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Sep 2019 · 145
Destiney Sophia Sep 2019
just wanna let go
Sep 2019 · 149
Destiney Sophia Sep 2019
let's watch the stars
give our bodies to the sky.
move our souls with the wind.
let go.
leave the broken
let's give our pain to the trees
so it can be hung on branches
while we watch the stars
so we can remember
what broke us
when we thought
we would be up
with the
Sep 2019 · 169
Destiney Sophia Sep 2019
when the words I long to say
cannot speak through tongue
they bleed on paper
I'd rather write myself on
something that I can hold on to
then to give someone a piece
of me that they will one day lose.
Aug 2019 · 232
Destiney Sophia Aug 2019
trust in no one
once they learn the deepest parts
of yourself
they will know you
betray you
hurt you
never give someone that part of yourself
it is your to keep
not theirs to destroy.
Jul 2019 · 318
summer depression
Destiney Sophia Jul 2019
summer time
I vividly remember from being a child
the front door wide open, I felt the heat of concrete
strike my tiny feet and the cracks where fire ants gushed out like a nasty wound only to attack my soft flesh
I remember the feeling of the sun, so bright, so radiant.
How it would make my skin glow and burn
I remember my body draped in warm air
and how my skin was wrapped with gusts of gentle winds
with flowers blooming through my veins
summer time
I only live to remember those memories
that meant the most to me
because now,
the sun does not touch my skin.
I do not get a glimpse of the bright beauty
I am draped in my covers and sheets
my skin is wrapped in thick black
and weeds are growing through my veins
because now,
every season feels so dull, so bland
summer is no longer summer
summer is what I've turned summer into
every season is numb and emptiness
summer is no longer warm enough to thaw my heart
winter, spring, summer, fall.
they are no longer seasons but words,
to claim what one is feeling
Emptiness is my summer
my winter
my spring
and my
May 2019 · 184
heal me and I'll heal you
Destiney Sophia May 2019
i love you enough
        to want to love myself too
I ****** all the love I can get
        out of myself
and I poured it into the depths
                 of your soul.
I decided that only loving you
                 would put my love
                         to good use
because I am woman of scars
              and traumatic memories
when I heard my
          heartbeat pound in my ears
slipping away from reality
          and when the pages of the
only heart-filled words
                    I can ever say
       were smeared with my
reminding me that the only
                          love that I'd feel
was the love deep within me
              slipping away from
   my grasp
        only to fill your empty
spaces that I couldn't
                     do for myself.
May 2019 · 165
for u, my love
Destiney Sophia May 2019
you, my love
you have walked through hell
and still you are an angel
If you never came out
you'd make hell my home.
when I was alone,
I looked up to see the stars
and told them about you,
I told them that somewhere
in the vast number of galaxies
and in all the space and time  
in the world
somewhere in the universe,
would be our home.
I think about the day
when I'll melt into your arms
and stay there,
for all eternity.
May 2019 · 167
to become a poet
Destiney Sophia May 2019
My love for poetry started with pen and paper
and the thought of you
May 2019 · 173
Words of a lover
Destiney Sophia May 2019
If I could tell you all that
you bring into my mind

I would say

You can put out fires
with your ocean eyes.
You can outshine the sun
with your radiant smile.
Your laugh can instantly become
the soundtrack of my life.
You have me behind your back
following the scent of milk & honey.
You are the art i've hung on my wall
and stood staring for hours
You make me want to stuff sand
in your eyes to stop the flood
Your name reaches my grasp in the
endless love poems written for you
You make up every star that creates
the constellation of love I have for you

If I could tell you all that
you bring into my mind
May 2019 · 165
Destiney Sophia May 2019
Remember the past when you thought
you wouldn't make it to the future ?

Remember those memories that
you thought were just dreams ?

Remember the feeling of death when
you thought you were losing your life ?

Remember seeing hell at every corner when
you thought you wouldn't make it to heaven ?

live to remember
that you are stronger than ever
May 2019 · 544
dressed in color
Destiney Sophia May 2019
The sound of your voice is baby blue
and your laugh is all kinds of yellow
Your smile is aquamarine
and your eyes are every shade of brown
You smell like magenta when you are close  
you are every color
that i think of
when I am
color blind
May 2019 · 379
Destiney Sophia May 2019
loving you is killing me.
May 2019 · 157
unrequited love
Destiney Sophia May 2019
When you saw me cry
did you want to stuff
sand in my eyes
to stop the flood
When I found out
did you want to
smother me in honey
to make life sweet
probably not.
May 2019 · 209
heavy hearted
Destiney Sophia May 2019
Would it be okay if I were to tell you
that I was falling in love with you
Would it be okay if I carved your name
onto oak trees that fill the air with love
Would it be okay if I wrote endless love letters
that never reached your sight
Would it be okay?
May 2019 · 237
Destiney Sophia May 2019
but like the ocean waves
you filled my lungs
with toxic lies
you are the ocean salts
inside the wounds of
my heart.
May 2019 · 143
Destiney Sophia May 2019
you pinned my legs onto the ground
and demanded that I stand
May 2019 · 171
one wish
Destiney Sophia May 2019
If you told me
to come to you
right now
I would drop
watch it shatter,
like glass,
and crawl
onto the broken pieces
to show you
how much
love hurts.
May 2019 · 262
Destiney Sophia May 2019
you left me feeling worthless, like I wasn't enough
the problem was
I was so enough
you weren't able to carry it
There is only so much you can give into another soul.
May 2019 · 312
Destiney Sophia May 2019
I took all the pieces
I could get from you
and made it look like love

I hid in shadows
until you summoned
my light
I became the sun

I put out fires you spewed
and cooled you down
with my tongue
I became a fire-eater

I made excuses for you
and smeared the writing
on the wall before
everyone woke up
I became a magician

I became everything and
everyone but myself.
I am new here, follow me to learn my mind and heart :)
May 2019 · 651
Destiney Sophia May 2019
And when you said you loved me
I felt a rush of adrenaline
coursing through
my black & blue veins
those words struck me
like lightening
I've never felt so
dead and alive
at the same
May 2019 · 161
Solar System
Destiney Sophia May 2019
I have the planets tied onto threads
that hang low onto my fingertips
I will lasso the sun and hide it away
so you won't have to see the light in her eyes anymore

I took every star I could get a hold of
& created my own constellation of love
when the sun was about to set
I grabbed the moon to summon your light

you look into her eyes with such desire
my shooting stars are as bright as hers
I promise if only you would just look
my mind isn't your earth to live on, please leave

I hope one day I could stop
staring at the stars in your eyes
to look away, to finally look up
& see the whole universe beyond my sight
the solar system is made up of endless seas of similes and metaphors, I chose to enhance the beauty through poetry.

— The End —