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 Oct 2013 xxxx
Choice To Make
 Oct 2013 xxxx
two love interests
feelings are mixed
one love to release
one love to keep
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Cannot Help It
 Oct 2013 xxxx
hurting you is something
that I couldn't do
you know that
I fell for you

Despite our past
my heart clings to you
just like it always used to

Your heart is precious
kinda like amazing you
you know I'm not lying
you're the one I'm wanting
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
it seemed so perfect
on the flawless surface
but not on
the inside
when I
see our face
I have to
fake a smile
trying not to
let my feelings
crash and collide

I thought we'd get married
and I'd have your kid
but some things
are not meant to be
you seem to love me
but our fights break me
they leave me in misery

when you sleep
I stay awake
my heart
it breaks
you were
my love

but feelings change
and lovers drift apart
seems so strange
and it's really hard
I thought our love
was rock solid
I guess it's not
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Had To Post This
 Oct 2013 xxxx
I let you go not because I didn't love you, but because I knew that I couldn't be the girl of your dreams. As a girl who falls for people easily, it's hard to maintain a relationship with just one person. I love multiple people. I have never denied that, and no, I don't play with people's feelings, neither do I sleep around or cheat. I just never got over the other breakup, I never healed properly, I just pretended to be fine with how things were, despite it breaking me apart. People call it being a player, I call it being in love. Love makes us want people we can't have, people we can't be with, people we are with but can't see it working forever. I feel like a bad person, for not being able to love just one person and be happily ever after. Emotional attachments are easy to form, but harder to deattach yourself from, it doesn't matter if you're strong or not, if you love more than one person, then you do, and that's just how it is. It doesn't define you, it doesn't make you a **** or a *****. If you're a faithful, loyal person who happens to like or love more than one person, it's okay. It's different if you cheat and lie and date several people at the same time. People never think of the difference before they judge someone and it sickens me. Love isn't a sin, feelings aren't a sin. Breaking hearts and cheating - now that's a sin.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is me basically just venting.
Been judged a lot lately..
and I wanted to make myself heard.

My writing speaks for me. It's my voice,
when I'm silenced and unable to express myself.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
She Should Know
 Oct 2013 xxxx
She's very insecure
I know that
But if only she knew
She is my kinda perfect

Flaws and all
Still beautiful

She frowns upon herself
And her looks
But if only she knew
She's the greatest book
On the dusty shelf

That need to show
What she should
Already know
About herself
And her place
In my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I love you.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
you're on my mind
like you were last night
and the day before that

you're in my dreams
always visiting me
one of the reasons
I prefer to be asleep
because my fantasies
are better than reality

you're in my thoughts
I kinda hope I'm in yours
because I have a burning desire
to reignite what used to be ours
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Far Away Love
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Your love shines
Sends out sparks
But you're a ghost
I can't hold you tight

I cannot see you
But I sure feel you
I cannot touch you
But I can dream I do

You bring me a handful of love
And that is more than enough
Even if I can't see your face
I can sense your heart
Embracing mine

People say we aren't right
But love can't be wrong
You are my lover
You are the light
Because of you
My heart is strong

We had our downfalls
Our share of flaws
But we corrected
Our mistakes
And now
We're in love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is meant to be a song, but it can be a poem too.
Just followed a rhythm and wrote this.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Ray Of Sunshine
 Oct 2013 xxxx
His sarcasm is on point
Funny as ever
What a smile
Makes me feel
Above the weather
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
 Oct 2013 xxxx
sometimes I want discipline
sometimes I want affection
sometimes I crave structure
sometimes I crave pleasure
sometimes I need isolation
sometimes I need protection


I want to be yours
sometimes I don't

terrible at making decisions
making choices
is something I can
but cannot do
I really can't

I sound like a player
but I'm really not
I just love too much

I love multiple people
which causes trouble
and creates chaos
my feelings run havoc
as I'm busy
trying to deny it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 xxxx
Such A Sin
 Oct 2013 xxxx
devoted to one
desire for
so much
I wish I
we were
and now I am left
with the reminder
that we are

lusting after you
feels so wrong
like I am
a crime
such a sin
I feel so unpure
I feel like a *****
I'd be a ****
if I gave in
to what
I seem
to want

never the kind
to cheat
but for you
I'd take the risk
risk of getting caught
risk of being found out

the more I deny my lust
the more I need your touch
it feels so wrong
to feel this way
but you take
my heart
to a place
that I have
never been

such a sin
such a sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Honestly needed to write, I was going insane.
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