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Dom Oct 2014
A glimpse of the curve of her smile,
The flicker of brown eyes,
A strand of ash blonde hair,
As fingers quickened to her veil
Such elegant lips, once secret—
Vows seal with a kiss
Dom Sep 2014
It’s not of love once desired,
It’s not of love once special,
It is of ecstasy unimagined:
The love I have found in you
Dom Sep 2014
Your voice breaks a thought
Tempered like a shard of glass;
A caveat marinade in a smile
Dom Sep 2014
A kiss then she slips away; I am annulled
Her contrary life is ever forging strife
Behold what ricochet love desires hold
Good riddance my would-be—wife!
Dom Sep 2014
The brain is a piece
Of hardware acquiring the
Best software—takes time
Dom Sep 2014
Love’s gentle touch,  
On moonbeams from afar
Reach beyond my wildest dreams..
And forever in a whisper,
You answer my heart..
In waves of love;
Gift wrapped, with you..
Dom Sep 2014
Uncoil his fingers’ grasp
Exhibit this exceptional spoil
With a Magpie’s glinting eye;
Espy this rarest of rare stamp
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