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derelictmemory Nov 2014
it feels like I've been walking on the same pavement riddled with the same fallen leaves spelling out regret and trap. it's lined with trees that look so barren that everything is starting to sound like the same kind of goodbye though I'm not really sure what they're saying goodbye to.
Reflective surfaces come in the form of my empty palms
and the crunch of leaves and the snapping of twigs just seem to whisper in my mind.
I've been walking on the same pavement and I'm not entirely sure why it is the same kind of brickwork. A little sloppy, if you ask me.
The signposts are broken and rotting and I haven't been able to make out the words that are haunting the seemingly endless bounds of my mind.
Have you seen the sun yet?
I can't seem to make sense of anything from the slight rain and the dense fog. There are stains on my sleeves and my shoulders are weighed down and sagged.
I've been trying to reason with myself that this is what I ought to be doing. I've been trying to reason with myself that this is the path I should be on to find whatever it is I've been looking for. I've been trying to reason with myself that I belong here, on this dark and cobbled pavement while my arms are riddled with horripilation and my chest is sputtering blood from the hollowness of it all.
I've found a weeping willow - it weeps like the heat from my neck and I haven't felt the coldness settle.
There's frost on my fingers but if it is any consolation, I have no idea how to love or deserve to be loved.
Where has the time gone? Can you tell me?
The rabbit holes are empty and there is a void where my heart ought to be. My lungs aren't burning but there's smoke escaping with every breath I let out.
It's been too long, it's been too solitary. I can almost feel the brittleness of the skeletal structure that keeps me collected.
And time has escaped me.
There are no sounds and my ears are deafened.
The cold is settling.
I can still see the pavement.
It's still empty.
Is there no life here?
Can anyone hear me?
I can feel my thoughts echoing.
derelictmemory Nov 2014
the train tracks are empty. I don't know how often one comes. I'd like to say that I've been holding myself together with twine and bits of soil and concrete. I'm barefoot and I've found an array of glass bottles littered over the edges of the track.
All I need is a little warmth which is odd considering it's in the middle of summer and the scorching rays are burning my skin. Everything else seems illegible compared to your eyes and nothing looks real anymore.
I want you to know that when a train comes barreling through these tracks, I will face it with as much faith as I can bear.
I once promised you that I would try and I am trying but I can't cough out the words lodged in my throat because, I think, I've kept them there for too long now. I did promise you that I would try but does it really matter all that much now?
I can hear the train coming - this looks like a nice spot to settle.
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to do this on my own. I'm sorry that I'm not strong enough to look past the lost tenderness that used to grace your eyes.
It's ridiculous really, because I haven't met you yet and there's still an ache in my chestfrom when you left.
I don't know how to do this without you. I don't know how to use the memories of your lack of existence to help myself move from this spot.
I can see the lights approaching.
Please understand. Please understand that I had to do this. Please understand that I had to do this for the sake of my sanity and I can't imagine moving away from these train tracks just to wake up tomorrow to remember that I do not know what it feels like to have loved and be loved by the ghost of you.
Please, I beg of you, forgive me for my past transgressions and forgive me for not being able to quell the pain of never knowing you.
I can hear it now. I can hear the pistons and the rumble of the tracks.
I'll take my leave.
And maybe, if I'm lucky, you'll never realize I was here in the first place.
I actually cried while writing this.
derelictmemory Oct 2014
I haven't been able to sleep without crying and reaching for you in my bed. I haven't been able to stop thinking about all the small moments you gave me and I haven't been able to go an hour without wishing you could be there with me. I haven't been able to not miss your voice and the way you make me laugh. I haven't been able to look at things and think about anything other than how you're connected to it somehow.

And I feel like I should apologize for having these feeling for you. Like I should apologize for wishing you had held me for a little longer and that when you hugged me for the first time it felt like the last time. I feel like I should apologize for unconsciously thinking of living the rest of my life with you and for crying when I realize it's just another dream when I wake up. I feel like I should apologize for not being able to tell you that I think I love you.

So I've been staying up and replaying every second of the last time we met. I've been staying up and remembering that if you wanted to love me, you would have by now. I've been staying up and recalling every touch, every word and every smile. I've been staying up and hoping that when I fall asleep I'll feel you again only to wake up disappointed that you're never really there. I've been staying up and trying to forget that I want to live the rest of my life by your side. I've been staying up and regretting every word I never said and the kiss I never gave.

It seems like all I can ever do is wish for things to be different and it seems like all I can think about is how much being around you feels like coming home. It seems like looking at you is the only thing I want to do in my life. It seems like you'll never look at me the way I want you to and it seems like I have no other choice but to say goodbye to you. It seems like goodbye is the only thing that's left for me to do.

I can't see you and not wish things were different. I can't talk to you and not think about how much I want to tell you to love me. I can't be around you and not yearn to have your arms around me. I can't walk with you and not reach out for your hand when our fingers brush. I can't love you and not cry myself to sleep knowing that I can never have you. And I can't wait for you and not be tempted to force an ultimatum on you.

So I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave and I'm not going to come back. I'm going to leave and I'm not going to come back until I'm sure I've moved on from you. I'm going to leave and I'm going to be happy for you. I'm going to leave and I'm going to be happy for you as long as you're happy. I'm going to leave and I'm going to come back. I'm going to leave and I'm going to come back and I won't love you anymore.
derelictmemory Oct 2014
I can read a line in any book without thinking about you.

It could be saying something about windshield wipers
and I'd think about how everyday passes by as mundane
as that now that I don't have you to go on adventures with.

It could be saying something as a comparison between an apple and an orange
and I'd think about how you were always there for me,
always being the bruised apple on the pavement
so that I'd land softly and how if someone made you angry,
you'd burst like the orange splitting and imploding
from your hand holding it too tightly.

It could be talking about the disconnection between the ocean's movements
and the moon rising and I'd remember that even though we were drawn to each other,
you never reflected the same light in my eyes when I looked at you
as you looked at me which I realized and began pulling away again.

The line in the book could read,
"Then she tried to keep her balance but ended up falling off the fence."
and all I'd see written on the page are the words,
"I don't think I ever really loved you."

I could read any line in a book and it'll all still lead back to you.
derelictmemory Oct 2014
It was just like this.
Being without you was just like this.
Uttering that I hate you under my breath
and letting it carry through the wind
while my mind screams that I love you
Because on a late September night,
you held me like I belonged somewhere
besides the cracked sidewalk under
the tears of the moonlight.
And in an intelligible dream, you held me
like there was no other place and time
and state of existence you wanted to be.
Being without you was being reminded
of the times I was with you
when you didn't want to let go.
Being without you was knowing how it felt
to be a portion of a soul that was not mine
and walking about the next morning
with an arrow stuck in between the arteries
of my bruised heart.
Being without you was feeling you tell me
you loved me while you hand rested on
my thigh and living every night wishing
we had stayed a little longer.
Being without you was not being able
to tell the difference between reality
and a daydream because it was all real.
It was all real.
Being without you was being torn apart trying
to explain to my heart that your hands
never held it and that you never really wanted
to stay for longer than needed.
Being without you was hearing your voice
telling me you wanted a few minutes more
before you had to leave
and waking up to a cold bed
far too big for one.
Being without you was like being haunted
by phantom limbs trying to inflict their torture
of making my hands feel yours intertwined
with my fingers and feeling what it felt like
when you lowered your walls and let me have you -
or at least, a part of you.
Being without you was having a constant nagging
in my head telling me I should've kissed you.
I should've kissed you when you were close enough,
when you reached out for me and knowing that it's too late.
And it was just like this.
Being without you was just like this.
I think I love him. If even a little.
derelictmemory Oct 2014
So you stared at the hourglass and counted
For all that it was worth, for every grain that fell
What exactly are you trying to achieve?

Drunken nights and empty parlours
Bottomless glasses and dusted shelves
you look in the mirror and see what bloodshot eyes can see
blurred lines and skewed vision from your lack of depth and ability to perceive

You watch the clock make it’s way around once then again
More like you’re on a boat in the middle of the sea
lost at will and on course to the places you’ve never been
And the places you least wanted to be

Live inside the walls of your mind
They’ve carved you out so well you could be a pumpkin on All Hallows Eve
Everything that used to be a part of you was simply tossed out the window to feed the starving crows

I see that your heart is bleeding again but no amount of gauze will swallow the pain
You can stare at the mirror for hours trying to love the parts of you that you hate

But they’ll never see the rotten parts of you that you see so clearly

The walls are closing in again

Don’t lose hope

                               Don’t lose hope

                                                         ­      Don’t lose hope

derelictmemory Oct 2014
There are days when you can see specks of dust floating about like
iridescent thoughts in the twilight
When the diminutive magnifies the ranges of colour nestled
in between rays of visible light
And when moments are more infinite than tall tales of vague forevers

There are days when life is worth living and death
ought to be buried in order to grasp the fragmented concept of beauty
When ashes pave a way for beginnings and growth is
evident as more than just the days wearing down on your shoulders

There are the days when love floats and feels like the warmth
of a hearth on cold fingertips
When you know love, and love knows you.
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