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DG Aug 2013
It's been good for a while
Isolated, away from the pressures.
But now i can barley hold back tears
As I am flung back into this social spiderweb
Welcome back to school
DG Aug 2013
I did a lot of thinking in 2 days time
Wondering what and how it happened
And i still don't know

We were both mad that night
Or at least i know i was
Talking about a subject that haunted me for the last year.

What do i want to do now?
I want to erase that night
Think as if it never happened
And take back what i stupidly said
I'm sorry skye
DG Aug 2013
Screamed into the air
Punched a wall
Threw a chair
Broke a window
Almost grabbed the knife
Then cried my eyes out
Happened a few weeks ago. My hand still hurts
DG Aug 2013
Teeth gritten
Fists clenched
Same song on repeat
"I hate everything about you"
Why is life so cruel?
DG Jun 2013
Earphones in, and that one song starts playing
Instantantly, the music sweeps me back
Almost a year ago

Around the time I started listening to the smashing pumpkins
Back when things were so simple
Just before I life started to get twisted
When people were people and not problems

The music continues to take me in
I begin to recall specific parts of my not so distant past
Back when I was listening to the same song after school
Completely unaware of what was to come

The song ends
I am immediately thrown back into reality
Lost and confused
Only hoping to make it another day
If you are wondering, the song is called "1979" by the smashing pumpkins
DG Jun 2013
Laying on the bed
Tears running down my face

I'm listening to music
But it does not fill the hole In my heart

*I need you here
DG Jun 2013
just one moment is all it takes
one moment, sometimes less than a second
and you will need to live with that mistake
for who knows how long
funny story how I got inspired to make this poem. that happened to me physically and emotionally. a few days ago, I punched a wall and my hand still hurts now. and I have made emotional mistakes countless times...
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