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Apr 2014 · 185
Desert Rose Apr 2014
You want me here
You want me gone
Want me better
Want me to be the one
Apr 2014 · 224
it's all yours
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Eat me alive
Chew up my bones
Spit me out
Throw me away

Take what's left
My soul and spirit
Everything I have
Is now yours
Apr 2014 · 677
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Too perfect
To let you go

To happy
To cry

Too special
All this time
I'm spending with you

Too sad
to say goodbye

Too late
To leave

Too much fun
So you stay with me

Too in love
To not tell you
I'm in love with you
Apr 2014 · 602
Take Me
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Take these memories
You already have the
Rest of me

Take my heart
It's beating
Just for you

Take my soul
My whole
My everything
Apr 2014 · 187
Who knew
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Who knew
When we had it all
Had it all
It would be so easy
So easy
To lose it all

Who knew
When it came to love
Came to love
There was more than
Just you and me

I was so stupid
For thinking that
We could work out
Because all you did was
Play with my heart

I shoulda known better
Then to trust my heart to you
But now that you have it
My heart's broken in two

Now it's over
My love is gone
Nothing left to say
My hearts too broken
To be fixed anyway
Apr 2014 · 218
Why him
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Heart break and heartache
Little red roses
Scattered on the floor
Vases shattered on the ground

I thought he was the one
That our love would be enough
It turns out
I was wrong
I'm nothing but a young naïve fool

I should never have believed
A guy like him
Could ever
Love a girl like me
Apr 2014 · 266
Desert Rose Apr 2014
This was meant to be
Our place
Meant for just
You and me
Our secret hideout
Away from the
Secrets, pain and lies
Of the real world

This was our
Special hideout
Our ***** little secret
Away from our
Twisted reality

You ruined it all
Closed the door
To our happiness
When you let the
Green monster in

She bought hell
Into our little
Civil society

She turned us
Against each other
Tore our friendship apart

What was once our home
Is nothing more than a
faded, tainted memory

Pictures, books, and
Memories all
Burned to the ground

All that's left is
The pain that you
In our
****** up world
Apr 2014 · 210
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Poetry is the only way
To know if I'm
Even remotely  okay

I write to feel
Feeling lets me know
That I'm still alive
Even though I may
Be dead on the inside

Poetry is a way
Of exposing my
Thoughts through words
That I can't use when
Expressing my emotions

Poetry is my life
The only think
Keeping my feet
Planted firmly on the ground

Make fun of me
If you must
But writing is
What keeps me happy
Apr 2014 · 262
Desert Rose Apr 2014
So many people
Up there floating
In the sky
Crying out fr help

I believe
Death is the only
End to this pain
Apr 2014 · 347
One day
Desert Rose Apr 2014
One day
Things will change
You will regret
All the dumb
Choices you've made

One day
Things will get better
I'll forget you
You never made me
Any better

One day I
Will be happy
Without you
In my life

One day
Things wil be okay
You and me
Separate entities
Apr 2014 · 327
Desert Rose Apr 2014
The truth leads to
Horrible things
So maybe I should
Just lie next time
Apr 2014 · 305
These are my demons
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Fighting this battle
All alone
No one's there to save me
From the demons
Crawling inside of me
Threatening to
Burst and make
Me implode

They are coming up
Beating me
Maybe this is
All my fault
That I'm too weak
To fight the demons off

All alone
With the demons
Wandering, wishing, waiting
For someone to save me
Would someone understand me please
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Desert Rose Apr 2014
in my
and trying to
pretend that being
pretty doesn't matter
everyone knows
all about how
real the struggle is
Apr 2014 · 270
Desert Rose Apr 2014
I need to start
Writing again
It's who I am
I'm lost without it

Writing is a major part
Of what makes me
Feel almost happy

I couldn't live
Without my writing
It's ingrained
In my broken soul
Apr 2014 · 467
Love is
Desert Rose Apr 2014
Love is a myth
A story passed down from
Generation to generation
Parent to child
The one emotion
With no proof of a reality

There’s some proof of
Every other emotion
When you’re happy
Your lips spread wide and you
Flash your teeth to whoever’s looking
When you’re sad unwanted
Tears roll down your face
When you’re embarrassed your
Cheeks flush bright red rose

Love is a fairytale
One that may or may not
Begin with a
Once upon a time
Rarely ever really ends up
Happily ever after

Love is a drug
Try it once you
Get hooked
Love makes you a
Happy kind of high
Oblivious to reality
When you breakup
Reality crashes you like a
Instead of going down
You can always take another hit

Love is every girls dream
Their vision of their future
It starts at a young age
Even  when boys have cooties
Then they grow older,
Scribble hearts with their
Initials in their notebook
Stare at their crush when he
Supposedly isn’t looking

As they grow older
Girls version of love
Starts with a perfect boyfriend
Probably during the high school or college years
Graduating high school
Going on to college
Getting their dream down, then
Finally settling down
Ends in a perfect marriage
They’ve dreamed out their whole life

In the end
Love is a letdown
Ultimately made to
Blindside you
Break your into a million pieces

Somehow people make love out to
Sound like the perfect escape
From a past of fear and loneliness
Yet not so great when you find it’s
Virtually impossible to find a
Guy who’s ready to
Get down on one knee
Ask to spend the rest of forever with you
One who isn’t afraid to commit

Yet people still
Have hope to find this
Elusive magic potion that
Claims to make your fear go away
Make you stronger
Claims the effects will last forever

Maybe one day this
Crazy theory of love
Will be proven
So we know we’re not all
Chasing a hopeless dream

Until then play love’s game
Who knows
Maybe you’ll be the one to hit the jackpot
Apr 2014 · 442
Your reality isn't mine
Desert Rose Apr 2014
The harsh reality is
You're not worth it
We were never meant
To be together

I may want you now
Maybe even forever
But the pain I feel
Isn't worth this ****

Do what you want
Not just what your
Parents tell you

I want what's right
Want what's best
You and me just
Don't fit together

I thought you
Could be the one
Could be my forever
You make it very clear
That's not what you want
Apr 2014 · 338
More than a crush
Desert Rose Apr 2014
You know
You know
It's more than just a crush
You know
You know
This is more than love
You know
You know
That you could be the one
For me

Baby you are the only one
Who makes my heart beat fast
Whose love will last
You give me shivers
Up my spine
The only thing that
Occupies my mind

You're the one keeping me alive
Knowing I have you
Makes me less afraid to die
Mar 2014 · 517
Desert Rose Mar 2014
****** up and
Insecure because people are
Ever nice
Mar 2014 · 163
Desert Rose Mar 2014
Nothing left to hide from
Nowhere else to go
We gotta live out our stories
Just to end up alone
Mar 2014 · 169
Desert Rose Mar 2014
Nothing left to live for
No reason left to breathe
No person left to fight for
They've all given up on me

How sad but true
The life I lead
Where no one needs me
Nor wants me
Just has to put up with me
Mar 2014 · 392
Things Lost in the Fire
Desert Rose Mar 2014
In a moment everything changed
What was once whole
Became fractured by
A monstrous fire

My wilted roses
Lay, burnt
On my bedside table

My puppy ran away
Never looked back
Tried to save me

The sun disappeared
Went down
Bringing out the moon
Shadowing the night sky

The raindrops fell
Cleansing the world
Of fire's destruction
roses=love raindrops= clarity puppies=happinessandsanity soul moon=darkness
Pretty much my emotional downfall
Mar 2014 · 156
Waiting to Die
Desert Rose Mar 2014
No words
On or off the page
WIll ever be able to
Describe how I feel about
All the pain you've caused

I'm dying inside
Knowing you nothing will
Happen to you for
How much pain you've caused
How my heart breaks
Over and over again
Knowing that things will never be the same

I want things to go back
Back to the way they were
In the past when
Things were better

It's like you don't
Even know me anymore
Don't care how long
I've waited
For things to be okay

I tried so hard
Just to make things alright
Now I'm alive
Just waiting here to die

There are no more words
To say how I feel
Now I'm left
Here, alone
To die inside
Dedicated to my best friend
Desert Rose Mar 2014
When you looked me in the eyes
When you looked me in the eyes
My whole world changed
I found something
I never knew I was searching for

When you looked me in the eyes
I found all the strength I needed
To get better

I found myself
When you looked me in the eyes
Jan 2014 · 219
The Last Night
Desert Rose Jan 2014
Tuck me in
Hold me tight
Say you love me
Just for one last night

Lay with me
In your arms
Make me feel like
It'll be alright

One more day
Til it's gone
Our time is up
The magic is gone

One more night
Til we're through
Heartbreak and heartache knowing
I'm nothing without you

Goodbye is painful
But that's what we have to say
Heart left in pieces
Shattered on the floor
Maybe the next man
Will take the pain away
Jan 2014 · 289
Desert Rose Jan 2014
Death is
And makes people
That are depressed feel
Happy on the inside
Jan 2014 · 225
Desert Rose Jan 2014
No one was there for her
She was dying inside
Beaten and abused
Her whole life went awry

So when she got pregnant
She killed herself
Not able to come to terms
With the fact
Her own brother
Got her pregnant
Jan 2014 · 402
Desert Rose Jan 2014
So especially ****** up he
Probably doesn't
Even care that I need him
Countless memories of hurt
In my head
All make me feel
Like I'm so **** special
Dec 2013 · 631
Desert Rose Dec 2013
Painful childhood
Lead to a sad,
Broken little girl
Who never knew what to say

Those words
Sharper than the
Blade of a knife
Killed her inside

****, *****, fat ugly
All turned her into
One ****** up
Broken little girl

All those words that broke
Some younger version of
That lonely little girl
Are the words that
Made her strong enough
To speak out today
Dec 2013 · 312
Desert Rose Dec 2013
Your words they bite
Like venom from a snake
Inserting themselves
Right into my veins

They flow right through me
Move to the rhythm of the beat
Causing me to act on impulse
Change who I am
Heed the call of the wild
Just for you
To accept me

You don't know
No you don't care
What your words
Have done to me
Created the heartbeat
Dead inside of me
Dec 2013 · 497
That girl
Desert Rose Dec 2013
Insecure in her skin a
Human breathing puppet
Why don't you open the door
Welcome her inside
Let her know there's
Somewhere she belongs

That girl is lonely
Wears her heart on her sleeve
She wants to be found
Wants to belong to somebody

That girl has no one
Nowhere she belongs
This is a shout out to the world
For someone to find her

That girl is hidden
Behind books and poetry
That girl is dying inside
That girl is me

I'm broken and
I'm bleeding
I'm not the person
You wanted me to be
But you can have
All these shattered
Pieces of me
Dec 2013 · 649
You Want Me
Desert Rose Dec 2013
You want me
You take all of me
My many flaws
Covered up by painful scars

You want me then
You accept my past
All my failures,
My guilt, my shame

You want me you have to work
I promise it won't be easy
To take my pain away
Kiss away all the scars
Heal the pain
Protruding in my heart

You want me
You shower me
With love and affection
Show me what it's like to be loved
Take my hand as we
Throw ourselves into the unknown
Dec 2013 · 451
The promise
Desert Rose Dec 2013
No more cutting she says
Lying through her teeth
I haven't done it she lies
Trying to appease her girl
I won't hurt myself she says
She tries to convince herself
That her lies will become truth

She knows it's wrong
What she's doing
How she's lying
About her mental health
She can't help it
The secrets are
Holding together
Her sizzling sanity

She hurts herself secretly
Hiding in the dark
Trying to keep it together
Even though she's
Falling apart on the inside

She promises herself
One day these lies will come true
Fake it until you make it
That's all she has to do
Nov 2013 · 373
Desert Rose Nov 2013
Darkness builds up in my soul
Erupting like a volcano
Pain is all I have left
Ready to take over
Ecerything inside me
Someone help me
Somebody save me
I have no one left
Only myself to rely on
No one else
Nov 2013 · 621
Desert Rose Nov 2013
Stella was
Unwanted and unloved
I knew her well
Couldn't help her
I tried my best to save her
Don't let her go
Everyone's hate was the death of her
Nov 2013 · 371
Desert Rose Nov 2013
As this cursed night draws to a close
A fierce battle rages on
Lightning flashes in the sky
Brightening the atmosphere
One little spark at a time

Thunder rumbles answering
Fair lady lightning's battle cry
Ready or not, This is War

Peace is on the horizon
Just a few hours more
Eventually the war will end
Once again rain will become our friend
Oct 2013 · 2.9k
Desert Rose Oct 2013
Boys or girls
Neither here nor there
Stuck in the middle
Who to choose to
Spend the rest of forever with

I love you
Three little words
Don't do anything
Personality is all there is
For me to choose from

Forever is in the making
Problem is:
Choosing just one person
Who I'm able to live with

Girls know my pain
Have been through
All the same **** as me
Have the same feminine problems

Guys are oh so sweet
Are always there for me
Give me faith
Make me believe
In the goodness of humanity

The one who has my heart
Will open up my soul
Save me from the beast inside
Make me feel real
For once in my life
Is the one for me
Oct 2013 · 2.9k
Dear unborn baby
Desert Rose Oct 2013
Dear unborn child
Sorry to say this, but
You might not exist
Sometimes your mummy
Has had enough
Doesn't want to have to
Deal with this ****

Dear unborn baby
I'm sorry in advance
For the state of your mommy
I hope you don't have
Half the problems she does

Dear unborn baby
You deserve better than
What this world will give you
Sorry that you have to live with this

Dear unborn baby
Life will hit you hard
Smack you in the face
Build you up just to
Knock you right back down

Dear unborn baby
Life will be hard
If I'm there with you
No one will love you
As much as I will

This will be hard
This will be rough
Together we will make it through
With you here with me
This life won't be
Half as scary
Sep 2013 · 318
My girl
Desert Rose Sep 2013
My girl is such a beauty
What's more is she's so lovely
Forms a smile from a frown
Makes the world go
Round and round

My girl she's the one
Who makes me whole
Completes my world
Aug 2013 · 468
Dear Best friend
Desert Rose Aug 2013
Dear best friend
So I have a lot of feelings, and I've been holding this in for a long time.
I know you don't read my RA's, but if you end up seeing this please don't be mad.

As you know I'vb been on here for quite a while.  
You were one of my first friends on here. Been together since the start.
now it seems like we're drifting apart
you never talk to me anymore
It feels like you don't care

We used to be so close
Talk every day
Have a real relationship
Love each other

It feels like you're neglecting me
Forgetting about our friendship
i thought I meant something to you
You used to be my everything
We were meant for more than this

These feelings hurt
Like you're not here
I want you to understand
That it hurts
How I want to kick you in the nuts
Until you realize
I'm right here

Should I even try anymore
when you don't care
I need you now
why aren't you here

You don't talk to me anymore
At least not like you used to
Please come back to me
I really miss you
More than anything
Would you
Understand me please
Aug 2013 · 385
Desert Rose Aug 2013
Tears silently stream down her face
As she takes the razor out
Slices down her thin skin
She slashes down
One, two, three
Ten times

She goes to the corner
Sits alone
Lays her head against the wall
Curls up into a ball

Home alone
Making friends with the wall

Suddenly the bell rings
Her best friend shows up
Ice cream in hand
Waiting to see the
Scars on her best friend
Aug 2013 · 298
I think this could be love
Desert Rose Aug 2013
Never felt this way before
when you leave
You take my heart with you

I swear to all the gods
You are my everything
Heart and soul
You put me back together
Remind me of who I am

Lonely no more
Always on my mind
Forever in my heart

Forever might be long
It won't be easy
Together we can make it through
Baby forever is me and you
Aug 2013 · 696
An ode to love
Desert Rose Aug 2013
This is cheesy but
Words can't express how I feel
What you've done to me

Butterflies in my stomach
Cant breathe without you
Baby you make me so happy

You really understand me
Get me like no one else
You make me feel safe
that's all I ever wanted

All I ask is
Dont break my heart
Jul 2013 · 739
Is it time to say goodbye
Desert Rose Jul 2013
You’re gone
So I guess it’s time to say goodbye
And it’s wrong that you’re not standing here
By my side
Forever is too long to wait to see you again
I can’t let go of you or the memories my friend

It’s been too long
Still can’t let you go
I still remember pouring my heart out to you
Telling you every little thing
You would always listen to me
And I always knew you weren’t judging me
What am I supposed to do now
Without you I don’t know who to be
Time still hasn’t healed the wound that you left in my heart

Goodbye isn’t an easy thing to say
Not sure if I’m ready to do that just yet
Maybe it’ll happen another day
Wish it didn’t have to happen like this
This is not the way I wanted to say goodbye
I hope that wherever you are, you’re okay
And not having to struggle to make it through each and every day
Maybe it’s just me
I’m not sure if saying goodbye is going to be okay

Is it finally time to move on
Or is it okay that I refuse to forget you
I need someone to help get me through
Or at least tell me what the hell I’m supposed to do
Jul 2013 · 729
Desert Rose Jul 2013
Being famous is
Someone else’s game
Some random person’s skewed idea of a “Perfect reality”
Where everyone is “popular”
Because the world is always watching
Every little thing you do

In the world of fame
Everyone is in the spotlight
Being admired by
People all around the world and
Nothing you do is
Allowed to be private

Lots of people would love to
Live that kind of lifestyle
It seems so simple
So easy to get everything you want

Normal people see through the façade
They don’t want that life
Who really wants to be stalked
By crazy fans with cameras Who call themselves paparazzi?
No sane person wants
Everyone to know their every move
Every mistake they’ve made
How every relationship turns out

Being famous means
Exposing yourself to the world
Living life under a microscope
Like some lab rat
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
My Secret Death wish
Desert Rose Jul 2013
Sold my soul to the devil
Nothing left inside
Wanted to be consumed by darkness
Best choice I ever made
Felt like I had the power
Way too easy to give up on life
Easier to give up on myself
Others never believed in me, so I stopped believing in myself
It made sense to me
Don’t care what anyone thinks
Won’t do something just because I was told to
People are the most insignificant species  
Didn’t have anything left
Anything that mattered to me was already gone
Material objects never meant too much
No hopes- no dreams
Not even the slightest spark of reality
Well I had one thing
I was left with a broken heart
No one has ever really cared about me
Everybody’s only looking out for themselves
They’re all going to get consumed by something much worse than the darkness
Won’t even have a choice
Nothing I said or did ever really mattered
Always rejected by others
Watched chances fade
Gave up on love
(Not something I ever really had)
Expected that things would just make themselves better
Killed my heart
Now I’m emotionless
It’s not like I had anything that mattered to me
Life is the worst thing that ever happened to me
There never really was any path
The whole way was pre paved
Fate and destiny is just a sham- it’s all fake
Everything I know is just an illusion
Finally broke free
Made my choice
Picked my own destiny
Nothing can get in my way now
There’s no more light
I’m getting out of this dark tunnel
I chose to die rather than to suffer through life
Just wanted something better-something I thought was attainable-happiness
Jul 2013 · 300
Desert Rose Jul 2013
Don’t know what to say
When I’m around you
And I don’t know how to act or who to be
When I’m near you
Somebody tell me what I’m supposed to do
Cuz you’re driving me crazy
I hope you feel this way too

You, you, you
What should I say
You, you, you
How do I act
You, you, you who am I supposed to be
You, you, you
What am I supposed to do
Because you, you, you, you are driving me crazy

These feelings won’t fade away
You’ll never stop driving me crazy
With you I’m always up
When I’m with you
The world stops and
It’s just the two of us
With you I wouldn’t care if the world decided to cave in on us
Jul 2013 · 500
When you walked away
Desert Rose Jul 2013
When you walked away
You made a mess of everything inside me
Broke my fractured heart
Into a million little pieces
Left without even having the
Strength to say goodbye to me
Now I have to find the strength
To go on without you
Standing by my side

You walked away from us
Gave away everything we had
With the way things ended
Well I guess I should be glad

When you walked away
From everything we had
Everything we were
You messed up all that we could’ve been
Broke everything we built up
Guess it all meant nothing to you
Being in a committed relationship
Must’ve been really scary for you

You walked away from us
Gave away everything we had
With the way things ended
Well I guess I should be glad

I guess you never really cared
Not about me or us
You ran away from
Commitment and love and
Feeling anything at all
One day you’ll change
Become better
I won’t be waiting for you anymore
I’ll have already been long gone

You walked away from me
Took away everything I
Thought we could be
Should’ve known you were going to be
Just another disappointment to me
Jul 2013 · 906
Wrong Side of the Tracks
Desert Rose Jul 2013
Erica drowns the
Sorrows of her
Horrible life
In alcohol and
Severa vicious  forms of
Such as

Erica jabs sharp objects  
Into soft parts of her skin
Just to watch
uncried red tears
gush out of a
Body too broken to still be here

Despite her hardships,
Multiple suicide attempts
Such as tying a noose around
Her scrawny little neck or
Pulling  the trigger
She refuses to admit depression

When she’s really low
She smokes,
Pops pills
Does everything she can
Just to get high

Her life is a nightmare,
Death no longer an option
It’s cheated her out of the
Happiness of the end too many times
Not even the devil could
Salvage her lost soul
Jul 2013 · 340
What do you care
Desert Rose Jul 2013
What do you care
That I’ve got nothing to lose?
Nothing and no one precious enough
To want to hold on to?

What do you care
If I disappear
Never made a mark on this world
Just left the same
Way I arrived here?

What would you think
If I said nothing at all
Just left you and this place
With no warning at all?

Would you care if I disappear?
Don’t you know that there’s
Hardly anything left for me here?
All I have left is everything
That I pretend is real

Don’t you know how
Much I care?
But not even
This happy feeling
Could keep me holding
Onto the life I have here

Don’t you know
Just how I feel
You’re the last thing
I have to hold on to-

Don’t you understand
All the pain I’m in
I can’t stand this
Horribly sad
World we’re living in

I just want this world
To disappear around me
Have everyone go away
I don’t want to be here anymore
I wish these could be the last words I say
Maybe I can hold onto you
Wait until I’m worse off- maybe
Maybe die another day
Jul 2013 · 393
the end
Desert Rose Jul 2013
Once we had something
Something special
Then we ended up
Falling apart
Trying to find our way back together

After all this time
We've ended up here
Back at the beginning

Here we are
Back in love
Back to us
Yet nothing's changed
We're still the same people

Back to broken
In such a short time
Here we are
Hurt again
This is it
We've reached the end
Next page