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DieingEmbers Feb 2013
From where do the flowers grow
that winters reap and summers sow
and where to do those sweet blooms go

when you are far from me.
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
As looks will surely fade


laughter lasts a lifetime
A comment I made on The Undead Faery Girls poem Tough Guys it just sounded like a 10w poem lol
DieingEmbers Oct 2012
I wait all day
for a few stolen moments

a quick exchange
of words
that transform my world
from grey
to reds and golds

for you are autumn
dispelling winter
from my mind

you are the breeze
and early morning rain
that cleanse me

and when you're gone
you are mist
surrounding me

a blanket shawl
that comforts and calms me
with a hug

you are the very laughter
of the stars
that guard me

and most of all
when I feel down
I wear the smile gave me...
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
Two mouths share one kiss
to be free.
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
Was it only one day
you were absent
then why did
my world
fall apart?

Is the reason my dear
that you're truly
so dear to
my aching
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Hold me...

not in your arms
but forever

in your heart.

** <3 **
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
You never really saw
the funny side
the time I wrote upon my pants
do not open until Christmas day
DieingEmbers Jun 2012
I am not a record

so please don't play me.

A play on 78 rpm (revolutions per min for those too young for vinyl lol )
DieingEmbers May 2013
The kidnapper

was a real go get her

they said
Simple word play as it's 3:41 and I'm tired lol
DieingEmbers May 2012
doesn't make
love stronger
it only
fuels the doubt
DieingEmbers Mar 2013
We share the night

but the

is mine

a l o n e
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Your tongue forks
moving slowly
across my static body...

my screams
to alternate
between pain and pleasure,
at my own depravity...

I switch
from my current position
as you place
your knee on my chest
and smile,

I see I've really turned you on.
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
She makes me ache her coming
and I've ached when er' she came
now im aching in this moment
with my lips screaming her name.
DieingEmbers Oct 2012
How long must I ache alone


my breaking heart.

Until such time as I can forget


my mind.
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
If this were a film
I'd be nothing more than an extra...

to wind up
on the cutting room floor,

from ever
speaking the words
I spent
building up the confidence to say
to you

face to face

cut to a close up of rain
running slowly
down a window pane

as you walk away from camera
never knowing

were my tears.
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Older man
seeks horsey lady
for bare back rides
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
Dance for me
                 by candle light
                                     be my Midnight Moth
give to my heart  
                      the ache of flight
                                            upon your wings of cloth

Let my heart
                 the candle be
                                   The flicker and the flame

as soft you land
                    your kiss on me
                                         and brand them with your name.
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
Soft sighs from tender lips give ache
To heart in shadow made afraid,
to dare to beat to burst to break
for fear his words be over played.

His fingers pluck the withered bloom
to dry his eyes of wasted tears,
then casts it out into her room
and moves in shade as she appears.

No artists brush nor sculptor hand
er formed so sweet a female face,
nor could the playwrite nor poet grand
could pen such form with natural grace.

Again I fain from being seen
and risk rejection in your eyes,
as there you stand my love my queen
and I your fool wear nights disguise.

Morning born on silken wings
Illuminates where once love stood,
as unrequitted love now brings
a longing ache to cool the blood.
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
The lightbulb  above my head
just blew


draws in
Again make of as you will
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
Hunger satisfied
as you
laid more
than just the table.
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
Whenever you leave me
I find myself
for your heart-beat
within the songs
you linked me...

I search out
your smile reflected gently
within each emoticon
and lol message sent daily...

If only your touch
could be so easily found
amongst your words
offering some semblance of sweet comfort
to my aching heart

so until tomorrow
when you again reach out
to hold me close

I bid you goodnight and God speed
for time apart is truly
such sweet
Thanks to Shakespeare for the sweet sorrow line
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
I sit patient beneath a dying sky
watching flames
bleed from a wounded sun
brought down by falling stars...

like crystalline tear drops
poison tipped
they rend violet scars
across the blackened flesh of night...

for midnight comes without compassion
to bury this earth
in unhallowed darkness
amongst the grave stones of long dead planets...

and empty space.
DieingEmbers May 2013
Women in stilettos

make my *****

to be rubbed.
Take this either way lol saucy or painful
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
13:01 weighing 7lb 2oz
you entered this world
your mothers mirror image miniaturised
wearing the smile her mother gave her.
My second grandson Alfie born this afternoon, I made it a 4:20 poem as my daughter went into slow labour at 4:20 am this morning
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
Alfie won't eat
can't keep it down
there's fluid on his chest

Three days two nights
and lots of care
he's home and well and blessed.

Thank you to God
whom heard my prayers
and doctors that would not rest.
Alls good they drained the fluid and finally eating and keeping down, prayer and medicine working hand in hand
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
The birds have song
the flowers scent
but all I have
is earned and spent
so take my arms
and my embrace
my gentle kiss
upon your face
and keep them all
as I O U
to prove my worth
and my loves true
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
I sit holding my knees
head resting
on folded arms,
watching the waves break
gently over my
naked feet.
The sand warm
runs a way down the beach
in my footsteps
back to where she lays sleeping,
still dreaming images
painted upon the canvas of the heart...
slowly beating
beneath her rhythmic breast.
I had to come away
I could not bear to gaze to long
upon her beauty
for fear I too
was only dreaming.
For how could she love me
how could she
when I have nothing to offer her...

but these my words.
DieingEmbers Mar 2012
I stand walking the waters edge
my heart beat
echos the tidal ebb and flow,
following in your footsteps
I return
leaving my heart pinned
to the beaches
shifting sands.

I find you fresh risen
still the lingering scent of sleep
upon your morning kiss

and still
I wonder why you love me
afraid to breathe...

You snuggle close
whispering good morning babe
the coffees on
and I exhale.

You look at me and turn away
and I reach for you

when you surprise me,

why do you love me
when all I have
to give

are these my words.
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
What medication could ever
bring such relaxed

as ***?
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
Even bundled up
in wooly hat,
and thick winter coat
she looks desirable.
It must be the boots
the knee length
black leather
she sees me looking
and laughs
and in fain anger turns away...

her pony tail
catches my eye
draws me to follow
engaged steps matching her sway
of hips
she looks back and winks
and I find myself
for even bundled up
she's still
all woman.
DieingEmbers Apr 2013
We shared a moment...

it wasnt stolen

It was

merely loaned.

We  share that memory...

of what

could not be owned.
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
I bare my soul and all to her alone
to no one else my true self known
for through trust a bond as grown
between her heart and mine alone
DieingEmbers Jun 2012
This morn
there is no warmth
as winter
hath return-ed.
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
Wanting peace...

but finding within it
lies an unbearable.

DieingEmbers Dec 2012
I tried to speak
but my words became lost
within the
emptiness of each sigh...

was missing from
your eyes

from your lips

where is the rose
so soft
and vibrant
plucked from your cheeks...

what ails ones heart so

as to steal
the very laughter
from her kiss...

the very twinkle
from her eyes.

All I have to offer is my shoulder
my arms
my ears

but humble as they are

they are yours...

DieingEmbers Jul 2012
( A lakeside moonlit and still reflects softly her pain...)

Beneath heavens gaze am I found lonely
finding solace in this peaceful place
and here my pain so clearly shown me
upon my own sweet tear stained face
my eyes are stars so softly fallen
tracing lines on cheeks burned red
reflect my heart so often stallen
when ache and need have turned to dread
for where by night canst my love be
when at my side his place grows cold
my heart a fragile dove set free
to doubt the flight of words once told

but wait by sooth as footsteps hasten...

( Her lover appears red faced and breathless...)

My love my light my inner aches
I fear that I may tarry not
for now your father this way makes
make haste and leave this chasten plot
for I would die a thousand times
for sake of one sweet moment shared
for he hath deemed our meetings crimes
and swore my life would not be spared
so by all that I call holy
take thy leave and leave me be
but knowest this I love you wholly
now take this kiss and pray now flee...

( she leaves as her father appears sword drawn)

Thy knave thy cad thy solemn cur
that dares to court my daughters heart
now face me here my cowardly ser
that could not face me from the start
how many nights hast thou hidden
beneath the veil of given night
and rough shod or' my good name ridden
keeping your love from honest sight
I couldst forgive my daughter truely
if she herself had made this known
but I must hear it from others cruelly
and now for shame thou will atone

To be continued...
Ser is olde sir
DieingEmbers Jun 2012
America invades

on foot
     and by air

as England weeps.
American grey squirrels have all but killed Englands Red squirrels out along with the humble bumble bee that American introduced bees to breed and make new types of honey only to find instead they attacked one another. maybe there's a reason there's an ocean between our shores.
DieingEmbers Apr 2013
A teacup full of teardrops
makes my mourning

DieingEmbers Feb 2013
Seems unfair somehow
to love you as I do...

to miss you
with all my heart

to hold you
in my thoughts

all night and day
just dreaming of your kiss...

I know it's mutual
but is it right
to want you as I do

not just your body
and your mind

but your time 

each precious second craved
each word digested

to be regurgitated later...

when I'm alone
with just my memories of you

is it okay to feel this way
to fear the very thought
of losing you

I wonder...


feel the same.
DieingEmbers Feb 2012
You say walk a mile in your shoes...


Now you do the same...

Here's mine.

The souls well worn
from front to back...

One size fits all
the colour black.

The leathers aged
and see that crack?

That's paranoid anti social depression...


You want your shoes back.
Crack as in cracked meaning mental mad , fit as in bouts of mood or personality swings, black as in depression. And yes one size fits all
Still wanna walk a mile in my shied
DieingEmbers Dec 2012
You stood on the cliff edge
arms wide
eyes closed
listening to the whistling wind
until the breeze died down
but the music continued
you opened your eyes
and saw me there
feet dangling, smiling
you looked from me to what lay before you
green hills golden fields and blue skies
beauty personified within one vista
you paused
again looking down to see me leaning
back on my hands
enjoying the warmth of the wintry sun
why are you here
you asked
and waited as I pondered the question
and shocked you with my answer
as I said
the same as you to feel small in the presence
of God but to know he sees me as I did you
you relaxed your arms and sat down
I offered you a mint
don't mind the fluff this coats clean I laughed
you smiled
and though you still don't know why you ate it
yet realised
the sweet things in life
are often those offered us freely
with a smile.
DieingEmbers Aug 2012
I have no silver but my tongue

no gold save my heart

and as for jewels I have but words

pray say this is a start.
DieingEmbers Feb 2013
I'm not
a materialist

I prefere to see you


DieingEmbers Nov 2012
I lay you down and turn around
and softly creep away
I turn once more just to be sure
that all is still ok

Your bottle gripped rubber **** tipped
a glass and half of milk
your tiny eyes and soft warm sighs
and skin as soft as silk

I stand awhile and gently smile
and listen to you snore
my heart my joy my baby boy
each day I love you more

Now sleep my son as day is done
and it has grown so dark
you must be beat with tired feet
from playing in the park

But come day break make no mistake
I'll be here with a hug
so off you go my darling Joe
wrapped up all warm and snug
This is for my good friend Linda W and her son.
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
drop em'

spread em'


Now meet


little friend.
Time for a check up for prostrate cancer not what you were thinking lol
DieingEmbers May 2013
Clockwork child with neon eyes
you've seen so many things
the death of man and fallen skies
and winter born of spring

Your clockwork mind predicted all
but man was far too dumb
to heed your words upon the wall
and so you just kept sthum

Your clockwork heart broke like a Child
as nature payed the price
and now the dead are neatly piled
beneath a world of ice
Maybe it won't be computer error that ends it all
DieingEmbers May 2013
Oh clockwork child with inkwell eyes
that penned mens doubts in promised lies
and watched as all that's born now dies
for nothing more than greed

Oh clockwork child with parchment hands
that mapped the hearts of war torn lands
and bleached the blood stained foreign sands
where children came to bleed

Oh clockwork child with torn page skin
that kept the scores of all mens sin
of wars they lost they could not win
as if they gave a ****

Oh clockwork child with gilt edged breath
who's whispers were the screams of death
that Rose the corpses from the depths
to herald the end of man
DieingEmbers Jul 2012
You are no angel
with wings of white
nor halo of gold

and yet...

when my daemons sought me
you gave me shelter
in your arms

this may not be Heaven
but by your touch alone...

I am spared Hell
DieingEmbers Jun 2012
The breath of Angels

could ner' compare

to the softness of your kiss.
DieingEmbers Nov 2012
My heart doth stall and falter so
when er' my love thou hath to go
and yet my pain I never show

for fear that I should hurt thee.

For thine Hazel eyes and Chestnut hair
and snow drop skin so white, so fair
doth at my heart and soul so tear

when er' thou don't believe me.

My mind doth wander so unhinged
and lips once cool now embers singed
that on your kisses quaffed and binged

so often and so freely

For  bitter cup pressed here to lips
as time once more from fingers slips
and or' my words my poor tongue trips
trying hard to tell thee

to tell you

to tell you what

to stay to never leave
to just for once me words believe
to see I seek not to deceive

But only here to love you
I may just delete this the rhyme scheme kept fighting me as I tried and stumbled over my own words
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