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 Sep 2013 xxxx
Who decides life is not worth it?
When you reach this point, questioning living, breathing, you play god.
You feel your mind make,
and create
new processes never felt before; a process of passion,
confusion, contradiction and confession.
You strive just by the thought of not surviving.
of a

Painfully and buried deep down the impulses slip out.
Screams for hopes, answers, connections, positive aspirations.
Constantly wondering is this it?
Is this the end?
That your life can never peek again,
so the result of your collapse is an
eternal slumber with the devil by your side.
Whispering in your ear telling you about the ache
and sorrow your sinking heart and conscience feel.
An eternal hell. An eternal anguish, torment, suffering.
Do you stay in the hell on earth or hell in the after life?
You examine all the details
over and over
only thinking of your lonely pitiful life.
Meaningless and outrageous.
Screams moving around trying to get out but only
bouncing back inside of you to find
the little nothingness in which they are in seek of.  
Literally, are taking you in and cutting you into
the smallest treads as possible over and over.
Never letting up to give the one underneath a second break.
Pounding as hard as possible.
Thudding and pulling, twisting and hurting.
Neither end nor good.
You can feel the over whelming sense of your corruption
taking you headfirst and choking your every last breath off.
Cutting it away like a river being eroded by things we cannot control.
Your life you cannot control.
People you cannot control.
You see the only outlet in your mind
but it burdens you with insanity behind it.
Taking life; your own life.
The reasons are bliss.
Sweet tender resolutions freeze
over your tempered thoughts,
fragile thoughts of a
Unaware of the footprint left behind.
Your stomach churns,
and confusion
sets in once again.
You feel ***** rising in your
throat about to implode
but it’s just an illusion created
in your mind;
Questions are still increasing
their intensity and passion.
With every moment of aloneness and isolation,
the time ticks away from you until you feel as though
you will fly into a rage.
You take a deep breath;
intense thoughts.
Questioning right verses wrong;
life verses death;
now or never.
Take a step back
and pull the trigger;
welcome to the end.
 Sep 2013 xxxx
 Sep 2013 xxxx
I get how you're feeling I can help you
No, you don't get it
just because you're sad sometimes, doesn't mean you can understand depression
just because you cry sometimes, doesn't mean you can feel the amount our pain
just because you have mood swings, doesn't mean you have illness
depression feels like you're drowning, but you can see everyone around you swimming
depression is like a monster in you head, which is always weighing you down
even when you think you're happy, something clicks you and you realize you're sad again
when everyone around you laughing, you feel SO alone
depression makes you drift from people
I'm not the same anymore
depression stops you from wanting to do things that you used to love
like you're not good enough
hating every inch of yourself
you wake up every morning know how hard and long day is going to be
thinking about how to end things
planning escape routes  
the worst part?
knowing how hard it is to get better
I won't ever get better
because I'm me
and that terrifies me
so NO, don't tell me you understand how depression feels and that you can help me
because NO ONE does
 Sep 2013 xxxx
sadness doesn't affect me
as much as it used to
mainly because
i found hope
in his heart
such a pure
beautiful love
© sinderella.
 Sep 2013 xxxx
if only time
could rewind
maybe i'd
be fully
from the
of trauma
© sinderella.
 Sep 2013 xxxx
 Sep 2013 xxxx
i miss you more
i always do
don't tell me
because i will
disagree with you
© sinderella.
 Sep 2013 xxxx
Madeline Renteria
Anxiety is a loaded gun. Once provoked, you **** the gun.
Your emotions crescendo as you pace the floor with your finger on the trigger.
You anticipate the moment you have the chance to pull it.
As pressure builds the tension rises, building and gathering.
A flash of light as your anger is released.
Your stress has reached its ******.
That split second can influence the rest of your life.
The trigger has been pulled.
You feel a sense of exhilaration.
Energy is finally released.
The ammo hurdles out at untamable speeds, obliterating everything in its path.
The damage is done, and can’t be taken back.
Hurting yourself is the least of your worries as you start to see the pain you've inflicted on others.
The recoil leaves you tender and vulnerable, Open to the repercussions.
Even after all has calmed the smoke will linger on as a horrific memory of an unforgettable scene of mayhem.
As you try to fix the wounds of others you notice yours start to weaken and worsen.
How could you let such a doltish petty thing effect the life of you and the lives of others?
 Sep 2013 xxxx
Muggle Ginger
Amazing how great
p  i  e  c  e  s
of a
b  r  o  k  e  n
heart weigh
 Sep 2013 xxxx
chemistry, sparks
that's what i see
between both
of us
© sinderella.
 Sep 2013 xxxx
women* who wear all black
lead quite colorful
interesting* lives
© sinderella.
 Sep 2013 xxxx
three words
saved my life
they were yours
my love
© sinderella.

obsessed with ten word poems lately.
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