Democracy is a too heavily- laden ship it allows everyone to step therein even without a ticket when a heavy storm should blow hard that way it would sink for the impact and its own weight.
I didn't provide him with the poisoned pill he rushed to grasp it as though it were some kind of elixir from him I hid he drank it hurriedly he died sadly (I'm not to blame) that's the true story.
When is 'no' intended to be 'yes'? and 'yes' intended to be 'no'? this enigma has troubled me all my life after so many decades this still I don't know!
The singers all sang so well It's hard for us in the panel to adjudicate In this impasse I have a suggestion to make We should award first prize to my daughter Kate.
The judge lived in constant marital strife he had a big row with his wife that morning at five went to court all confused with a wrong file and sentenced the poor innocent accused for life!