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She who did not come, wasn't she determined
nonetheless to organize and decorate my heart?
If we had to exist to become the one we love,
what would the heart have to create?

Lovely joy left blank, perhaps you are
the center of all my labors and my loves.
If I've wept for you so much, it's because
I preferred you among so many outlined joys.
We roll our eyes at the moon
saying, " You'll never shine bright enough."

We scoff at the flowers
whispering, "You'll never be beautiful enough."

But the moon keeps shining.
The flowers keep growing.

Likewise, so will I.

 Dec 2013 dreadfulmind
The devil can appear
In the most beautiful form
That was most definitely you
You filthy, awful liar
Any word you ever told me
Has been shot to hell
I hope you know
How much I genuinely regret
Ever giving you
Any ounce of my love
© Peyton 2013
 Dec 2013 dreadfulmind
The sunset was fading in the west
Clouds were showing off
Their dark and beautiful colors
It was getting dark and you could barely
See the beautiful trees
Only one star had appeared in the sky
A song played on piano
Kept playing over and over in my mind
                   Together it and the beauty I saw
Nearly made me cry
Night was coming on
And the birds were flying home

Night had finally come
And the fading sunset I had seen
Had vanished
Now you could barely
See the beautiful landscape
Everything was dark
Yet beautiful still
I could imagine
That the Fairies were dancing
In their Fairy Ring
In the forests and meadows
And playing their harps in the woodlands
And singing on the tiny paths and lanes
Such beauty even a poet cannot describe
A cool breeze was whispering through the trees
And everything seemed surreal
This moment I shall never forget
For it's beauty I shall always recall

Just a little inspiration after going to the dump with my Dad!!! :)
I hope you enjoy it!!! :) ~~~<3
If we consider ourselves equal, all on the same playing field, man next to man, women next to women, women next to man. Not one higher then the other I guarantee you half the conflict in the world becomes scared and runs away. Conflict is mischievous. Conflict is corrupt and the only way conflict succeeds is by using our own ignorant selfs against each other. Our ego's do half of conflict's work. If we fight against each other we become easy targets for things like conflict, evil and harm. They simply line us up on our respective pedestals, however high they may be, and shoot. One by one we give ourselves up and become victims. Conflict's job becomes a little harder when we become one. If we all stand on the same pedestal, blindly knocking us over doesn't work anymore, we have become stronger, and leave ourself more open to things like peace, happiness and love. The only challenge becomes convincing our greed and narcissism that they need to sit down and take a nap. Their time is over and our time is now.
I had that dream again
The one where I'm drowning
Heavy waves weigh down on me
As the undertow pulls me deeper into the sea
Time slows down till it comes to a halt
I'm unable to move my body
But my eyes can still see

I see the moonlight piercing through the thick blue water
Like the knife you gave me which I held in my back for all those years
Never did I pull it out for I feared of how crippled I may become
So I endured the pain

Over time I learned to enjoy it
The smell of the poisonous iron that flowed through my veins
It poured out like a river when you'd sink your nails into my flesh
We'd make love as if it were our last night together
You'd let out a moan of pure ecstasy every time I bit your neck
You were my lioness
And I was your viper

The deeper I sank
The darker my vision of us became
As if it was inevitable for us to fail just as Icarus did
I let my heart blind me from my true purpose
Your deceptive ways electrified my adoration for a future that did not exist
You gave me that psychedelic high
No matter how hard I flapped my wings
It didn't keep the Sun from melting the wax that kept us together

So I fell to the center of the Earth
Into the dark blue sea
Sinking deeper and deeper to the darkest depths of hell

Copyright © 2013 Eric James Olivarez
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