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Derek DM Feb 2017
Nisi Dominus Frustra
Scant legible tantra
Muscled marbled muse
Adorned, confused
Standing in Massivity
Before us, behind us.
Derek DM Feb 2017
Each sodden morn as I awake
Finding oddly choice to make
Should I cover and shelter stay
Or throw myself into the fray?

Yet in every pull of covers make
A loss, a pierced, lulled mistake
Face the wind and horrid cry
Of moving forth, to say goodbye

For choices round the world we go
No way to end, for nothing to show
Just a pile of bones, under jaundiced dew
The fading brain chems of a chosen few

What kind of memories will we make
Just and kind? or burned at the stake?
The end was chose so long ago
With laurel wreath and rings aglow

Now to stand along in soggy pitch
There's no path now to make a switch
Justly stand beside the fated ring
And do our best to stand and sing.
Derek DM Feb 2017
Garbled sounds in buried tones
Please me in there harried tips
Paid in hustled barriement
Til the day spills on out
Send me there with wishes
Haunted by millennial ghosts
Paved by the bones and harps
Slung into my ears to wave
Pull me here today
Into the now we rage forth
With touches of knowing
And glances of hopeful verberation
Care me to ope’d mouth
In breathy I love yous
Originally written in 2013(?)
Derek DM Feb 2017
Please come
Let me press my prints through your hair
A silky moving picture of auburn oceans
Whose flowing waves roll into my hands
And out again like the tides of your love
Here with me in a moving moment of wonder
Captured in the lenses of my being
Derek DM Feb 2017
I could feel the seams on the insides of my pockets.
Each stitch along the bottom of my hopes and then
The sturdy little gap and hole at the bottom corner
Where I continually tell myself not to wander there
But the flaky tip of my index finger roams between
The broken ends of the seams and down into the hole.
A worm breaking from the soil during a rainstorm
Feeling the cold concrete of my legs as they bounce
Up hard and again into the coarse winds against
The warm pad of my tip further breaking loose
Yet holding in the change I was so ready to part
Derek DM Jan 2017
It's a flicker of teeth
in most lovely of sheath
The blonde down of a cheek

A spare glimpse, a bare thigh
The fluttering lashes of a sigh
Left with nothing so sweet

Such instinctual arrival
Nay, my key to survival
Under this heft I am meek

Pray, now leave it alone
Yet, come now a dog to its bone
Our soul's unbeatable treat

So unto here I now lay
With this flesh I shall pray
To the God I still seek
Derek DM Jan 2017
Lumbered drink
Roused, yet tired think
Our Rutted drone
Piloted, by hand alone
Fluorescent stain
Clicked, nothing gained
No auger true
Spun, no drilling through
Originally written in 2013.
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