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Dec 2012 · 651
One Night In Heaven
Daytonight Dec 2012
One night in heaven
one night of bliss
I'm yours eternally
claimed by your kiss
your taste amazing
your touch devine
pulling you closer now
making you mine.

Bodies become heated
as temperatures rise
hands ever grasping
as I reach for the skies
breathing more rapid
coming in gasps
as I moan
emitting throaty rasps.

Sweet and the salty
flavors combine
arms and legs
seem to entwine
wanton and willing
wild passion explodes
just before my body
seems about to implode.
Dec 2012 · 908
Raptured In Lover's Delight
Daytonight Dec 2012
Your hands move deftly down
sliding along my satin gown
never seeking to clumsily plunder
for treasure buried deeply under
but instead with skill and grace
meant to bring a smile to my face
teasing, pleasing, touching my soul
as you assume total control
sending shockwaves running through
creating salacious sensations whatever you do
taking me higher and higher still
as you give me thrill after thrill
wooing me wickedly all the night
raptured in lover's delight.
Dec 2012 · 715
Hard Lessons
Daytonight Dec 2012
It seems I will never learn
the lesson that life is trying to teach me
instead I keep hoping and praying
reaching and grasping
trying to grab hold of an illusive dream
that someone could actually love me.

Me...the person that I am...
not who others think I should be
not who the media says I must be
but the woman that I really am
with a heart so full of love
that I feel I will die if I can not give it
who would be devoted to someone
who would strive to put him first in everything
who would only want to see him happy
want to make his every dream and fantasy
become a reality.

But nature is a cruel taskmaster
and continues to deny me
sending me to my own living hell
time and time again
offering me glimpses of what it could be
and then cruelly snatching it away
so that my longing is deeper than before
the pain increasing each time
leaving only feelings of wanting to curl up in a ball
and finally say to hell with it all
to hell with life for it offers nothing.
Dec 2012 · 733
Daytonight Dec 2012
The room prepared
the candles lit
ready for romance
that won't quit.

Roses scattered
all on the floor
creating magic
maybe something more.

Breeze gently blowing
on heated skin
trying to cool
where passion begins.

Laying beside you
so handsome tonight
my lover, my sweetheart
my perfect delight.

Take me now darling
slowly at first
then harder and faster
making me burst.

Then let's fall asleep
wrapped in each others arms
dreaming once more
of each others charms.
Dec 2012 · 631
In Those Precious Minutes
Daytonight Dec 2012
Last night when you held me
in the warmth of your arms
clasped comfortingly to your chest
whipsered words of devotion in my ear
inhaled my perfume lingering on my hair
traced the curve of my cheek
with your fingertip so very gently
is a night I would never trade
for anything in this lifetime or beyond.

For in those precious minutes
my heart beat faster than normal
my inner core came to life
my whole body seemed to tingle
the blood coursed through my viens
with a rhythm never known before
my eyes were lit by the stars from heaven
my breath caught in my throat
for at that very moment I fell in love.
Dec 2012 · 588
What Happened?
Daytonight Dec 2012
You put me to the side
left me useless and defenseless
slone against the world
feeling unloved and unwanted.

Although you said it wasn't me
what else am I suppose to think
how else am I suppose feel
where am I suppose to turn?

What happened to your promises
your declarations and undying devotion
promising never to hurt me
yet you hurled them back at me.

All I wanted was to love you
give you my unconditional love
offer my heart on a silver platter
be "hoplessly devoted to you."
Dec 2012 · 721
Petals Pink
Daytonight Dec 2012
Softest petals painted pink
succulent lips taking a drink
searching for nectar so sweet
where two lips finally meet.

Pink tongue flicks to and fro
for sweet heaven's passionate flow
as juice pours forth filling need
quenching love's burning greed.

Two pair of lips moist and wet
impatiently waiting to be met
completely sated on lover's wine
replete once more on meal divine.
Dec 2012 · 891
Like A Tornado
Daytonight Dec 2012
You swept into my life like a whirlwind
uprooting me from complacency
a twisting and turning tornado
leaving me shaken in your wake.

You have left me breathless
struck dumb in amazement
quivering to my inner core
unable to think past you.
Dec 2012 · 656
Consuming Flames
Daytonight Dec 2012
I feel your touch burning into my skin
like a branding iron searing red
scorching me, leaving your imprint
desire consuming all thoughts in my head.

As your kisses blaze a path down my neck
my breath is taken from me
intense yearning and longing for you
consuming and overwhelming is all I see.

Passion sparks at your slightest move
drawing me deeper into the flame
as you pull me closer and tighter
I lick my lips, I can only whisper your name.

I am engulfed, consumed by your flare
you burn a trail of utter combustion
kindling white hot flames shoot forth
my inner core rocks from explosion.

Deepest need and passion consume me
as you try to douce this unquenchable fire
that burns and blazes only for you
as you are my all consuming desire.
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
Daytonight Nov 2012
Leaning in for just a taste
a sample of sweetness
savoring the succulence
tempting my taste buds
tongue teasing
delving into delectableness
flavors fully satifying
sating sensually
yearning and longing
dining on divine delights
feasting on your kisses.
Nov 2012 · 542
If I Could Have One Wish
Daytonight Nov 2012
Listening to lapping waves
licking the curving shore
reminds me of your arms
leaves me longing for more.

If I could have one wish
on this very night
I would make love to you
until early morning's light.

I would lay beside you
trace every single plain
of your taunt shape
leave you calling my name.

Make you squirm
with sweating palms you'd clench the sheet
loving you long
make you complete.

Temptingly tease you
until you could take no more
drive you crazy
make you beg and implore.

Come way down
to bring you pleasure
throw open wide
sweet lover's treasure.

Leave you shaking
yet passion unabated
but physically
completely sated.
Nov 2012 · 599
Drawn To The Flame
Daytonight Nov 2012
Like the moth
drawn irresistably to the flame
my hungry mouth
is drawn to sup nectar
from your succulent lips.

Called by nature
to drink from your honey
caress the petal softness
with my pink tongue
as it darts and flits
devouring all you have
to offer.

To be consumed
in the flame of your passion
offered as a sacrifice
to your love
just to have the pleasure
of drinking
from your bounty.
Nov 2012 · 474
Can It Be?
Daytonight Nov 2012
Can it be only minutes
since you left me breathless
clenching sheets with fingers
aching to dig into your taunt flesh
pulling you closer and closer
allowing free access
into love's sweet bower.

Can it be only hours
since you left me
your aroma clinging to me
following me throughout my day
the essence of you
permeating my very being
reminding me of you.

Can it be one night
longing for you
waiting for you to return
taking me to places no other
has ever shown me before
leaving me breathless once again
before slumbering peacefully in your arms.
Nov 2012 · 810
At Breaking of Dawn
Daytonight Nov 2012
At breaking of dawn
in early morning light
when you first stir
and I'm your first sight,
when you gently taste
my satiny skin
teasing me awake
as our day begins.

With whispery touch
lips moving down my back
urging me to waken
love you with no lack,
arousing from slumber
with passion fully stirring
tensions already built
and motor whirring.

Hair tousled upon my pillow
as I come to you from sleep
then eyes widening with surprise
as you meet me so deep,
sun never burst
across morning sky
as the explosion from you
sending me into convulsive sighs.

Day has begun
with morning ever so bright
as you come to me
bringing total delight,
passion untethered
in wave after wave
leaving me sated
from the love you gave.
Nov 2012 · 514
Better Than Any Dream
Daytonight Nov 2012
When you hold me in your arms
breath the perfume clinging to my hair
kiss the sensitive nape of my neck
let me feel your desire growing there.

When your hands caress me
running up and down my velvet skin
pulling me closer to your broad chest
my eyes drinking you in.

When you ******* love
that flows freely at the thought of you
building mound upon mound
of tension like you do.

When you finally take me over
clinging and grasping as your name I scream
fireworks burst like July the fourth
only better than any I could ever dream.
Nov 2012 · 588
Your Touch
Daytonight Nov 2012
Wind sweeping across the plains
along each curve and valley
leaving nothing untouched
by its gentle caress.

Plateaus rising toward the sky
no shadow left untouched
bathing in the warmth of the sun.

Gentle waves rippling
lapping at the shore
tasting the warmth of the sand.

So too you touch me
caressing each curve
leaving no shadow unwarmed
tasting my warmth.
Nov 2012 · 816
Daytonight Nov 2012
Tonight I search for you
hoping to find some trace
of the magic we shared.

I peer into the darkness
looking for any glimmer
of the light you brought into my life.

I run blindly ahead
hoping to catch up with you
praying you are just ahead.

I reach out with grasping hands
wanting to touch you
needing to feel you here with me.

But all I find is emptiness
all I feel is futile hopelessness
all I see is total blackness.
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
Daytonight Nov 2012
Dew-kissed morning
sunshine's warmest smile
starting the morning with you
in your arms a while.

Sharing thoughts and secrets
revealing innermost feelings
revelling in our love
at daybreak leaves me reeling.

Ready to begin the journey
where ever love will guide
as long as we're together
excited to embark upon love's ride.
Nov 2012 · 629
The Universe's Blanket
Daytonight Nov 2012
I gaze at the heavens
pondering their vast expanse
wondering if you see it too
mind filled with thoughts of romance.

Each and every star
a reason for our love
no number man can tell
as they shine down from above.

Astonished and astounded
wondering how can this  be
wrapped in the universe's blanket
secure knowing that you love me.
Nov 2012 · 828
Just A Breath Away
Daytonight Nov 2012
Lips so close together
I can almost taste your kiss
just a breath away
a moment from pure bliss.

Lips so inviting
offering a sensual sweet
just a breath away
when our lips will meet.

Lips parted so slighly
begging me to come in
just a breath away
when passion will begin.
Oct 2012 · 808
Love's Oldest Dance
Daytonight Oct 2012
Stepping fresh from the shower
my eyes lock with yours
my only covering a towel
you are the first to look away
but only because
your gaze follows droplets
that are slowly making there way
over every curve.

My breath catches in my throat
as your gaze seems to have
turned on the furnace
and I am now on fire,
I can't help but watch
as your eyes widen with wonder
the towel slipping slowly to the floor
and you swiftly advance
to take me in your arms
kissing away what breath remains.

We move together in love's oldest dance
hearing a beat only our hearts know
at first the rhythm is slow and
the music is sweet
as if a waltz were playing gently
yet as the dance continues
it somehow becomes more tribal
more sultry and animalistic
increasing the pace of our steps
yet still moving in rhythm as one.

As the music reaches its zenith
we once again gaze deeply
into each other's eyes
held captive for that moment in time
and as we cling to each other
drinking from passion's nectar
we tenderly sway with each other
wanting to prolong the magic.
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Halloween Magic
Daytonight Oct 2012
I'll weave my spell
cook up a brew
carve a jack o lantern
all just for you.

And later tonight
with my long broomstick
I will fly us o'er the moon
and I won't be quick.

I'll dance in the moonlight
your name will be my chant
take your breath like a succubus
making you only able to pant.

On Halloween my magic I'll use
my love spell will be complete
as I charm you all night
as you are my trick or treat.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Southern Sizzle
Daytonight Oct 2012
Under southern starry skies
sizzles wanton sultry flame
ignited from tender words
whispered with my name.

Dark chocolate brooding eyes
gazing deeply into my soul
reflecting my every movement
my total loss of control.

Latin passion from lover's touch
driving me higher than e're before
until it seems that I
can not stand it any more.

Soft moans and sighs escape
lips lingering over sweet lover's kiss
taken to the moon and back
held in arms giving pure unfettered bliss.
Oct 2012 · 778
You're the Reason
Daytonight Oct 2012
You're the fire in my soul
the passion in my viens
the reason my heart beats
why my life remains.

You're the sparkle in my eye
the laughter in my voice
the reason I wake every morning
why my heart can rejoice.

You're the sun in my sky
the warmth on my skin
igniting me in flames
the driving force from within.
Oct 2012 · 664
Love Words So Sweet
Daytonight Oct 2012
Let's lay together
under moonlit skies
where the stars
twinkle like candlelight,
let's whisper softly
with gentlest of sighes
love's sweetest words
as we're entwined tonight.

Nothing else
needs to be said
just our hearts
speaking with every beat,
as I lay here with you
resting my chestnut head
our love quoting volume and verse
in love words ever so sweet.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Siren So Sweet
Daytonight Oct 2012
Half girl half woman
animal, yet child
so gentle by nature
yet exceedingly wild.

Half *****, half saint
siren so sweet
make him sigh with pleasure
yet his heart skip a beat.

An angel yet naughty
a little devil inside
always a lady
but knew how to ride.
Oct 2012 · 612
Come Unto Me
Daytonight Oct 2012
Come unto me love
and softly stroke my hair
kiss my lips so tenderly
show me that you care.

Divest of all our garments
on lover's feast we'll dine
drink deeply of my kisses
that taste like finest wine.

With gentle touch arouse me
take me before your throne
lay bare this golden treasure
take me as your own.

Come into the secret garden
that opens just for you
claim me now my darling
tend me all night through.
Oct 2012 · 639
Your Voice
Daytonight Oct 2012
The timbre of your voice
as it plays across my ear
excites me like no other
sound I will ever hear.

It's low melodic sound
sets a ringing in my soul
and when you call me angel
I lose all of my control.

The words you sweetly utter
play across my heart
keep me warm and contented
whenever we're apart.
Oct 2012 · 498
Daytonight Oct 2012
I lay here dreaming
of that first day
how excited I felt
when you looked my way
the butterflies that couldn't be contained
the way your voice made me melt.

My skin began to tingle
my throat seemed to get tight
all I wanted to mingle
and kiss you that night.

I wish that we had started
that very moment we had met
and never to be parted
every second to be ours never to forget.
Oct 2012 · 780
Daytonight Oct 2012
Consumed beyond expectation
roaring in a conflagration
white hot blaze so intense
feelings that don't make sense.

Flames reaching up for the sky
unending passion that never will die
scorching from each little touch
heat unfathomable burning so much.

Desiring one minute for the flames to desist
yet in the next, their heat I can't resist
writhing as I seem to burst into flame
sweet passion consumes me as I scream out your name.
Oct 2012 · 498
Sweet Melody
Daytonight Oct 2012
Melody composed
playing upon strings of my heart
rhythm kept
with each pulsing, throbbing  beat
sweet sonata stored within
dancing through my heart and soul.

No other melody
ever so sweet
no other rhythm
can capture the beat
no other song
will ever be as complete.
Oct 2012 · 570
Won't Turn Off
Daytonight Oct 2012
My mind won't turn off
continues to think
continues to ponder,
all I see is your face
looking at me
with looks making me wonder.

Remembering your touch
the feel of your lips
the feel of your embrace,
remembering your caress
tracing each curve
of my heart-shaped face.

Hoping you're thinking
all night and all day
thoughts full of me,
hoping you're missing me
knowing this is the place
I want you to be.
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
The Savage Beast
Daytonight Oct 2012
The savage beast was hungry
searching for a prey
with passion to devour
nothing bar his way
until the gentle touch
of a woman soothed his soul
captured his ferocious heart
taking full control.

While she was taming the beast
a strange thing happened to her
while she stilled his breast
he started to purr
which changed her forever
the tamer became tamed
when the beast purred out
the sound of her name.
Oct 2012 · 921
Daytonight Oct 2012
In dungeons dark they chained her
threw away the key
held captive by a longing
never to be set free.

Fetters binding tightly
cutting into the skin
no movement nor straying
or bleeding would begin.

Pain ripped through her being
as she struggled against the chains
bruised, broken and wounded
from a loved one once again.

No one left to call to
for family had put her here
because her love was not allowed
she was left alone with fear.

Bereft and heavily burdened
when told her love was wrong
smothered down in darkness
she no longer had a song.
Not for people who only like my romantic poetry.
Oct 2012 · 736
Let Me Love You
Daytonight Oct 2012
Let me love you with a love that is  pure
make you never doubt but always sure
so you will always feel safe and secure.

Let me love with a love that launched a thousand ships
a love that tasted poison on tender lips
a love that holds sway on my hips.

Let me love you like none other will ever do
unconditionally and true
let me love only you.
Oct 2012 · 594
Daytonight Oct 2012
In darkness of the night she seeks
someone so brave and true
a valiant knight so bold and strong
there's nothing he couldn't do.

She waits for him in velvet night
underneath moon and stars
wishing he would come to her
across the desert far.

She wears the cloak of
darkest blue
her eyes reflect night's light
as she searches out for her true love
until early morning light.
Oct 2012 · 574
Do You Feel
Daytonight Oct 2012
Do you feel my pain
though I hold it in
can you hear my heart
crying out again
do you feel me reaching out for you?

Do you miss me dear
will you wipe my tears
hold me in your arms
soothe away my fears
do you care what I'm going through?

Can you feel my love
growing every day
do you understand
what I'm trying to say
do you know how much that
I love you?

Can you give me strength
to make it through tonight
will you hold me close
till morning light
do you know there's nothing
I would not do?

Because I love you!
Sep 2012 · 744
Never Have I Known
Daytonight Sep 2012
Never have I known
the love I found
in your arms
the love I see
when I gaze
into your eyes
the love I feel
with every beat
of your heart.

Never have I known
a man so tender
who seeks my pleasure
a man so strong
he protects me
with every fiber
of his being
a man so compassionate
he feels for all creatures
who are helpless.

Never have I known
a man like you
who swept me off my feet
stole the key to my heart
and took possession of it
who came into my life
and made me whole.
Sep 2012 · 637
Our Life Complete
Daytonight Sep 2012
You light the house up
with thousands of Christmas lights
just like you light me up
when you smile at me.

You programmed Christmas
music to play
and the lights to throb
with every beat
just like the music you start in me and make me throb in my inner core.

With your touch
you made our home special
just like you make me feel
when you touch me and make our life complete.
Sep 2012 · 674
Daytonight Sep 2012
Crushed like rose petals
strown upon the ground
carelessly trampled underfoot
although no blame was placed
nothing could be done except
blame oneself
for somehow not being enough
never enough.

Tears flowing
trying to wash and cleanse
but pain too deep
to be reached
not understanding
why the globe
must fall off its axis.

The tides ceased to flow
the sun was extinquished
the moon could not reflect its light
the stars vanished one by one
all crops failed
no more lush verdant green meadows
only waste.
Sep 2012 · 511
Soul Mates
Daytonight Sep 2012
Love immortal
standing through out time
two souls bound together
drawn to the other
time after time
seeking the moment
when they become one.

Love eternal
lasting through the ages
being shoved under
only to keep fighting
to rise above the surface
age after age.

Two lovers
searching and seeking
hearts beating as one
knowing the other is there
desperately needing
to fulfill the need
to find each other.
Sep 2012 · 747
Garden Bower
Daytonight Sep 2012
In garden bower
in softest night
two lovers meet
with pure delight
tingling touch
gentle caress
stroking each
auburn tress.

Slow and gentle
fade away
to be replaced
with swifter play
feelings flow as
urge grows stronger
pent up feelings
held back no longer.

Sweetly sated
love complete
passion poured out
at lover's feet
until the morrow
when once again
bringing pleasure, never sorrow.
Sep 2012 · 871
Hearts Ablaze
Daytonight Sep 2012
With hearts ablaze in flickering flame
kindled each time you whisper my name
in voice melodious and low
sending shivers from my head to toe.

Lovers meet and lovers greet
passions ignite ever sweet
mixing, melding unquenchable desire
shattering core with passion's fire.

Arms and legs together entwine
pursuing pleasure, making mine
sweet nectar from secret garden flows
where only lovers are allowed to go.
Sep 2012 · 900
Daytonight Sep 2012
Tempest raging against my breast
heart in state of complete unrest
***** heaving with pent up desire
inner core raging with passion's fire.

Delicate skin feeling every sensation
lascivious thoughts from beginning of creation
paths traced leading to secret places
as ecstasy shows upon pleasured faces.
Sep 2012 · 680
Awaiting His Embrace
Daytonight Sep 2012
In evening stillness
she remembers
lying in his arms
how he moved her
swayed, pursued
with his dapper charms.

A tremulous smile
and doe-like eyes
glowed on her soft face
as she dreamt
of his sweet love
in his tender embrace.

Wanting, waiting
ever slowly
moves the hands of time
until once more
she returns
to his embrace sublime.
Sep 2012 · 941
My Little Pet
Daytonight Sep 2012
I own a little girl
as cute as she can be
as far as humans go
she's not too raggedy.

She makes the funniest sounds
you've ever heard before
sounds almost like someone
got their tail caught in the door.

We go everywhere together
so I can keep an eye on her
as she might catch a cold
cuz she hasn't all her fur.

Even though she has her own
little human cup and dish
to drink milk from my saucer
seems her greatest wish.

So I watch my little pet
try to lap my dinner up
and start to wonder now
should I be drinking from her cup.

I really wish she'd let me drink
and not act like such a hog
I wonder if the pet store
would let me trade her for a dog.
This poem was written for a contest where a little girl is lapping milk from her kitten's bowl.  It was to be written from the viewpoint of the kitten.
Sep 2012 · 935
Riveting Reflections
Daytonight Sep 2012
Riveting reflections of rapture
resting on my face
intenseness completely captured
in the warmth of your embrace.

Wave upon wave in crescendo
pounding against the shore
invading the very window
barging through soul's open door.

Electrical charge so shocking
sensations so sharp and clear
touching, caressing, interlocking
whenever you are near.
Sep 2012 · 540
Love's Light
Daytonight Sep 2012
Deep within a light glows bright
that chases away the darkest night
leaving no corner left undone
light shines in like noonday sun.

Love illuminating every nook
sun beams created by siren's look
love as eternal glistening sun
spreading its flame til day is done.

Filling heart and soul completely
with miracle of love so sweetly
leaving hope in its wake
with every breath you take.
Sep 2012 · 622
Burn Brighter
Daytonight Sep 2012
You are the stars
that light up my night
illuminate my way
enhance my sight.

Sweet sensation
bursts in display
when I am with you
by night and day.

Each gentle kiss
you place tenderly
lights a spark
burning inside of me.

Passions ignite
with slightest of touch
showing me clearly
that I want you so much.

Burn brighter stars
continue to flare
keep lighting my way
as long as you dare.

— The End —