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Dr Peter Lim Aug 2018
I, then, am but a piece
of others, not my own
I'm a million voices
a creature programmed
from childhood to all later years
I'm to wit not myself--genuine
a misplaced expression
of a collective unknown
for to others I belong-
who, who then
is that individual
who dares to declare?
'I AM my pure-self!'
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2015

So many do believe in UFOs
and life in outer space--so they relate--
but I've enough problem taking care
of my decrepit self--I don't speculate

but if a Martian I happen to meet
this to that something I'll tell
' you stupid ******--why did you choose
earth?  A place that's worse than hell'
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2018
Let me be a tiny pebble
for your gentle feet to step upon
happily my heart would settle
long after that blissful moment is gone
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2015
An allegory --man is the worst animal …
he begins to know what it is to be human only at his last moment but,  sadly, it's late, too late

It's too late
the volcano is swallowing up
what's in its way
the storms are raging maniacally through the night
tearing down the mightiest trees and bringing ubiquitous destruction
to homes and buildings
the sea rises to destructive heights
eager to grasp the clouds on high
even the rulers of the jungle
the lions, tigers, leopards and elephants
are in fear, trembling
it's the end of the world
it's the apocalypse
the signs are unmistakable
you can't run
there's no place to hide
even fear has come too late

kings and princes are calling out
to their subjects
shut the gate
protect us
but all have fled from the palaces
to save their families
and loyalty crumbles

and the powerful
are rushing to their hidden vaults underground
to salvage their treasures
before the meltdown

but the red-hot lava is flowing
towards them-closer and closer
all that they are holding in their hands
they throw away
such wealth that had once been amassed
in greed and without compunction
is worth less than sand or mud
item by item the articles drop on the ground

and for once
the human race
starts to wake up
and now it utters--
what's the worth
of diamonds or gold
power, influence and position
here is hell
there is no food nor shelter
we have not eaten for days
soon we shall all be swallowed up
by nature in her relentless revenge

suddenly the rich and arrogant
are trying to become friends of those whom
once they despised and trampled upon
all because this is the hour
of reckoning -side by side-
so humble, so suppliant , so gentle
they suddenly become
'let's help one another'
they speak--first time in their life-
they never knew any language in their heydays
but only that which served their selfish ends
never mind the body odour of the nearest person
what if he were only a labourer or janitor
body touching body
as there's safety in numbers-
like a horde of animals crouching
like children in helplessness crying
like beggars in obsequious beseeching
how easy now to embrace humility
to feel just for a moment the meaning of humanity
man thought once
(before the spectre of now)
he could overcome nature
and rule the earth--

all is quiet now
darkness is descending
the winds are mocking
the clouds are in somber gathering
no human voice is heard--no one is speaking
amidst the debris all around
why is there not a single bird
among the trees or in the air?
in this hell-on-earth?
no bird shall sing
and man shall never walk
this way
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2020
We seem to live in apocalyptic fringes
  ***, SARS, EBOLA and now the virus called CORONA
  daily living is restless and nightmarish experiences
  a train of diseases explodes our very sanity to mar-

  our hopes are driven to disaster's deadly edges
  healing is helpless and looms from fields too far
  while laboratories rush all over to find remedial devices
  CORONA has smitten humanity's face with a hideous   scar.
Dr Peter Lim Jun 2020
There's a Centre
                         within each heart
                        hidden, latent
                        but could be
                       reached and touched

                       beyond thought
                        reasoning and logic
                       which when illuminated
                       will light the once
                       lost self into the Right Path

                      where the Stream
                      is clear, transparent, calm
                      not a single ripple
                      would stir nor perturb
                      and the mind is nestled
                      in the Endless Nowhere
                      beyond every earthly scheme
                      or the most ingenious human art

                     come, o come Silence
                     Source of all Goodness and Grace
                     come to quench the thirsty
                     and feed the hungry
                     come, o come to stay
                     nourish, nurture, bless
                     in abiding, never to part.
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2018
A poem
should not argue
its heart should be pure
though its words might be few-

truth and beauty
it should but seek to imbue
in worship and spontaneity
nothing else then need it pursue.
Dr Peter Lim Nov 2020
I should write not to repudiate
but life to celebrate
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2020
When I over-laboured
it led me to barren land
words and feelings I suffocated
what I wrote even I didn't understand-

poetry should spring*
from the heart's fountain
of spontaneity to bring
beauty that shall ever remain.
* a Keatsian idea
Dr Peter Lim Mar 2019
I will not be circumscribed
by life even in the slightest way
that which should be said, acted on or described
through my poetry shall not be shut from the light of day-

beauty, love, duty, honour should be ascribed
to and never should be kept at bay
such when nurtured and prescribed
ennobles the human spirit through every dark hour of day.
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2015
Oh no, far remote-
I am not a poet though
poetry I write
as I know
I am but a tiny bit of sand
somewhere on the poetic shore
not worthy to be noticed
to be washed away by the tide-  no more
than a fallen leaf
from the giant poetic oak
that has stood so majestically and serenely
with the loftiest and most sublime voice it spoke
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2021
I prefer the unexamined life

            lesser I cogitate-- suffer little from strife
Dr Peter Lim Nov 2018
We should be able to define
our life in just one line
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2019
With all others
you are engaged so busily
but have no time set aside
for an appointment with yourself--sadly
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2021
First Verse of a Love-song (never completed)

Love is not one

but two

it's called


(from John Lennon's hidden notebook--through my eyes)
Dr Peter Lim Mar 2019
Not knowing enough
I've learnt to shut up
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2017
Standing out
I can't ever reach
poetry's exquisite portal
I'm never outstanding.
Dr Peter Lim Nov 2017
People like to gossip
when they GO with their friends
to places where tea or coffee they SIP.
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2017
My friends did ask me in earnest
' At your ending, what do you have to show?'
  what a difficult question! My answer:
  ' Truthfully I don't know'.
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2021
We are not reason

but mood

which decides

whether we feel bad or good
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2021
Don't break

create instead
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2017
A rare moment of insight
could be worth more than
the knowledge acquired over a whole life-time.
Dr Peter Lim Aug 2018
Are things real
or but symbols?
each a facade and masquerade?
must we decipher and peel?

Words are more troublesome
tricky, murky, riddlesome, mischievous
all that is seems to be obscurity-bred
and what I'm writing you'd say: that's impervious!
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2015
Are we then all existentialists
hopeless travellers over life-time?
are we being absurd ,as life seems to be empty
bereft of content and all that's deemed sublime?

time is worse than an executor
who  kills but once--it clings to the flesh--nothing does it relish
it festers and speaks no kind words
only that humans are born to perish

transient is human joy
brittle is its hope
old age creeps in too soon
(it's hard for existentialists to cope)

the waiting
the sighing
the heaving
the suffocating

the questioning
the doubting
the monotonous and inane grinding
which all seems to know no ending

but we are all existentialists anyhow
bearing the cross of being in the here and now
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2021
Some will like you

others, perhaps not

if you like yourself- you can keep

everyone else from your thought
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
You just said
after what you saw:
'Are you OK?'
when my foot was caught by the door!
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
'Are you OK?'
I replied very angrily
if I were so, would I
be writing this ****-poetry?
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
Don't ask me today:
   'Are you OK?'
    just got the sack
    what do you expect me to say?
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
Sick and nauseated by
'Are you OK?'
as though you anticipated
my:  ' Bad day,  not OK!'
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
'Are you OK?'
my answer is: NO!
BTW, it's none of your business
you don't need to know!
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
'Are you OK?'
you aren't my father
why should you care?
you are a real bother!
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
After the week-end horse--race
it was all written over my face
and you came along with your: Are you OK?
you deserve a big punch on your ugly face!
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
'Are you OK?'
  how do I look? (I replied in rage)
  didn't you read? My name came out
in today's  'Bankruptcy Page'
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
' Are you OK?'
  you mean lousy *******
the whole town knew
I was deserted by Lady Lovebird.
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2019
' Are you OK?'
  but do I look great?
  had a burst tire
  for work would be late!
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2018
It would be a sheer waste
of time for us to argue
in the last analysis
I am I and you are you!
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2021
I have tried all my life

but no wisdom did I find

half-way I'd to turn back

still with a doubtful and empty mind
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2020
We take the present
for granted and stare
blankly into the future remote
as though we wish to be anchored there

a rose-coloured dreamscape
we carve from our wild imagination
our chagrin and angst we seek to escape
but end up in the wrong direction

the minutes tick on
the hours on our plight they prey
a mirage deceives our eyes
there's but darkness all the way

but all we have is the now
on such ground is our play
tomorrows*  is another land
that shouldn't be our foray.
*  as an entity, so followed by singular verb--it's like saying 'another land is tomorrows'.
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2018
Life offers everyone
but two arrows and no more
if you missed with the first
and repeated- you have courted your own sorrow!
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2021
Life the ephemeral

as flowers that bloom and vanish

art the eternal

it will never ever perish-

here, love, joy and beauty

with sorrow and tears intermingle

find their voices in ecstasy or pity

all arts touch or hearts and ennoble

1.15 pm Melb time, Sun 18th April
Dr Peter Lim Oct 2017
My ship has anchored
on Merry Village at last
after ten thousand miles at sea
and now rest I must.

I'll get drunk all day long
worry into the waters I'll cast
I'll count my silver and gold
in which I've placed my trust.

The sweetest maid I'll marry
my loneliness I'll put to rust
the village shall hail me as hero
I'm no longer the poor lad of the past.

A fund I'll set up for the needy
  I'll name it The Merry Village Trust
  no child shall live in poverty
  my dream I've realised at last.
Dr Peter Lim Jun 2018
Life is such
you can't always smile
some people annoy you
be nasty---once a while!
Dr Peter Lim Jul 2018
Think not of a second chance
now is the hour to be
time disappears after a single glance
I thrive as I've seized the opportunity.
Dr Peter Lim Mar 2019
I don't ever want
a second in-come
knowing that killing myself
would be the ultimate out-come
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2017
I'll no longer deliberate
not on my side anymore is time
old age comes too soon and is abhorred
it announces: 'Beware of the pending final outcome'.

I'll no longer weep
tears should be left
buried under the river
of the past--not to be delved.

I'll no longer beg to be loved
it shall be mine if such I deserve
if I've been true and in faith abided
love's gentle cradle shall be my preserve.

I'll no longer be on any search
joys and sorrows--they have my life shaped
into the labyrinth of my heart they have ******
in their wordless mysteries I'm draped.
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2017
One doesn't have to be a scholar
to qualify as a good writer
while a scholar
is not necessarily a good writer.
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2021
....but this metaphor
   is not for her
   she won't bother
   the literal she does prefer
Dr Peter Lim Mar 2020
Little do I have
to make a statement
my time I save
to avoid this predicament

for to venture out
belongs to the tiny breed
that has a message to shout
and is proud in their every deed-

' A new world we herald in
  we have the answer to every need
  past ideologies are fit for the bin
  we have planted the superior seed

  and hearts and minds will find
  their flowering without end
  mankind shall happily bind
  as a family- in every corner and bend'

  So loud is the slogan
  aside i quietly stand
  still the chant: 'Truth has spoken!'
  I know I would not be regarded a friend.
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2019
Nothing from you ever
is less than enchanting
your smile soothes and uplifts
and glorious is the morning-

nothing that you say ever
is less than enrapturing
the birds stop short their singing
in their worshipful listening-

nothing that you aspire ever
is less than inspiring
into rarest beauty your words crystallise
nothing is left wanting-

nothing that you dream of
is less than the heart's holy desiring
time shall but re-echo anew
and shower you with every sweet blessing.
Dr Peter Lim Aug 2020
Why do lovers
love songs that are sad?
the latter are but spoilers
surely love should bend towards the glad.
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