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Devon Leonel May 2018
Closer and closer we've been creeping
The view from the edge is supposed to be amazing
So I've been told
Even more thrilling, the joy of freefall
If you have the nerve to throw yourself into the unknown
Long have I avoided the edge
Bordered by a deceptively steep *****
That has caught many unawares
And sent them, off balance and stumbling
Over the lip and into the vast expanse
And I have sat, unwilling to test my footing
On the treacherous ground
But now
You, who have been to the edge
You, who have experienced the thrill of the flight
Take my hand
And sit
And suddenly
I find I can remain still no longer
I want to know what life is like
Down the hill
Walking the divide between land and sky
And so, after years of sitting
I rise, your hand in mine
And together we brave the hill
It's not so bad, I find
My feet are sure with each step
And you
You, who have taken this journey before
You don't take the lead
Don't pull me along
You follow, matching me stride for stride
And each step makes me want to take one more
Until we find ourselves walking--
Not walking, dancing--
On the brink of the precipice
And I realize our steps are sure
There is no danger of an accidental fall
How long will we resist
The urge to make the jump?
I want to take the leap with you
Devon Leonel May 2018
And just like that
The wall between us fell
Turns out
We're going the same direction
After all
Devon Leonel May 2018
i bend
we break
Devon Leonel May 2018
No bridge spans this divide
Unlike so many others
We were able to work together to cross
You stand on the other side
And not even our love
Can reach across the gap
I stand at the edge
Next to a dream I hold dear
Cherished and nurtured over the years
Grown strong and tall
Stretching to the sky
It might just be tall enough
To reach the other side
To reach to you
But I can't be sure
So I stand next to the mighty trunk
Axe in hand
And I know
I must decide
I wish I could have both
Devon Leonel Jan 2018
Deadliest monster
Truly believes that it is
A creature of light
Devon Leonel Jan 2018
Oh, it's graceful, all right
This dance of yours
As you leap and twirl and glide
You generate a force stronger than gravity
And they come, one by one, drawn by your light
These little planets, caught by the weight of your brilliance
They fall into orbit
Wanting only to bask in the warmth
You cast forth so effortlessly in your dance
They circle, but at the center is you.
Always you.
Only you.
And as they come, one by one
So also they fall
Trapped in orbits that begin to decay
Nearer and nearer they close
Until they are too close
You draw them into your wild dance
And they burn.
All too soon there is nothing left
These little planets, once so full of life
Now nothing more than scorched and desolate ***** of rock
They slingshot back into orbit
Where they stay
A solar system of broken dreams
And in the center
A sun
Wishing it knew
How to simply be
A planet
Sometimes you have to realize that the monster isn't under the bed.

It's in the mirror.
Devon Leonel Dec 2016
I’m impressed you made it this far
See, most people don’t ever leave the beach
Staying where the sun is hot
The water is warm
The breeze is cool
Thinking that’s the main attraction on this island
But you
Saw the mountain
Left the shore behind
And started climbing
You found the cave
At the end of a tiny, winding track
Nestled high in the cliff’s face
And headed straight for the heart of the mountain
The tunnel collapse didn’t stop you
But on
You came
Until the wall blocked your path
The wall
Meant to protect the island’s heart
A formidable barrier of solid ice
Thick enough to turn the mightiest of weapons
And here you are
Before the wall
You lay your bare hands
(Still scratched and raw from the cave-in)
Against its surface
And under their gentle warmth
It begins
To melt
What is more powerful than relentless love?
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