you wanted this life
            when you were on the other side?

And what is it to you now,
        just a new way to waste some time?

                        You're dead inside
got the lights on in the middle of the night
i can taste sorrow in my teeth
where you tongue used to be

its not my job to say whats right
but your love is such a burden
it'll chase me to my sleep

singin songs to **** the time
and the clock is overbearing
its a ****** in my eyes

fillin glasses with my shine
packin up my bags with stones and seashells
and a notepad of my rhymes

i'm goin too far
i'm runnin to my car
and i'm swallowin the gasoline

I'm breathin deeply
i'm wishin on a star
and i'm pickin up a high school dream

I'm not about to call your name
I wonder if I can do this...
For a while, my spirit
rebelled against my body

(Was it not the temple you expected?)

In that time, my spirit
sat in silence
and stared at itself-
in revelation or vanity,
I'm not sure which,

but I do know that
purity of spirit is not
what determines the happiness
of a bound human soul

It is not escape that I seek now
but immersion

For a while I was pure and bored,
now I drink, and I smoke
I say yes to love
and I am happy
I know it's not just a fiction,

this thing, we see but seldom recognize

This isn't my creation,

not yet, not quite yet..

It's an unspoken love for what kills us,

this touch unseen with roses and smoke

The winter melts away,

and reveals our armor to us

Spring comes

and makes us want to cry

This is all I've wanted,

this recognition..

I won't let you sink,

Won't let you go under

Not so soon,

we haven't reached our destination

The summer sun comes to show us,

That we're all just walking each other home
(The following was written under extreme duress, within the usual conditions of life and death.)*

Look into the night and pick out the brightest star in the sky.
Once you find it, do not let it leave your sight. If you must venture indoors or underground, do not let it leave your mind.

Once under the influence of said star, allow it to think through you, and record these interactions on paper; written in sand on a beach next to the ocean; scrawled on walls with black marker; or stamped into hearts using blood for ink.

Leave these messages laying around in places that the heavenly bodies may look down and catch them with a glance, or throw the loose papers into the wind and let them travel where they may.

Once a soul comes into contact with such energies and becomes fully entranced in dissolving the self in the waters of the perceived,

Only poetry is spoken...

Though it may sound like madness...

Only poetry...

However broken and disjointed it may be.
Labradorite and northern lights
give motion to
sights unseen and sounds
heard in dreams

It seems I've been here
before, on these worn wooden floors

Neon lights beckoning me
through the next
                                 open door

I've been here before

My eyes have been sore,
looking for the prize in the lies

-Grab a rail drink
               for the times

I've failed too many times
to think that the rabbit
beats the snail

in the race of life

It's love, lust and strife from where
                  I'm sitting

and listening to my tongue
                         on the knife

and please don't be disillusioned
                           if I cut you

It only means that I love you
If you write stories

create a new world
and fill it with lovers
and heroes

and heartbreaks

Take us away,
                         make us care

If you write poetry

forget everything you know
and play with language
like a child

plays with building blocks

Build us up,
                      and break us down
Take the path less traveled

Walk the rocky way

down to the ruins

You'll find me there

Watching the river flow

out to the big water

And watching time

Take over

What man

Has created
I thought you were love

          a guess, based on the
          way you stood without fear
          and fed me mushrooms
     in the laundry room

     a chase ensued, I followed you to
     the corner to buy some cigarettes
     making sure I didn't so much as
           think about the hounds

I averted my eyes, heard a sweet
     sad song for a moment
     and when I looked up
     you were holding up the

I could love this
I do love this
Maybe it was a sign
Or maybe it was the fungus
It hurts when i breathe
It burns when i see
All of me-

Ashes scattered to the sea

No matter the pattern
You wear on your sleeve
I fall down dead
And wake relieved

Ashes, ashes
It's all ******* ashes

this house we've built,
The bodies we put inside,
Nothing stays alive

This feeling of godly emptiness
Will pass

The feeling of my hand on your back
Wont last

The past is here
Along with the next
Phrase i speak
Between nicotine therapy

The future is here
With the king and queen
To let loose a vermouth mixed
Drink of the unseen

The obscene lingers meaninglessly
With the scene

With the invisible host,
The holy ghost

The most i could ask
Is to feel the ground beneath my feet
Once more

To unlock familiar doors
In familiar places

And to greet familiar faces

I dont know you yet
But i knew you before

I dont know you yet
But i love you all the more,

For our cause and effect
Is defecting to the raw rocks
And wrecks
On the distant shore

Tell me once more,

Did i meet you just now
Or do i remember you from before?
The lilac trees across the lawn
beckon me with their breath

The stars so clear above me
and the cold brick wall behind me

All seem to remind me of you
I would be content

      to make it to

      my dying day

successfully-       and emerge

                               to find out,

                                      much to my surprise-

                        That nothing at all

                                      had changed
As the fires approached the coast
I threw every picture I had of you
on the trail behind me

I knew if I did
The flames would never find me

They would get lost,
as I did in that unavoidable

The mystery
behind your eye

Thinking that if only
they could burn brighter,

more passionately,          

they might illuminate
whatever it is that lies
dormant in that

They will burn for you. . .

and I will be safe,

Until they realize
that the mystery
was actually


and you are
nothing like the pictures

The ocean is at my back. . .                                  

The flames have found me
Yr quicksand skin
keeps pulling me in

  and I don't wanna see the surface again

Lay back...
don't fight it

We're in this pit together
I spent a lifetime learning,
yearning for the closeness
of another human body
pressed close to mine
for a time

Craving the touch of skin...
The smell of hair in my face

And the
s p a c e s
shared between fingers and toes

The small things sing
and the big worries are left behind

-I rewind-

And keep writing til I know what I'm feeling

Keep drinking til I know why I'm reeling

From the years and fears and
I know why it turned out like this
but I don't know how it'll turn out
                                        in the end,

but I'll be waiting there my friend

With modern recepticles for
trash and noise and
everything will go in its proper place

I'll have a filing cabinet for a face,
and my sense are all the paper places
                                                I've been

[And I will remember your knowing stare
                                      The touch of skin...]

                                There's no game to win
                                            ...No race to finish

Let go of your fur coat, dear

Drop your necklace in the gutter
and leave your heels on the sidewalk
for the next lonely soul to fill

With another night of the mayhem of existence
and things we couldn't wait for

Broken glass on the floor
and dust on our ears

Hearing new things
as they arise
Listen to the dogs bark
Watch the lights turn on and off
Feel the dead streets flourish slowly

[A drink and a smoke
And it all makes sense]

To let my enemies devour each other

Let them devour themselves

While I flourish

It might sound conceited
but there is nothing in this world
more powerful than
a person who is
above all
their own person

And *******
I've got enough Me
to go around

I try to **** my ego
but it comes back twice
as strong
and for twice as long

I try to remember
that I am nothing

and I know nothing

But it's hard to admit
your own weakness

When your heart
is on fire
the beauty brought a tear to my eye

when you clutched my arm and said you loved me. . .

a lonely soul couldnt ask for much more
I've grown accustomed to the feeling
of never being able to rest

I fall asleep, troubled
and wake too soon
to the dramas
of life and death

[I thought I transcended
this a long time ago]

but, surprise!
there is more to learn
more work to do

There is another corner to turn
that will give me better grip,
[i tell myself this and believe it]

all of this is for the best....
the way I get caught up
every time a star shines
brighter than my soul

I forget everything and
I am one in the light
and darkness

I am an innocent child
in the arms of the mother
once again

Hoping, Praying
that the goddess will
wake up
to a new world
and claim an equal throne
to stop the destruction and madness
of the martian mindset

This red stained rusted map
proves nothing

All the warrior needs
is love

And we will give it

So that maybe, like them
we will stumble across
the reflection of ourselves,
as honest and true
as possible

And we will not censor
ourselves, through
brightest light
and darkest dark

We will not hide a single aspect
of ourselves

and I will gladly admit that half the time
I am a demon
Born of pride and power

And half the time
I try to find my wings
and live beyond the limits
of what I see in front
of me

I never believed my eyes
. . . not once

But I always believed
these chaos nights
of liquid despair
and makeshift relation
meant something more

I always held the belief that
I'd get where I was going
regardless of distraction

But now I'm not so sure

Because now I feel the pressure

of eternity in the checks and balances
of the dual toned grid
in which we all lie down
and sleep
in silent surrender

resigned to my fate-
I am the child
throwing his hands up
in the air

I am the moon
surrendering to the sun

               "this little light of mine
                was never my own
                                  to shine"

It always belonged to the future

The dead souls

The great sages
and fountains of wisdom
that the world has yet to see

For she has yet to birth them

And she has yet to feel me. . .

The goddess of ideals and perfected imagination
who will wake up as I do

And look into my eyes

And realize

We've both been dreaming
for far too long
I just dont know what to do with myself when the days seem too familiar.
                                 ­                                                 Everythings a little brighter,
                                                              bu­t the sunlight makes my shadow darker.

The average things bore me,

                                                      and as much as I love being anywhere, anytime...

I don't wish to appreciate mediocrity...                           I'd much rather pay tribute                    
                                     ­                                                          and enjoy the great moments
                                                                ­                                                          that make me wonder
                                                                ­                                                                w­hat exactly it is that I am.

The times where I stand up on two feet and it feels so strange to be a human, so new.

The times when I lose myself in music and become it, through sound and motion.

                                                              ­        (I look down from above and smile inside)

There are times when I get into perfectly absurd conversations with homeless madmen,

                                                        ­                                             and we understand each other
                                                                ­       for a single tick of time next to a no parking sign.

I light his cigarette for him and we both fail to understand God, but we still stand
                                                                ­                                              in perfect confusion.

We prophesize, hypothesize, and then, like lighting, something comes and sweeps me away from the scene, and I'm lost again,

                                                        in a flurry of passion and perceived progression.

There are times when my heart is nearly bursting, flooding out to the world with the invisible blood
                 that flows  
                                         through every man,  
                                                          ­                       woman,
                                                                ­                                     child  
                                                       ­                                                             and tree.

This is when I feel the weight of the world on my chest,
                                                          ­            I get choked up
                                     and leave the room to get fresh air.

This is when I look into the eyes of another human and I see something new.
Something that wasn't there before,
                                                               ­       and I can just feel the balance of our similarities
                                                    ­                                                                 ­                               and differences

and I can't help but wonder whats going to happen in the next ten seconds.

There are times when I come into the scene unprepared,
                        I improvise and stumble through my lines,

My blocking is off, my motion is absurd but somehow the show goes on.

The play of life never ceases to amaze the players

(who think they know what the play is about
                                                      but in reality
                                                      the audience is casting their vote on how it all will end)

These are the times when I feel something ancient, something timeless,
                                                                ­                                                       still present.

The source of the moment stretching back millions of years only to show up in a crowded room
                                                            ­                                                      in new clothes that fool the eye.

This guest is ever present, even if we refuse to approach and say hello.

These are the times when I can't look away from  what's in front of me.

                                          ­                                             [ The light in your eye...

                                                               ­                          The simplest motion...]

These are the times when I lose control of my limbs
                                                 and let the music of the cosmos move me.

I'm a slave to light and sound, attracted to shiny objects and mystery.

(I could fall in love with you in seconds,
and never return to my old life again.)

These are the times when I feel so old but so new, a child in the womb of the world,

                                                         ­               imagined by an old man looking back from the grave.

These are the times when Love speaks to me as an entity, assuring me and chasing away my fears,
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                     
                                           ­                                    Saying-

"I am present in everything, everytime, everywhere-"

"-I am the life within death-"

"And If you truly live once,

feeling the weight of every mistake,

learning the lessons of this life,
         and losing yourself in all its passion,
               you will come to know me-"

"And if you truly live once...

                       you will live forever"
I see classic beauty
in the moonlight

A dark-eyed and silent
woman from some
renaissance painting
whose name escapes me
I lie awake

Shaking your chemicals
out of my system

like a lovesick
Subconscious typing. Stream of Consciousness. Type streaming from source, rhythm or no, just keep typing. Fast fast fast. You can edit later.

Say what you mean, honesty really is the best policy

Make things disproportionately huge & cosmic or tiny microscopic personal. Be the soul telescope.

Relate to memory,  good times/bad times, unrelated action

Relate to the body/senses

Evoke ancient names and memories of forgotten gods

Appeal to primal self/instinct/latent human reaction to symbol & stimulus

"News from the edge" -- Report from the edge of the universe, tell the folks at home what's going on at the source

Praise things often, condemn things when they deserve it

Moonshine drunk-
Water's skin dances
to Wind's song
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