He sails the seas in search of cheese
salt crackers and fresh bread,
pickles and jam and maybe ham
and apples green and red.
As salt waves Lap he checks his map
His compass points him east,
to cracked plate isle where with a smile
he hopes to find his feast.
He takes the oar and rows once more
past wrecks of sunken chips
where octopi with beady eye
swim slow beneath his ship
Beneath the calm a suckered arm
shoots out and grabs the sail
Struggling to stand his sword in hand
he strikes to no avail
As out the blue another two
take hold upon his boat
a crack a crash as others bash
he fights to stay afloat
His sword goes whack the arm pulls back
the octopus descends
Sobbing wet tears he reappears
and said can't we be friends
For I've no one for they've all gone
and left me here he said
So can we please travel the seas
in search of bread and cheese
Jacob said aye and winked his eye
and said this will be fun
Friendship he thought cannot be bought
it must with love be won
Friendship be said beats cheese and bread
laughter sweeter than jam
I wish you could feel half as good
and happy as I am
Working on latest Jacob pirate poem for publisher thought I'd run it by you for criticism .. In search of bread and cheese should be cheese and bread will edit later as not sure of final two stanzas
Instead of last two stanzas thought maybe this one
Jacob said aye and winked his eye
and offered him his paw
so with a smile to cracked plate isle
as friends they sailed once more.