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Dom Jul 2014
Thought and deed coalesced
Weaved a spiritual-bridge,
Rhythms of friendship
Embraced, tantalizing years;
Yet in a heartbeat: it dissolved
Dom Jun 2014
The warmth of your breath
In a morning kiss,
Gliding over my skin
A perfect wave of love,
Whelms in a teardrop,
Of a thousand tiny kisses within;
And about to fall, in a heartbeat
Dom Jun 2014

slip into hours, each second anew,
like the very first ..
still, i ache for your touch, your voice ..
precious moments, memories
shared, so cherished in the calm of night
love entwines our heart's whisper,
desires collide, as i breathe you in ,
in moments together .. i so want ..

                                                   With You
Dom Jun 2014
Why do I desire you so?
And hunger, for you meanwhile,
Marking time to our rendezvous,
For your panacea of a smile

In a restaurant, I see you,
And so a wave of a hand,
Why take a chance? I know better,
Than to be your seduction plan

The scent, of a tender trap,
As you breeze, or brush by,
The femme fatale with raven hair,
What kind of fool, am I?
Dom Jun 2014
Remember here, we first made love?
I asked you, why do you love me?
Was it again, to break my heart;
In our secluded place, under this tree?

Your face, I saw in shadows of night,
And smiling that smile, just for me
The promises made, the love we shared..
I asked again, why do you love me?

I hurried in moonlight, to surprise tonight;
Your love, summoned on every breeze
Now tell me why ─ beneath our tree..
You’re loving her! And didn’t, expect me!
Dom Jun 2014
Your love lingers..

    in tiny caresses upon my skin
           You are the one my heart aches for,
                 who will always hold me close..

                            Our colliding hearts, beat as one
              .. and in these precious moments,
                                                                of  You ..
Dom Jun 2014
When my heart breaks;
it’s because i miss you so..
and the wildness of which it beats,
is when you whisper my name..
all my longing
                             ­          s
              and always, you touch..
the very depth of me..
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