I had to slow down to feel my heart sitting there truly accepting the moments that someone else will be truly loving you still.
Time travels with our heart and mind, but except for mine.
I must,
I need,
I want,
To see you happier because in the end, it'll be okay because when you've forgot about my name and maybe will someday you'll forget that we were once even friends.
I am hopeless,
I am useless,
I am mediocrity,
Because losing you was like blasting off the last kryptonite in outer space of this odyssey.
Having to have fallen for you it was like my own ecstasy trying to raised no expectancy. A price to pay even if it was just minute or two of sitting next to you.
That kryptonite that pushes me away, so you'll have the heart to choose even if I wanted here for me to stay.
#OnlyYou #S