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For a long time I’m alone, a long time
Other than the birds on my window
Tweeting their melodious rhyme
Or the pussycats warm and sweet
Licking my hands, cuddling my feet!
I’m alone with the sky that seems so far
Alone with the stories the winds whisper
The broken pieces of sunlight
That dance on the leaves
I’m alone with the rainbow the sky for me weaves!
When the day dawns, a dark liquid
Yet to be grown, yet to be read
I’m alone with the dewy darkness
Alone with the hope that’s born on my face!
Every birthday
I turn a year older
But when you wish
“Happy birthday,
Many happy returns of the day”
I feel younger than my age
And long to be here for
Inside me is a world
Unaffected by time,
Outside the world changes
Faces grow old
Beautiful people become wizened
Every beauty comes to end of term,
My eyes mirror all these.
I look for no shore
I don’t stand before the mirror
The transforming reflections
I abhor!
I love to live on
With the unchanging world inside,
In wait- tranquil and forlorn
For the arrival of the newborn!
The birds chirp on in the hazed grey
“Open, open your eyes” they say
“Enough of being a dumber
Time you got up from slumber”!
In my stupor where dream clutters
Seep in soft noises of ***** and flutters
Through my eye-slits hair like thin
Another day gloriously trudges in!

I realize I’m alive for another day
Hopes in breast, thoughts to say
To live this day as if it’s last
To tell ‘I love’ and tell it fast!
Every soul is a piece of the universe experiencing itself through the entirety of a soul.
And so began the first paradox.
Truth is imprisoned in a lie of omission.
And so began the second paradox.
Ignorance is the spawn of wisdom.
And so began the third paradox.
Change is constant.
And so began the fourth paradox.
 Jun 2013 December
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Warm and soothing
A happy feeling surrounding my heart
Makes me feel young again
Like I am infinite and each day is long and
Full of so many possibilities
So much adventure

Innocence is only a memory to me now
No longer does it thrive within me
Warming my insides
Fueling my ambitions

But every once and a while
I get to have a small taste of it
And that seems to be okay
 Jun 2013 December
It's horrible how these things keep happening accidentally.

One moment you feel that the darkness has gone away
And that there's no need to fight anymore,
But in the next second you're curled up on the floor of your
Cupboard with the door locked shut, sharing air
With the monsters hiding there,
All just trying to find some small sense of serenity.

One moment you're laughing with a coworker at the brash
Reaction of your manager and then
In the next second you're in the break room, calling up
Your old friend whom you lost in the darkness,
Begging them to cut the wire from around your throat
Make it stop hurting (your lungs are burning).

One moment you're demanding the earth, the ocean
To give you an out or some kind of answer
To why these things keep happening, why you're suffering
With this stinging boxing ring where you're in both
Corners, riling your other self up
Only to be tapped out after your first step towards the light.
What's that, you say? A poem with rhythm? Why, it seems so! Golly.
 Jun 2013 December
Trevon Haywood
Roll of thunder, hear my cry. I will love you till I Die
Never mind if you feel unloved
Never mind
God meant you to be loved
You, love will find.
There's a wind that whispers
A mountain that kisses the stars
They know your yearning heart
Is just waiting for love to start!
Surely you are seen, you are heard
You touch minds, you lovebird
There's a misty dawn, a pearly night
They will find you out, love glows bright.
You are never unloved, love finds you out
Crossing all barriers, reaching beyond doubt
God meant you to be loved, it's waiting to start
Pouring out in streams from another yearning heart!
someone somewhere needs your love too
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