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Nevermind Apr 2016
Sleepwalking people
No where to go
Weary eyes closed
Relying on some hope
Yet very aware
Of the harsh reality in which they live
Sleepwalking people
On the sidewalks adrift
Looking so lost
But sure all the same
Sleepwalking people
With no memories, no names
Nevermind Sep 2016
Love these cotton candy skies
Sweet like everything's alright
Fairground fields stretching for miles
Sugar sweet tears beneath my eyes
Nevermind May 2015
Walking along
The side of
The highway
Under the
Drizzling rain
Cars pass
Me by
As if they're running
From me
I see my life's events
In the reddish
Of their tail lights
Their wheels
Spray up water
Drenched in pain
It feels so cold
My hands in my pockets
Are the only thing
That feels like home
I'm tired of walking
This road alone
Nevermind Apr 2016
I think about the things
That are said to me
In quiet moments
Confided in with the belief
That it's just a simple fact
That it doesn't matter at all
I think about these things
For days and days beyond
Maybe I have
Nothing better to do
Maybe this knowledge
Connects me to you
Exchanges with strangers
Meaningless and brief
Stay on my mind
They never leave
Nevermind Nov 2015
Maybe I'm just antisocial
Or too withdrawn
But being with family
Feels so wrong
New Years Eve
All these events
These dreadful things
I love them all
I most confess
They're my family
More or less
But when I'm
Surrounded by them
I feel like
An alien
Nevermind May 2015
As soon as I saw your face
All feelings were erased
It was you and I
Me and you
Nothing in the world
Could amount to
The relief I felt
To be by your side
To feel your hand
Fit perfectly over mine
It's crazy how
It replays in my mind
Yet for you it was just
A waste of time
Nevermind Dec 2015
I don't wanna
Feel my face
I can't stand
To feel the pain
The things that haunt me everyday
The things that refuse
To go away
The things embeded
In this rotting brain
Drowning in substance
Escaping down the drain
Into a void
Of thoughtlessness
I never "thought"
It'd end like this
Nevermind Sep 2016
Knew there was nothing
Just wanted to believe
Wanted to hang on
It all felt so sweet
I'm sick to my stomach
Down on my knees
I knew there was nothing
I Just wanted to believe
All the things you said
So sweetly to me
I held them to no value
But still I see
The truth in the end
Is still what it seemed
I knew there was nothing
Just wanted to believe
Nevermind Feb 2016
I met a man
On the 9 o'clock train
He didn't ask my age
He didn't ask my name
I met a man
With a scar over his eye
An empty bottle of ***
And a dog across his thigh
His voice came out in a whisper
So subtle and innocently fine
With a small gesture of his hand
"Could you spare a dime?"
I reached into my purse
Knowing I had much to spare
An un cashed paycheck hidden stealthily in there
I gave him some change
And we sat in silence once more
The train lurched to a stop
And opened it's doors
The man and his dog left
I never saw him again
But such an impression he made
Over a measly 10 cents
Nevermind Aug 2016
Missing those days
Back when seasons never changed
Every week was the same
In it's pattern I felt safe
Downward spiral
Sadness is viral
Unbound my skin from a leather back bible
Brushing shoulders with strangers
Embracing uncertain danger
Empty lighters and wire coat hangers
In love with the knowledge that this moment could be the end
There's so many people, yet none to call "friend"
Alone in this world
Yet everything's mine
Caught up in the storm
Unable to fly
Nevermind Feb 2019
I don’t think I’m a bad person
I just let it get to the point
Where I’m only really hurting,
Feeling so frustrated and annoyed
Because I think and think
About what I am and what I do
Sometimes I think I’m at the brink
Of crazy not confused
I must somehow escape my mind
And run as fast as I can
I wish I’d just go blind
So I won’t fear the things at hand
I don’t think I’m bad at all
I just get hung up on my thoughts
I need to get outside my head
And be grateful for what I’ve got
Nevermind Jul 2019
Nothing I do ever seems to make sense
I'm just a fool with selfish intent
The things I like do nothing for me
Except get me so high I forget what it means
To keep someone's promise or show up on time
It's all I can think of, only thing on my mind
You'd think I'm a fiend when I'm all out of tree
Suddenly everything makes sense to me
The concept of family, having goals in life
They say it's what happens
Your motivation dies
It's inevitable, what your brain does
When instead of reading books you grow up doing drugs
"Your mom's a teacher you can't be that way"
"If you only knew" I just want to say
"Your dad's been there, can't you talk to him?"
It's hard to be an advocate
For someone who doesn't want to help themselves
Someone you thought you knew so well
Someone who was funny, and brave, and smart
From the rest they seemed so far apart
I've become the person I thought I'd never be
Nothing I do makes sense to me
Nevermind Apr 2015
I've got hungry hugs and hungry hands
My hugs pull you so tight that for a moment you feel some of the loneliness that's overflowing within me, and you have to pull away
I've got hands that wander 'cause they don't know where they belong
Don't mind my fingers, they've got minds of their very own
They're looking for other fingers to nestle in between
They're looking for hands to call home
Nevermind Sep 2016
Little round tops
On little glass jars
Little shiny needles
Sewing up the scars
Little white lies
Little black marks
Everything's small
But it still hits hard
Nevermind Apr 2015
My depression is like
A cut on my skin
It opens and bleeds
When I let people in
It's not just a cut
It's a gaping hole
It gives a perfect view
Of my heart, black as coal
Of course it hurts
What's life without pain?
But what what hurts the most
Is how the sight of my wound
Drives people away
Nevermind May 2020
Being nice in this world
It doesn’t get you so far
It’s okay to be cold
Let the stickers on your heart
Encapsulate your muscles
Constrict your veins
If you never let it out
It’s only yours to contain
The agony inside
Crying out to feel
The laughter that hides
Saying it all isn’t real
I take black stickers
I cover myself
It’s easy to be bitter
There’s no one to tell
Nevermind Nov 2018
If love is something
That cannot be changed
If it can’t be misplaced
Or taken away

If love is sure
Like a tree in the ground
And old brick buildings
Unoccupied now

If love is something that can’t be seen
Existing in places far in between
Love can be a thought
Or the seasons change
Only gone when forgotten
Love has no face
It’s beauty is unexpected
And strange in a way
Going undetected
In its hidden place

Gazing into shimmering pools
And the glittering light reflected
I dream of the love I’ll find
In things often neglected
Nevermind Nov 2015
I can't draw
And I can't sing
I can't do a lot of things
I have to take breaks
When I run
Because I pollute
My sorry lungs
I cannot put words
To my feelings sometimes
So I talk in choppy sentences
And send you late night rhymes
I can't get that one strand of hair
To lie flat on my head
And sometimes I forget I'm alive
Convinced that I'm dead
I'm really not good
At getting out of bed
I can't do a lot of things
Other people can
Nevermind Nov 2015
I don't want to let go
But I can't make it real
So whatever I'm holding onto
Is just a spinning wheel
Going round and round
A movie in my head
Making me sad and angry
Torturing me instead
I don't want to let go
But I can't make it real
I guess it's just a memory I carry
It's just something to feel
I don't want to let go
But I can't make it real
It'll never come back
It's gone for good
They've long since forgotten
They never understood
Nevermind Mar 2017
I don't care what anyone says
Even if the words get locked in my head
Without you I'd rather be dead
Even if you're what I'm fighting against
Don't give a **** we're like partners in crime
Least we have the ***** to own up to our lies
Around at night it's like ride or die
**** being a coward behind petty disguise
You're the only one that knows what's real
Only you know how I feel
If someone ***** with you I'll ****
Even through the ******* still
Middle fingers up I'm gone
Getting faded to our song
Like nothing was ever wrong
Things were fine all along
Everyone hates our generation
But right now I'm a sensation
Cause we're our own number one fans
And ******* if you don't understand
Youth is simply in the mind
So when you start to ***** and whine
Remember all the good old times
Young, free, dope, wild
Being obnoxious just because
In the moment we're so ****** up
Forget tomorrow it's worlds away
**** tomorrow let's live for today
Nevermind Nov 2015
If time had wings
Would it fly away
And leave me frozen
Stuck on this day
This wretched moment
This dreaded hour
If time could fly
It'd never be ours
Maybe it feels pressure
To slow or fast forward
Maybe time is lonely
In the hand of the Lord
Maybe time wishes
It could please us all
If time had wings
I bet it'd fly away
And I wouldn't hold it to fault
Nevermind Jan 2016
You're tired of my mind
I'm tired of it too
You get a glimpse
My suffering is true
I'm sorry I'm so awful
I'm sorry I don't try
I'm sorry that I'm sorry
I'm sorry that I cry
And sit and sulk
And hang my head
And say scary things
And leave you on "read"
I'm worthless
I'm nothing
Whatever you say I already know
I'm sorry I'm so awful
Full of misery and woes
Old past my age
Living past my deaths date
A burden to all
A waste of space
Nevermind Sep 2018
I want to be “honest”
But if I say
“I want to hurt myself”
They’ll lock me away
And leave me with the thoughts
That hurt the most
In my eyes it’s worse
Than voices or seeing ghosts
It’s a trap
They love to play
The “open up to me”
So I can lock you up game
Nevermind Nov 2015
Here's a few pieces of me
I carved them out myself
Add them to you
With a bit of glue
Or put them up on a shelf
No matter what you do with them
I truly hope they help
They're not much
They're barely enough
Bruised and beaten
Stained in blood
Nevermind Jul 2015
Lifeless bodies
Pale skin
Dragging forward
Headless and limp
Blood pouring
From their open wounds
More and more
Fill the room
Completely cornered
Anticipating my demise
Too frightened
To close my eyes
As they close in
Their wounds begin
To split open
Flesh falling
Away from bone
They disappear
And I'm alone
Nevermind Apr 2019
Watching the orange sun as I drive
When we were young and unafraid to die
We didn’t want to figure out why
Just having fun and passing the time
Everyone asks us where it all went
Children are pure yet still long to repent
We hadn’t even done anything yet
Finding our voices and making friends
What’s too much and what’s enough?
If all we really need is love
Why do I keep searching for what isn’t there
It’s such a weak emotion, feeling scared
Nevermind Jan 2019
I was once told

Everything starts with a thought

It was me that let go

But now that it’s done

It suddenly hurts

The emotionless divide

I’m not like her

But God knows I tried

I know you deserve

So much better than me

You say I don’t mean it

But it’s plain to see

I am dramatic

And I tell lies

What’s worse than having

A daughter despite

Everything right that you tried to do

Just turn into a monster and betray you

I don’t care what you think of me

If it’s good, if it’s bad

I can’t separate the feelings

Each one carries an expectation it seems

I had no dreams

Just who you wanted me to be
Nevermind Jun 2015
Walking down
The dark tunnel
Ignoring their screams
I refuse to return
To safety
Balancing on
The train tracks
Like a tight rope
Seems like that's
How life has been
Up until now
Starting to hear
The faint sound
It's drawing near
In its light I'm drowned
Nevermind May 2015
Paper skin
Glass bones
Endless sin
Broken homes
Bold bruises
Quiet cuts
Never really
Quite enough
Nevermind Dec 2015
Looking around
Doing all these things
Focus drowning out the sound
To identify one sense
Is to ignore the rest
I'm so overwhelmed
Done trying my best
Can't think straight
A world beyond my chair
A thousand miles of smiling eyes
Mocking me there
They're lined up in a row
Stepping aside as I walk
Eyes unmoving
They gasp and gawk
And I want to hunch over
I want to cry and scream
But I keep going
Because I guess it seems
It's not normal
To simply break down
To suddenly cave
And throw yourself on the ground
To bang your fists
Against your head
To tell a bystander
That you wish you were dead
All these things
In my dizzy mind
Screaming at me
All the time
Nevermind Jun 2015
I've lost all my marbles
They're rolling down the stairs
They're tripping everyone around
Come near if you dare
Nevermind Feb 2016
Lost children walking in a single file line
Nervous hearts beating so perfectly in time
To unconscious footsteps, thumping gently on the ground
Sleepwalking aimlessly with no one around
No one to guide them
No one to say
"Child are you lost ? Come along this way"
Lost children walking in a single file line
No one to wipe their tears, to stifle their cries
Nevermind Sep 2016
So easy for you to forget me
When I'm choking on smoke
Till I can't breathe
Wishing they'll just go
All these worthless memories
Rotting in my teeth
Like decaying dead bodies
Just sweep me underneath your rug
Stand me up straight, bandage me up
What you said and what you did
The opposite of love
How can I live
Poison burning in my throat
Just to forget the letters we wrote
Just **** me up
Shatter my hope
I'm paying for your sins
Closing the curtains after your shows
I'm begging for death
You're sitting at home
Drowning in hurt
No one knows
Nevermind Aug 2016
Sweet, calm, fear
Stinging in my wounds
I'm safe here
In these well lit rooms
Surrounded by people
Who care that I'm alive
Everyone's my equal
Just trying to survive
Morning routine
Laughter so sweet
Peace and harmony
Enveloped in winter's dream
I couldn't feel my heart
Glowing underneath my skin
Beating rays of light
Illuminating my ribs
Nevermind Oct 2015
I swore I heard my name
Called quietly behind
But turning to see empty space
I began to realize
Maybe it was
The quiet itself
Knowing how lonely
It is in this hell
Maybe just maybe
It called out my name
To let me know
That it feels the same
Nevermind Feb 2016
I've got a thousand little voices
In my head
Pleasantly whispering
I'm better off dead
Hanging over me
Like a silent threat
Everyone I've ever known
They're all dead
Nevermind Jul 2015
Purple twilight creeping over the water
Silently and slow
The background noise begins to falter
The ocean breeze steadily blows
Among the rocks, upon soft sand is where I've found my home
Nestled safely, though abandoned by the sunset's glow
Nevermind Apr 2016
It won't always be like this
These are the days I swear I'll miss
Nevermind Jul 2016
Everything I touch
Turns into worthless dust
Everything I create
Just wants to hide away
So hideously disfigured
So disgustingly afraid
Everything I create
Is a mirror of my face
Cracked down to my soul
I'm six feet in this hole
Underneath all my mistakes
And the ****** things I create
Nevermind Nov 2015
Oh God what have I done
What happened to everyone?
In the fog of my own brain
They simply slipped away
It's gotta be my fault
Was it something I said?
I miss them all so much
I miss all my old friends
I swear I'll buy this time
Let's all hang out again
I swear I'll even drive
Don't leave me high and dry
God I miss my friends
Can't stop wondering why
Nevermind Sep 2015
I think it takes a few of my bones
To keep them all together
Maybe they're just hanging on their own
Maybe it's a joint effort
It feels like they're crumbling beneath my skin
When I'm feeling under the weather
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
Why is it so easy to forget her?
Nevermind May 2019
I thought of this off the top of my head
The wind really ***** when the light's almost dead
I turn my back or try cupping my hand
If that doesn't work, find a new place to stand
Sometimes the trees start to freak me out
Looking so alive like they'd scream and shout
If they had a voice I wonder what they'd say
"My arms are asleep and the suns in my face" ?
They must see a lot being stuck in one place
Giving us life as we take it away
I'm so greedy but it's not the same
I often see things I'd like to take
Before I reach out I feel so ashamed
There isn't much value attached to my name
I'd rather wait, there's less risk involved
Every time I take a chance I end up losing it all
Nevermind Apr 2015
Because her skin
White as porcelain
Stretches over her bones
Like a canvas
Because her hair is long
Like waterfalls
Because her clothes hang
From her perfect body
Because she's delicate
Like a flower
Nothing else matters
Because she's beautiful
Nevermind Jan 2019
My words mean nothing

They come from nowhere

So if I am talking

Just pretend I’m not there

The things that I say

They don’t make sense

They come from a place

That’s confused and distressed

All I want to do

Is say the right thing

My thoughts are strange

They don’t belong to me

It’s easier with you

To just erase my mind

After all this time

I’ve kind of been trained

To put on a mask


And lie through the pain
Nevermind Dec 2015
I had this dream
And you were there
And I was dying
But you weren't scared
I had this dream
That I was almost dead
But you weren't sad
You wanted me to rest
And I felt the warmth
Of your hand on my head
It was so hot it was cool
And I couldn't comprehend
But once I passed on
I truly realized
It was the energy of that touch
That kept me alive
I had this dream
That we both died
And in our graves
We both decided
To throw a party
With the worms
And ants arrived
In tiny swarms
I had this dream
That we were alive
And I was walking down a hall
Wishing to die
But my heart picked up
As I walked through the double doors
Because my eyes were fixated
On on that warmth
And the back of her head
Came into sight
Long dark curls
I almost sighed
In some sort of relief
I took a seat
It was lunch time
And I was beat
I had this dream
That I wasn't weird
And I didn't live in fantasies
And I wasn't held together by tears
And I wasn't weaving webs
Around my arms and legs
Then getting agitated and upset
When I couldn't move
I had a dream
That there were eyes on your hands
And they were showing me
Some foreign land
Speaking in
Some foreign tongue
I now know to be
The language of love
I turned and grabbed
A safety pin
I opened it
And jabbed it in
The eye deflated
And began to bleed
And yet you still
Stayed close to me
I had this dream
Yet I knew I was dreaming
I still believe
Claiming to be done believing

Spinning around
Leaving me behind
Spiders crawling
Over my skin
Into my nostrils
Breathing them in
They're making their webs
Inside my lungs
They're laying eggs in my heart
Then I woke up
Nevermind Jun 2016
I'm so lonely
I want to cry
Tired of living
But scared to die
Everyone's got someone
So do I
But it feels so distant
Just teeth for miles
In the waving, dying grass
There'll only be nails
In the coffin at last
I'm so lonely
And sometimes I cry
Everything feels so distant
Teeth in the grass for miles
Nevermind Feb 2017
If the night was a story
It would be long and dark
Moon lights the path for me
Seeping into lonely hearts
Slowly floating fireflies
Out lining loves wicked disguise
Crickets calling left and right
Amongst the grass, dewy and light
Pushing my palms into the wet ground
I'm lonely but there's no one around
Even amongst the abundant sounds
And the moonlight's passion so bright and profound
Nevermind Jun 2015
Rabbits jumping
From line to line
Infinitely looping
As if in time
To the steady heartbeat
To which the world exists
Comes back to this
Nevermind Jun 2015
Who knows what'll happen
Between then and now
I'd rather just let it happen
Instead of trying figure it out
'Cause if we really knew
What the future held
There'd be no reason to keep going
Our interest would be quelled
So let's chase after the mystery
You and I
It's not about getting there
It's about the ride
Nevermind Dec 2015
You'll go off
To do great things
You'll meet great people
And forget about me
But the memory of you
Will stay forever
You've cut open my heart
And forcibly entered
I didn't want
To let you in
But here you are
My special friend
You're going places
So very far
You've torn apart
My tethered heart
With your wide smile
And your twitching brows
As you're speaking to me
Without any sound
The way your hands move
So swiftly and smooth
I love your language
I'm in love with you
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