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David Nelson Jan 2015
Point of No Return

all in or all out
make a decision
is this what you want
or only
what you thought you wanted
it looked so shinny from over there
but now, up close
there appears to be tarnish
funny how that works out
all too often

they were the cool boys
or so I thought
they snapped their fingers
to the tunes of the blues
but now
they appear rather ugly
the music no longer has melody
too many sharps
too many flats
did I fall asleep
and awaken
back in high school?

They were wolves
in sheep clothing
not what they pretended to be
not friends
narrow minded
all in or all out
the point of no return

Gomer LePoet...
now you see it up close - the truth is not what was expected
David Nelson Jan 2015
Reflection 1:12

another day has passed
an old friend dropped by to say hi
another friend passed away
I laughed and danced
like a silly girl
trying to keep my body  
and mind in tune with the world
sweated like the fool I can be
at this mornings boot camp workout
then pretended to be a homeless drunk
begging for money in the subway
in an afternoon recital
played music with Lester this evening
and stuffed my face with
dutch chocolate ice cream
to negate the sweating boot camp
hope tomorrow
will be
just as reflective
minus the passing
of another friend

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jan 2015
Put Another Nickel In

If you want to see me more
you will have to pay my friend
life isn't free and I know that is a shame

I'll try to entertain your mind
but this process takes up my precious time
sorry pardner but I'm not the one to blame

I'll sing and dance the hoochie coo
tell stories that will blow your mind
and maybe share with you my tasty gin

but if you want the show to start
you won't need to touch my heart
you just need to put another nickel in

Gomer LePoet...
I can dance I can sing
David Nelson Jan 2015
Scrambled Eggs and Spam

hot **** what a day
I just awoke
and I can hear granddad
he's downstairs playing with Scooter
and I can smell Spam frying
granddad likes to stop by
early on Sunday mornings
he brings in the newspaper
plays somewhat quietly
with our bulldog Scooter
and starts the coffee and breakfast
Scooter doesn't bark at granddad
for some reason
maybe he doesn't want to wake
anyone else so he has granddad's
full attention
he likes it just as much as me I think
when granddad drops by on Sunday mornings
I know mom can hear him too
but she will lay in bed until he calls
up the staircase in his whiskey voice
“hey, people die in bed you know”,
“c'mon, breakfast is ready”
he would yell
granddad was our rock
since my dad passed a couple
of years ago in Afghanistan
I still miss him of course
and when I am alone in the early morning
sometimes I cry
but on Sunday morning
when granddad shows up
I know it's going to be a good day
the sun will shine
and we'll have toast
with strawberry jelly
a tall glass of cold orange juice
and scrambled eggs and spam
... I love my granddad

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jan 2015
Now You See Me

I finished before I started
creating my own mass extinction
the power of my word
silenced the potential of renewal
I wanted it so much
and I couldn't have it
my own anxiety
created my own black hole
gone in a flash

Gomer LePoet...
Now you don't
David Nelson Jan 2015
Surprise, Surprise

****, imagine that
a quick duck-in
then gone in 24
I was just
a temporary distraction
I guess I can't complain
or at least shouldn't complain
it was a whole lot better
than the previous
almost 2 years now
keep a stiff upper lip
after all
there was that
stiff lower shaft
that was created
by the doll

a heart can be broken
many times
I know
I found out
the hard way

Gomer LePoet...
what a revolting devlopement
David Nelson Jan 2015
Late Again

I overslept
I knew I would
those **** sleeping pills
take them
and I can't wake up
don't take them
and I can't sleep
even when I sleep
I don't it seems
strange dreams haunt me
problematic design software
the company?
or my own personal?
overflowing stacks
register 13 overload
with no return address
branch and link
perform thrus varying
X from 1 by 1 or until 0
run run hurry hurry
check the data sets
halt, and catch fire
late again

Gomer LePoet...
perform varying x from 1 by 1 until zero
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