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We seem to know others better
but often are self-alienated
we've ceased to be ourselves
and live a life that's desperate and bewildered
11h · 40
I'll stay out
I can't comment
   I know so very little
  my silence I'll keep
  I'll pass over to other people

let them debate, argue
dispute or mock--it will not stop:
each will clamour to be right
words will drop and drop!
The seemingly easy
might hide difficulty
that which is difficult
on practice could be accomplished easily
If you should praise yourself
keep within--people don't need to know-
this self-recognition is healthy
as with life you silently flow
13h · 27
West and East
West:  Go forth!

Zen:   Be still
Be glad you're criticised
it means you've been recognised
14h · 23
The World and I
It's hard for me
the world to see
eye to eye-
we are each
a separate entity -
it does ******
tempt and even lie
but I can't compromise
nor be bought
like merchandise -

its mind is made up
loyalty and compliance
it seeks-- it's hegemony
but I seek democracy
its ideology I can't buy-

how brief and transitory
is life -- I'll not waste away
in being part of anyone
nor any cause
I consider not worthwhile -

in the depth of night
under the stars I walk
in rumination and aloneness
such consolation I feel
and I know I'm totally
free and sublimely alive.
1d · 22
Why we weep
We weep
    not for ourselves
    but for those
    in untold suffering-
    the innocent
    in the name
    of national cause
    or ideology-
    lives don't count
   whether a thousand
   or ten thousand
   should perish
  while the perpetrators
   sit back to watch
  the carnage
  drinking champagne
or revelling in whisky

we who feel
for the suffering
of our fellow-beings
can't cease weeping
in the face of humanity's dying
Life is not
    a rose-garden
    on the contrary
    it's constant burden

    we can go anywhere
    to what direction we may turn
    unrealised will be our dreams
    disappointments --how they burn!

   This then is the perennial lesson:
   to bear hazards and hardships we've to learn
1d · 33
If you can treat
work as fun and play
you'll wake up cheerfully
to greet the day-

however difficult the tasks
( secondary is the pay!)
you'll tackle enthusiastically
even though longer hours you'll need to stay-

when over is the day
these words you'll say:
'   I've done it---MY way!'
How could I ever say
I knew when it was just partial?
If asked upon I'd be dumb
and be in embarrassing dismay!

Of assertion everyone should beware
in every field there are experts and authorities
I'd be the world's laughing stock
if such assertion I were to declare
Will you be
more yourself today
compared with yesterday?
The idea came
to my mind
it crystallised
in my heart
feelings began
to suffuse
words broke
into verse-
to be hidden
they did refuse-
the creative muse
is an endless wonder:
fiery, fearless, dauntless
and uncompromising
it can't be defused!
2d · 46
Folly of Travel
Don't travel so far
that you can't find
your way home-
like a drunken person
in another place and time
you've left your heart and mind

to your senses
when you've later come
and long for home
it will be too distant-
your past footprint
you'll be unable to find

do not travel too far
all you need is in your home
many have returned empty-handed
disillusioned, disappointed, tired
and vowed never again to roam-
home is that which truly does bind
doesn't buy freedom
between the two
I'll choose the latter
in my freedom
I'll work towards wisdom-
this certainly is better
Don't say:
'I can't help it'
you certainly can
if you'll keep your wit
2d · 82
When I return
When I return
will I be a better person
or still unchanged
with my faults unbroken?

If so, it'd be preferable then
that I don't return--I'd be empty-handed
with nothing to celebrate, no story to relate
a moral failure,  scorned and disregarded
2d · 55
Life becomes lighter
if you learn to let go
if held tighter
the self will not grow

it will be fettered
its space will be constrained
freedom will be curbed
living will be endlessly strained
That I am being admired means nothing to me:

I should accept what I am and not be affected by the opinion of others
Being simple
is very hard
that's why
people easily lose heart

who would be willing to let go
of their cherished comfort-zone?
in their anxiety and fear, doing so
would mean themselves they no longer own

such is typical human nature
which is insular and self-directed
with its boundary clearly drawn
every move carefully calibrated

over time, the self hardens
change is no longer possible:
it has been cast in the hardest steel
and is no longer malleable
It must be grounded

on moderation and reality

lest one becomes deluded
has their
'once upon a time'
each in a different form
intensity or rhyme

do you know yours
or wish not to remember
for reason or reasons
of your own
to others?

Mine belongs
to me alone
I don't need
to share-
oft times
scenes of the past
revisit to remind
we were intimately
close before-

I'm an old man now
my eyes are weak and dim
still that point of time
continues to stick
to my very sensitive skin
I'm kept alive
in memory
in reverie
in the tiniest
of poignancy
and imagery.
3d · 50
You and the day
Let what you've done
in the day leave no trace
for you to regret in any way
or cause you any shame-
the acts will speak for you
and your reputation
will suffer no stain-
all that you'll inherit
is dignity, honour and gain
A good organisation creates an environment that fosters openness, creativity, courage, authenticity and freedom.

There's no coercion, compulsion, fear or lack of security.

With such an ethos, the organisation will keep its people and enjoy greater growth and productivity.
You love the world
does it care
or reciprocate?
Haven't you felt this before?

Life is no Utopia
to think so is grievous error
idealism doesn't work
dreams fall over-

you love the world
it doesn't see it as a favour
even your utmost effort
will end in futile endeavour
You've spent most of your life
analyzing other people
but haven't enough time
to understand yourself-
that's your greatest moral trouble!
3d · 46
Facets of Life
Life this is:
Should I?
Should I not?
Which is more worthy
of note?

Do I like
or dislike?
What are my grounds?
Which would be right?

Should I engage
or disengage ?
Which would be
to my advantage
or disadvantage?

Should I continue
stop, or pause?
Which would be
a better course?

Should I stand apart
or participate?
Which would give me
the cause to celebrate?

Should I stay here
or go away?
Am I sure
which would make my day?

Should I believe
or disbelieve?
Do I truly know
which would bring relief?

All said, of this
I'm sure I know:
this is my life
the path Ive chosen I'll follow
3d · 63
Saying NO
In response to a post on the same subject:

Saying NO requires true courage-
An honest NO is better than an unauthentic  YES
You can only be
your true self
when you've ridden
of all your doubts
that are hidden
in your life's shelf-

the past
must be laid dead
into new ground
you must break -
a new path
you must take-
by no means
as easy task
don't you mistake!

The sojourn
will be rough
and tough
your will and resolve
will be put
to the utmost task

the triumph
will be yours
at last
if you're bold enough!
So little of life
do I ask-
in my simplicity
everything is enough

every beseeching
is a loss of freedom
the greater the desiring
the tighter the prison

ah,  what joy-
nature is beckoning!
Winter's snow has melted
now is the kiss of spring

outside my window
the flowers are dancing
on the nearby tree
a bird is cheerfully singing

at my little farm- the whole year
I've been diligently cultivating
every corner is blooming
ah,  it's time now for the best harvesting!
3d · 29
Hello, Poetry
Hello, Poetry
many thanks
for knocking
on my door-
do you want me more?

Oh no
don't apologise
though me you woke
ere the break
of dawn-

last night of you
I dreamt
such tender words
you spoke
dearer than those
of my most intimate friends'

whatever, whenever
in no way will we quarrel
we are each the other's alter ego
a tie that will never be severed
only destined to grow

this my heart does know:
when my life's sojourn is over
you'll be near
to hold my hand
to comfort
and happily
into the Realm
of Eternal Beauty
I'll go
3d · 54
A bit of me
I can't live life clinically
that's why I choose poetry
This is joy lasting:
the thought that I'm nothing
no striving, no competing-
no comparing, no seeking

in no-grasping and no engaging
in silence, peace and contentment abiding
It never affects
nor defeats me- the external -
of my life I'm in full control
my courage and endurance is internal
4d · 55
West and East
West:   Aim at success

    East:     Pursue peace
4d · 60
Carpe Diem
Don't aim
at the future
what's on hand
is enough treasure
in the beckoning
of every opportunity -
there shouldn't be
any reason for tarrying-
the sun has only
set hours for shining
soon comes its setting-

let your talent
be in best unfurling
let your heart
be fearless in feeling
let not love
be in waiting
reach out
for the lips
that are craving
for kissing-

indeed every moment
is right for praying-

don't look
too far ahead-
the present
is your becoming
the reason for living-

when the last bell
is in chiming
you'd have no regret
but find sublime joy
in your farewelling
Don't ever say:
' I can't help myself...'
  every situation
  you can control
  if you believe in yourself
World history
means nothing
to the common person-
each is only interested
in their own life-story
We can't rush through life:
living requires patience
waiting, grit and endurance
there's much discomfort and strife
I should never say:
Let the day inspire me
rather,   let me inspire the day
The heart has desires
that the mind can never understand
Without stillness
there's no mental clarity
people are over-active
they are shrouded in ambiguity
5d · 137
West and East
West:  Accumulate

Zen:    Empty yourself
5d · 130
I don't thirst
to be first
unknown and unnoticed
I silently pursue my life-purpose
I can't say
people are unkind
but this I do believe:
selfishness is what drive their each mind
I can't say
people are unkind
but this I believe:
selfishness is what drives their each mind
5d · 56
Search Yourself
An ugly word- 'accuse'
   why do you use?
   Do you really have a case?
   On what legitimate ground does it rest?
Every person
     creates their freedom
     or their prison-
     it's an internal phenomenon
It's within---sanity-
     I don't look out to society
5d · 45
Human Conundrum
Where love is
people neglect
where it's not
they regret
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