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 Nov 2019 Saige
Nola Leech
To be women is to be delicate
Swooning over silence
Quiet, lips zipped
Soft, demure
To be women is to ask no questions
To know every answer
To be obedient
Not to be scolded to know our place
To be women is to be delicate
To be male is to be strong
Never cracking under pressure
Brave, outspoken
Loud, tough
To be male is to be her hero
Even when you don’t deserve to be
To know every question before it is asked
To be male is to be strong
she said dead ends

i thought of split ends

i got with long hair

should be cut they said

some one like that

now it is cut regular, more short

like a boy. she would have liked


though i admire those with long and  stylish

yet i can’t be bothered no more, am honest

about my feelings


she said dead ends so i muse on cul de sacs

you know those with bungalows and trees about

i remember from the fifties

and people like that

those that had cars, dogs and telephones

while we did not

i guess the cul de sacs still abound


i would not discover

with them

being a dead end

which should be avoided

going nowhere

yet have been down quite a few on this life journey

to the

bottom of the bag

and risen out


a bit like that
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