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Star Gazer Mar 2016
Maturity is the ability to responsibly act like a child.
-ColeSlawGamer (Reddit)
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Maybe I was too sure of many things
that I shouldn't have been sure about?
Star Gazer Aug 2016
Maybe he's still alive, that sullen guy
who crept out of the abyss like a moth
and before we even knew the depth,
he saw light and chased every ray.

The beautiful girl unbeknownst by touch,
slided,skated and glided on words
and the two of them flew on lexical wings,
afraid of falling from the heat that was love.

Guy and girl, found one another's arms,
Fought against an avalanche of cold snow,
they held each other against the mountains.

Love soon discovered it was labelled love,
And as my heart awoke to thoughts of you,
suddenly your heart became a guiding light.
Star Gazer Jun 2016
Maybe he's still alive, that sullen guy
who crept out of the abyss like a moth
and before we even knew the depth,
he saw light and chased every ray.

The beautiful girl unbeknownst by touch,
slided,skated and glided on words
and the two of them flew on lexical wings,
afraid of falling from the heat that was love.

Guy and girl, found one another's arms,
Fought against an avalanche of cold snow,
they held each other against the mountains.

Love soon discovered it was labelled love,
And as my heart awoke to thoughts of you,
suddenly your heart became a guiding light.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I ran the slopes
Ran uphills
And downhills
Ran till I came
To a stand still.

The beautiful view
reminded me of you,
Across the buildings
of the cities
were gravestones.

You would call them
zombie revival spots
where things rot
and people
wished they didn't
have reserved
parking spots.

I know the bouquets after bouquets
of flowers won't bring you back
But I don't know why I still try
I don't know why I still cry
I don't know why I still sigh.

Every time I drive to you
Or I would run to you
I can remember the things
The things that we used to do
I can remember
When I first met you
When I first hugged you
I can remember
Making you laugh at "oh poo".

I don't know why I'm still
Like the way I am,
Floating back and forth
All over memories of you.
I guess it's because
you put the skies together
We made pie together (or at least tried to)...

I don't know if you can hear it from up there
Tiff's baby boy, little guys already walking...

I keep buying you flowers,
Will you ever come back,
You've taught me to be afraid
So afraid of trusting another person
That when everything goes right
someone somehow just disappears,
and you know what...
you haven't exactly been wrong.

I tell people what they want to hear
I tell them what I know keeps them
But I haven't heard anyone say to me
That one day I will forget you...
And I wish I could...
But I know I definitely couldn't.

I still have every email
Every text message
Every single line smiley
Every photo
Every video
Everything ...
I still open them once in a while,
I read them with tears and smiles.
Strange huh?

No matter how many flowers I leave
There won't be a morning where I wake up
And your face is looking down on mine
(like the time you broke into my house... remember? )...
I would give anything,
To see you once more.
Not in photos
Not in videos
But in front of me.
I miss you
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The world tells me to
'Don't be afraid to be yourself ',
Well newsflash world,
I hate myself,
I'm a ******* *******,
That should be left to rot.
Star Gazer Sep 2016
I have set my heart to rest in the palms
Of so many others, each a spiralling hate
grown from the echoes of differences
but I guess I've come to regret my mistakes.
I have loved as much as I have lost
Watched the tides take love from me like a kite
caught between the drifts of stormy winds
Just hoping that one day things will be alright.
Maybe I trusted myself with too many others,
screamed 'here take a piece of my heart...
do what you want with it because I trust you
Not to ever break it into pieces and parts'.
I never did learn, what it was like to not trust
And I guess doing so, I drew the short end
of a twisted stick, just some sick game to those
Who saw it fun to break hearts over and over.
I look around, I see people filled with life
Filled with joy, I look at a mirror and I see
a desperate cry for help that goes unheard
because of all the things unsaid like simply
'I love you and I hope you do too'.
I guess me...and others...we weren't meant to be
We weren't meant to ever be lovers.
So I write this dedicated to those who I've loved...
And those who I have lost.

'A part of me will always remember what we had
And you might not think you had an impact
But I guess you gave me a piece of myself I never
knew that I ever had.

You have a piece of my heart-
And you can keep it;
I won't need it where I'm going...'

From: Someone you once knew, and someone who needs to forget.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
The miss you’s were misused
The ‘tis you led to tissues.
I know for sure the preaches,
As shore as the beaches
That we weren’t meant to be.
Star Gazer May 2016
Meeting you...

*It was like learning to ride a bike
Without the comfort of training wheels
It was like learning to swim
Without the dangers of water
I will carry it through the rest of my life.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You shone brighter than
Any star in the night sky
I have no regrets
Star Gazer Apr 2016
For me
Happiness is synonymous with chocolate
For me
Melted is synonymous with chaos
For me
Tragedy is synonymous with melted happiness.

To open a bar of chocolate
Only to realize what you have
Is the stain of a thousand crushed dreams and hope.

What is the point of living when even the chocolate I wish to consume can't even maintain its perfect shape?

What hope do we have at finding a perfect human when we can't even have a perfect creation of a simplistic sweetness?
Star Gazer May 2016
You made me forget all of my past
And made me feel as though
Only the future ever really mattered
Until you became another photo
In a box of photos that will never
Once again see a single ray of
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I remember your hair,
As it lit up the night,
I remember the sight.

I remember the morning after we'd fight,
Because we never made the wrongs right,
You'd face to the left and I to the right.

Back against back the next day,
Not a single word we could say,
To make anything go the right way.

I remember your heart made of clay,
The way your sight had stray,
And I could remember you walking away........

That day.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
We sat in the car singing our favourite song
We'd lost track of time and sang all day long.
Terrible yelling out of tune,
I can still remember every second of it,
The smile on your face,
The smile across mine.

"See, people they don't understand
No, girlfriends, they can't understand
Your grandsons, they won't understand
On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand"

I guess life is like a game of golf,
you get a chance at The Strokes
and realise that some things end.
The strokes - Last Nite was me and my best friends favourite song. It was one of the happiest moment in my life, to have someone scream (i don't think its called singing ) with.

If she was still with me, I'm sure she would love The Strokes - Under the cover of darkness.....
Star Gazer Nov 2016
The sad thing about tonight is that I'm all alone
I might have even forgotten this feeling,
but I bruise of unnamed numbers in my phone
I can't quite seem to get to healing.

For every call that I have ever made,
For every ways that my heart came to break,
For every single one of my mistakes
Tonight is the night that showed on my face.

Unnamed digits though I know each one clearly
I've deleted those numbers maybe a thousand times
but each time they seem to like the way that I cry,
So tonight is the night that I've grown weary.

So Goodbye
For tonight is the night,
where everything feels right.
The stars, they're beautiful.
As beautiful as the eyes of everyone I've ever loved.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Memories like waves
Crashing against the calm shores
Dissipating into nothingness.

Memories like graffiti art
Surrounded by empty admiration
Fading into meaningless.

Memories like chalk
Erased by the creation's touch
Vanishing with the winds.

Memories of you and me
like white ink stains
On a white canvas.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Before I met you
I died every night
But with you by my side
I die every morning
Because I would rather
Die with a sunrise
And your company
Forever immortalised
In the fabric of my
~No I am not dying. I didn't really know what I was trying to write.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I would never forget you
So please don't forget me...
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Tears leak out of tiny ducts,
When I see photos of you.
Great thing about the digital era,
Is that these photos don’t haunt my memories.
But the memories I have of you will never fade.
All the memories are coated in one particular shade,
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My mother,
Seemed to be filled with wisdom,
Built her own little fort-
And us kids, served in this kingdom.
Although she is fair,
She says every parent always cares,
And she has shown this.
Around the house,
There aren't family photos,
Or portraits of a family,
Because I haven't exactly
Had a conventional family.
Mother once said to me,
'Family is not who's blood you carry,
It's who can hug you like a panda,
When you are sad'.

I have two cousins
Who are filled with vibrant energy
Set on appreciating and experiencing
Every moment of life.
Seeing things through kids eyes
Must be different,
Fighting over
Which my little pony is better.

I have a baby sister-
She doesn't do much.

I have me,
I have been told I should love me,
And I want to write this poem,
To show what life looks like to me.

I have a myriad friends,
Who raise interesting questions
And help me when I'm down.
One of my closest friend helped me
Move from my most recent heartbreak
Posing the question
'Do you live for now, do you live for the future
Or do you cloud your head and live in the past?'.

I had two best friends,
One male and one female,
My bestie ...left this world
In search for a different meaning to beauty,
And my male bestie,
Became too toxic for my search for stability.

That's all there is about me,
I expect no painting,
I expect nothing really.
Just airing who I am,
To a world of people
That I don't fully know yet.

I am me,
And I seek,
All the light,
That settles inside,
I also have all you poets
To keep writing.

You are all beautiful,
And special people.

Lets ride the waves
Till we reach the shores.
Star Gazer Aug 2016
You tried and you tried,
Taunted me while I cried.
I've had enough of you,
You coloured your skies
With the blue that I provide,
My pain soothes your soul
As though we're all a game
Moving your pawns back
and forth.

A chess game where
going back is a possibility
each strategy filled with
nothing but hostility.

This is my legacy
Read my words
And you will hear
the sounds of my cries
Read my words
And you will find
the tattered pieces
of my life.

You won't find me dead,
You won't take me alive.
I've got nothing left to hide.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A mime while performing a little show for the street watchers notice a woman who seemed to be an angelic presence descended from the Heavens.

He started gesturing in the air, in pretense that he is opening a door and then walking into the door. After about four times of air locking the door, he finally steps through the door and starts to commit the biggest crime a mime could do.

He muttered "You are so beautiful, I had to walk through the door to tell you that you're adoorable".

With a little blush and a little bit of her hands covering her cheeks she questioned the mime's performance, "I thought you're not allowed to speak?"

He took a step back and said "I had to speak just to express mime heart, you beautiful angel".
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We walked through artillery shells,
We walked through all kinds of hell,
And in the end I had to walk alone,
In this degraded dark battle zone,
I call my mind.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
One uneventful night I had a dream,
A breed of the creatures that no longer roam the Earth,
A tragicasaurus was what it called itself.

It spoke in a mixture of growls and english,
I was mesmerised by this moment and wanted a selfie,
I reached for my phone but it was missing.

A mixture of panic and fear set in over my body,
And the dinosaur forever remained a figment,
Of my imagination.

If I could capture every one of my dreams,
It would contain only photos of you,
And that would be the most exhilarating,
Most beautiful collection of photos in existence.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My heart screams at me
It's reverberating the words
'She's perfect', let her know
But my mind, my mind clouds
The words that come from
My heart.
My mind is telling me,
'If you do, there's no going back',
So I let my mind
Silence the thoughts that my heart
has created.
I let my mind
Silence the ***** that keeps me alive.
I ask myself daily now
'Will I ever be more than a struggle
Between heart vs mind? Will I ever
Be able to choose my heart like
A dog chooses to fetch a stick
Without any actual commands?'
If I were to let my heart choose,
It would say ' Go tell her you
really really think she's beautiful',
so I go and do that but what
I'm really trying to say is
'I don't think any part of me
Can enjoy life as much as it
Has without your company'.
Star Gazer Oct 2016
To the most beautiful girl in the world,
I know you have been through so much
And though you try to stay strong
I know sometimes that it isn't enough.

So my starshine, I want you to know
that no matter how bad things get
I will always be there for you
A little more but never a little less.

You make me happy beyond words
from all the care that you show to me
I've never met a girl as great as you
who treasures only making me happy.

I love you gee gee for filling up my life
with joy and love.
You are the perfect girl I can rely on
for anything.
one two three, I know I can always
count on you no matter what.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Tears flow from one eye to another
Streaming the Earth like a river,
In hopes that it drowns the light
and life that settles inside people.
Tears flow from one eye to another
Forming a tidal wave
That breaks down obstacles
And helps people stay afloat.

Tears flow from one eye to another
With intention of sharing
The beauty that exists in oceans
Through the glands of the eyes.

Lets not share sadness and blame
When we can share happiness and cheers,
Let the light inside burn brighter than a flame
And help dry each others tears.

Lets not give misery what it really wants,
Lets not give misery, company.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
With each day that passes us by,
You'd think I'll eventually forget you,
But every night I can picture you,
You have become the stars in the night sky,
And I miss you more every night that pass by,
Somehow it's strange that I can't forget you,
Moving on is said in black and white, not blue,
And when you're not around, blue is the only colour I spy.

I wonder whether you just found your wings,
And decided to discover the world without me,
But higher chance is that you feel we weren't meant to be,
So somehow I miss all the joy that you bring.
Living life before valentines day makes me miss you,
I just wish there was a remote chance you're missing me too.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I can right all the wrongs
in all the heartbreak songs
But I can not un-write a song
That has already been sung.

I can better myself today
But I can not erase my past
For every walking object
Leaves a shadowy cast.
Star Gazer Aug 2016
Mistakes and heartbreak
they seem to go together
but I was blinded.
Star Gazer Sep 2016
Don't try to rewind,
Your time is in a line.
Just forget your mistakes
And simply press play.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Mom was always a questionable figure in my life. She has inspired me but nonetheless not every parent is perfect, not even in the eyes of their child. I can remember at a young age of eight, I asked mom, "Mom, how will I know when I'm mature?" Her response still echoes in my head when I come to a stand still situation. She said "You are mature when you realise that going into your room and slamming your door does not make your problems disappear and they may be lurking in the room with you or right outside of the door". Obviously at the tender age of eight, I had no idea what she meant so I decided to give my own interpretation; "so there will be times we need to get a new door?"

Since I grew up without a father, Mom was forced to work to take up the bread-maker role and provide for my extra interests and any other things since I wanted to grow up slightly interesting. So "James Patterson books that you're probably going to read once and costs $50 sure son, I'll buy it for you". "Guitar lessons for your clumsy hands so you can woo the ladies? sure". I wasn't spoiled, don't get me wrong. I worked with my Aunts cafe (they are extremely successful; I think it's ripping off her employees and sacrificing the blood of a thousand babies or something. You get the picture; even though they are family, they aren't exactly the best people in this world. Then again you might argue success is the outcome of severity).

My mother was also the one to give me the talk (yes, that one with the bees,butterflies, magic liquids, ***** and elephants) , I could recall the embarrassment I felt from that moment. To clarify, I wasn't exactly old (about 12-13) nor did I have the maturity of a child but the conversation went a little like this -

      "Hey, do you know how to use a ******? To keep you safe in case you are ever... if you ever ... want to engage in intimate activities with a girlfriend".

      "Yea, mom I'm good. It's just like wearing a hat".

      "You know, if you put it on your head you will probably get someone pregnant".

      "Mom, I didn't mean I'm going to wear it like a hat, I'm going to wear it where I should be wearing it".

      "Don't fill it up with water and pretend its a water balloon before too and don't blow it up like a balloon".

      "Why are you telling me this mom? Sounds like you know someone who did it before?"
     Mom with a giggle and starts to sidetrack to an anecdote of the past; "Yes actually, when you were little you thought they were balloons. You were so small and adorable, who'd known so many years pass".

     "Ok thanks Mom, I got it. I don't think I'll ever get a girlfriend in this life though, seems a like a lot of work. The flowers, the gifts, the talking. I don't even know how to talk to a girl".

     "Simple, you talk to a girl, by talking to them like anyone else...Do clean up your language and don't be too stupid though. It's ok to show people you care about that you care, no matter who they are to you".

Now earlier I said, questionable, that's because she at times can be a hypocrite. I recall asking her at about 15, -

"is it ok for me to cry? I mean it feels strange, there's this something I can feel. I don't know how to describe it, but I don't know whether to cry or to scream or to just ..."

"It's ok for a guy to cry, it's ok for anyone to cry. The biggest importance is that you know to wipe those tears and keep going. Tissues work but I would recommend letting it roll down your cheeks and you'll realise, all you are doing is making yourself look more miserable and it's really not going to change much".

"Did you cry Mom? Like when ... passed away?"

"No. I didn't shed a single tear".
                    (Obviously she was lying because I had heard her on many occasions on my fathers funeral day sometimes every third year or some years in a row. We live in a small house where the walls are thin).

Mom being the only person I know to ask for advice. I approached her with question on love, when I was about 17 after somehow finding a girl who said she liked me.

        "Mom how do you know when you are in love? Or how do you know you should love that person and what if they don't love you back?"

       "Simple, love is when you miss the presence of someone in your life. Love can be between family. Love is thinking of them even when you're suppose to be doing other stuff. Love is caring how they are or how their day goes. Love is like seeing a light at the end of a tunnel filled with roses".
(Roses have a significant meaning to me, I always place Roses at the two most important people in my lives, one is my father, who altered who I have become, and the other is my greatest friend. Roses aren't something I give away, I have never given a rose unless it came straight from the heart. I know, you're probably thinking it's just a flower. It was the flower that my father first purchased for my mother , it was the flower that was at the wedding reception, it was the flower that I had placed on the casket and it's the flower I give to people I know I will always cherish with my heart).

Mom was remarkable, I would have not been happier with any other mother. There are times we fight but we always mend things.

I remember staggering home drunk, unable to fit the key into the lock and face reddened by the number of friends who kept telling me "just another one".
About a week later, my mother who doesn't drink except an occasional beer to fit into the mood of a party sat me down and asked me how many things did I drink that night. I started listing drinks, thinking she would be proud (stupid teenager brain, I know)... " So i had a shot of some vanilla ***** thing, but I was already drunk at that point. I had some absinthe thing....Oh i had some wings. I had about four beers. I think I had hot chips. I think I also had some Hennesy but it might have been water".
        Her face reddened and for that second I thought my neck was due for a snapping, nothing happened. All she said was -

          "At least you knew to eat, but don't drink too much. I raised you this old all alone, I don't want to have to lose you to something as stupid as alcohol. Also if you want to drink, just don't. Not until you are 18 anyways".

One more fight I could remember which happened quite recently was the passing of my great grandmother (god bless her soul; r.i.p), I remember being upset at my mom for not telling me about great grandmas passing, especially since it was during Final examination periods and she waited till after. Which in retrospect I had no idea why I was mad, just failed to realise it must have been harder for her than it was for me.

There was this one time, when I was about six, a boy in my class, lets call him Peter had teased me about my dead father. Kids will be kids and kids will also be cruel. I came home that day after school asked mom.
                   "Mommy what do you do if someone you don't like talks about you?"

                  "When I was a kid, I knocked a girl down and stepped on her neck but you shouldn't do that because when you do that, his mom will surely get upset same way I will get upset if someone hurts you".
Ignoring what she said , six year old me shoved Peter to the ground and placed my shoe on his neck screaming things, I obviously must have heard somewhere
               "You're lucky I'm sparing you".

Since this was still before school , my mother witnesses this, pushes me off the kid and makes me apologise and checks to see if the boy is alright. My mom told the teachers on me, and I don't remember the consequences but I can recall she told me to talk with Peter after the apology. Peter forgave me with his open heart and became my best friend from 6 till 18 ( at 18 we had a falling out but we've been best friends for long enough for me to cherish and forgive him for everything. We just never grew closer ever again. Plus congratulations, he's getting engaged :)   ).

             Thank you Mom, for raising me to be the man that I am today. I still struggle speaking to girls ( I didn't speak to a girl till I was 14, so I am sure I have some social issues but I try to make things work), but Mom you've taught me everything from driving, to shaving, to cleaning up after myself, to knowing how to respect people and understanding that sometimes things need to be talked out and that's all that's required. We don't say "love you's " in our family but deep down in my silent heart, Mom just know that I love everything you have given or tried to give me and thank you for letting me live the life I have lived. Bye
Star Gazer Sep 2016
The mirror beckons, a beast emerges,
I've fought against fists and thoughts
but at times we give ourselves to urges
and hope remains successful victors.

Oasis clouds caught between drifts
as tide rips waves against waves
caught between the aquatic tidal rifts
avoiding any chance at mistakes.

I look at the mirror with frozen frowns,
I have been here before, just the same;
held onto hope, nailing it down
because I have been called monster
more than I would like to admit.

'Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too.
They live inside us, and sometimes they win.'
Star Gazer Aug 2016
What if humans didn't have eyebrows
Would we all just hide out
Or would we spend our nights out,
because monsters should not be seen in daylight
and the moon is always in our favour.
We're werewolves and vampires,
And the blue skies lit by the sun
did not belong to us.

We are monsters after all, and daylight
meant exposing ourselves to ridicule and judgement,
as though we could never find beauty in simple;
it is perfect circled smiles with dimples
that were considered cute, and the larger angles
were obtuse while the smaller are acute.

We label it 'fashion statement'
it is make-up on faces,
constant changing tastes,
just to fit in with the popular.
The masses, the larger groups;
always stuck on "what is the latest scoop"
as though life was one big cone of ice cream.

We've been in and out before
We've been through open doors,
We've built buildings
To create ceilings.
Just to keep monsters
and the less popular,
Stuck between being buried six feet under
and the ceiling.
Star Gazer Aug 2016
What if humans didn't have eyebrows
Would we all just hide out
Or would we spend our nights out,
because monsters should not be seen in daylight
and the moon is always in our favour.
We're werewolves and vampires,
And the blue skies lit by the sun
did not belong to us.

We are monsters after all, and daylight
meant exposing ourselves to ridicule and judgement,
as though we could never find beauty in simple;
it is perfect circled smiles with dimples
that were considered cute, and the larger angles
were obtuse while the smaller are acute.

We label it 'fashion statement'
it is make-up on faces,
constant changing tastes,
just to fit in with the popular.
The masses, the larger groups;
always stuck on "what is the latest scoop"
as though life was one big cone of ice cream.

We've been in and out before
We've been through open doors,
We've built buildings
To create ceilings.
Just to keep monsters
and the less popular,
Stuck between being buried six feet under
and the ceiling.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You are the sunshine that seeps through drawn curtains
A bright warm sensation that creates clarity of the uncertain
You make me smile in ways I never knew I could smile
And although we have only known each other awhile
You are a breeze of cold wind on a burning summers day
With each breath of word echoes an elimination of dismay
So to think I would be so lucky to have ever met you
And diverged from black and white to different hues.

I have never met anyone as amazing and as beautiful as you,
anyone as smart, as talented, as comforting and as kind as you.
~Dedicated to someone who recently entered into my life and has made me much happier.
Star Gazer Oct 2016
She's the morning sun
mourning her one only son
of what night instills.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Not many can live with the name
But I live with the name everyday,
I wear the labels and the name
As the product
Of a failed abortion.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Waking up to the screams of a crying baby,
Makes me appreciate my mum,
For not having dropped me off at a church,
And upon this I still wonder,
Why are there still mothers who would do so much,
For something that would drive most insane?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
How many times
do I have to keep telling myself  I've moved on,
before I really do?
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Memories and the pain linger
It becomes a part of me for life,
Even when I married your dad,
And became a common house wife
It lived with me.
Every remnant scar sitting on my skin
All the ache I have felt,
Not just physically but emotional.

You wouldn't understand
The tears that flow endlessly
Accompanying the memories
Of a mother burying their child.
I have a brother, oh well had a brother
My eldest sibling,
At 12 he died due to being malnourished
And my mother was brave, she had courage
She let out only a single tear
And buried him.
It was war, you had to be strong
or you would have been broken.
You would have been silent
But in thoughts, you were loudly spoken.

I can remember the scorching bridge
Running barefoot on hot metal
And witnessing crowds of family
Falling to knees to artillery damage.
The smell of human flesh being burnt
As crisp lay upon crisp, nothing felt fine.
I kept going however, at a young age
That's all you could really do after all.
I was born and then it happened,
There was no enjoyment,
There was nothing prior to it
So I kept running in hopes
That maybe we can actually
one day experience
what being a kid really is like.

You haven't realised how much is sacrificed
Through love and kinship
When you haven't seen blood flow like river
staining the palm trees where corpses lay upon.
We won't be able to appreciate every aspect of life
But we surely appreciate being alive.
I asked mum to talk about her childhood.
Guess I have been lucky to have had a playstation,
I have been lucky to have a television.
Star Gazer Aug 2016
No son should hear their mother's cry
muffled by the whispers of 'I'm fine'.
The tears still fresh from the eye,
like a salt stained ravine.
I've seen the greatest fall,
the strongest weakened,
and I witnessed
my mum fall on a weekend;
not a spiral towards the floor,
not in physicality but
in an emotional rollercoaster
that has herself coasted
off to where the words can't reach;
where her heart does bleed,
and where her mouth doesn't speak.

"Mum are you ok?" I mutter,
knowing well enough of the answer,
But i pretend to be some majestic dancer
prancing around the topic.
There's a caution sign,
it reads "wet floor"
only floor is spelt different,
it's spelt with an H
an E and a continuation of art.
I tiptoe around the sign
as though they were land mines,
afraid that one false step
could pour my own death.
No son should hear their mother's cry
muffled by the whispers of 'I'm fine'.
Star Gazer Jun 2016
A few years ago
We were an item
Thinking that our
Love was a titan.

You'd call me an a-hole,
I'd call you my *****,
Our vocabulary wasn't
Exactly labelled rich.

I painted a portrait
Of an ex that was crazy
with the tainted ink of
heartbreak and immaturity.

You grew happier
And I grew bitter
Like the taste of a
lettuce that withers.

All of the hostility
Was my own ocean
Drowning deep denial
And inner emotions.

I have grown mature,
Since being with you,
Appreciated that skies
will forever remain blue.

I have found a special
Someone who makes me
Wish to be the best version
Of myself that I could be.

My sun, my moon, my stars,
That cluster of hopeful light
Providing me with comfort
And warmth in the night.

I write this poem to
acknowledge my mistakes
Of breaking bonds by
Brandishing heartbreak.

You were not the crazy ex
That I made you out to be
And for all I've said
I hope I could say, I'm sorry.
On the side note: I love you Kyah
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When I was a little boy,
Maybe about four years old,
I recall hearing the birds sing,
But not understanding the song.
The sombre overtone of the tunes,
Everything felt surreal at that moment.

I realised when I got older,
That the tune was my father's lullaby,
And with the last breath in his lungs,
He sang me asleep.

Now at night when the stars sung to me,
I knew that he is somewhere amongst them,
Creating a tune to help me pass the nights,
So I could see the bright light of tomorrows.
Star Gazer May 2016
I remember being a kid,
I could never find the words
to explain how I felt,
so I gave my eyes the chance
to explain how I felt,
they became reddened,
crimson from lonely nights,
scarlet from speaking too much,
and with tears as words,
one day my eyes stopped talking,
because it came to realise
no one is listening anyways.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
My grandpa was a proud man
And with his thunderous voice he was a loud man
He'd used to boast about carrying heavy bags
With one hand lifting his pants that sags
He'd brag about how he was as strong as a thousand oxen
But this was all before the toxin.

Now, my grandpa isn't a proud man
Doesn't really have a days plan
Let alone a night one.
He doesn't speak much as his voice is croaky and dry
He doesn't sit at night to sing or to cry
He simply sits hoping to waste away and die.
When once he could carry heavy items
He struggles to carry himself now.
The effects of the great alcohol
Use to make him whole
But now it creates a hole
Within him.
The light that burned inside him
Vanished with every sip of *****.
Selfish affliction
To a selfish addiction
And how I wish this poem was fiction.
The neighbours refuse to even show any respect to my grandpa. He's a heavy alcoholic and there's just no help where he is now. It's hard to hear about stories in my childhood of chopping down 200 trees in a day to see the man now.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Numb, Ineffible, Waste,
The names I have known,
For the lack of love I have been shown,
But it doesn't bother me for I have grown.
My heart is that of a horse size,
So many inches thick and many more wide,
But if my heart could tell a tale,
It would show you the parts that are black and blue,
From the relentless heartbreaks to find the one true,
It would beat a beat that beats any other beats,
But at times it can be silent, as it settles to eat,
Swallowing anything between itself and me....
Causing convulsions and chest pains
From heartaches to heartbreaks,
My heart is a monster,
Who feeds and eats
**Away at my happiness
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My heart isn't a toy,
Don't play with it.....
Star Gazer Oct 2016
My lover's eyes
have not yet met mine
But oh how alive
we both felt in the night.
If her smiles are the kisses
of sweet dreams
then why must there be blisters
where her lips did touch mine.
If her heart and soul
both stand the pure
then why must she and I
stand alone and apart.
If my lover did call my name
tell her I did not exist
for a heart as sweet as venom
died in a blistered kiss.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I'm still afraid
       I can remember every detail
Of how my childhood derailed.
      I remember the last moments
He was in the hospital bed
      I could remember mum being there
As he lost more than just his hair
      I could remember his cousin
Rapidly pressing the emergency button
      I could remember the nurses yells
He was too sickly to hold a smile
      But I could remember his eyes
As they start to turn white
      And the shine start to taper off.
Mum in tears held my hand
      As he breathes his final breath.

I don't tell people
      Simply because it isn't a fun story
But I remember every detail
      And I tell people I've forgotten.

Another time I remember seeing him
      Hunched over the sink combing his hair
His once filled thick hair head
       Reduced to tiny fuzz of what it was.

I don't tell people these stories
        I tell them of my fun life
I tell them everything good
        I make jokes constantly
And I tell myself I've forgotten.
        Forgotten every detail...

People tell me I should refer to him
        As dad.
But sadly I have no real fond memories.
        And even with a full retention memory
I have no memories
         Of any quality father son moments.
HP you're the only people I've shared this with. Everyone in my life thinks I've forgotten that day. I haven't,  I still remember the being pushed to wait outside. The white hospital bed covered in blue sheets. The final moments my life changed. I can remember all of that, yet not one time where me and my dad did anything or see anything. There's videos of him carrying me....of him holding my hand....
But I was 5 and it's been too many years.
Nowadays I refuse to see someone pass away in front of me again, and that's why when great grandma passed, i just stood as far as possible from the casket. I am afraid..... that I'll have to live with another memory every night.
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