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Back to my old ways
The old days
Life was simple
kids were little
Cooking for family
Sweet in purpose
Prime and reason
Family time best
Around the table
Struggle street
It was okay
Ends were met
Some days difficult
Love to play
Keep kids busy
Wear them out
Till lights out
Goodnight kids
Sleep tight
Sweet dreams
School tomorrow
You will be busy
I watch you sleep
Peaceful and sweet
You don't even know it
******* about whatever
Who what when why
Who cares

Whine about nothing
Want for nothing really
You got so much
You waste it

Yes I'm angry
So few with so much
So many with nothing
Do something about it

For starters
Snap out of it
We don't know how lucky we are ... Glad to be in New Zealand!
Songs are sung , the spell is cast .
You are young and mine at last .
The world will turn , you shall see .
The snow will burn and the free .

     Find the sun if you can .
   Will they know we exist
     Or will there be any
   To know at all ?  When we come back
     If we do leave at all .
   Will we cry and kiss the soil
     Or will they forbid us entrance ?
   If they do forbid our coming ,
     I fear they do know who we are
   And once again we'll seek a star ;
On which we'll place our weary flesh .
New time and space and skies afresh .

The hats are hung ; atomic blasts .
Where our young arise in flasks .
Our worlds will turn , you shall soon see .
We're sure to learn or we'll not be .
From . ' The HodgePodge Assumptions '.
by sparX Kuijper © 1983
 Sep 2015 david mungoshi
Joe Cole
Gone is the wild unbridled passion of our early years
Hands, lips, bodies in constant embrace
Now, as we grow older yet
We are being overtaken by a deeper love
An early morning caress, the brushing together of lips
The smile in your eyes reflecting the smile in mine
This is real love
When the health of Mollie dog and the cats (our boys)
Are the topic discussed over breakfast
This is the time when we become comfortable
With ourselves and with each other
The time when we can reflect on the good times and the bad
The time to reflect on how lucky we are
To have and to hold, real **love
Waves hiss
lapping the shoreline,

******* clad
soaking up the sun.

A slight breeze
pushing clouds,

they dance
for our

The vastness
of the ocean

reminding me
of the bigger

The grains
of sand

their allegiance
to the stars.
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