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3.3k · Jul 2010
Deryck Jul 2010
as a rain drop i fell
until i became lost within an ocean full of ships, dreams, and a mirror,
reflecting the sky from which i came
1.6k · Jul 2010
Deryck Jul 2010
Death and Darkness walk hand in hand
Both secluded and excluded

Together they walk these lonely lands
Their lives become blended

The World no longer remembers or cares
The difference between the two

So they work as one to bring the night
And put out life's light
1.2k · Jul 2010
Deryck Jul 2010
as night began
there was formed a plan
(beneath moon lit sand)
of a great escape
that would in time take
ten thousand souls

and it is told
that within the dead's darkest dreams
they are trapped
beneath the moon lit sand

forced to dwell
until night is lit
by fires of hell

and the screams
of their ten thousand souls
894 · Dec 2009
Deryck Dec 2009
Above the entire world
Held onto the cliff of life by fingers

I climb toward an unreachable end
Toward an end with you

To feel the air of darkness swirl around us
To interlock fingers with an angel in night

But my heart is breaking down
Rocks crack beneath my fingers

A hand wrenched loosed
I've spun to face the night

Etched in darkness I see nothing
Yet I know what lies below

An entire world of agony
Pain so great I spent my life climbing away

Up into night I rose
Choosing to follow you taken by death

Cradled in his arms you left
He washed my tears from you

My hold begins to slip
Fingers start to break

I tumble through darkness
Falling away from you

Through clouds I pass
I see what should be my end

An eternity of pain bound to my shoulders
Drives me into dagger filled ground

My screams unheard
Tear through silent night

I rip myself from hells covered ground
But soon I must walk

Walk back to the cliff
Back to the climb

My broken wings will never fly
My forsaken soul will never die
824 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
all the rain
all the pain

i can't handle it anymore
the absence of light

brought to my knees one final time
i will not rise again

darkness consumes me from within
extinguishing all forms of desire

no longer is there a fire deep within
passion, pain, all lost unto the rain

i no longer feel the need for anything at all
my body's become simply an unkept house

my mind retreats into places not my own
unwilling to forge for a unique existence

the waters, heavens, books, my very heart
all become silent to my cries

my friend turns his back
my dreams fade into the lake of darkness before me

the only thing left is shallow, selfish, regret
an unfueled desire to make it right

but i no longer possess flint, wood, fuel
or even the eyes to regard life's flame

spiralling downwards
there's no spot to crash

simply fall farther below
until i have forever forgotten who i once used to be

perhaps one day i'll remember who i am
and begin the climb to who i used to believe i was

but not today
inspiration no longer exists for me for now

so into night and darkness i'll walk
and try to forget that i used to dream
743 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
This brings me to my end
Hell consumes my soul from within, though my darkness
Endures the plight

Suffering begins as my heart foresees it's end
I feel it fight to beat
Lie still only after I give in
Vindictive I spill my own blood
Enduring pain to flush hell out
Requiem is my last release

Silently I fall
Hearing a soul pass through my lips
A fire consumes my face
Lie enough I'll forget this place
Lost within my thoughts
On a plain of paradise I walk
Water's wind weaves a cloak around me, it's
Scent is of Shallows above

Life is finally at an end
Is death now my only kin
Vague is the horizon
Eternally dimmed from my eyes
So death begins in darkness
There are three poems within this one. Read through the whole poem like this:

1) Read it normally:

This brings me to my end
Hell consumes my soul from within, though my darkness
Endures the plight

2) Read only the first word:


3) Read only the first letter:


Enjoy! Hope that wasn't too confusing.
664 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
For so long my life was darkness
Light rare as mid-summer snow

Night no different than day
Trapped amid the stench of dreams in decay

I sought escape
For who could ever cherish such a fate

Wind screaming my failures as it tore past
Rain cold as death drove me to my knees

I crawled blind through mud thick as despair
Desperately trying not to drown

Choking on lies fed to me by those that past
Swallowing betrayal from the ones I loved

In my desperation to breath
I submitted to the disease that had become my life

Until I no longer sought escape
I designed to accept my fate

I never planned for you
Nor the day you lifted me up into the sky

But I'm still trapped in night
Just now amid a storm

You're flashes of lightening
Bright enough to light my blackest night

But then you're gone
And I'm once again in night

Waiting for the crash of thunder
To drive me back into the ground
612 · Oct 2013
Deryck Oct 2013
I stumble past the paths we walked in light
Yet now alone

Enveloped in tendrils of impending night
Fear coils across my bones

Laboured breath pronounces my plight
As from within the trees you start to moan

A blanket of fog snakes within your wake
And I scream lies of undying hate

Secrets shared upon paths filled with slanted light
Sadly I've found offer no respite from what stalks the night
607 · Dec 2009
Deryck Dec 2009
Each night I sit at this table
Quietly place my candle upon its top

Strike a match and gently start a flame
My beacon in the darkest corner of this room

A sign to those that drift through darkness
An invitation to sit with me

Come be with me
Join your light with mine

For this night will never end
In the darkest corner of this inn

All travelers pass through
Though none visit my corner

As you pass on by
Out through the door

I extinguish my light
Wrap my cloak around me

Pass through the doorway behind you
Into everlasting night pouring rain

The sound is forever calming
It silences footfalls oh so close to you

Upon a ragged cut path through trees
You stop and draw forth your light

My darkness descends upon you
Knocking both candles yours and mine into dark water

Drowning once flawless flames
Until both candles go out

My light is dead
My darkness consumes you

I am left upon this path
With nothing but rain amid darkness

Candle forever lost
I withdraw into trees

Waiting for those that drift through darkness
Come be with me

Travelers pass me
None ever leave me

Rain will never end
In the darkest corner of this night
574 · Jan 2014
Deryck Jan 2014
I can hear the sound of tomorrow approaching
It starts as a tremor in the earth
That soon becomes a rumbling in my bones

As I lie here on the ground
The stars begin to shake
I close my eyes so they'll not fall from the sky

My fingers grasp handfuls of grass
For in the spinning darkness
Earth threatens to let me go

The last grains of sand have fallen
Upon my face light has grown bright
Though it does not hail the end of night

Within the silence that exists between heartbeats
I wonder if this was the right thing to do
For as the trio of lights become an inseparable sun

I realize I can think only of you
But too late
I'm tied to this fate

The stars have stopped shaking
Tomorrow is no longer approaching
And the midnight train rolls through
548 · Dec 2009
Deryck Dec 2009
I stand upon a plain of darkness
Listening to the wind twist through trees I cannot see

Silver rain pours down
Encasing me within unearthly light

A cloak of separateness weaves itself into my skin
A blanket of rain falls upon the trees

So that within this plain of darkness
There is light

The forest grows bright
Each branch gives light

Eyes turned down
Palms faced out

Light drowns my pain
Light will not surrender unto my night

So I stand upon a plain of darkness
Surrounded by silver trees

I wait for the clouds to pass overhead
For rain to come to an end

So that light will lose this fight
And I will remain trapped within my night
520 · Jul 2010
Deryck Jul 2010
With wings removed he falls through midnight’s sky
Tumbling toward a dying earth

Screams of anguish lost within winds tongue
His fall is observed by none but I

A layer within the cloak of the night I watch
A sheet within the blanket of darkness I listen

The fallen's hate washes over me as he passes by
Coating me in emotions of lightlessness

Removed from Shallows above
Leaving a streak of darkness in nights sky

As he reaches earth below
A cry is raised above nights wind

I look above to an eclipse of lightlessness
A myriad of wingless tumble through the sky

The apostate seraphs to join their master below
An endless cry of agony tears through my ears

As one they reach the dying earth below
Their fall shatters the planet to pieces

Its heart is broken
Its blood soaks the fallen
481 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
There is no destiny other than the one we forge within the fires of risk
Knowingly going so far into the furnace that the cost will be your life

There is no light amid the darkness that is life unless we carry a candle
But this candle casts light only for others

If we wish to navigate the winding paths of life
We must walk close to those we name brothers

There is none that died in our stead to forgive the heartless dead
So we must face the blame and take on others pain

There is nothing but lies until I tear through the shroud that surrounds me
Understanding this plague that brings me gasping to the ground is me

My own lies are what choke me so
And my heart pumps hatred as poison through my screaming veins

As I feel my soul begin to slip through my fingers
Here on my knees I glimpse you through the trees

So lost in strife with life that you do not care
That once within the forest you've entered madness' lair

As my crimson soul gushes from my mouth onto this blackened ground
I know what it is I must do

Accept Gehenna's everlasting embrace
Endure the burning pain

Use the dying spark that is my life to ignite the flames
And become a light within your night
479 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
i once traveled upon a ray of light
lent me by the moon one winter's night

i traveled across the sky as snow fell upon a city
and these snowflakes spoke to me of all the places they'd fallen

but i traveled farther still until i slipped into a fog within a town
and this fog spoke to me of all the streets it'd snaked across

but i traveled ever farther still until i was in the middle of the ocean
and here i spoke to a raindrop that was afraid of heights

but he still had to climb back up every time he fell, back to his cloud
just to fall again

but here in the middle of the ocean
a cloud conversed with the moon

and she took back her ray into the night
thus leaving me with my raindrop friend until we parted ways at the surface of the ocean

where i traveled down into it's depths
and here i met a man named death that was himself afraid to die

but as i slipped out of my cumbersome body
and hand in hand with my newest friend

in a backward glance i saw in my face what i had sought so hard for in life
448 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
Oh stranger standing in the rain
I can not help but notice your pain

Here in this distant land so far from home
Where everything's so different from what you've always know

As I hold your hands and look into your eyes
I fail to see what they've said's inside

No hatred or loathing
All I see is a person in different clothing

Why is it they must decree
One tongue speaks better than another

If our kings would sit silent for a moment and listen
They would hear we all laugh together as brothers

But instead the rain pours down
On this broken night

Oh stranger standing in the rain
Please forgive me

I wish this were another time
Before borders and orders

Dreamt up and imagined
By those with much who care for little

They say it's men like me
Who'll burn for eternity

If we do not do what's right
Bring the light into this night

But God it hurts so much
To see these strangers lying broken in the rain

Why can't they see
We look for heaven in different places

But in light or night
It's all the same sky we search in fright

Oh strangers dying in the rain
Please forgive me
448 · Jul 2010
Deryck Jul 2010
In darkness I stand
Into lightlessness I dip my hands

My eyes glow from lies contained
My hands twirl a blade sharpened truth

Sliding the dagger across fragile skin
Feeling my life pour out from within

My life separates into separate strands
Blue, Red, Silver, Black

Blue for emotions frozen into ice
Red for love I cannot make disappear

Silver for a God that should not care
Black for my soul that houses nothing good

They coil around me
Surround me in light

And go out

Course ropes of darkness surround me
Mockeries of what was inside me

They pull themselves around my throat
Bind my hands, legs, and feet

Tipped by a gust of silent laughter
I crash to the ground

The earth slowly consumes me
Pulling me into an unmarked grave

Though long before I am brought to suffocate below
The cords around my neck remove me from consciousness

There can be no awaking
Already dead and brought within a dream was I

Where am I to go?
When after life all I am able to do is die into another night.
442 · Jul 2010
Deryck Jul 2010
what can i do other than run
run from who i am

for though my darkness will always be inside me
i can get away from those that see within

i ran until night slipped into winter
upon ice formed of darkness i fell

in front of me is a beautiful hand
dipped in light it offers respite

i gasp as i grasp fingers of ice
for they sear my skin and allow light to slip within

spun around i crash into the ground
jagged lines accompany fragile sounds

light acts as air within my blood
racing toward my dark filled heart

everything begins to slowly turn white in light
as my body ends the world returns to darkness

i look above to see a figure smile in light
once again extend her hand

but only to wave
as ice gives way
409 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
My memories are a box of cards
So many seem so similar I can hardly remember

All the different faces simply different races
Though soon they all just blur into one

Cascade across my table's solid surface
Spinning into crimson trapped in glass prisons

Face down before me five have been placed
Silver borders trap lines laced over black

Across the table another sits in silence
Darkness turned tangible deals from the back of the pack

Once we've seen all the faces he grins still in silence
I’ve lost the game that staked my soul's chance for escape

And though this hell is not fire
My mind's nightmare is worse

I’ve become a face that's been placed within the depths of the deck
Now sprung from his hands we've all been set free

I gasp as we pass the edge of our table
And like a waterfall tumble together into darkness
408 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
There was a man
Who with his hands
Against this glass
As he watched his wife
Beneath these roaring waves

But he could not hear
Her desparate plea
For him to finally
Please let her go

My heart it bleeds
For the man now on his knees
As his tears
Against this glass
388 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
You stand alone beneath midnight stars
Stranded upon this wind swept plain

Alone except for the wind that draws your hair across your face
Hiding the pain that's forever been etched in place

I feel my heart break
At the sight of your shining tears

As I'm carried past I grasp at your hands
Screaming your name until I choke upon broken chords

But you do not hear
You can not feel me near

For you are alone
Alone beneath midnight stars

And I
I am simply a memory on the wind
387 · Oct 2011
Deryck Oct 2011
The lies I tell,
And the truths I choose share,
Shape the person this world perceives.

So that I may succeed in life,
Steal the future from angles,
And slip through the fingers of death.
364 · Feb 2014
Deryck Feb 2014
I am always alone
When the sun has sunk
And all of you have wandered home
I am left with voices that whisper

Inside my head
Lies or truth
It matters not
For I am trapped

There is no one to pull me out
Left alone in the dark
With the dark
God why
Why does the darkness whisper
364 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
Where once was life
None now remains

But how these fingers
Remember my pain

And though my silent heart
No longer keeps the pace

They clash and crash
Upon these keys both black and white

I'm drained, drowned
Immersed in sound

Within this darkened room
Where our hearts did beat as one

Forever in time
Though yours will contine

Within the brokeness
That is my mind
334 · Sep 2013
Deryck Sep 2013
Remember the time
When we kissed beneath these stars

Before light left the night
When you swore we would always be alright

Yet now I stand beneath these stars
Clutching the shattered pieces of your broken heart

And though they cut me so
I can not bear to let you go

Oh stranger in the rain
Please remember we who died

Only to prove the might
Of those who fear the night
This was my first attempt at "differentclothing" I didn't like where I was going with it, as I wanted it to be a bigger picture than two lover's story. So I took the line "oh stranger in the rain" and onward, and reworked everything until I got "differentclothing" but I still really like the first four couplets, so here they are. They don't fit very well with the stranger bit, but I wanted to explain my writing process a bit.
269 · Feb 2014
Deryck Feb 2014
When I was young I looked upon the stars
And heard that they were old

Moments slip quietly to minutes
While days blur into years

When twenty winters past I looked again upon the stars
And felt that they were cold

I tried to take my time
Always walk from place to place

But the ground must move beneath me
How quickly I seem to run around the sun

Moments slip quietly to minutes
While memories fade into dreams

When I was young I gazed upon the stars
And listened as they told me that they were old

But here I am looking up one final time
So old that I'm alone

And they are still all together
As bright as when I first looked up

Perhaps we have it wrong
And we are old not them

For I'm no longer there to look upon the stars
While they wander ever on

As we insist upon running around the sun
Claiming that we are young

— The End —