if i never hold you if i never kiss you then perhaps one day when we leave this world we shall become as two silver clouds riding on the wind and be part of every sunrise and sunset
there is skin then there is fire must i burn to touch you. if holding you brings flames then i will be consumed until my phoenix of desire rises from the ashes to be engulfed again and again
sat sat quietly sipping tea from a porcelain cup her head ever so slightly tilted to the side with a fixed gaze looking past the sun lit window as if someone she knew would be coming rising from her chair cleaning the table save for one cup and saucer which now glimmering in the rising sun showed a tiny web of unknown time
oh swan curved neck slow descent to the shoulder and on kisses placed gently in rhythm as swans upon water lips like wings gliding over the velvet surface till the last ripple has left the heart shaped lake
with her back arched head tilted upward and eyes opened to the heavens at that moment she saw stars and only the universe exploded as two worlds melted becoming one