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Love is a stranger
to some---they fear
it for reasons
they know not
so away they hide
to wake up some day
disillusioned, alone
and regret
they lacked
the courage
but sadly
love has fled!
Can you smell life
like a flower that's alive?

Can you feel its pulse
in whatever guise?

Can you hold its hand
its every message you understand?

Can you gauge its temperament
whether it's impatient or patient?

Can you be assured of its even temper
time and time over?

Can you trust its promise
and hope for the peace it gives?

Can you count on its fairness
its encouragement and praise?

Can you be sure of it being a friend
when all has fallen at the end?
There's always beauty
but we turn away
we don't care to see
and inherit a dull and dismal day-

so ugly is the word 'busy'
it keeps wonders at bay:
life is lived in dreadful monotony
and all is but debris and decay
but my doubt gives me courage--
I venture to do better
Life is just this:
in favour
or not in favour-
which does more matter?
Am I ridiculous?
Are you really serious
in saying this--in earnest?

Never mind-

you're odious

and no less
I ain't handsome
charm I've none
poor in ordinary speech
nothing of worth can I reach-

never went to school
I'm a farmer's son
worked daylong
until the setting of sun-

can't read or write
but conversant
with every flower
and plant--content

you're rich and pretty
why would you want
to marry me?
That would be your total misery!

Oh, so you said, now I see:
'  A good gardener
  makes a great lover!'
  if so, I'll marry thee--readily !
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