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David Lessard Jun 2019
Your love was almost warm
just like a summer breeze
that ruffled up my hair
as it hop-scotched through the trees;
Your love was soft and sweet
like cotton-candy tasted
I licked it slow and steady
so nothing much was wasted;
Your love was like a dream
so credible and true
but reality was broken
by things that were not true;
Your love was most deceiving
here today and gone tomorrow
now forgotten happiness
and a river full of sorrow;
Your love was grand deception
and ended in confusion
proving love is blind
and master of illusion.
David Lessard Sep 2018
Why mindful of mere man my Lord?
a creature formed of flesh and blood -
mixed with earthly dust and clay
and a good amount of mud..

We all fell when Adam did
blessed by God, cursed by sin -
we struggled from that fateful day
in ancient eons, we have been.

Some liked dark, much more than light
they're children of the lie -
performing evil works
their souls are born to die.

Some liked the light and followed it
they are children of the Lord -
they follow God's great plan
the word of truth, their sword.

They cast off carnal thoughts
and sought the Holy Spirit -
so we they faced temptation
they came nowhere near it.

Your creation Lord...
some will hear Your call -
and some will surely falter
they'll not be there at all.
David Lessard Nov 2017
1959, I thumbed my way to Utah,
froze my **** at Marble Falls;
in the frigid night, so cold,
I think I froze my *****.

Didn't get much sleep at all,
I tossed and turned, all chilled;
my initial hitch-hike in the west,
I certainly wasn't thrilled.

Mind if I smoke I asked the gent,
Yes,  he said, I do;
six hours later, he dropped me off,
shoulda seen the smoke I blew!

I think Utah is for Mormons,
like Brigham Young and such;
can't smoke, can't drink coffee,
can't do too little or too much.

I hit Las Vegas proper,
as I was hitchin' back;
at midnight, on Fremont St.,
it was anything but black.

It was daylight -  but,
I never saw the sun;
folks were gallivanting -
looked like they were having fun.

I continued on, to Phoenix,
to where the heat was fine;
stayed far away from Marble Falls,
for a lengthy, longish time.
David Lessard Feb 2015
Meditate upon the heart,
feed well the soul and mind;
give meaning to our lives,
the needful, nourished kind.

Reflect upon the heart,
the fiber of its being;
reflect upon the love,
and what the soul is seeing.

Take the Zen of silence,
give rest to troubled thought;
think on seeds of joy,
and what we've all been taught.

Free your mind from obstacles,
think on blessings we receive;
bury sorrow in its sadness,
and take not long to grieve.

Meditate upon the heart,
it mends the tortured soul;
escape the bonds of gravity,
and make heaven as your goal.
David Lessard Jun 2015
Weep no more my lady,
sadly fades the light;
but memories of love,
sustain me with their might.

When we were young and strong,
when our bodies were on fire;
when I neglected things,
and you were my one desire.

Then, life had much more meaning,
and your kisses flowed like wine;
and the treasured moment of my life,
was in your arms...entwined.

When your laughter was sweet music,
when your touch was mine alone;
when your embrace was heaven,
and we'd nothing to atone.

When the nights were never long,
and the days, were never dull;
when the waves broke ever gently,
against our love's great hull.
David Lessard Jan 2015
Miles of roads with potholes,
and somber skies and silence;
upset my stern resolve,
and my sense of self-reliance.
Watch out for tortoises,
the sign ahead, did read;
the way was rough and bumpy,
so I had to watch my speed.
I never saw a turtle,
and nothing on the wing;
'tis but a fact I can relate,
I never saw a thing.
Just the wide expanse of desert,
and Joshua trees galore;
I was sort of disappointed,
I had expected more.
Then, from out of nowhere,
came the hurried, speeding train;
and stopped me at the crossing,
'till caboose was on the wane.
David Lessard Aug 2014
The rains beat wildly
against the hard earth;
seeking entrance to the womb
that gave them birth.

Causing flash flooding,
in gullies all around;
minor flooding in
several parts of town

The gusty winds blow
havoc,  with all things light;
enabling some of them,
to rise in unexpected flight.

Tumbling in the rain swept street,
they spin and race in fury;
like startled things they fly,
in one big, storm-filled hurry.

Monsoons hit the Arizona plains,
dust storms, hail and lightning,
thunder booms her mighty voice,
when close, it's rather frightening.
David Lessard Oct 2018
Good morning Lord
the coffee's hot and ready
I sip it slowly, savoring -
though yet my hands aren't steady;
the darkness lifts as dawn arrives
light hovers on the hills
I read two chapters of Your word
then take my daily pills;
one for heart, one for bones
one for plain good measure
(the vitamin B12) and lastly
two for my blood pressure;
A second cup of morning joe
suits my mind just fine
here, in my pajamas
the sun begins to shine;
Jax nudges me, as if to say
are you ready for our walk?
Soon as I get dressed I say
(that ends our little talk)
Thank you for this morning Lord
for another day of living
for the sins You wash away
by Your mercy and forgiving.
David Lessard Dec 2017
The dew is glistening
on the tepid waters,
dawn is breaking through
the morning's haze;
I stroll on narrow paths,
and catch a heron - in
my scanning gaze.
The sun is soft on
the far horizon,
and warms my limbs,
from head to toe;
I relish early morning air,
and every passing scene,
where my feet -
bade me to go.
Solitude, it's often
hard to find -
we sometimes get,
the harried other kind;
and so I gladly walk this trail,
to know that quiet will prevail.
Early morning breezes,
fan my furrowed brow,
and the only thing that matters,
is in the here and now.
Such days, remain a memory -
carefree days without regret;
doing what it is I want to do,
escaping from the worldly net.
David Lessard Aug 2017
Coffee's good, some say bad;
but this morning's cup is fine;
outside the sun is rising fast,
'tis time for morning's grind.

Here we go, quite as before,
dressed with climate's hand;
with eyes alert, with eager heart,
lets hope the day, goes as planned.

A walk to start the morning off,
my companion at my side;
down the road across the street,
on our early morning glide.

The warmth of Sol is beaming,
the hint of cool is  blowing;
we walk with no intention,
of where it is we're going.

The legs now getting limber,
the pace of steps, increasing;
the wonder of the world unfurls,
and it never quells its ceasing.
David Lessard Sep 2014
The hills are calling from my mind,
I have to act or else complain;
that my feet are sluggish ones,
that these days are way too plain.

I wash my face and grab my keys,
my sunglasses and my wide brimmed hat;
take along some water from the frig,
lean down to softly kiss the cat.

So I begin to climb the first of many hills,                                                    the morning's bright with rising sun;
I hear the footfalls of a runner,
he jogs on by, on his early run.

The blood's now racing in my aging veins,
propelling me to carry on;
I view the mountains with delight,
it's now my solitary song.

I reach the crest and I am labored,
with a quiet, sweaty tiredness;
but for my efforts, I'm rewarded,
by an inward, soul-filled happiness.
David Lessard Apr 2017
Must I reject my God
the world's in turmoil?
because the world is
sinking fast?
Must we always make
for what we know,
will never last.
In Noah's time, the
same was happening,
mankind's fate was
forever sealed;
the flood was greater
than man could cope,
in their sins they died,
never saved, nor healed.
And now the curtain
falls again,
will you escape its hell?
or will you die in sin?
like Eve and Adam fell?
Must I reject my God?
things didn't go my way?
no answers came
when I knelt down to pray?
I will fall for Christ alone,
and not for any man;
for worldly men of flesh,
they'll never understand.
Just what God is -
and stands for,
for the blood Christ shed
for all;
for His Power
and His Glory
is what makes us
stand tall.
David Lessard Jan 2019
Must we go on like this?
no embrace, no kiss?
must we fight once more?
when will you walk out the door?
Leaving me and love behind
with someone else for me to find
can't we reconcile the past
and rescue out lost love at last?
Must we go on like this?
ignoring things that once we missed?
passing each other in silence
all that's left is violence.
First the slap, then the push
no more beating round the bush
leaves a sad and tragic ending
that is way past mending.
Must we go on like this?
what happened to the marriage bliss?
I sit and ponder, think and muse
the day it all went down the tubes.
David Lessard Feb 2018
Under the golden maple tree,
nestled in fields of clover, green;
across a meadow of flowers -
that's where my dreams are seen.
Along a trail of fallen leaves,
beside the clear cold streaming brook;
you'll see the dreams I have -
but you must carefully look.
You cannot gaze,  then say,
"I cannot see a thing" -
you must know what dreams look like,
and what such dreams will bring.
Look very close and you will find,
the dreams my heart do hold;
seize the moment and the dream -
if you would be so bold!
Under the golden maple tree,
against the earth so green;
across a meadow of violets,
that's where such dreams are seen.
Along a path of scattered leaves,
beside a fast flowing stream;
look close, look hard,  - you'll see
the reality of my dreams.
David Lessard Feb 2020
My heart is yours alone Lord,
to do with  what You will;
I only know with You Lord,
it's peaceful and it's still.
Free from a worried mind Lord,
free from a damaged life;
beating just for You Lord,
absent from all strife.
My heart is yours alone Lord,
to keep Your truth in hand;
to keep the narrow path Lord,
in the place that I now stand.
My soul is with You always,
I've turned my back on sin;
keeping Your commandments,
aware of where I've been.
My heart is yours alone Lord,
to sing You songs of praise;
humble and obedient,
until my final days.
David Lessard Mar 2017
I will not forget you,
this I know, is true;
loving you forever,
no matter what I do.
I will not deny you,
if someone asks me why;
why I let you go,
and never said, goodbye.
I will say I loved you,
and love was always there;
although  the sky was falling,
on me and everywhere.
I will always love you,
your memory's that strong;
enchantment was your gift,
you bewitched me with its song.
I will always love you,
from a distance, far away;
until the curtains close,
until that final day.
David Lessard Dec 2017
There's a train that takes you
as you are,
there's no need to change
your way
it like a journey to
a star
but you don't have to

It's called the mystery train,
you board at your own pace;
you don't have to go insane,
you don't have to hide your face.

Everyone is welcome there,
they're chasing their own dream;
no one knows just where,
you supply your own grand scheme.

It starts when you are sleeping,
when the sandman comes around;
in dreams the joy comes creeping,
that's when ecstasy is found.

There's a train that takes you
as you are
no changes are required
it sometimes takes you
very far
you'll feel loved and
quite inspired.

The mystery train is free for all,
no charge, no pay, no fee;
can you hear its whistle call?
it's for you and it's for me.
David Lessard Nov 2014
The clouds float on the blue,
with a painter's touch;
the sun plays peek-a-boo,
and isn't seen too much.

I marvel at the composition,
that fills my heart with joy;
at Nature's whims and fancies,
of which she now employs.

Much better than a Rembrandt,
more polished than Van Gogh;
there is a touch of wonderment,
of which I do not know.

There is a stroke of God,
that frames the lovely scene;
that captures all the magic,
on which my soul does lean.

On which my thoughts do rest,
instills me with its peace;
that moves my heart with pleasure,
with silent, splendid ease.
David Lessard Feb 2017
I'll never sow the seeds of discontent,
time with you is precious and well spent;
I could never seek to put you down,
you're too enjoyable to be around.
You'd never be an object of my scorn,
it's for your love only,  I was born;
we were soulmates then and we still are,
you're my guiding light and treasured star.
I will never be the one that lets you go,
it would pain me deeply - that you know;
I'll stay with you, through thick and thin,
you'll never have to wonder where I've been.
You are too beautiful, for me to ever lose,
you are the only one, I'd ever want to choose;
I will be committed... until the very end,
whatever obstacles ahead, around the bend.
I will never say to dear,  it's over,
I'll never be a cheater or a wayward rover;
together...we can face both hurt and sorrow,
together...we can share the promise of tomorrow.
David Lessard Sep 2017
No love is ever lost,
though thrown about
and often tossed;
it will stay forever
in the heart;
no love is ever gone,
when once again,
there is no song,
to brighten lovers,
now apart.
Memory is fraught
with dreams and nightmares,
with hope and despair,
wondering if one cares;
love is seldom steady or
it can cause delusions,
often despicable,
temporary insanity,
inflated vanity,
leading to profanity.
Cursing love is not
the way to end it,
forgiveness  paves the
mode to send it;
absence of the voice,
will often end it.
But, no love is ever over,
the mind cannot forget her
tender shoulder,
the one you used to lean upon;
never is forgotten,
once it's gone.
David Lessard Jan 2015
Thank you Lord, for shining on my soul,
I praise your Holy name, you make me whole;
there's nothing that I lack when you're with me,
even if  my friends, they cannot see.

Your on the inside... outside I look the same,
you've forgiven all my faults and shame;
I am like putty in your sculpting hand,
never have I felt, happiness so grand.

You took me from the bottom of my being,
opened up my ears, my eyes, for seeing;
took all the dirt and washed it all away,
so in your new-found favor, I could stay.

You picked me up, when I was all but down,
rescued me from where I nearly drowned;
gave me the strength to make it past my sin,
never gave much thought to where I'd been.

Thank you Lord, for making me a new creation,
filling me with joy and sweet anticipation;
I once was lost, and I almost lost my mind,
but in your Word, it's always Love I find.
David Lessard Jul 2018
I have an new identity,
I have buried the "old" man;
I am a new creation,
you may not understand.
I look and walk as me,
I even sound the same;
but the carnal man is gone,
and I've myself to blame.
My old self was but flesh;
full of this old worldly sin;
to that I've said good-bye,
cast aside where I have been.
I've taken up the Holy Spirit,
made God,  first in my life;
I got the peace I needed,
nullified the earthly strife.
Gave my burdens up to Jesus,
He's forgiven all of I've done;
now I'm a Christian soldier,
putting Satan on the run.
David Lessard Jul 2019
Lord, Grant me quiet rest
from the turmoil of the day
sweet and pleasant slumber
let me sleep the hours away.
Make my dream a happy one
let it make me laugh and smile
keep fast in one position
all the night-time while.
Give me strength to face tomorrow
forgetting ills of yesterday
glad to see the rising sun
of a lovely brand-new day.
Filled with eager, pleasing steps
to start the dawn off right
well rested from the solitude
of the previous night.
Full of vim and flush with vigor
created fresh...anew
ready for most anything
I wish  to find   to do.
David Lessard Jan 2016
The winter's night is long and dark,
no longer can I sleep;
the new year's day comes silently,
quiet, cold and deep.

Once I watched it, as a youth,
with crowds of noisy voice;
partied, loved and laughed,
as if I had no choice.

But the parties now are over,
long gone, the boisterous crowd;
the love and laughter, subtle,
soft and gentle, never loud.

I sleep through fireworks,
let the young go on parade;
seek out the morning sun,
much more so than the shade.

The warmth is on my back,
frost melts upon the stalk;
my breath wafts in the air,
on my early morning's walk.
David Lessard May 2018
Night comes, without much warning,
the shadows fade to darkness in a flash;
and daylight hides for several hours,
like it has done something wild and rash.
Night belongs to nocturnal creatures,
that crawl and creep and hide away;
coyotes, scorpions, snakes and javelinas,
lurk and scrounge until the break of day.
Night is a cover for the very wicked,
that prey and hunt, on the old and weak;
without regard for any consequences,
the hurt and pain they inflict to seek.
Night is the slumber of the good folks,
who sleep in peaceful dreams and snore;
unaware of things that might disturb them,
they think that they're safe behind their door.
Night passes, in the hours we know not,
a time of passage, almost all sleep through;
eight hours of a life we can't account for,
but at dawn, we awake, and feel brand-new.
David Lessard Feb 2016
I never knew how high the moon could be,
when you left and never came to me;
it looked cold and sterile, too far away,
not quite like, romantic poets say.

It wasn't what this lover had in mind,
that drew together, two of a certain kind;
it was just an object, out there in space,
and for the life of me, I couldn't see your face.

A silver ball, hanging in the chilly air,
without attachments... or a care;
an orb that will never be the same,
because, no more, it does not speak your name.

And too, the stars, had lost their radiant shine,
perhaps they knew, no longer were you mine;
and so, the night was darker than need be,
knowing you, no more had love for me.

I never knew the night could bring such pain,
with its silence and its quiet, sad, refrain;
but then, I never chose to be so **** alone,
and like the night, so chilling to the bone.
David Lessard Oct 2019
Hear the whispers in the night?
something that ain't quite right;
a snort, a cough or rattling thing
who knows what the night might bring?

A scratching, doorknob turned sound
squeaking doors where no one's found;
scurrying, rapid, blurry mice
or something else that ain't so nice.

Muffled cries, sobs, a faint dog's bark
things get hairy, shadows in the park;
your mind is shutting down it's spark
get ready, get set, get on your mark.

GO! To the nearest exit, fast and flee
escape from things you cannot  see;
out the door, to a next door neighbor
or to someone else you favor.

Things that go bump in the night
giving your heart a dreadful fright;
why take chances, there in your bed?
it's better to wake up alive instead.
David Lessard Nov 2014
Was there a note? she asked.
Nothing we could find, I said.
(isn't the gun quite enough
to say that she is dead?).

Was she acting strange? I asked.
Nothing out of the ordinary, she said.
(the body's now inert,
from where the soul has bled).

Suicide comes quietly,
oft times, without a clue;
is the heart that now lies dead,
the one we really knew?

What of her charm and smile?
what of the love and laughter?
why leave a grotesque answer,
to what we call disaster?

You sure there is no note? she asked.
Nothing we could find, I said.
I never even suspected, she claimed,
as more copious tears were shed.
David Lessard Nov 2017
They taken our last sanctuary,
it's become a shooting range;
where everyone's a victim,
by someone that's deranged.

The young, the old, the middle-aged,
they're all targets to the gun;
like sitting ducks in carnivals,
they've nowhere else to run.

Death to those who worship,
in prayer and meditation;
what does it say of us?
this place we call a nation?

There's no safety, anywhere,
inside, outside, in schools;
only random mayhem,
wherein the chaos rules.

They taken our last refuge
nothing left is sacred;
only mournful cries,
only abject hatred
David Lessard Oct 2017
There are no shadows in Your love, Lord,
it shines so bright and beautiful for me;
that darkness hides from sight and being,
as it cannot stand the radiance I'm seeing.

There are no lies that trip the troubled tongue,
no deceit is found within the beating heart;
Your truth is like honey to the thirsty soul;
keeping all Your ways, it makes me whole.

There's only peace that passes understanding,
unknown to those that think they're always right;
they disclaim God;  they are but prideful fools,
unknown to them, there is a God that rules.

There are safe waters, in Your mighty harbors,
security and shelter, from this stumbling world;
unlike faithless men, that lack contented mirth,
of God's creation, and of the passage of their birth.

There are no shadows in Your love, Lord,
just the light that bears Your sacred name;
just the brightness of Your saving Word,
that illuminated me when I first heard.
David Lessard Mar 2015
I haven't many tears to shed,
to those who spoil our earth;
they've made their sinful bed,
cursed their own sweet birth.

Polluters of the world are they,
who one day will be down;
they mar the fields of play,
and destroy the ground.

**** the land, against her will,
with garbage and with scorn;
with pride, they slowly ****,
where flowers once were born.

The landscapes now are bare,
where once the hills grew tall;
the developers don't care,
as they watch the big trees fall.

I haven't many tears to shed,
for those that hurt the land;
they should be saving it instead,
and take a moral stand.
David Lessard Aug 2017
Nothing lasts forever,
neither love,  nor hate;
whatever your endeavor,
think about its fate.

The flowers bloom and die,
some withered, on the stake;
leave them where they lie,
for you and heaven's sake.

Nothing lasts forever,
not joy and neither pain;
but we don't give up,  ever,
for our loss, we too, can gain.

Memories bring sorrow,
memories bring joy;
we face a new tomorrow,
whatever we employ.

Nothing lasts forever,
but souls, they live in God;
who for us, is much too clever,
though some may think -  that's odd.
David Lessard Dec 2017
I am not society's child,
nor a slave to worldly things;
I reject the ways of men,
and what that often brings.

I am a child of God,
and it's His truth I follow;
man's ways are not His ways;
their ring is often hollow.

But the Holy Spirit doesn't lie,
never falters,  never sins;
its presence is forever,
of my enemies,  it thins.

I am a slave to Christ,
a servant to the King;
that only asks for Love,
and not to kiss His ring.

I'm in the world,  not of it,
this kingdom is not mine;
I'm waiting for God's kingdom,
that in time, will come and shine.
David Lessard Nov 2017
November quirky winds,
blow warm, and then so cold;
it's autumn, fast receding,
it's winter getting bold.
Holidays keep spinning,
the shopping, the spending;
advertisement heaven,
is close to never-ending.
November kills the leaves,
in spurts, in numbing fury;
the people flock to malls,
in too much of a hurry.
November hides the sun,
in shadow and in darkness;
it kills the budding flower,
as it displays its starkness.
David Lessard Nov 2018
November sunshine
warms my chilly heart;
tentacles of sun
heats each frigid part.
Indian summer
lingers in the air;
mild days, sunny days
has a certain flair.
Contented evenings
mellow into night;
blue reverts to black
swallowing the light.
Enchanted mornings
the songbirds singing;
perhaps hints of hope
of days beginning.
November sunshine
melts the cool of dawn;
takes the shadows frown
and soaks the tired lawn.
David Lessard Aug 2015
Fading into oblivion,
I read, I write and I laugh;
riding off, into the sunset,
I have no need to gaff.

Protests are for the young,
in their moral indignation;
against the forces of the strong,
corrupt and deranged nation.

Fighting for equality,
marching off, for peace;
while the world defaults,
of wars that never cease.

The elements of life wear down,
in silent, unseen nights;
of too much grand illusion,
destroyed by endless fights.

Let me disappear into the realm,
where few would care to go;
content with treasured memories,
and pleased with nature's show.
David Lessard Apr 2018
Java gets my heart a-pumping,
clears the cobwebs in my head;
the rich, dark drink is fine,
I wake up, like from the dead.

Coffee is the choice of most,
to get the juices flowing;
it's the jump-start of the day,
to move and get you going.

A cup of Joe is pleasant,
two cups or more is great;
the last cup goes down fast,
any longer,  you'd be late.

It's so nice to be retired,
I don't have to "jump the gun;"
I drink it by the window,
and get the morning's sun.

So, here's to coffee drinkers,
to the daily, fresh-made brew;
to the start of one more day
by coffee...made anew.
David Lessard Nov 2024
I love coffee
it is my favored beverage
it satisfies my soul
it gives me leverage.
To start the day with gusto
with pep and strong vitality
with strength and hardy vigor
to face the day's reality.
Just a bit of coffee
makes the morn much brighter
opening the eyes
my steps a little lighter.
So, here's to that loved bean
may it's power keep us going
to dance the dance of life
and keep the juices flowing!
David Lessard Sep 2015
Lost in the sweet rock and roll,
I hear the wailers shout;
Jerry Lee and Elvis, Little Richard,
what the music was about.

Living life up to the hilt,
the pounding of the piano;
like a fighter in the ring,
like Rocky Marciano.

Their opponent was the square,
today theyre called a nerd;
but it was rhythm and it was blues,
that through the void we heard.

Chuck Berry's song were gutty,
the lyrics interwoven;
he told Tchaikovsky the news,
and rolled on over Beethoven!

And Fats just walked us home,
past old Blueberry Hill;
said it was a shame,
I can them singing, still.
David Lessard Oct 2017
Once we were a Christian nation,
close to God and full of love;
now we've cast Him out,
like a worn discarded glove.

Thought we could do without Him,
said doing good, was good enough;
thought our own way was the right way,
we've found out the road is rough.

We've all turned away from God,
we now worship different things;
like money over Jesus -
are we shocked by what it brings?

We're all headed for disaster,
it's too late to hit the brakes;
it's too late to turn around,
for God and heaven's sake.

Once we dwelt with God,
said prayers and offered praise;
but from grace, we fell,
in our final coming days.
David Lessard Jul 2018
Once I knew the planets
but then I was in school
I think that there were nine
now I'm an educated fool.

Once I learned to swim
but not until the age of ten
now I live on desert beaches
with no water to go in.

Once I learned to ride a bike
now I'm careful I don't fall
I sold my bike years ago
I don't miss my bike at all.

Once I was a hungry lover
full of passion, full of grace
both are gone with my age
now confined to just one place.

Once I knew the names of strangers
now I struggle for their name
I remember your face I say
(but I know it's not the same).
David Lessard Apr 2020
Once, we ate the bread of adversity
satisfying ourselves, alone;
greedy with the cares of life
heavy hearts, etched in stone.
Once we ate the bread of wickedness,
delighted in our sinful ways;
unconcerned about tomorrow
forgetful of the passing days.
Once we ate the bread of affliction,
fleeing from oppressive foes;
wandering to a promised land
where the milk and honey flows.

Now, we eat the bread of heaven,
blessed and sent from up above;
with prayers of thanks to Him
who first showed us, His love.

Now, we eat the bread of life,
seasoned with the fleeting years;
tempered by the blood of Christ
who buries now our earthly fears.
David Lessard Jun 2019
Once you were here,
then you were gone;
forgotten me, me too,
you laughed and moved on.

I died in your sleep,
you died in mine;
what the hell darling
the past  was once fine.

This is a memory poem
written in a hurried manner;
could have been better my friend,
but I was never a planner.

Love lost is always tragic,
nice, sweet, sad, funny and blue;
scattered feelings, shattered dreams,
upset by things we never knew.

I'll forget you in a while,
love's not easily  won or lost;
but we always pay a price,
and always it's too much a cost.
David Lessard Apr 2019
Once the golden bowl is broken,
once that time becomes our foe;
then who you are is lost,
from the person we did know.
When friends don't recognize you,
because you don't know them;
when you forget, who you are,
you've moved closer to the end.
Once the golden bowl has broken,
only troubles lie ahead;
only heartaches round the corner,
becoming days you dread.
Memory fades into the night,
and in your house, you're lost;
the mind is jumbled, rattled,
your dreams are all but tossed.
Then the golden bowl is broken,
no matter how you've tried;
because the soul's now in limbo,
because, its heart has died.
David Lessard Mar 2021
Racing down the hall to a code response
I arrived breathless at the scene
grabbed an AMBU bag
it was like something out of a dream:
Surreal yet stark reality
we all had parts to play
we did everything we could
but the patient slipped away.
We zapped, compressed the chest
I gave the oxygen real fast
the patient didn't change
we knew he wouldn't last.
But we we did everything we could
but alas, it wasn't enough
sometime life is way unfair
sometimes life's just rough.
So it was today
so it may be tomorrow
but we're committed to saving lives
as well as enduring sorrow.
Allied Health care notes
David Lessard Jun 2019
I'm not ready to go, just yet,
let me stay a little longer;
I'm not that old you know,
perhaps a bit less stronger.
But my mind, it's still alive,
sharp as a tack... (I think);
I have many things to do,
that will keep me in the pink.
Old age is but a state of mind,
I have pleasant memories;
the years have been but kind,
(tho' I've sailed on troubled seas).
Let me leave when I am ready,
I will fight the dying light;
I'll be wary of the coming storm,
and the never-ending night.
Let this life keep right on rolling,
like the pages of some book;
content with passages of time,
for the world, one long last look.
David Lessard Jul 2020
Guess what. I can run the dishwasher,
fix my own meals and never hunger;
but there's things I cannot do,
except when I was younger.
But I can vacuum floors and such,
wash my clothes and run the dryer;
I have trouble reaching stuff,
sometimes I use a wire.
I pay the bills quite promptly,
pay the credit cards real fast;
stretch the meat and peanut butter,
so that way, I hope, they'll last.
I take care of what I need to,
I don't bother with the rest;
I take my share of naps
sometimes those are best.
And if, by God, I need to,
I'll work my fingers to the bone
only one thing I can't handle
and that's to be...alone.
David Lessard Dec 2017
It was just an online romance-
e-mail murmurings of love;
imaginary musings,
from somewhere up above.

It was feelings spoke with hope,
the ramblings of a poet;
searching one's own heart,
we're the only ones that know it.

When did poetry erupt,
into poems now laced with pleasure;
when did the words one said,
exceed one's own true measure?

When did friendship turn to love?
when did it escalate?
is it predictability,
or a random act of fate?

It was just an online romance -
with poetry, its base;
until  it changed to something else,
and now, we have to face.
David Lessard May 2018
On your high horse, you passed me by,
never heard my voice, its quiet sigh;
never took your eyes off straight ahead,
passed me by, just like I was dead.
You're too high and mighty for my taste,
your upper lip, too stiff, your demeanor, cold;
and now, that I have thought about it,
you are too ****** old.
You were a passing fancy for my mind,
to think you might notice me, was silly;
you were after beauty I could not touch,
so you found yourself a lovely little filly.
I was young and foolish in my dreams,
to picture you and I, as two, together;
you only wanted flesh for satisfaction,
another wasted night of groaning pleasure.
On your high horse, you passed me by,
and lost the chance of me to coarsely ply;
and I laugh as I recall, that stupid, vapid day,
you rode by, not looking, on your merry way.
David Lessard Oct 2014
I think I can't see evil anymore,
not that it's not there I know
I turn my heart from evidence
of it's ugly show
I look for goodness in the heart
from where the sunshine glows.

The good should always
overweigh the bad
happiness should always
eliminate the sad
memories that contain the good
should be the only ones we ever had.

Smiles should never bow to frowns
no matter how your life is upside down
depression just kills the angry soul
and without, we can be whole
there's more to life than
just one role.

Be content and show your love
be a friend to all that really need
we are our brother's watchman
and for his assistance
we all must heed
if we do not
then all of us will bleed.
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