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Mar 2016 · 385
My Memories
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I'm still afraid
       I can remember every detail
Of how my childhood derailed.
      I remember the last moments
He was in the hospital bed
      I could remember mum being there
As he lost more than just his hair
      I could remember his cousin
Rapidly pressing the emergency button
      I could remember the nurses yells
He was too sickly to hold a smile
      But I could remember his eyes
As they start to turn white
      And the shine start to taper off.
Mum in tears held my hand
      As he breathes his final breath.

I don't tell people
      Simply because it isn't a fun story
But I remember every detail
      And I tell people I've forgotten.

Another time I remember seeing him
      Hunched over the sink combing his hair
His once filled thick hair head
       Reduced to tiny fuzz of what it was.

I don't tell people these stories
        I tell them of my fun life
I tell them everything good
        I make jokes constantly
And I tell myself I've forgotten.
        Forgotten every detail...

People tell me I should refer to him
        As dad.
But sadly I have no real fond memories.
        And even with a full retention memory
I have no memories
         Of any quality father son moments.
HP you're the only people I've shared this with. Everyone in my life thinks I've forgotten that day. I haven't,  I still remember the being pushed to wait outside. The white hospital bed covered in blue sheets. The final moments my life changed. I can remember all of that, yet not one time where me and my dad did anything or see anything. There's videos of him carrying me....of him holding my hand....
But I was 5 and it's been too many years.
Nowadays I refuse to see someone pass away in front of me again, and that's why when great grandma passed, i just stood as far as possible from the casket. I am afraid..... that I'll have to live with another memory every night.
Mar 2016 · 608
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I saw a world in your eyes
Broken pillars, dilapidated buildings
Dead batteries, and broken ceilings.
I saw a painful burning empty sky
I saw little boys and girls cry
I saw all losses no winning,
Children death and soldier killings
I saw the pain inside your eyes.

I held you together from crumbling
And as the skies started to clear up
I saw volcanos reverse erupt
And the ground wasn't rumbling.
In my arms, you saw a future with me
And all I could see the seeds of a new tree.
Mar 2016 · 175
Star Gazer Mar 2016
A spark started to ignite
Lights were getting bright
I realised it was all in my head
And my soft heart torn to shreds.
I apologize for the confusion
Guess I was blinded by an illusion
I really thought there was a spark
So I apologise for all the remarks.
Mar 2016 · 277
Class Flirt
Star Gazer Mar 2016
He looks at me and with a wink
Suggests "why don't we study biology?"
I looked back at him and with a wink,
"Maybe study our chemistry?"
           Across the room a boy says
"Yall in the wrong class, this is calc"
He looks at me with a wink and says,
"Want to derive our equations?"
I looked at him with a wink,
"Want to see the gradient of our tangents?"
The boy speaks again,
       "I think you two were made for each other. Now go into Theology classes and determine whether that's true."
I don't mean to offend anyone and I hope I haven't. Just a little thing between me and a guy in class
Mar 2016 · 228
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I was just getting to love myself the most
But then you stumbled into my life
And I no longer know whether
In the future I'll still love myself the most anymore. so .......i don't know.....just bzzzzzz moooooooo meowwwwww......wooof...

I hope you're not just messing with me
Mar 2016 · 117
Star Gazer Mar 2016
A rose stems from its roots.
A tree grows from its roots.
We came from two different places
You from the heavens, blessed with grace
And I from the dirt lands.
I wonder whether we'd meet plans
Or whether you're just playing with me.

Are you playing with my heart?
With your kind words dissecting it apart
Or do you genuinely are affectionate?

We come from two different worlds,
You an angel of the heavens
And I from where creatures roam...

Do we really belong together?

Does Frankenstein gets his angelic love?
Mar 2016 · 2.3k
Star Gazer Mar 2016
When Pablo Neruda does it, it's beautiful art.
When I do it, it's cringy and desparate.
When Van Gogh does it, it's dedication.
When I do it, it's insanity and a restraining order.
When Picasso does it, it's cubism.
When I do it, it's scribbles.
When Robert Frost does it, it's wisdom.
When I do it, it's 'Facebook Garbage'.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Upon inspection of my Economics readings
My face grew crimson with utter dread
Two hundreds pages completely unread.

I could write about a rose blossoming on manure
Rather than read a word about manure drowning a rose,
In other words I prefer to write about
A person ******* on society
Than read about society ******* on a person.

Treating the priceless as worthless
And the worthless polished as priceless.
Since I have no plan to relocate to the USA means more time in Australia. So after I graduate and take vacation with a special someone. I'm going to work for a couple years and pursue a second degree, maybe something that includes actual writing and not just on company or financial reports. Maybe journalism or creative writing or literature. Since I have grown very fond of writing. Obviously I **** at writing but I believe I can put more skill into it when I gain more experience.
Mar 2016 · 204
On Your Marks
Star Gazer Mar 2016
You light up my life
Keep minds from strife
You brightened my night
With luminous star light.
Your adorableness is warm
And I feel no need to conform.
You cured me from internal ache
Healed hearts from heartbreak
Left scars like tattoos across my mind
From you running through it all the time.

Don't leave anymore marks,
I don't know how deep I might fall
But then again I feel a spark
That just feels as natural as nature's call.

Leave as many mark as you want,
Because I know you will fix those mark
And make sure those marks won't
Hurt my soft and weak heart.

I trust you to not break me.
I trust you won't leave or flee
So leave as many marks with Cupid's bow
Are you ready? Steady? Get set. Go!.
Mar 2016 · 205
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Take not what my skin can show you
                        Take what my heart can show you.
Take not what my looks can give you
                          Take what my mind can give you.
Take not what my money can buy you
                            Take what my personality can sell you.
Take my last breath of air.
                             Take my last piece of flesh.
Take my last sight of this world.
                              Take my last sense of smell.
Take my arms and legs if you must.
                               Just please take me.
Take me in your arms.
                               Take me wherever you go.
Take me in your memories.
                                Take me to your heart.
Mar 2016 · 645
Hot or Cold
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Blanket on ; too hot.
         Blanket off; too cold.
One foot in ; too fast
          One foot out ; too slow.
One caring word; too less.
          One mean insult; too much.
One huge sky; too much blue
           One huge heartbreak ; too less you.
One chance to move on ; too slow to do.
           One chance to stay; too much for you.
Mar 2016 · 189
Secrets [10W]
Star Gazer Mar 2016
My secret was you.
      Your secret was him.
                              Worlds burn.
Mar 2016 · 645
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Don't be caring towards me,
I might fall for you.
Don't be sweet towards me,
I might fall for you.
Don't be kind towards me,
I might fall for you.
Don't be affectionate to me,
I might fall for you.
Don't joke around with me,
I might fall for you.
Don't make me fall for you

Because when you leave
I won't move on quickly
And I will surely grieve
Until I become sickly.

Don't follow my words
Make this part clearly heard
I want to fall for you
And I want you to fall for me too.
Feb 2016 · 329
One Gentle Breeze
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You made my heart beat in tandem
And that I could not fathom.
I needed a heart that was kept stable
As though it wasn't on the edges of a table.
One gentle breeze of air to knock it down
Or one drop of liquid to make it drown
I needed my heart to be the centrepiece
So it won't fall to become decease.
I need not be on the table edges
Being avoided like a rose in the hedges
Being trimmed away by worn out scissors
Or like a ceiling without pillars.
**One gentle breeze of air to knock it down.
Feb 2016 · 237
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We'd smoke **** till we'd pronounce we'd as ****.
The smog clears up and what's left is what's right.
No I'm not high haha
Feb 2016 · 559
Diary Entry
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Leonardo Dicaprio has won an Oscar
The midnight stars shine bright.
Maybe everything will actually be alright,

I can finally be ok after half a decade.
Has been long time coming.
But I can feel everything changing
For the better.
Feb 2016 · 281
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Two trains came to a stop at a station,
Our eyes met one another behind the glass
I was going away from the city
And you towards the city.
We were close yet felt so immeasurably far
I placed my hand on the freezing glass
And you aligned your hands in the same manner
We were like an inmate and his wife
Separated by a sheer glass.

The trains started to move
And we were cursed with the heartbreak affliction,
Our trains were moving in opposite directions.
Feb 2016 · 248
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You can make a house into a home
But you can not make a home into a house.

Build the bricks with clay and shale
But reinforce it with memories
Reinforce it with all the inner emotions.

Place a roof made of tiles or veneer
But reinforce it with warmth
Reinforce it with the care you need.

Turn the walls and a roof
Into more than just walls and roof
Turn a house into a home.
Feb 2016 · 344
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When I was a kid
I was taught that
'humans have
always been
a part of

I started questioning
"What was an
atro - city?"

Oh how I've grown
since then.
To witness true
Feb 2016 · 214
Star Gazer Feb 2016
No dream ever dies but
only some dream gets lived
Feb 2016 · 287
Night Beauty
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Ambient reverberation of car tyres on dry asphalt,
Engines roaring their melodious tune
Never once did the noises surrounding ever halt
As I move my attention to the moon.

The moon had a different shade of blue and grey
Its light warms my shivery shoulder
Beauty is in the beholder as humans always say
But beauty is in simple things like solder.

I've arrived at a junction where stars are simple,
They are the tiny specks of unformed moon
Like the little indentation on faces known as dimples
They are the beauty of a deflated balloon.

A deflated balloon will remain beautiful
Always more than its purpose, dutiful,
For it represented happiness and fun,
No one ever looked sad holding a balloon...
Feb 2016 · 189
Happy Hour Haiku 3
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Grabbed a banana,
She whispered ' you're a peeling'.
I went bananas.
Feb 2016 · 175
Happy Hour Haiku 2
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A dog ran by me.
He says 'friend you are privileged,
My life is so ruff '.
Feb 2016 · 190
Happy Hour Haiku
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Clovers give off luck,
They grew by human wishes ,
So they are hap - ***
Hap = luck; fortune
Wish-peeing sound? no?

Sorry badly written, took a few days hiatus but hey I'm in a really good mood so wanted to bless you all with a little chaos this fine day.
Feb 2016 · 146
Love Till Your Heart Is Art
Star Gazer Feb 2016
This is for those who have had a broken heart
Who wept and screamt as it fell apart
People telling you the end is where it starts
It stems from a belief that maybe, just maybe
if we were right they would never leave,
so we fall just a little harder than others
left our fathers and our mothers
out of the equation because we were in love.
And being in love was enough.

You promise yourself to shut that beat
To silence the sound of love’s heat
because you know the next time
it will be the same.
It becomes ingrained in you
to never trust that the sky is blue
saw cars running over cans
like it was about to run over you.
You fell at the feet of those
who stomped on you countless
believing that that beat will
It doesn’t.
You’re deluding yourself
It doesn’t ever stop for anyone
including yourself.

So fall in love, have as many heartbreaks
Have so much heartbreaks that your heart
becomes just art because he
would have left with everything
washed away beyonds the seas
saw no waves of content
only waves of anguish
**And all that’s left is art…
This goes out to those who have love and lost, trust me just keep doing so one day someone will reciprocate and everything will be right. For a long, long time I'm finally having all my demons and everything realigned.

My close friend taught me something over this break. She spoke to me and said "you know why the tortoise beat the hare?"....

I answered , "because slow and steady wins the race?"...

She said, "no you *******....the tortoise taught us that its always ok to get a taxi cab or Uber. You don't have to do **** alone".
And ... she helped me get out of that darkspot , so I thank her. This goes out to what she told me .
Feb 2016 · 425
What Being Alive Is To Me
Star Gazer Feb 2016
That was being alive
Being loved for acting five
Reliving the child inside
As adulthood goes to hide
That was being alive.

You saw teardrops from stormy clouds
And asked, ‘why the sky was crying’?
‘Why is the little boy next door dying’?
You were really just lying,
To your conscience.
The pain never really stopped,
It was just a photo with edges cropped
The way you zoomed in on you and her
And the background started to blur.
Not everything changes, some things do
Because the sky will only ever be blue
Some days you’ll have patches of grey clouds
And teardrops that lonely puff enshrouds
You’re left with the thought of the inner kid.

The kid inside that didn’t think about crying,
The kid inside that never knew about dying
The kid inside that conspired to hide
Like it was playing a game of hide and seek,
Never knew that clouds could even leak
And the salty discharge between eyes
Were just sugar coated cookie lies
About how we were meant to grow old

That kid is not dead, just hidden inside
like a clumsy cat caught between drapes,
That kid inside is stuck and trying to escape
And will only ever come back to light
When you realise that you can grow up
but maybe growing up is simply enough
because growing old is not a must.

Relive that kid hidden inside you,
Because otherwise that kid would die
And then skies would be frail blue
And you’d realise why the skies would cry.

There won’t be bunnies in clouds
Magic dragons in built in closets
And all you will know is crowds
That were more invested in bank deposits.

Constant search for hands to hold
Where weather only felt cold
Because warm was too much to handle
And you’d reminisce on scented candles.

So forget what you have been told,
About how you were meant to grow old
That’s just a tear stained dream society sold
You don’t have to grow old
Because sometimes growing up
Is simply enough.
Thank you to my friend who through everything continue to let me know that I will one day see the tunnels end. I realised I may grow up through time but never need to grow old. I thank you all. To all the young ones, enjoy your time being young. It should be one of the best moments.
Feb 2016 · 233
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Does heartbreak bring any tidings?
The way your ears echo from the goodbyes
The chest pain and tears it brings
And reminders that "I'm ok" as coated lies.

They say with every heartbreak, we grow
Rise up from the stem to blossom as a rose
But how can you grow with a chest so hollow
how can you grow when even rivers froze.

Mark twain once spoke of love and caution
"Never allow someone to be your priority
While allowing yourself to be their option"

The repercussion is a feeling of inferiority.

You would let a person break your heart
Yet still treasure dearly that same exact person
When you realise that it is time to part
The feeling of separation tends to worsen.

You would let the love you feel stay alive
When the sun becomes covered in spots of blue
You convince yourself to somehow survive
By the belief that letting go is love too.

Time heals all wounds no matter the size
The unseen love someone has been providing
Will lead to rivers unfrozen, shift lows to highs
So...does heartbreak bring any tidings?
Feb 2016 · 581
Driving [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The morning sunrise
Blinds my vision while driving
**OH **** THERE'S A CAR!
Feb 2016 · 320
Unity [Collaboration]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Here’s the deal with a girl like you
You’ll never love a man like me
But with everything that we’ve been through
I’ll still get down on one knee

I'll lay my knee on a million blades
Just to see a smile light your face
Maybe this is the kind of love God forbade
Or maybe I'm just being out of place.

Let us live in a wave of harmony
Together just me and you
Please repeat those magic words
I love you.
Most of the poem is from the genius mind of Hannah Leeper. Hannah is a great poet who writes powerful poems

Go check her page out :
Feb 2016 · 411
Grocery Shop
Star Gazer Feb 2016
If the world was one giant grocery shop
And we'd find everyone at one stop.
We could pick people from different aisles,
Without having to travel even a mile.
If nothing was ever remotely different,
Our choices would be limited to infinite,
Not as a common denominator,
But as a common numerator.
You could pick a person from aisle three,
Exactly how you'd pick coffee or tea.
You could take an item and return it to the shelf,
And grab an identical item from the same spot.
Every person would be easily replaced,
Like the act of cut, copy and paste.

Humans however are not identical,
We differed from faces to ventricles,
Even our hearts were made different,
So did our lives and frame of reference.
Humans can not be picked up and replaced,
As though memories didn't occupy a space,
In our hearts.

The world could never be one giant grocery shop,
Cause the biggest difference in a pond is a single raindrop.
Feb 2016 · 198
Ode To My Close Friend
Star Gazer Feb 2016
While the shadows of the world formed ogres
Yours formed angel wings stabilising me
And my heart was all that you could see
Even when I thought that my world was over
Or when I saw periods of being non-sober
You stood by my side as rugged as a tree
Even when I was as buzzed as a bee
You'd only ever held me much closer.
Feb 2016 · 213
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They projected venomous words
Inducing toxic hurt
As conscience slowly blurred
They'd built homes out of dirt.

Drowning hearts with harm
With hissing forked tongues
Taunting death with a snake charm
Till dirt collapsed lungs.

We'd been given false names
Telling us we were *******
As they fearlessly proclaim
That their words were wishes.

It could not be true
Because through it all
We stood under the same blue
And we stood tall.

So snaked tongues spout criticism
We found ourselves hurt
From all their prideful sadism
And we hid ourselves in the dirt.

With them,
In the place they called home
Where poison was let to roam
Feb 2016 · 1.7k
Shoulders by Shane Koyczan
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"I remember how my grandmother tried to explain our world to me-
She told me a story
She said the ground and the sky, they love each other
But they don’t have arms
So rain; that’s just how they hold one another.
I began to see how the earth and sky need each other.
But I wondered about us.
In this perfect design, where do we fit?
Which piece of the puzzle are we?"*
-Shane Koyczan
I don't own any piece of this , I just really admire how well its written and the deep meaning behind it.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You ever have someone
You can never be friends with
Not out of hatred
But out of love.

A failure to disconnect emotions
From any sort of contact
Between one person to another
And remain intact.

I have pushed a great person
Out of my life
For the exact same reason.

I can just not disconnect
Emotions for someone
And call it friendship...

So there's one great person
In this world
That I can never be friends

Out of love.
Parting ways pave pathways that sets apart from ordinary paths.
Feb 2016 · 246
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When I was younger,
I'd hated god for what I wasn't,
When I grew older,
I'd thanked god for what I was.

I vanished from the clique of bees,
Became the shallow end of seas,
Metamorphosed from a worm,
To a creature that never squirms.

I'd hated god for what I wasn't,
I wasn't ever attractive,
But as time passed and I aged,
It became all reductive.

I'd loved god for what I was,
I'd loved god for who I was.
I feel fine with how I am right now. It actually has been a while since I've felt accepting of myself, as though 'I can live with that'.
Feb 2016 · 396
Connection Infection
Star Gazer Feb 2016
This is how the world bends,
We'd found trends,
Before we found friends,
Received emails before we even hit send.

Attached Emails to feelings,
As though catfishers aren't reeling,
The world became their ceiling,
And made nonsense into meaning.

We had transcend,
To only ever depend,
On online content,
To feel content.

In a radius of one hundred miles,
Everyone knows of Gangnam Style,
But it doesn't stop at videos,
Youtube is but one in the rodeo.

Between Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter
Bullies flushed lives into the *******,
Humans became anything other than critter,
As they coated insults with stickers and glitter.

We leapt to Omegle in search of fate,
In the form of company or a date,
But stumbled onto smeared words of hate,
And dudes who liked to *******.

The trees are green,
The skies are blue,
Feel the fresh air of the scene.

We are all connected,
Raising populations of infected,
Of a rampant infection,
Known as the internet connection.
Feb 2016 · 437
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They only saw her dimensions
As though there were no curves in her edges
Treated her like she was just a box,
Picking at her the way they would pick at locks,
Trying to steal her internal content,
Showing her how society circles bent,
That if she hadn't followed trends,
There'd be no light at tunnel's end.

So thorns were pricked of the rose,
Leaving her completely exposed,
As though she was part of shows,
Because people only saw her looks.
Roses wilt and wither
And what made her her, vanished with her.
She became a walking advertising sign,
For what it meant to colour within the line.
Feb 2016 · 177
Path To Part
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Every path laid,
Is another path made,
A different pathway,
To part ways.
Feb 2016 · 776
Journey [Collaboration]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A broken journey,
A tear stained path,
In some provokes love,
In some creates wrath.

A million miles,
A million tears,
Each with own's stories,
Most filled with fears.

A road chosen,
A mistake made,
I took a turn,
That can't be changed.

Mistakes came in many,
But the sun still remains in the sky,
And though the days get heavy,
Not every road remains awry.

The journey just continues on,
Many paths left to take,
These past roads have led me here,
But many choices are left to make.

Choose wisely the path you take,
Save yourself from another mistake.
Thank you to Bri Joy for this wonderful chance to collaborate.

Go check her work out -
Feb 2016 · 717
Star Gazer Feb 2016
What is being beautiful?
Is being beautiful about the greatest figure?
Or who has taken the most pictures?

For me,
Being beautiful has less to do with looks,
and more to do with heart.
The way kindness seeps in at the start,
it would transform people to a work of art.
Beautiful isn't in the physical appearance,
It isn't about acne and clearance,
it is the one that you hold dearest,
As though their heart is of solid gold,
so the saying that is quite old,
'Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder',
so when models give of a cold shoulder,
Or the way celebrities form boulders,
From the bodies of their fans,
so amongst the waving hands,
I can truly say, not everyone is beautiful...

Beauty doesn't stem from the eyes,
It stems from a beautiful heart,
Beauty doesn't stem from a disguise,
It stems from a kind finish and a kind start.
Feb 2016 · 178
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My love for you never faded,
So as the path became saturated,
I found no other reason to go on,
As though I've given up on holding on.

I thought I was always serious with you,
When the green grass turned blue,
I had nothing but a serious mood,
Guess it was just a part of my attitude.

I used a lot of jokes not because I didn't care,
But because I figured thats how to show care,
To cheer you up,
Till the laughter was enough.

My personality won't change,
It might adjust to be serious in situations,
But I am certain it won't change
So you deserve someone better.

I guess my own personal flaw...
But I'm twenty now and walking through new doors.
It was a blessing getting to know you,
and knowing what love is like, i owe it all to you.

You're a great soul,
God will look over you.
Feb 2016 · 475
O' gravestone
Star Gazer Feb 2016
O' gravestone, O' gravestone
How you sit alone
O' gravestone, O' gravestone
'Twas a battle zone.

O' gravestone, O' gravestone
Artillery of hate hurt you
O' gravestone, O' gravestone
Blood rained red stained blue.

O' gravestone, O' gravestone
If the shells did not ricochet,
O' gravestone, O' gravestone
You might have seen today.

O' gravestone, O' gravestone
You were never the prey
O' gravestone, O' gravestone
Caught in the crossfire sprayed.

O' gravestone, O' gravestone
I miss your comfort
O' gravestone, O' gravestone
Why must I turn to you when hurt?
I finally closed a chapter of my life - my first real heartbreak. It's finally done and over with, but I realised that I turned to dead people of my past more than the live ones, i don't know if they hear me, if they probably did they'll say stuff like what a weakling or stuff. I went to one of the best people I've known taken from this world by cruel words too young. I don't know if she could hear me but she's always been the one to hold me together when i fell apart. She'd just push me to go play sports and that usually made me forget things because shed shown me that how much of a weakling i am on the court and off.  But yea, i finally closed a chapter of my life. It's pleasant in a manner to have closure.
Feb 2016 · 170
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We leapt to lies,
Struggling to conceptualise,
Why other people were so **** happy.
Feb 2016 · 347
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I wore a smile from the hospital
To my father's funeral.
I wore a smile from the boys' ******
To the mens' ******.
I would cut at my emotional tumour,
With nothing but my sense of humour,
As though laughing will make the pain go away,
And somehow I could see a brighter day,
A brighter hour, brighter minute and brighter second,
somehow always waiting, wishing and guessing,
when that bright light will arrive.

Reality is very different,
We could only see as far as our eyes let us,
We would never be able to see pass the skin,
To where true pain begins.
We would never see the true pain that comes from the heart,
We would never witness the heart tearing itself apart.

We would touch up on our make up,
To coat our emotions in a mask,
While others hid it in a flask,
So our true pain will never be seen,
whether it'll be in face or on a screen.

They treated us as though the pains of yesterday,
Could somehow be wished away,
As though the marks on our arm,
Would relieve us of all our inner harm.
We hanged onto hope,
Even if it was a thin piece of rope,

So how much is really in a smile,
And a constant telling of jokes,
As though clowns don't feel choked,
By the sadness that torments everyone.

What percentage of what we feel,
Isn't locked away with a seal?
Or being replaced by real facades,
When wearing a mask is our best guard?
Feb 2016 · 287
Her Light Vanished
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She stood tall alike her physique,
He stood weak as a waste,
But verbal abuse is never weak,
So artillery launches like copy and paste.

She stood a little closer to the ground,
Her head never once looked up,
And she knew one day she won't be around,
Because she'd finally had enough.

He stood a little higher to the skies,
Using her pain as a solid ground foundation,
Denying all responsibilities of the lies,
He had help contorted into creation.

She wasted into nothingness,
An overwhelming dark light burning into her soul,
Creating nothing but darkness,
Into a void that left her being ,like a black hole.

He stood prouder by the seconds, of all the names,
As though guts and glory made him feel pride,
When he should have been feeling ashamed,
For he was the reason that she cried....

She didn't stop at crying though,
Because the words never once stopped,
So from then on all she had known,
Was the certainty that her shoulders dropped.

As his light glistened in the fame of high school life,
Her light dimmed with every word said in strife,
And soon enough he had fame right and left,
While she fell into dark despair and eventually death.

She lays beneath the ground now,
With roses filling up to the skies,
As though somehow,
No one partook in the harmful lies.

He stands tall,
As she wastes away,
And with his pride and *****,
She never saw another day.

[I miss you...]
Feb 2016 · 417
A Knight Who Does Not Fight
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Silver armour defeating deafening silence,
Arrow heads impaling against metal,
He stood there withstanding the violence,
As war and gore on soil starts to settle.

Fatal finish for violence over words,
As the sound armour dings and rings,
The only noise the soldiers heard,
Were the sound of death, violence brings.

He was dressed like a soldier in battle,
But he had a gentle beating heart,
His mind never once did rattle,
When they used violence to tear him apart.

His words resonate in the soldiers soul,
'You don't have to use violence to fight,
And in this world being whole,
Means finding the bright light'.

"Violence is never the solution,
  It's a lesson that never changes,
  It should not belong to confucian,
  But then again humanity rarely changes"
Feb 2016 · 213
Star Guidance [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Lustrous star shining,
Your bright light guides my future,
To a deeper space.
Thank you to all the stars in my life helping me through everything.
Stars - people who have been influential in my personality and character.
Feb 2016 · 501
Sirius [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sirius hearts lay waste,
There was never any space,
Its shine starts to dim.
Feb 2016 · 417
Bull [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Anger strikes the bull,
As its world fall into parts,
But there was no world.
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Cirrus Clouds [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Cirrus clouds tilting,
Doing all for the dry land,
Yet still stained with salt.
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