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Addison René Nov 2020
hot iron,
wax, melting
inside my mouth.
tongue tastes like
a microscope. dry like
a wasteland inside my mind.

twelve o'clock
strikes at the stroke
of one, one o'clock
at the strike of two.

the train has already left.
unless it hasn't. time
doesn't move in silence.
it moves according to
the way of the cosmos.
Addison René Oct 2020
i don't care
if you don't care
i don't mind
if you don't mind
i don't see
what's wrong
with what i might find...
if i don't find you.

where are you?
are you hiding?
are you playing with fire?
with the flower beds?
with all your friends?
are you playing dead
somewhere? should i
even say a prayer?

i don't care,
if you don't care.
where are you?

out there.
Addison René Oct 2020
wrapped in satin,
under a thousand rocks,
under a million rocks,
under a black, silky,
unkept bed. he sits awaiting
a resilient retriever,
discounting all of the
grievances that could ever
fill up the coal colored
graciously, she descends
from the moss ridden
earth, an organic type
of rescue only to recieve
a murky tinged breed of man.
Addison René Sep 2020
burnt skins smells like
ashes from the chimney
during winter and the
toaster oven sighs.
so do i. my bagel is crisp,
maybe even posionious,
but i eat it anyway. like i always
do. second degree burns never
kept me from the next day.
callouses and bruises thread up
the calves of your legs. you pretend
it's not there but i know. my boyfriend
likes to come home past ten. but i know
he is always late, always exaggerating
the circumstances we like to live within,
and somehow we can never pierce it,
like artificial skin.
Addison René Sep 2020
peach fuzz,
moss fuzz,
what is the
frosted flakes,
my back aches,
i feel like a broken
fence. tight muscles,
white knuckles,
i smell a cigarette.

when the ocean reaches
the sky, we're dreaming
of a different life. when
no one wants to die,
we're innocent and alive.
stop for a second,
breath it all in.
all we are is flesh and blood.
Addison René Sep 2020
sticky and sweet
synthetic acai
slips off my tongue.
driving home in
but always ready for bed.
thank you for being my
favorite friend.
  Sep 2020 Addison René
Eric Michael
Little plastic signs cover all the lawns
Spend your money for the rich leaders cause
Here to show your support
For the ones looking for a job
Here to take your money
To argue all the opinions
Like it even matters at all.

“Another a**hole’s name”
Broken promises, led astray
Money claims everything
Is there no room for love at all?
Where’s the unconditional?
Screaming and fighting
Trusting all the lies.
I won’t play that game.
No room to control change.
Live your life,
Cause it’ll never be the same.
Electors finding rage, they will hate
But love will be the only way.
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