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Feb 2016 · 126
Star Gazer Feb 2016
As time passes,
I'm not missing you any less,
And even with new glasses,
I'm looking like a mess.

So even tomorrow morning,
The tears keep coming,
But it's my own mourning,
For sending you running.

You've found someone better,
And now a regret,
So as memories become treasure,
I will never forget.

You've moved on already,
And I'm so pathetic.

If I were to meet you in another life,
I would take the same exact steps,
In hopes that one of those lives you'd stay,
Or somehow come back.

I'm a ******* idiot....
But all the best dear.
Feb 2016 · 152
Diary Entry #3
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I could have seen myself putting a ring on your finger,
But I apologise for now I realised the only ring I have given you
Is suffering.

I apologise, I wish you all the best with your new love interest.
I love you now and forever
Feb 2016 · 108
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why did you have to be so ******* perfect,
Makes me miss you even more,
Feb 2016 · 267
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Cause even in my mind,
You're all that I want,
But a heart so unkind,
With your heartbreak taunt.
Feb 2016 · 109
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Don't weep tears for those who won't weep for you,
Don't tilt till the grass becomes blue.

Feb 2016 · 206
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I just heard you found the one you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me
'Cause even after all this time I still wonder
Why I can't move on
Just the way you did so easily

I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
-Charlie Puth
Feb 2016 · 164
Star Gazer Feb 2016
In a fictionalised world,
And in my recurring dreams,
You became my wife.
You remained in love with me.
I don't have to say I miss you,
Because you never left.
I don't have to feel heartbreak,
Because it never happened.
You never grew to hate me.
But then what good is fiction
When reality is all that we have.
Feb 2016 · 112
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I'm so stupid.
Even right now I want you back.
But I'm just stupid.
You moved on.
I wish you nothing but
The best.
Feb 2016 · 136
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Knowing that I still
And knowing that you never will,
In the end, the pain is still the same...
Feb 2016 · 198
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I did love you,
And I will love you forever
Guess we weren't meant to be,
Feb 2016 · 156
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why do I still love and miss you
When you've moved on already.
I guess I'm a broken light bulb
That needs to be changed..
Feb 2016 · 134
Diary Entry #2
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Vanity kind of makes sense now. Thinking you're more than your worth, i thought I would at least have a place in their heart the way they did and still have in mine but I guess not.

Vanity is my own sin to bear.

I learnt a valuable experience and I must thank you for it. You shown me what its like to be happy.
Feb 2016 · 214
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Haha that song, although premature,
Was surprisingly accurate.
We don't talk anymore and we won't ever again.
Should i be feeling what I'm feeling?
I guess its all for the better.
You'll find someone better.
I'll find something.
But as tide comes and goes,
It had been fun.
Thank you.
Feb 2016 · 177
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Way up past the clouds,
Atop a gently swaying tree,
Is a sight of the serene sea,
A pride of lion so proud,
I clenched onto the tree,
Not letting go,
If i let go.
I'll be lions' **** by morning.
Feb 2016 · 134
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She nailed the casket closed
For whatever he felt for her then
Died not once but once again.
So as he witness his feelings enclosed,
Waiting for it to inevitably decompose,
He knew he was one of the men,
Men who cry and capture tears with pen,
And he was another heartbreak from the right one I suppose.

A once blossoming and blooming tale,
Coated in cheery emotions,
Showed of how two people can fail,
Even if he felt a love as deep as oceans.
So when the morning comes and the sunrises,
He'll cherish every moment and look for upcoming surprises.
Feb 2016 · 120
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Self destruction
Is just another way
To put the middle fingers
Up to the sky.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Mum is in her room on Facebook,
I am across the hall in my own room.
In our family there's a hidden rule,
When one person cries, they do it in solitude.
So on nights when I can hear her cry,
I gently sit on my bed and stare into the sky,
I wonder if she can hear me now?
Even if she did, by morning it is almost as if I hadn't.

So if a tree falls down in the forest and no one hears,
Did it really fall?
So if I cried all night in my room and everyone pretends to not notice,
Did I really cry?

I guess I didn't cry....
But my eyes sure do make me out to be a liar.
Feb 2016 · 179
Diary Entry 1
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sometimes it is strange how two lives will intertwine and ultimately lead to a complete change of events. You could be given many alternatives to life, and you live it how you preferred. Each moment will be either beautiful or a bitter sweet coated with a sense of beauty in it. I guess that moment for me would be, falling for someone. Someone I was told not to. Little did I know I meant nothing, I was a mere face in their memory banks. So as time progresses, I don't know whether our paths will ever cross again, but I know I had known someone that had made all the difference in my life and as final goodbye comes around the corners, I learnt something more about myself. I learnt that love even in its weirdest form or even shortest form still existed. Be it unrequited or not. Hopefully it'll grow to a fond memory, of when I fell head over heels for someone who I had made my whole world, only to realise I was nothing. The tears will come and so will the pain, but that's the only way to remind me that I had actually felt and knew what love was even briefly. They say time heals all wounds hopefully I'll be fine when my time comes..... When it isn't meant to be, no matter what I could try, it'll never be. Hopefully I can stop loving you one day, and become a better me.

Bye forever, my heart will be emitting best wishes, you deserve someone better than me.. Sorry for making you feel trapped and imprisoned by the way.... Slowly, it'll let me know how to be a better person for when the time is right.....And hopefully the next person I trust can fill my life with cheers as you did....Once again, sorry and best wishes with everything.
Feb 2016 · 112
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I still miss you
What the hell is wrong with me....
Maybe when i said love you now and forever,
That somehow remained true....

I don't know what to feel anymore...
Feb 2016 · 104
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I finally said,
It is now time to move on,
little did i know....

You already have,
I was a fool for trying,
Should have left intact.....
Feb 2016 · 512
Here's To Moving On [15W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was hanging onto a dead vine which
I thought was going to eventually blossom.
One step at a time,
As of tomorrow morning,
Things will feel unlike.

Sorry I chained you,
To the nuisance that was me,
but you are free now.

You can move along,
So i believe I will too,
Wish you best of luck.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The world spins at 1000 miles per hour,
It is clearly time to move on,
For dirt will surely never blossom a to flower,
And a dead relationship should be gone.

If they have moved on, I should too,
I should make the grass green and not blue,
I should make the sky their rightful colour,
And forget everything that happened this Summer.

I guess it is but a bump in my life,
The same way they viewed it,
So here goes to diminishing strife,
And finding new people who are better fit.
Here goes.
Feb 2016 · 151
Pain That Lingers [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I wish I could erase all my memories,
Of you.
Feb 2016 · 232
Star Gazer Feb 2016
No one is asleep,
No one is awake,
Deep in castle's keep,
Impaled by a stake.

Right across the boy's chest,
Where once sat his fragile heart
His love life lay to rest,
As walls lay in counterpart.
Feb 2016 · 152
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Figment of love
Actually never existed
Totally *******
Elaborate lies to people who believe in fate
Feb 2016 · 172
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Cinderella had a missing shoe,
In my life that shoe is on fire,
That ball gave people food poisoning.

Sleeping beauty had a prince to kiss her awake,
In my life alcohol poisoning keeps you asleep.

Snow white had seven dwarves to aid her,
In my life I have endless loneliness.

**** fairytales.
Feb 2016 · 128
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I fell too hard,
Too quickly,
And I didn't get,
Bumps and bruises,
Or grazes and scratches,
I got a hole in my heart.
Feb 2016 · 156
I'm building a wall
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She was a mountain in my life but
I was merely a speed bump in her life.

So endlessly tragical.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
One blow of the candle,
And the flame we had,
That should still be ignited,
Is no longer in our handle.

The flame is no longer there.
There's no point of I miss you's,
For at the end of it all,
Even the strongest flame is blue.

Over too quickly,
Too many promises,
That we just couldn't,

I'm sorry for everything.
I loved you too little, and gave you too less.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I use to call you "my ghost"
Because you were my boo.
Now that you have ghosted me,
Left me in the desert feeling blue.

The term ghost, is no longer as funny,
Or now it will never be as cute to me,
I will never use the term ghost,
For it will bring unpleasant memory post.

Where have you disappeared to and why are you ignoring me?
I guess you assumed you can't fall or chase what you can't see.
But I chased you like I chased a dream,
I fell for you like a thread to a seam.

Why are you completely discarding me as though I'm nothing,
I guess you only realise you're choking after you've been coughing.
I give up on love, why have they stopped loving me and completely icing me out......
Feb 2016 · 196
Will I? [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Will I get rid of this feeling,
Of missing you.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Barricaded walls, block my heart inside my ribs,
For when I gave my heart to you,
You moved it out of its place and made the red lines
Become coated in a farmiliar shade of blue.

I never knew love until we met,
I gave my heart to you
And over time my trusting heart,
Started to break in two.
Why don't you love me anymore baby?
I still love you.

I don't know what this feeling is but I know the side effects,

- suicidal thoughts
-chest pains
- a thousand times I miss you.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The cloud fades away and the sun rises,
We jest about today being our new beginnings,
When nothing has really changed.
Feb 2016 · 242
Memories [Repost]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Tears leak out of tiny ducts,
When I see photos of you.
Great thing about the digital era,
Is that these photos don’t haunt my memories.
But the memories I have of you will never fade.
All the memories are coated in one particular shade,
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I promised myself, I swore to never open up again.
The last time was the first time I picked up a pen.
This time, there’s a little variation between the last.
This time, I really wished it wasn’t titled ‘tales from the past’.
Feb 2016 · 766
Truman Show
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My life is The Truman Show
I openly cry the nights away,
I openly admit I miss the one I love,
I openly admit my wrongs,
I openly weep tears of joy,
I openly say I hate myself,
I openly say I love myself,
I openly use tissues to caress my skin,
I openly wipe my tears away,
I openly know I don't sleep when I'm sad,
I openly admit to being sad,
I openly treasure the people i love,
I openly believe that fate is still around,
I openly admit I'm weak,
I openly admit I need others help
I openly admit I've been broken by people,
I openly admit I don't want to live at times,
I openly admit I probably won't be able to get over that one person,


My Life is a True Man Show.
And crying does not make me any less of a man.
Feb 2016 · 211
Last Day Of Missing You
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I asked if you loved me,
Little did my mind know,
That the answer I didn't want to see,
Is the answer you gave me , "NO"

Tomorrow is a brand new start,
To mend the pieces of myself,
To put a bandaid on my heart.
And put away memories on a shelf,
This is the last day.
Feb 2016 · 183
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We were doomed from the start,
So now that we venture separately,
Did we just somehow grew apart?
Or whether we weren't meant to be.
Feb 2016 · 202
Star Gazer Feb 2016
was destined
for something
that seemed
extremely unfortunate

fell on
his own
Feb 2016 · 308
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I am the wind whistling between the blades of the grass,
I am the flower that sits on a stem made out of brass,
I am the weeds that infests and annoy in appearance,
I am the dandelions standing tall in need of clearance.

I am the house that sits on the side of a road, unheard,
I am the cars that drive crookedly seemingly absurd,
I am the pedestrians who travel amongst the roads,
I am the tourists that roam freely without abodes.

I am the words that relay the thoughts onto paper,
I am the only source of hope, my own mind's saviour.
Feb 2016 · 236
Two Points, One Aim
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Two places connected together,
Poetry formed the bridge,
The mutual interest and mood setter,
A connection between two ridge.

I fell at your feet and formed a stepping stone,
In hopes that it was a foundation to love,
But now as i aimlessly wonder into my mind alone,
I realised separately we coloured the sky like a dove.

A waterfall connects the lake to the ocean,
As water flows and drowns anything in its way,
A torrential destruction known as emotion,
Has left me paralysed with nothing to say.
Feb 2016 · 227
Vulnerable Regret [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I shed my armour,
Displaying my vulnerabilities.
I shouldn't have.
Feb 2016 · 158
Hellish Heartbreak Hurts
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why did you make me fall for you?
If you won't ever catch me as I fall,
Somehow you thought it was right,
To toy with my emotion at all.

Why did you break my heart,
As though I came out of it unscathed,
I broke my armour that shielded my vulnerabilities,
And your love is something I craved.

Why did you just push me aside,
As though I meant nothing to you at all,
Why leave me to make me miss you,
If you refuse to catch me when i fall.

I love you and probably always will,
But I can no longer push my emotions to hiding,
For you I held my heart and shredded it,
You made me fall so hard without a cushion providing.

I love you,
I miss you,
I don't think you feel the same,
And I'm sure I am one to blame.
Feb 2016 · 206
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I ******* HATE MYSELF.


I ******* ****
Feb 2016 · 189
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sometimes you unlock the right box,
You hear all that you had ever dreamed of hearing.
Sometimes you unlock the wrong box,
You hear your world start to crumble bits and pieces.

I hate heartbreaks.
I hate how it aches,
How I know I will miss you,
But I know you don't give a ****.

I Love you......and I don't know why.
WHY won't it work?

I promised to never give up
But I've grown tired.
"Do you still love me? Honest truth?"...

"I don't know"..

I guess you want to leave, there's nothing left I can do to hold you me, it'll just be a burden on you.
I really did love you and I know i will always love you.
   But if you want to leave , I'm not .....
I'm not one to stop you.
Feb 2016 · 193
Stand and Rise
Star Gazer Feb 2016
As though the pains of yesterday
Could tell us who we were.
We stood tall against tragedy,
We stood strong against pain.
But we will always ever be human.
One-fifth destined by fate,
Four-fifth by our own sheer will.
Only by standing should we know,
Who we are now opposed to,
Who we were
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was but a speed bump in your road of life.
Dorothy followed the yellow brick road,
You followed that path with a heavy load.
Burdened by bleak tales from the past.
I tried to follow the same path with you,
I wasn’t the tin man so i had to say adieu.
I had a heart the size of a watermelon,
And for you, it continually beats in random.
I was happy to follow you slowly in tandem,
Even if it was for a while.
I wish you all the best with your new sweetheart,
And hope that both of you never grow apart.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I can no longer tell what’s worse,
To live the happy lonely curse,
Or to cause immense pain,
Without nary a thing to gain.
We wished to stay together,
As our hearts said ‘its better’.
The gremlins, ghouls and ghosts,
Preyed on emotions as hosts.
Bore the burden bashfully,
As though we never knew a bully.
We inflicted wounds that won’t heal,
Just to show ourselves we can still feel.
We hated them, the pain inflictors and  pain creators,
Till we built a land full of them and became dictators.
Feb 2016 · 187
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I can see your grip loosening,
Like a rope that has become frayed,
You're probably regretting you stayed,
And slowly your heart is what I'm losing.
They say two people are meant to be,
When they can see the horizon across the sea,
From two different sea shores.
I guess you chose to close all doors,
And now I'm here completely locked out,
Of what you use to call "love"
Feb 2016 · 246
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sigh a little louder maybe they’ll hear you,
Cry a little river while you’re at it too.
Scream your lungs out for the world to hear,
And yet no one lends you a listening ear.
You look for someone close to turn to,
But all your peers have their back turned too.

Am I the bars leaving her imprisonment,
Or was her “I love you” not what she meant.
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