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Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
Bees in the garden
buzzing over apple-trees
insects creep below
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
The height of summer
wood-cutter works in forest
bathes in nearby stream
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
Lotus in the stream
firefly stays motionless
frog watches closely
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
Cottage by the sea
windows slammed by heavy winds
there is no respite
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
Dear M,

I have no doubt every moment is a test of our inner self---our thought, our action and our demeanour.
I believe Zen can be learnt by everyone --it has worked for me.
Humility is the starting point--if we can't acquire humility, we can't learn.
Delving into our inner self, we find not only the contradictions within us but also discover how embedded our prejudices and how fixed our thoughts-patterns are--the product of so many factors which I shall not enumerate here.

You are absolutely right--I have held this view for perhaps 3 decades….that old age is not synonymous with wisdom, grace or mellowness, precisely because of the (bad) habits we have formed.
That's why we get provoked when our 'erroneous zones' , or our sensitive /vulnerable spots are encroached upon.
Even the slightest remark or the most innocent action of others makes us lose our sense of control and we turn into savages.

Some old people also think they have the right to impose their will on others---'I have seen more of life than others, so I know more, so I can teach you, you must learn from me….'.
It's a kind of tyranny and the people around them, especially the family, suffer.

When we say, grow old with grace….it's that we do away with those undesirable and unpleasant tendencies.

Zen is such a marvellous way of seeing ourselves and the world anew, and by doing so, we acquire balance, harmony, peace, tolerance and ultimately true insight-
when the word 'enlightenment' is used in common parlance, I think it has nothing to do with the 'spiritual' but rather a high degree of perception and clarity when  the dust in our minds has been cast away and the toxicity within us has been cleansed…

What psychotherapy does is to help the distressed person to understand  himself and, with this insight, he would learn to rid himself of complexes and self-destructive thought-patterns that make his life unfulfilled and miserable.

You are a trained psychologist and no doubt know more than me, a layman.

Yes, we'll meet soon to talk about this.

11.15 pm now in Melb and I am ready to go to bed.
Warm wishes
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
End of term school-break
money worries of parents
credit limits stretched
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
Art exhibition
surrealism is the theme
viewers look puzzled
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