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DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Older man
seeks flexible lady
to bend
to his will
DieingEmbers May 2012
I the under signed agree
to never let you go
to love you till the mighty sea
forgets to ebb and flow
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
Corn flowers
in summers
reminding me
of you
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
I was free

you were too

     we both...

                became one.
DieingEmbers Mar 2013
I smile
and once more
you check
you're wearing shoes
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
I lay myself open to you...

Like a thumb worn novel

aspiring to be a classical romance...

coming off as a cheap
dime store

My lines less Tennyson and Shelley
more Micky Spillani

yet feel the warmth of each page
once pressed against
my aching

for it heard my needful heart
tasted my tears

Read between the lines
find the nervous boy behind the man

all fingers and thumbs
typing out words his Tongue
could never

Each comma each fullstop
an anxious
out breath...

as I thought of you discarding me

in pursuit of passion

yet know the foreword and the photograph
do no justice to my ache
for you

to find me
there amongst the metaphors


for you alone
to know the real me.
DieingEmbers Jun 2012
Let's make crop circles
as we play
the lovers game.
Nothing like a roll in the hay lol
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
These lines penned by a gentle hand


nothing more.
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
your words were angels wings
light and uplifting

they are army boots
trampling my hopes and dreams

Am I now dirt
to wipe from your sole
or can I be
once more your soul mate
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
You hands beat it hard until it stood up stiff
Merengues anyone
DieingEmbers May 2012
What emotion is this ?

This tideless ocean
that breaks nightly
scotch stained rocks...

as I drowned my sorrows

reflecting upon
mine own repulsion
of myself

in spillage soaked emultion.

Bartab grows
bearing teeth of broken glass
as late night melancholy
bites me in the ***

The jukebox
offers his ten cents worth

Pour me a drink and I'll tell you some lies

change the record
pull the plug
pay off the stranger with the cigar **** eyes.

One more for the road
and maybe I'll leave

for there's too many ghosts
wearing out hearts
on their sleeves...

For my hearts the Titanic
smashed on fresh ice

as I head out in the rain storm
to take the Everlys advice.
Just a few songs that have been favourites during my many adolescent broken hearts, how many did you cry too?
DieingEmbers Jun 2013
Crystal raindrops
race the mourning sun
across my
windowed pain
They lead to your soul they say I wonder where they lead when we look out
DieingEmbers Mar 2013
I gave you sugar

that will

taste of salt
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
I need no other spoon but the one we share.
Spooning - lieing together or the welsh tradition of the loving spoon
DieingEmbers Apr 2013
I long
to have you in my arms


MMR is measles mumps rubella jab as there's a measles outbreak in Wales and its spreading rapidly hundreds of children already infected and thousands rushing to be immunised.
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
Lay your head upon me
make of me
Sweet dreams With this little word play
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
You want me to stop loving you...

then here's a knife

cut my heart
from my naked chest.

You want me to stop saying I love you...

take these scissors

cut my tongue
from my open mouth.

You want me not to feel love for you...

take this axe
and chop off my hands.

Happy Now In your ignorance

for love is not in the heart or word
nor is it in touch

love is deeper
way beyond the understanding of you and I

for love once given
can never be taken backnor taken from one

it's the scent
you wear unnoticed upon your skin

the image of a smile
that lifts you when others knock you down

it's the uncertainty and the doubt
made trivial beneath the weight of promises
and kisses

it's here
it's all of me and more

for love lives on
long after you or I my dear

erase me from your life
your photographs and video collection

I'll still be playing on your mind

DieingEmbers Jan 2013
Comfy couch
a cup of coffee...

cheerful company

cuddling close.
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
I kiss the screen
feeling only the
of the glass
mocking me with your lips...

your eyes laugh too
but their laughter
soothes me
as I touch the screen
the connection
we have

your CPU heartbeat
your electronic
vocal cords that hum
unto my ears
causing from me
a smile...

Once more I kiss the screen
pushing past
the pixels and the pain
to meet with
you my love
on this
our cybernetic plain.
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
I sit
by the window
same time every day.
My daughters dog Molly knows exactly what time she comes home from school every day.
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
The daisies are lieing silent now
The earth as claimed her back
my heart oh God it's breakings
and the skies have turned to black

Ten years you've stayed beside me
ten years you've shared my pain
and now my heart is breaking
cause I ner' see you again
DieingEmbers Oct 2012
He gave me folic acid
I thought I'm not pregnant
and laughed
I needed to laugh to find humour
in the situation
grave as it was
cancer medicines and chest X-rays
all routine for
Rheumatoid Arthritis free floating
in the blood
joints tender before
aching now
meds that may make your hair fall out
again I laugh
I'm already going bald.
tonight the cycle begins immune system down
as these react with beta blockers
leaving me wide open to decease and infection
I need a laugh
right now
I can't see the funny side
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
Mood swings

eratic pendulum...

knocking aside
            those closest
                             To Me.
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
In what light am I undone
that morning stars lead you away
and with the rising of the sun
you bid farewell you cannot stay.

For morn brings mourning to my eyes
and here upon my trembling lips
lie echos of those gentle sighs
that with this night so gently slips.
from hands that plead with lack of voice
yet speak aloud both want and need
for this is circumstance not choice
that seperates and intercedes.

Pray twilight hear my anguished heart
and offer solace to my soul
as I once more am torn apart
without the love that makes me whole.

So I with muted tongue your name pronounce
as darkness kills stone dead our bliss
and mornings manic smile doth trounce
the chance of one last goodnight kiss.
DieingEmbers Aug 2012
There's a fire burning slowly
on the beach
beside the bay
where a woman's dancing naked
kicking up
the ocean spray
her eyes have caught
the moonlight
in her come to bed allure
as she awaits
the coming
of the dawn and nothing more.
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
A thousand
tiny suns shone
beneath her naked feet
as she danced
the meadow
woven around her
as a shawl
scent of summer
in her hair
and the breeze
cool upon her face
no gypsy ever felt as free
as she did

right now.
As some felt my last daisy poem too sad
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
Her name was Elsie
she came from Chelsea
with a Zimmer walking aid
she would dance when she was paid
clicking teeth and hips
pouting her dry lips
and she would shake her bingo wings
and her saggy ****** rings
the O A P's would cheer
for this geriatric dear
Trying to touch her wrinkled ***
with their free bus pass

At the Darby...     Darby and Joan Club.
The Darby & Joan Club is where O A P old age pensioners go to play bingo and drink and dance. Bus pass is a card that allows free travel
DieingEmbers Jun 2013
Only one whom has known darkness...

can ever truely

the gentle reassurence

the light.
For all my fellow depression suffering friends especially Weeping Willow and Timothy whom like many of you have been there when I needed you most
DieingEmbers May 2012
Crimson fire
wavers in hues
of violet and tangerine
as yellow shadows
dance in rhythm
as heat strokes
in azure flames
the waking sky
as horizon
edged with sparks
the coming sun.
DieingEmbers Aug 2012
She begged him not to do it
as he walked toward the pen
where they held a bull so evil
it had killed a dozen men

But he just smiled and kissed her
and climbed up the wooden gate
then he saddled up the daemon
that had killed twelve men to date

She screamed its unlucky
you're the thirteenth man all said
to try and tame this here creature
that so far left twelve men dead

He tried to calm her fear
with a smile and with a look
as the gate was thrown wide open
and the ground beneath him shook

He failed to grip the reigns
as his hands were dripping wet
and the bull became a whirlwind
angered by the scent of sweat

The ground rushed to meet him
but the bulls horns caught him clean
and the hooves kicked down upon him
as twelve men became thirteen

She wept as they gave her
his old cowboy hat of black
and then she walked away in anger
with the promise she'd be back
And she may be...
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
She was a fragile butterfly
razor blade edged wings
Based on a comment made to Camilla Ames as a way to help her find her voice
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
***.                 ***
Your last love letter

gave my heart

a paper cut.
Dear John letters are I'm sorry but letters
DieingEmbers Jun 2012
My mind pays me no mind

as voices echo in empty rooms
mocking me
with mine own words.


Ravens fly behind my eyes
in spiralling darkness
fears thought buried deep

they rend the veil
spilling my dreams
leaving me feeling worthless

leave me alone

why did YOU leave me alone.

all is black all is silent all is lost
Last night the darkness was around me and within me
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
Why are depressives good dancers?
they're always getting down.
I suffer from depression so this is not a dig at anyone. Originally it was why are depressives such bad dancers? Because their meds won't let them get down. But too long lol
DieingEmbers Apr 2013
Tonight my mind is not my own
tonight Jacob comes

I can feel his claws behind my eyes
taking control

Tonight my poetry is not my own
tonight Jacob comes
He is more than just a mouse he is my illness I'll explain later as funding wrotin hsrd
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
She loves me she loves me not
the daisy head lays bear
but I'm unsure it's prophecy
as I sit and ponder there
how can a flower know the heart
or feel the pain of ache
and yet I fear it's honesty
as I feel my poor heart break
all day within the meadow sat
one thousand daisies dead
and still my love lies bleeding
because of what they said
she loves me she loves me not
what cannot speak can't lie
and like their petals in the wind
my love as passed me by

DieingEmbers Sep 2012
Its dickie dark the days at end
the sun has run away
it's dickie dark just look my friend
the moon has come to play

The flowers tucked up in their beds
the birdies fast asleep
and over roofs of garden sheds
the ***** cats now creep

It's dickie dark it's time to change
and get into my bed
my teddy bears ill rearrange
around my feet and head

Ill sleep till dirkie dark has gone
and Dawn lights up my face
So daddy turn my night light on
it's in it's usual place

It's dickie dark the day is done
I'm tucked up warm and tight
it's dickie dark and that's no fun
so one and all goodnight
What my 3 year old grandson calls night time
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
Her ***** burned
for him
the flames of passion
heating away
all her doubts and inhabitions
the heat from his body
seared her own
branding open hearts
upon her flesh
with his kiss
sweat became steam
as in the afterglow of his naked touch
she smoked...

the scent of ***
hot lungs
DieingEmbers Oct 2012
Rattling chains and creaking wooden doors
blood stained Walls and wild eyed rats
Cobwebs blow in death rattle breeze
the stench of bodies buried deep
caged men with tortured souls
blackened skin and twisted smiles
stare blankly from the darkness
in this land where sunlight never shines.
Coal Mining memories
DieingEmbers Aug 2012
Tis not enough
that time
tears you from my arms
and distance
keeps you from my sight
now the Internet
isolates  you from my presence

thank the Lord
no one
nor anything
can remove you from my heart.
Long distance is hard enough without further factors
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
Doctor Doctor I've got an ache
have you a pill that I could take,
to cease this beating in my chest
to give me peace to let me rest.

It doesn't hurt no not as such,
it's just I long to feel her touch.
to taste her lips to smell her skin,
can you not see the state I'm in.

She is my drug my cigarette,
my alcohol my need to bet.
The air I breath the food I eat,
the very ground beneath my feet.

The first the last my ev'ry thought,
the web of dreams in which I'm caught.
The scent I love after a storm,
the way her kisses keep me warm.

On second thoughts doctor forget,
I ever came we ever met.
For it would seem she gives me pain,
because her love drives me insane.

So let me ache for you ... Alone,
and let my need of you be known.
My summer love my Autumn tryst
just know one thing... you're always missed.
DieingEmbers Mar 2013
I called her Dolly

cause I luvved...

playing with her.


She said she was broken

so I filled

her crack.
Crack is English slang for * ahem * as you know I dont pen **** lol.
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
I saw you today and.....froze

I touched my lower lip
where your kiss drew blood
tore flesh...

I wanted to curl up
but why
so you could kick me while I'm down


I felt the sweat on my brow...
and sticky
I smelt the blood
saw the porcelain fragments
at my feet

I saw you today
and wanted to prove
I had moved on

I was wrong
DieingEmbers May 2013
You lay there
with bed head hair
morning breath...

Dried drool on your lower lip

the remnants
of last nights take away

still present in your teeth

and all I can think

how beautiful you are and how much I love you
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
Don't you wish your boyfriend
was a **** like me
Don't you wish your boyfriend
made you sick like me

dontcha dontcha

Don't you wish your boyfriend
was an *** like me
Don't you wish your boyfriend
passed gas like me


dontcha.  Dontcha

May write a parody of whole song lol
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
Sponge fruit jelly cream...

            ...I'm a trifle mad this morning.
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Nip and tuck

                          and liposuck

makes natural fake

                          BIG mistake!
Men and women seeking perfection my advise look in the mirror
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
It's easy getting a woman wet...

run her a bath.
DieingEmbers Jun 2013
My girlfriend made me gay
and boy...

am I happy.
After reading Martins Grandad poem about the ****** I thought I'll try that too gay used to mean extremely happy not what it means now.
DieingEmbers Sep 2012
You arise
as I take your place
to feel your warmth once more,
your pillow still fresh
with scent and dreams
comforts me as I pull tight your sweet embrace
within soft cotton folds,
smiling as I am all consumed within you
you return and sigh
bending low to kiss once more before leaving  
lips that  have yet to speak
for fear the word

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