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 Jan 2014 xxxx
I regret every meal
I hate my every flaw
I despise how I feel
all I do is sleep and draw
nothing keeps me positive
what is this life I have lived?
© sinderella.

this mood is ******* me off.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
I pop pills like they're candy
I drink until it's all fine & dandy
I read books until I lose myself
I write poetry until my head spins
I touch my skin and brush against my scars
I remind myself that it's not over yet
I remind myself as I look at the stars
© sinderella.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
thoughts in my head
never go to bed
they remain
they stain
they ache
they hurt
they love
in the first degree
I wonder why
I'm so caught up
like a snake bite
the poison sinks deep
it brings out
the best
but worst of me
it consumes my mind
leaves a mark
on my brain
where good
once was
in place
© sinderella.

4am poetry, so yeah.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
mistakes can't be erased
pain can't be un-felt
but even the bad
can bring out good
in even the worst
of situations
© sinderella.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
Ritalin Rat
 Jan 2014 xxxx
Ritalin Rat
It's like a big wave that crashes over you.
It drowns you almost.
It's like being drowned.
You can hold your breath at first.
You can act like your fine.
But then it builds.
And builds.
And builds.
Until you break and you can't breathe.
Your gasping for air but you don't get any.
You can't hear.
Only muffled screams.
Telling you to calm down.
But you can't.
You have no control.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
kiss my lips after dark
let's drink til' we're lost
two kids madly in love
needing each other
like they'd need a drug
the passion is enough
to take em' places
different positions
different paces
different levels
of the same rush
through their veins
you are deadly but fine
like the purest *******
your lips intoxicate
it's like drinking
the finest wine

love; we're all addicts.
© sinderella.

I felt super creative, ha.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
 Jan 2014 xxxx
Starstruck when our eyes meet
Electricity goes right through me
Nothing compares to this
This is the sweetest
Most precious
Sense of happiness
In your heart, I find peace
In your eyes, I see sense
In us, I find confidence
Confidence in true love
Confidence in trust
Confidence in worth
Confidence of all sorts
© Natali Veronica 2014.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
Out With The Old
 Jan 2014 xxxx

the year I start clean.

the year I take a breath,
of fresh oxygen.

the year I heal my old wounds.

the year I destroy my memory of you.
© Natali Veronica 2014.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
Your Bride
 Jan 2014 xxxx
I love you so much
with every part
of my heart
I can't wait
for the day
that I become
your bride
© Natali Veronica 2014.

My first poem of the year.
Dedicating it to my fiance.
 Jan 2014 xxxx
 Jan 2014 xxxx

© Natali Veronica 2014.
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