In response to a Post by someone:
'Eckhart Tolle, after 27 years of acute depression, overcame this, in a state of bliss in ONE DAY. Is that possible?'
We are unhappy as we hold ourselves too seriously, too tightly, too selfishly, too judgementally.
In Zen and Taoism, we get rid of our ego, we don’t have fixated thinking, we accept life in all its facets—joy and sorrow, the pleasant and unpleasant—-we follow the flow of life and don’t fight against it. In our centred-ness, we hold our equilibrium in equanimity.
Ingredients making for happiness and sane living, in any culture, are fundamentally the same:
acceptance, kindness and compassion, love, generosity, simplicity, humility, patience, insight, forbearance, magnanimity, forgiveness, humour and in adoration of the transcendental, the divine and all that which is beautiful and life-enhancing.
This is a lifelong journey—we don’t need to lean on any person or their thinking.
ET has many critics, but also a huge following-
it shows the extent of existential angst of so many people in our anxious, restless and confused world.