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 Jun 2013 December
It seems like forever since
i have found true happiness.

It feels like a spark within
me has vanished.

I am not what i used to be

a once carefree, crazy-spirited

Turned into an uncontrollable mess
of binging, purging, hunger, anxiety, unworthiness
and anger

i feel like i am never good enough
or ever good at anything

everybody looks down on me
                        i am nothing in their eyes.
 Jun 2013 December
 Jun 2013 December
just the eyes of a child
seeking its place
in a meadow
of flowers
fixed on the horizon
out to sea

steep climb
yet I want to sit in that storm with you
in the eye of it all

sitting with Mimi-meouw and biscottis
and mind .... so far away...

the heart
one more line
closer to the sky

S T, 30 June 2013
Ha... 'tis a beautiful it not :)

Despite the cooler climes....the sun shines yet for....all.

(Am enjoying Bowie at present and his outrageously cool outfits....really love this innovative song!
Performed it last night - smashing feeling :)
Only wished my courage matched his avant-garde presence! lol

Sub-entry: “Space Oddity” - David Bowie

Ground control to major Tom
Ground control to major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on..

Now it's time to leave the capsule .... if you dare

.. I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

Here am I sitting in a tin can far above the world
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

.....your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me...........
Can you...
Here am I sitting in my tin can far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do‎
 Jun 2013 December
Tim Knight
your feet are falling apart again,
let me grab a new sole
for you, old soul,
sooth you down into your new low;
let me miss you and kiss you
in my head
because that’s what the books have led us to believe,
pity the painter who has to grieve.

you painted Death from the palette in your palm
as you looked up from your hospital bed calm
and delighted, but you’ve lost this fight tonight
from, a website devoted to poetry.
 Jun 2013 December
When I say that I didn't get much sleep last night,
I mean that I spent seven hours in my bed
Thinking about the way that the morning light
might play off of your skin
And the way that you would shift and snuffle
into the mattress at my first nudge
And my light breath would be against the nape
of your neck,
Breathing in your contentedness
and how happy the sun is
To be warming your shoulders up as you wake.

So no, I didn't get much sleep last night.

  *"I think I'm falling asleep
   but then all that it means is
   I'll always be dreaming of
'L'esprit d'escalier (literally, the spirit of the stairway, idiomatically staircase wit) is a French term used in English that describes the predicament of thinking of the perfect retort too late.'
 Jun 2013 December
Julian Mullins
The soft padding of my running feet,
Rhythmically ran at a hypnotic beat.
My legs moved smoothly, forward and back
Propelling me faster, across the race track.

A quick glance behind showed that I was in lead,
While the rest of the group tried to quicken their speed.
I focused my run, tried to steady my pace,
I’d a long ways to go, had a long run to race.

When all of a sudden I spotted near my side,
A quick paced runner, with a long-legged stride.
He smiled at me like he’d already won,
Yet he looked really happy, like this was great fun!

I smoldered inside cause I had to win,
Not some dumb idiot with a stupid looking grin!
I ran ever faster and soon was ahead,
Yet the long-legged runner just laughed and then sped.
And once again he was in lead of the group,
My body felt exhausted and I started to droop.

This wasn’t fair; I had to get past him!
Though my lungs were burning and my eyesight was dim.
I barely even noticed when he ran o’er the line,
To win the race, which should have been mine.

I realized with a start as I gasped for air,
That though he’d won the race I didn’t even care.
What mattered was that the race had been fun,
And now it was over, now it was done.

The thought made me smile put a laugh to my lips,
While I opened my water container and took a few sips.
It wasn’t about competing; I didn’t care if he’d won,
All that really mattered was that I'd had fun!
This was one of the first poems I wrote, and I decided to put it up on the website! It's different than most of my poetry in that it's very light and comedic, although it does have a message in it! I hope you enjoy!
 Jun 2013 December
did you see the storm last night

he was beautiful and destructive

and his fury calmed my face

and illuminated me

with the theatrical light and wonder

and fear

that was there too

did you see him

the way he danced

and teased and destroyed

how he bent down the trees

and ravaged my hair

and caused the tears

and joys

did you see how far away he was

how close he got

how pathetic it was when he left

they cleaned up the mess

but dont worry

he'll come back again

did you see the strom last night

well i didnt

i miss him

with my wretched goodnights sleep.
 Jun 2013 December
Halie Lynne
 Jun 2013 December
Halie Lynne
i feel
but you do not

i am
but you are not

— The End —