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 Jul 2013 Deborah Lin
Of all the stars in the sky,
you were the loudest, the brightest,
the one that spoke my name,
the one that kept me sane,
the one that was the light to guide me home.

Of all the stars in the sky,
you’ll be the one I always treasure, forever,
the one that made me laugh,
the one that made me cry,
the one that eventually made it all worthwhile.

*When love seems to have faded, we’re just lost in the confusion, the anger, the stress, but the love is always there waiting to be uncovered once more. When we feel as though we’re drowning, if we try a little harder, we’ll find the shore, it’s not too far, love, we’ll get there, sooner or later.
 Jul 2013 Deborah Lin
Sir B
I realize
I made mistakes
One too many
I wish to change them
Apologize for them

I can change them by
Time Travelling
I see nothing wrong with it
But I hope
I make the right choices the second time...
Thank you for reading the above poem. Means a lot to me now.
 Jul 2013 Deborah Lin
I know this girl
who likes to open up the chests
of other girls, straight or not,
and stick her hands inside
the cavity where the heart is located.
She then proceeds to play with said heart
while it beat beat beats
like a drum drum drum.
She just wants to see what kind of music
she can make. Little harm done.
 Jul 2013 Deborah Lin
You are an unrelenting hurricane,
vaporizing everything in your path.
You are as fluent and necessary as water,
and as viscous as honey at room temperature,
always taking the path of most resistance.
But once you are warm you flow as freely as the sea,
and just as violent too.
And that is why you require a broadened cliff
for your unbridled waves to beat against,
a sturdy bomb shelter for your B-52 flybys;
an eye at the center of your storm,
perfectly peaceful and okay with all that you are.
Because you are the current within veins,
sending action potentials down axons and dendrites,
flooding presynaptic terminals with pieces of yourself.
And you will be someone else’s,
because you deserve all of this and more,
and these are all the things
I could never be for you.
 Jul 2013 Deborah Lin
I am empty.
You have taken every last word,
every phrase,
every letter,
every whisper.
They all belong to you now,
locked behind your weary eyes.
I can only hope that you keep them safe.
Because they are the last parts
of me that are still alive.
They are all that I have left.
And now they keep you alive too.
They are the warm mug of tea
on the mornings you feel weak,
and they’re the words that leave your mouth
when you feel too scared to speak.
You’ve ruined me.
Every last bit.
And this cavernous heart refuses
to drink deeply, for it knows the blood that
filters through it no longer has your touch.
You’ve ruined me, and I am empty.
But you are filled.
I am empty,
but I will be okay.
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