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Dom Aug 2014
Love is woven by its own wisdom,
And of ecstasy in such sweet longing
Cupid’s arrow; love’s purpose,
Isn’t a mortal’s question..
But hearts will truly touch; and be
Blessed with love immeasurable
Dom Aug 2014
If you were to ask of my love,
‘What does this love feel like?’
It would be silent
For there are no words that could compare
Such ecstasy and harmony,
Being in love with you..
Dom Aug 2014
I just want to mean something to you

A colour, a scent or ache for a kiss
Nothing too fancy; it’s such a little a wish

Forever my desire de te faire l'amour
And you abandon me, behind this bedroom door

I just want to mean something to you
Dom Aug 2014
Earth’s verge seeking the sun,
And morning splendour intensifies
Life stirs, and flowers look skyward
And the honey bees come to feast
Dom Aug 2014
You’re everything so bewitching,
Such loveliness quickens my heart
Your curves slip around my defences
And your satin skin in black satin lace
Dom Jul 2014
your loveliness so quickens my heart
with satin skin in black satin lace;
such curves tease my anticipation,
beguiled with the beauty of your face
Dom Jul 2014
I asked of my tear, "why do you fall?"  
        .. a soft sigh replied,
                   "for the love, that leaves you breathless.."
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