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A vessel filled with Emptiness. Compassion rooted in Apathy. Apathy rooted in Neglect. Transformative; Passion never rests.
It was a bit strange. At first I told myself it was a dream. But as it progressed, I couldn't help but think different. It felt so real and my senses seemed magnified. Being the curious cat I am, exploring didn't sound like a bad idea. But then it was sounds that started to change everything. Most of them were clear voices, others mere whispers. Then rustling in the bushes and crackling leaves. I tried to see where the noise was coming from, but the fog was too thick and heavy. It almost felt like gravity had a helping hand. A note was quickly made to myself after catching a glimpse of the ground. Honestly, it was the only reminder to me this was just a dream. As the voices drew closer though, the strange dream shape shifted to an intense nightmare. Clouds swirled in circles, trees bent over backwards, whirlwinds began raking up leaves into barriers around me. And then...It stopped. Everything just stopped. That scared me the most though.My brain argued back and forth with my legs until something else made a decision. I still can't describe it but something was there. I felt it getting ready to strike like a cobra. No feeling in my body could have predicted what happened next..I was pulled to the ground by my leg landing on my back, frantically searching for the culprit, thrashing my arms around for a tree, a bush, roots. Anything to keep me grounded. My failed attempts were made obvious when, still by my leg, I was lifted into the air. And that moment, when in a vortex of leaves, sticks, animal carcasses, I caught a glimpse of the ground again. Being upside down, I was looking up at the still distorted ground. But looking down at the sky, everything was clear...focused. So I relaxed, and let myself fall into it, and woke up. Inspired.
She was waiting for her order, waist adjacent to the counter. A young man supplied her beverage with his numbers scrawled on the side. She didn't seem too eager to call him later, however. To my surprise, I gently waved her over, almost immediately regretful of my impulse. To this day,I haven't produced a more rewarding decision. As hours past, every nearing moment promised of a tangible future involving this woman. My heart raced at the idea. Her hair beautifully curled towards the ends that seemed to perfectly frame her prominent cheekbones made
sharper by the contrast of her well dressed lips. Her ivory skin translated the sunlight coming from behind me, and I could almost swear, it seemed some of the light was trapped in her eyes, trying to find its way around her dark orbs. Months down the road, we're no longer an uncertain happenstance; every look at her was love at first sight. She was the love of my eye, and she knew it. You see, Emily was a curious person with particular habits and tendencies. At times, the distance between us reached near tangibility, then days would pass by and all would be well again. I kept a journal of her; I study everyone but she was the first person to provide some difficulty. Reading her was like trying to decipher Latin while knowing Spanish; I always had a feeling I knew her, but just not quite. I'm still wrting about her, bruising my memory, and she's still speaking sunlight to unsuspecting suitors. Emily was the type to get what she wants. The problem is that she grew bored with her toys. Eventually, I learned that there were no exceptions.
Why do I need a boat when I'm so broke I can't even afford a root beer float?And **** a big house,holy cow,what's with the moat,you live in a fort?It's all just a show,you don't even know yourself enough to go with the flow.You cover it up with money to cope,but who are you now?Where will you go?
I have a habit of packing a labyrinth in the back of my hippocampus,maintaining balance,like coasting through ocean,its outlandish.I'm on the tangent of ravenous madness complete with calculus captiousness capturing the effect of parabolic randomness.Long story short,I'm just dramatically imagining,I think my genius is overactive again.Calamitous analysis compatible with harzardous pathogens passing through passages to the abucus of antagonists,but its backwards,shhh.
You said "let's play house".
Years later and you're still playing.
You decided to play the trophy wife,
The kind that I had to share with other men.
Life is a movie to you and you're the star.
No, you're a poison; you play the lead role.
Suffocating every suitor that falls for your charm,
Your words are empty and the only thing you mean is harm.
You're a poison; you play the lead role,
Now you're under my skin and a part of my heart.
If I die, its likely you are the cause,
You're a poison; you play the lead role.
At this point,it won't be long before I'm gone.
I am broken.
Or at least that's what they've told me for years.
"No one will love you".
"You're pathetic".
Well I say "no".
I won't be labeled by black hearts.
I won't be tossed around like a restless body in the dead of night.
I will not listen to the blind's recollection of my image.
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