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Feb 9 · 72
Dr Peter Lim Feb 9
You sanitise
your body
but neglect
the mind-
what use
at all
will you find?
Feb 9 · 33
Dr Peter Lim Feb 9
If you've lost
the fear of self
the whole world
you'd have conquered
and would live
without fear
of anything at all-

the light
doesn't fear the dark
the latter
has been dispelled

all obstacles
have been removed-
the conquest
is complete
and unequivocal
Feb 9 · 46
The Supremacy of Self
Dr Peter Lim Feb 9
Life and the world

would mean nothing

if yourself you don't own--

this would be worse than dying
Feb 9 · 63
The Tao of Living
Dr Peter Lim Feb 9
Don't argue with life-
its mind is made up already
even if you were the smartest
it will claim victory-

follow the gentle Tao
the Way to attain tranquillity
in non-action, non-struggling
non-interfering-- you will set free of misery
Feb 9 · 39
How did you know?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 9
Jackson, how did you know?
     Reply: I heard from John.

    I then asked John
    and he replied:
    I heard from Joe-

     I approached Joe
     and he said:
     Jason told me-

    To Jason I rushed
    and he confided:
    L heard that
    from a stranger
    drunk in the pub!
Dr Peter Lim Feb 9
Life's 'is' and 'isn't'
the latter I choose:
the former has happened
and no longer offers any excitement-

on a journey
the best part
is not arrival
but the in-between expectation-

the rose is in budding
we wait for its blossoming-

the moon is not yet
we watch for its shining-

my lover's letter I'm anticipating
how my longing heart is beating!

Her lips to kiss I'm dreaming
it'll be bliss at our lips' blending!
Feb 8 · 40
The authentic Self
Dr Peter Lim Feb 8
Speak not for me
I need no spokesperson
nor anyone to promote
my cause---my dignity

lies in what I stand for
though unknown to anybody

every life is lived
in the silent singular
miserable is the person
who seeks to be popular

I live and I die
i need none to be nearby
Feb 8 · 59
Dr Peter Lim Feb 8
Don't tell people
what you know
all you need to say is:
' I don't know].

will be cut down
those hidden
upon them others don't frown-

don't tell people
your likes or dislikes
the books you've read
your travels-- none delights

in your boasting
they find such as most irritating
the moral:  be quiet
say nothing!
Dr Peter Lim Feb 8
After midnight
the city pales
in weariness-
too much
it has seen
and experienced
during the clamour
of the day
it hopes for silence
with everyone
being away-

the street-lights
shiver and quiver
all bars and shops
are closed--beggars
sleep in neglected corners
a few dogs linger
in search for food
in ***** bins
a church-bell chimes
as the last trams
and buses
do their final rounds-

a sudden wind descends
and throws debris
and discarded papers
into the cold air-

the city dies
for a while-
is another story
Feb 8 · 58
A Parable
Dr Peter Lim Feb 8
There were only two persons left in the world
after its mysterious end and they owned everything thereof.

They challenged each other to a duel and would fight to the death as they felt that only one of them should own the world.

But destiny had the final say:
when they drew their swords, a sudden lightning descended and struck them and they both died on the spot,  watched by a few birds perching on a nearby tree---all around was silence
Dr Peter Lim Feb 7
An elephant on my working-table
do you say impossible?
Use your imagination:
I'm referring to plastic toy-model!
Feb 6 · 81
After Shelley
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
Poetry, like music.
at its utmost poignancy
speaks of melancholy
which will be engraved
in timeless memory

nothing can usurp
its grandeur and beauty
even at its darkest our
it  echoes so sublimely :

'Hearts,  do not weep
love surely there shall be
springing from every teardrop
and set your misery free'.

Here I am, in my despair
and loneliness, prayerfully
open my heart to its tender voice
and my ears to its ever-blessed melody
Feb 6 · 131
A dim view of Beauty
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
can't fill the tummy
as such
it has no utility
Feb 6 · 89
On Anne Frank
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
Anne Frank: 'The diary of a young girl':

My comment:

We read the book in school. I have re-read.
She was intuitively brilliant and precocious, with the mind of an adult-philosopher.
If she had lived, she would have been a great writer.

I like her optimism, her faith in the essential goodness of people, her sense of humour and her love of life
Feb 6 · 57
A Self-evident Truism
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
It matters not
whether it's old or new:
it will stand the test
of time, if it's true
Feb 6 · 42
An Attitude
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
You needn't speak:
just give a genuine smile
when a total stranger
you accidentally  meet
Feb 6 · 67
This defines me
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
I like the ordinary the banal
the trivial and the naive
I frown upon the serious-
philosophy often causes me grief!
Feb 6 · 32
Be honest
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
Describe yourself --honestly--
in five adjectives-
Feb 6 · 59
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
Only when you're empty
will you be completely free
Feb 6 · 53
Self and Others
Dr Peter Lim Feb 6
You might be
        a paragon of virtue
        yet somehow
        some might not like you

        live for your own then
        but in humility and kindness
        when it's time to say farewell
         you'll know your life has been blessed
Feb 5 · 62
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
Lend me your ear
but not your consent:
I'm just a voice of my own
and might be empty of content
Feb 5 · 61
Food for Thought
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
We can't replace mankind
  with a new form of **** Sapiens
  if we could, how sure are we
   that would be a better breed?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
Modern society is afflicted with TMI (too much information),  truth and sense are missing.  Civilisation is dying a little every day and is on the brink of insanity and inanity.

Are we better in the face of science and technology?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
Think less
feel more

speak less
being wordless,  explore

don't follow
the crowd
you'll have lesser doubt

what people
hanker after, withdraw
wanting is trouble

don't be a part
of any cause
it might come from
an unworthy source

don't be a part
of senseless laughter
life it mocks
it has no character

that which people ignore
might contain
the very seed of wonder

people seek immortality
not realising it's the greatest folly

keenly observe the outside
it will enrich your inside

values are permanent
fame and glory hardly remain

let others regard
you as silly
don't treat them as enemy

know the substance of life--
there's joy and fulfilment
but equally, of sorrow and strife

in the midst of inequity
show your empathy and generosity

in your final days
be not bitter
say instead: I've had laughter
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
There's enough
   more than enough
   to be addressed
  and reckoned with
   right now---
  I shouldn't stray
   looking far away:
   the moment ticks
   into the inevitable next
   nothing sticks
   all things are in a flux

   who dares say
   to love
   ' wait--I haven't decided' ?
    in the wink
    of the eye
   it has parted!

   So brief
  are the day's hours
  by evening
  we see but
  drooping flowers

I'll not think
of tomorrow
only the now
I feel and know

after my words
there's silence
what's next
but the difference?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
Marriage is in grievous danger
when there's no food in the larder
Feb 5 · 69
Dr Peter Lim Feb 5
You called me silly?
Many thanks for reminding me
so often I fell on this side
I laughed at my stupid pride!
Feb 4 · 41
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
Are we always consistent?
The answer is 'nay'
We change with every circumstance
even moments within the day

but one relevant issue emerges:
about love, what can we say?
Can we make any excuse
for failing part of the way?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
There's too much self-assertion

in social media as though the proponents

are coercing readers to agree with them

so that they would feel they are held in appreciation
Feb 4 · 64
Life and I
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
Life is a roller-coaster
   up and down
   down and up
   in its every round

   there's no still=point
   nor equilibrium--only
    flux and oscillation
    the certainty of uncertainty

    a Stoic I am to the utmost degree
    and in indifference I live
    whatever the outcome
    it causes me no grief
Feb 4 · 62
The Outsider
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
Don't be wary
of my presence
I'm only a spectator
nothing will I say
listening to others--merely
with no motive
or agenda
I observe impassionately
there's lesson unfolding
and when all
is over
I'll leave quietly
none would even know
or notice me at all
Feb 4 · 50
What Utopia?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
...but Utopia
   is not a place
   as people
   erroneously regard-
    rather a state
    of mind--
    the search
    for perfect equilibrium
    with the Yin and Yang
     in harmony
     and congruence -
     it's fascinating
     but unreachable
    a will o'-the-wisp-
    the chase is futile-

    seek not Utopia
    it's a myth:
    to fall for it
    is to be servile
Feb 4 · 77
Self and Others
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
In myself
I may take pride
but this I keep inside

life is lived
in the singular
little of the intrinsic
is found in the outside

society is an aggregate
a symbol, amorphous
no direction does it pose-
I alone will be my best guide
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
When things
are taken
for granted
moves forward-
and indifference
take hold
of the person's life
he exists
in the wasteland
he has created

gratitude deserves
the greatest respect-
it's a mark
of true humanity
that has to be
always cultivated
Feb 4 · 46
The Self and the Past
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
To some
  the past only whispers
  to others, it wildly roars-
  it can't be stopped
  sometimes it soothes
  at other times
  it has to be borne
  as a heavy cross

how does this affect
your life?  Do you accept
or fight back in recall?
This is a conundrum
and angst to most
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
Is it an enemy
or friend--time?

But I care not either
only I alone can determine
my desired outcome!

I'll not allow it
to interfere or intrude
my path I chart
my field I farm

time doesn't exist
if to it  attention I don't pay:
my future I shape
it stays away and is dumb
Feb 4 · 51
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
Don't ever say:
' I can't help it!'
It's sheer giving up
and surrendering
the demise
of your very being

rather that:
' This ordeal
  is my teaching
  my wakening
  in my future doing
  I'll be seeing
my dream materialising !'
Feb 4 · 33
Dr Peter Lim Feb 4
We can't let go
in fear
of losing ourselves

we stubbornly
hold on
even though
it has no worth-

ah, we become slaves
to our pride
and ego-
the clinging
the self-worshipping
the rationalising
the self-defining
all that but ends
in the dehumanising
of our very being

we can't let go
even in the last hours
of our dying
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3

and understanding
is a drawn-out process

you might make
a mistake
along the way
but you'll emerge
and inherit
ultimate  success
Feb 3 · 41
The Human Condition
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3
People are fractured
or broken
in parts
of themselves only
but not in totality:
they can resurrect
in future time
though painfully-

we are each tested
in the crucible
to extremity
that's cast
upon on us
by destiny-

we are broken
or fractured
but weathering
through the worst
we rise
in utmost courage
and  dignity
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3
What you could lift
         you can let off with ease
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3
Are you natural and spontaneous
or defensive and suspicious ?
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3
can't be trusted:
emotionally stirred
their contents tend
to be exaggerated-
words are florid
and sugar-coated
the lover to please
the person wishes
to be love-reciprocated -

are not for
the mature minded
the fewer
and sincerer
the words
the couple
will be richly rewarded
Feb 3 · 49
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3
I don't invest
in Bitcoin
stocks or shares
( I've no knack
  about making money)
  The safest I'll choose:
   I'll invest in myself
Feb 3 · 59
Dr Peter Lim Feb 3
In the no-self
where's the fear?
Ex nihilo
no danger will appear
Feb 2 · 53
LIfe's Encounters
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2
I know
when to retire
from the scene
I don't need
to take a hint-
every encounter
has its merit
or conflict
such I accept
and don't weep

life is never perfect
we are far from so
we doubt
we struggle
we fumble
we *****
we step aside
unsure of
our next step

if I need
to grow
I must learn
what to keep
or let go
Feb 2 · 67
A bit of me
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2
I don't regret
knowing I'm human
and life's never perfect
Feb 2 · 164
A Writer's Life
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2
I've written enough
there's no urgency
to write more-
too many flowers
will choke the meadow
too many words
will confusion draw-

silent I'll be for now
for my next inspiration I'll wait
there will be the right ripening
my life I'll then happily celebrate.
Feb 2 · 72
I can't be posted
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2
I'm not a consignment
I can't be posted-
in no whatever way  
can anyone parcel me:
and I'll not be labelled:
'Fragile and registered'
Feb 2 · 95
You and I
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2
Delete my name
from your records
our stars aren't in alignment
at loggerheads are our thoughts

to compromise
we did try before
but we were too full of ourselves -
our relationship met with  quick demise
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