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derelictmemory Sep 2014
Don't make love sound like wispy trees.
It's a bad commercial on a static age-old tv
on replay in the darkest corner of the apartment covered in cobwebs.
The stale air around it from keeping your windows shut
tight and the door locked with words stuffed in between its hinges.
Maybe love can warm ice cold hearts that have
frozen over from the heat of hypothermia.
Perhaps it has the ability to perpetuate that
painful kind of longing for a bed so small it doesn't
make you feel alone when you end your day staring blankly into the ceiling.
Many kinds of ghosts will haunt you in their wake
when you think that you could be safe.
But death and decay exist as ice cream flavours
in that abandoned parlor down on 79th street like
the broken frames you see in the alleyway still
holding flash-frozen memories of the distant past
and things that will never be again.
Walk down streets covered in dried leaves and
the stench of potpourri in the air reminding you
of a time with flare skirts and victorian columns.
You might feel the gazes on your neck in ounces
of gleeful displeasure and tantalizing advancements
but love is not always a lustful venture.
You've gotten used to the layer of dust enveloping your skin
and the celestial cocoon keeping you on the barren side
of the decaying hedge.
The whispers and groans from swings will tell you stories
of great loves and greater passions and you will quiver
underneath the weight of finding a love that fits you
the same way lakes drown in the midst of forests
Take a walk past the buildings erected from ideas of efficiency
and settle in a nest that breeds the quirkiest of all sounds
underneath a clear midnight sky
Let weeping willows hold you close and tangle your fingers
in languid bodies of water, unashamed and unafraid
Dust your bookcases and let the deep sighs of your floorboards speak.
Let the phone lines crackle and the panels heave.

derelictmemory Sep 2014
We are looking for reasons to look at each other
Like the rain wasn't already enough to incite our souls
Like the oceans weren't vast enough to make us question
"What exactly are you trying to avoid?"
"What exactly are you running from?"
And our need to find exact representations of what we are trying to say
when the weight of the darkness is heavy and the pressure in the air
like the tension in our lungs isn't already enough
Because describing the ocean without considering
rapid currents and forces pulling us in the direction
that drives us away from one another
Walking in silence trying to avoid the clump
in our throats when the nothingness of all things is aching
Reaching out but not searching hard enough
not looking at the longing like it's the only thing holding us together
"What exactly do you want?"
"What exactly are you trying to fight?"
When you're close to what you want and you're separated
by blistering tornados that want to blow you into smithereens
Like you hadn't already tried running only to realize
you were running from yourself and your secrets
Thinking that maybe you weren't trying to convince yourself
of things that you're not even sure you understand
Because understanding means letting go of
the things you never once believed until now could be yours
"Where exactly will you go?"
"What exactly do you want to see?"
And the exact measurements the seamstress
tried to tell you about burn your eyes
The stinging in your hands and the burning
of trees isn't going to reduce the danger factor
in looking for cracks in fine China
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"Do you have anyone to run to?"

derelictmemory Aug 2014
Your eyes are red,
I can tell it's gotten to you again
The weight of the world
The weight of her pain
The weight of your family

Spreading your arms
trying to take in as much as you can
The crippling words
The thundering cries
The heave of expectations

Your hands are shaking
it's hard to hold on to reality
Slipping in and out
Tripping over, falling under
Dragging around

Just hold on
I know it doesn't seem it'll be alright
But just
Hold on
derelictmemory Jul 2014
It was another blast from the past
And like they said a love like ours would never last
I've been turning stones over and looking under bridges
Searching for the answers to impossible decisions
You came into my life on a conveyor belt -
Casually walking past and taking the air with you
I was reaching for something else, anything else
Then I knocked you over the same way I did
A glass of red wine on the seventh date we went on
You once told me that coincidences never coincide with you
And I've repeatedly mumbled about fate and its misgivings
It was true -
I should have watched where I was going
Maybe if I did, I wouldn't have tripped and stumbled,
Fallen and tumbled, right in your way
You walked out of my life the way a feline presumes it owns all
With a sultry confidence that was almost mocking
At the same time, I couldn't help compare you
To his hands at 2 AM by the bay
And his lips locked on mine while we rolled about on an edge
You were crystal, and he was porcelaine with fine China
You were safe, and he was a wildcard with no limits
I pegged you as the marrying type
And him as a summer fling
You strolled over my already aching heartbeat but all I could think about
Was him.
I shouldn't have given you the satisfaction of
Serving me my favourite tea by a plate of scones
He was the one I wanted and I was the one you had to possess
I loved you
But I was in love with him
derelictmemory Jun 2014
And I find myself looking for windows that show me something different,
something that drags light from lampposts and let's it seep into my soul.
Although I know that the hands that do so exist separately from my plane,
there's a glimmer, or rather a spark that starts a fire in the middle of the woods.
The smoke travels through my veins into the empty spaces in my mind and it
brings back a clarity within the cloud of reckless indecision forced upon me.
Where the simplest wisps of illusion create a reality that begins within a reality
while wide awake and knotted in creeping vines rooting me to an idea of oblivion.
And maybe that is what we search for amidst the pain of living in a Dreamer's domain;
Creation in the ashes of destruction the same way volcanic eruptions fertile soil
and the same way disasters bring us closer to love than the miracles ever will.
Perhaps the enigma of existence is simply breathing in the sulfur and knowing
without a doubt that life without something that can end it is as meaningless
as knowledge without an essence of beauty and passion to ignite a dying soul.
And you find yourself looking past window panes and opening doors leading
to the definition of nowhere to find an anchor to the limitless possibilities
when the only question that needs to be answered and the only answer to be found
is within the walls and intangible elasticity of an uncontrolled mind.

derelictmemory Jun 2014
She sits against the wall every night

2:18 AM

“That’s a good time,” he once said.
Going over every lost moment and every out-of-reach laugh
Mentally comparing the feel of his hands to the roughness of dried concrete
And letting her mind wander in the middle
Of deserted parks with empty benches
Every once in a while, she’d gasp for air
Like she was drowning in her deepest thoughts
A cigarette in hand and a cold blanket of wind
She felt comfortable in corners
Said, having two walls support you the way a lover’s hands should

2:30 AM

“It’s time to leave,” she’d whisper.
Unmoving but eyes constantly searching the oblivion she was in
Hands shaking not from the drop in temperature
But from the emptiness of holding onto nothing
Closing her eyes to listen to the secrets between the rustling leaves
And the howling wind
Now and then she’d take a deep breath
The same way tourists savor their experiences

3:00 AM

“You’re not coming back,” a resounding thought.
Holding back the wracking sobs threatening to escape its confines
Like an animal in a rusting iron cage
Quakes travelling from fingertips to the emptiness in her chest
“You’ll forget,” they said.
And you do.
You forget the body heat, then the voices
Faces will begin to blur until they’re completely gone
And you’re left with a static memory
of the person that you lost to accidents and circumstance

4:00 AM

She leaves.
This is dedicated to the friend I lost to accidents and circumstance on June 7th last year and how it's four days to his birthday and I can't remember what his voice sounds like anymore.
derelictmemory Jun 2014
I can't decide if earthquakes are caused by shifting rocks
Or if they are the result of the growing faultlines on my palms.
If the quake I feel is from jolts of energy formed due to the earth's crusts rubbing against each other
Or if the quakes are caused by the friction between my palms and my face
Perhaps earthquakes have nothing to do with the fact you left dragging your suitcase behind you
And perhaps it has no correlation with the rubber soles of my shoes and the cobblestone ground
Maybe earthquakes are screams of, "THIS IS TOO MUCH."
Maybe earthquakes are millions tremors whispering, "I can't take much more of this."
I've been struggling with differentiating equations involving inner shaking and outer breakdowns
But I have come to a conclusion that the probability of earthquakes existing within me is fairly close to one
And that the probability of earthquakes being caused by your hurt is possibly closer to one
Most days earthquakes begin from within -
The place where your hands used to cradle my heart is cold
And the ice is travelling from my arteries to my fingernails
Other days, earthquakes stem from the screams of the masses -
"You don't matter," they say, even though I am very much aware
That a flick of my finger could cause the collapse of a tower worlds away
I can hardly comprehend how sudden releases of pain can cause a rift in time and space
And sometimes earthquakes are the seizures that could keep someone alive and **** them at the same time.
21 June 2014
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